The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, December 11, 1908, Image 5

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    The Herald
W.T.FOGLE, Editor.
Entered u second -claM matter September 8. 19T-8.
t the past office it Monmouth. Oregon, under the
Act of March 3, 1879.
The Acorn Press, Publishers
Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscription Rates
One year
Six months
50 cts
A Voice Foni th East
Oregon adopted a direct pri
mary law for the election of
United States senators! It was
the firsj state to do so,and it has
now been imitated by more tliMi
10 others. Oregon's new
the first time in operation, re
sulted in the naming of a Dem
ocrat, Governor Geoe Ckam-
berlain. Six month. 1Vf, at
the recent Novemlw? election,
Oregon vrenfc atonglj Mepubli-
can. tnnce men tne ioiloying
has been a favorite ilegai on
the part of thoee Ji6 Want the
coming Oregon legislature, to
eva'le or defy the mandate of the
people through their dirvet pri
mary law: '
"We are convinced thta ttate
which gave Taft a plurality of
nearly 25,003 dc no want a
Democratic UniUd Sato" leua
tor." Simultaneously in the vest,
some newspapers of large circu
lation and presumed influence
are running on the editorial
pages a series of legal decisions
of ancient vintage, evidently
collected by the same hand,
garbled and expurgated, with
the unmistakable design of pav
ing the way for the popular ap
proval of future court decisions
which are expected to undo the
work of the people. These news
papers overlook the fact that in
the last campaign many states
whose electoral votes will be
cast for Mr. Trft, and which like
wise elected Republican legisla
tures, declared in favor of Dem
ocratic governors. The people
of Oregon evidently appreciate
the fact that an upright Demo
ratic senator is worth to them
any two or a dozen corporation
controlled Republican senators.
They are leaders in the univer
sal revolt against conditions
which have prevailed in the sen
ate, and not a mob of irrespon
sible electors.
Oregon has been utterly dis
gusted with the legislative hold
ups and factional fights of the
past. In 1901 it took 53 ballots
and 22 days for the Oregon
legislature to elect its senator.
When Charles W. Fulton was
elected in 1903, 42 ballots and
32 days were consumed in the
election. Barter and sale and
political pulling and hauling
were common. The Oregon
legislature can now elect the
people's choice and go about its
legislative work and adjourn.
The Oregonians have made a
long hard fight for political jus
tice and fair dealing Either the
present law or some equally
effective mode of popular ex
pression they are determined to
have. If Oregon does not like
its present method of choosing
United States senators, Oregon
can change its statute. But to
evade the plain effect of the law
while it remains on the books
would be, on the part of the
commonwealth, an unusually
saddening spectacle of moral deterioration.
The choice of the people of
Oregon can be undone at the
coming session of the legislature
only by the acts of six men.
These six must come from
among SG whose names are
known. The six must forswear
their solemn written pledges, i
I hat it would be necessarv for
them to flee the state after their
apostasy goes without saying.
But their ignominy old follow
them. There is a precedent for
them in the case of three mem
bers of a former Pennsylvania
legislatuil'.-Collier's Weekly.
Santa Clause' Headquarters
The, Herald m ill get out a mid
summer number alwut the fiM
of nest July for distrilmtio at
the AlaUa-Yukon-Peific exped
ition and we want everyone that
lias the bvst interests of thi jrt
of Oregon at heart eo help us
make it the 1M of its kind ever
'gotten out in this county. It
will cct considerable money
and a k of work. If you have
an extra large potato a1, Iret or
cabbage1 get it photographed
and we will have a picture of it
in the paper. We will ant some
photo of some extra fine cattle,
horsea, sheep and goats. These
can be taken in the spring when
they are looking their best. It
taies about six months to get out
a good edition for such a pur
pose. The number of copies
will , depend largely on the
amount of money we are able to
raise for that purpose. Think
it over and see what you can do
for it.
City election is coming on and
it is to be hoped that something
will be done looking to bettering
the city in many ways. First
we want an adequate water sys
tem provided for. Secondly
there should be some provision
made for a marshal. In order
to get a marshal we will have to
provide a salary commensurate
with the work done, or t be
done. .There are a number of
good ordinances, so it is said, on
the record book of the city, but
they are sadly in need of being
enforced. Stock running at large
was voted down in the county
and it is said that an ordinance
to that effect was passed by our
city councils several years ago,
but it seems to be a dead letter
When a paper berates the bus
iness men of the town in which
it is published for nonsupport,
thete must be something rad
ically wrong, either with the
business men or with the paper.
Especially is this true where
there is only one paper in the
town. Sometimes it happens
that a paper believing it has a
monopoly puts the price higher
than its merits demand. In
other words does not give value
received. We believe that if a
paper meets the business men
half way, that there will be no
difficulty in getting business.
We have always found it so and
have always been well patron
ized. We have a buyer for a sheep
ranch of from 150 to 200 acres.
Must be good land, but can have
considerable brush on it Polk
County Realty Co.
Display in &ir
Trill pay you to i
M a lot of new
which will be on
at prices that
V. O. Boartfi
A. N. Poole
Contractor and
General Carpenter Work
Phone 187
Real Estate For Sale.
330 acres on C. E. R. R. H
miles from station and school
house. Good small house and
two barns, and other out build
ings and a good young orchard.
Good stock and dairy ranch at
a bargain.
80 acres, GO under cultivation;
good house, barn and other out
buildings; 2i miles from rail
road station. Will sell for cash,
or half cash, balance one years
time. 5 springs and running
water on place.
2 big lots lying on Main
street in Monmouth, will sell
2$ lots with a good 5 room,
basement cottage, with a good
pantry and closet. Apples, pears,
cherries, plums and other small
fruit. A bargain. Inquire of
A. N. Halleck,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Four lots inside the city limits
of Monmouth, 63 and one-half by
165, or nearly, an acre, all in
young orchard. Priee $200. VVe
hnv other cood buvs. Polk
County Realty Co., office at Her
ald office.
Perkins Pharmacy
Under Management of Graduate Pharmacist.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Prices Right. Come
in and investigate our Up-to-date line of Brushes, Stationery,
and Toilet Articles.
Full Line of Paints, Oil and Glass.
We carry the solo agency for the well known Sherwin
Williams Paints.
Pure Drugs, Reasonable Prices
Hotel Hampton
D. M. Hampton, Proprietor
15 years in Monmouth
Under Same Old Management
Everything strictly firstclass
Christmas is Coming
Our Goods have already
Come in and buy your presents early
and get your choice. Our stock of
Jewelry and Silverware is larger than
ever. Our Leather Novelties are Just
the thing.
Don't forget our
Home Made Candy
It is Clean Pure and Wholesome
Yours for the Christmas Trade