The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, December 11, 1908, Image 4

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Make nice presents
From 10c to $6.00
Style 1013
Vid lid UucW
due tdie iole.
apttic ikank ftOu
miliuiy bed.
We are ready for
Are You?
flail 1
From $3.25 to $10
New Kinds 20c
Call and see the
Suit C&SC3 Rrcsonta have for yew
$i.7sto$t Selection
Mens Shirts New Style ad Pattern treaa
Ladies and Misses Feft Snippets fronts
Fancy Books for the Little Voltes frtm
A Large Assortment d Dos WriUag Fapsorflrcsa
25c to $130
Independence, Oregon
Quite a number have butchered
their winter meat.
Minnie Lewis is home on a va
cation, from Newport.
Leota Lewis is taking the 9th
grade at the Airlie school.
J. J. Leveck went to McCoy on
a business trip last week.
B. F. Smith took a dressed hog
to Independeuce, Tuesday.
Blanche McKinney is visiting
at her aunts home in Albany.
Ira Williams is clerking in
Miller & Alcorn's store at Airlie.
Mr. Hoisington and wife have
been visiting their son at Eugene.
Rev. Young will preach here
next Sunday morning and even
ing. Frank Laughary has a young
man from the coast working for
The S. S. will have a Christmas
tree in the church at this place.
It will be public.
J. W. White has put up a neat
"Page Wire" fence around our
new school yard.
M rs. Bagley and daughter were
doing business and visiting in
Dallas Tuesday.
A party for the young folks,
was given at the home of Wm.
Hoisington Friday night
Mr. Swann and Mr. Cooper, of
Albany, were callers at the home
of W. W. Smith last week.
Men and hounds have been
chasing coyotes and succeeded
in killing some of the pests.
The families of H. S. Smith
and George Bronson are on their
hill ranch setting out peaCh trees.
Lorence Grant, of the Falls
City Powell Camp, has been visit
ing his wife and daughter here.
MonojGrange elected their offi
cers for the next year last Sat
urday. E. W. Staats was elected
Frank Lewis who had an oper-
( ft 11
auon penormea in Aioany, is
getting along as well as can be
The young people of this neigh
borhood who are away attending
school, spent the Thanksgiving
holidays at home.
Independence School News.
Every room rece ved certifi
cates showing at least 95 per cent
of attendance last month. The
average for the school was 97 and
one-half per cent.
A new flag, purchased with
some of the proceeds of a recent
entertainment, was raised over
the Independence Public School
on December second.
Our marching has improved
very much since the piano has
been tuned and used to march by
instead of the drum. The marches
are played by Leona Sperling.
The seventh and eight grades
combined last Friday and organ
ized a literary society. Frank
Kirkland was elected president;
Bessie Hartman, secretary; and
Pearl Knox, marshall. They will
be in good working order very
The raising and razing of pen
nants furnished plenty of excite
ment last Thursday and Friday.
After the tenth grade pennant
had waved for half a day, it was
rudely assulted by heroic hands
and the eight grade pennant
went up, only to suffer destruct
ion. When boys from town came
and took down the second flag,
three boys were excused and re
captured a large fraction of it
But every body is keeping in a
pretty go d humor.
Director B. F. Jones gave a
very aprpopriate talk on the oc
casion. Principle R, W. Kirk told
of the origin of our flag. Some
of the seventh grade girls sang,
Just a Bit of Cloth but it's Red,
Prize Peach Pride of Oregon
Made ia Folk Ceuatj
Lindsay & Co., Soh Agent
Patronise We mmrmfattmed &nai&.mril keip imHA
yur hmme mdmiries
White and Blue." Barbara
Frietchie was recited by Vale
Hilterbrant. Each of the grades
gave a flag salute. The one given
by the advanced grades was the
silent salute used by soldiers and
sailors. While the school sang
"America", Madge Grover hoist
ed the flag. With three cheers
for Old Glory the ceremony end
ed. Airlie Items
W. E. Williams attended court
the first of the week.
Mr. Marble and Guy Metcalf
spent Sunday in Suver.
D. H. Simpson is in Dallas this
week attending court.
A. Wing was up from Portland
the first of the week on business.
Mrs. Elkins, of Albany, is over
for a few days visit with rela
tives. The Southern Pacific Co., has
had a well drilled on their prop
erty here.
Floyd Williams returned the
first of the week from a short
visit in Portland.
Mrs. Iwna'Hecker, who is in
the hospital at Albany with
typhoid fever, is reported im
proving, bhe is a daughter ot
J. M Staats.
The regular monthly meeting
of the Y. P. A. of the Evangeli
cal church was held
e vening at the home of Rev. L.
C. Hoover. Besides the mem
bers of the Association there
were a number of invited guests.
It was also the regular semi-annual
election of officers. After
devotional exercises the election
was proceeded with and the fol
lowing were elected: President,
A. N. Poole; vice-president, Ray
Chute; recording secretary, Ruth
Fugate; cor. secretary, Edith
Fugate; missionary sec, Rev.
L. C. Hoover; treas., Lille
Springer; chorister, A. N. Poole;
organist Ruth Fugate. After
the election a short program was
rendered and light refreshments
served. Then everybody guess
ed what numerous things there
were to be found on a penny,
which resulted in many comical
guesses. Those in attendance
went home feeling that the Y. P.
A. business meetings are well
worth attending.
A Snap
160 acre farm, 50 under cultiva
tion, 70 pasture, 40 timber, 7
in hops, all under good fence,
6 springs on place, 7 room
dwelling, 4 room tenant house,
good hop house,, two good
barns, fine for fruit or dairy,
three miles to railroad, one
half mile to school. Price $30
per acre. Polk County Realty
Co., at Herald office, Mot
mouth, Oregon.
Zook the
Tuesday your paper.
Painter, will hang
Saget's Animal Trap.
A sure
remedy for
Gop hers
and Moles;
and weaek
the ques
tion, why
don't yo
get one of
tkese Traps
They are
to you and
to do the
work; and
they will do
it to. Give
them a trial
You will
see them at
J. E. WINEGAR, & Co. Hard
ware Merchants, Monmouth, Or.
Manufactured at Portland,
Oregon, 779 E 29th St.
Woven Wire Fencing
J. W. White & Son, Agents
' Phone Short Line 52
Monmouth Oregon
H. C. Chamberlin, Prop.
Dealer in
All kinds of Fresh and Cured
Meats. Fish and Game in Season
Lard a Specialty
Cash Paid for Poultry
L. L. Hewitt, M. D.
Independence, Oregon
Office in Cooper Building
Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and
2 to 6 p. m. Both Phones.
If you have any small farms,
big ones or town property for
sale, list it with the Polk County
Realty Co. Offices at the Herald