The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, November 13, 1908, SUPPLEMENT, Image 7

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The Monmouth Herald
M. W. Jones and wife visited They also visited two of her in the reading room from 5 to 8
in Salem over Sunday. daughters in Salem. p. m.
C. Lorence is putting in cement The school children went out Leonard Frink and Art Trask
walks around his farm residence, in force Wednesday and raked met with a serious accident while
A number of the farmers of this the dead leaves off the school returning from a trip in the
vicinity visited the demonstration yard and burned them. This country. Their team ran away
trajn added a great deal to the looks of and threw them both out Frink
A N Poole has the contract the runds. escaped with a few scratches
for building D. M. Hewitt's new, Mr. Diets, accompanied by his while Trask had his leg broken,
modern six room cottage. son and family, is visiting here. ,temfc
C. L. Starr, secretary of the 'J'J: Tom Allen of Kings Valley is
State Board of Regents, was ma Harmon whom she has not
looking after business matters in seen for twenty-seven years. He '"rTS New
ton WnM,lflv will return to his home in Ar- The carpenters finished A. New-
town Wednesday. gon wffl . mw h the lagt of the week
Mrs. Roy Bullard and Miss Qur next
Matt.son of Independence, were . week wJth Mis8 Ma,ory M head
guests of Mrs. J. Graham the we have made arrangements teacher
first of the week with the Pacific Monthly where- 'a Wfn)m here attend.
C U Griffa is having the old by we are able to offer that ex- ed gfc Wing,g last
well in the south part of town cellent magazine and the Herald gtuniav
deepened. The well drill having for less money than you can get ... . ,.
beeji tt work there for a several it and any other paper in this Ne,wb, fihed moving his
days. county. We will clubboth papers household effects to his new home
The Polk County Sunday School for $1.75. You would have to last 'Su"daT ,
Convention will be held in the pay $1.50 for the Monthly alone, Mrs. E. J. Lewis came up from
Christian church in Indepen- thus you get the Herald for Portland the first of the week to
dence, Nov. 18 and 19. Space practically 25 cents. This offer visit for a few days with her son
prevents giving the program in will only last a short time. Dur- A. R. Lewis,
full, ', ing this time we accept ballots Mrs. Dave Grant of Dallas vis-
. jn ljje votjng contest, which has ited her sister, Mrs. J. C. Turner
Buena VUta. been postponed until Christmas the last of the week.
The Nash Bros, launched their on account of the small number j, Stevens returned Wednes
gasoline launch Sunday. of ballots being taken out day evening from a trip to Falls
W. Bevens finished digging Fall. Gtv City and Black Rock He rci?OTs
his crop of potatoes last week. y' . everything prosperous up there.
He had about 2000 bushels. , "w a us,ness A. R. Lewis' daughter Lillian,
Dr. Parish, of Monmouth, trip to Portland this week returned from Portland the first'
launched his new gasoline boat , Mm Charles Hopkins, of Da - of the week, where she has been
on the Luckiamute south of here Im. made a short visit to Falls vjsiting her godmother for the
this week. Clty this week- last two months.
Mr. Wilson, of Sacramento, Miss Ccil D,d is. r'lousl Ed. Willis and family of East
Cal., was in town this week with ly ill at Corvalhs where she went em Oregon 8pent Wednesday
a fine imported Percheron Stal- to attend school. evening with Dave Simpson,
lion which he has for sale. Mr. Severe, of Kansas, is vis- They were 0n their way to Wells
John Cushman, of Brownsville, iting at the home of his daughter where they have rented a farm,
who was enroute to Monmouth, Mr- C- ,Barnh,ar L. . . . e .
stopped here over Sunday. He Dr- Snook hf,s decided to locate For Sale,
was the guest of A. J. Hall. here pe rmant ly and went to of residence3 in
George Hall, of Gifford, Idaho, Shendan Monday for his family. Monmouth 12 hot and
is visiting with his mother, Mrs. The Christian and M. &. bun- water bath and pantry
E. C. Hall of this place and ex- day schools elected delegates heat Four lots
pects soon to make an extended Sunday to attend the county con- fruit and shrubbery
visit in California. ESSnlt " rTft
Mrs. Knighton and son, Roy, . a . w r T TT mgs for $2500. Terms can be
returned Monday evening from Jt!!!tSiii: pn th .Enq"ire
Vancouver, where they visited 18 for the benefit of the reading of the Polk bounty Kealty U.,
one of Mrs. Knighton's son's, room. The dinner will be given at the Herald office.