Local and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer were in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. F. Huber and daughter were Salem visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas went to Independence by rail Sunday, re turning in the evening. Mrs. Burkhead has been spend ing a week with her daughter Mrs.. M. M. Long, of Corvallis. Mrs. F. Hyde's father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamper are visiting her from Fresno, California. The E. H. Hosner residence has been practically completed and is one of the most modern houses in the town. Dr. Beauchamp and bride, formerly Miss Maude Hawley, made a flying trip to her parents home the first of last week. Monmouth needs a dentist The more lines of business we have the more attractive our town will be to outside people. Mr. and Mrs. Theil who used to cwn the place now occupied by the Rev W. A. Wood, were in town last week visit ng friends. The Recital at the Normal Chapel, Tuesday night was well attended and it is needless to say that the special number on the Entertainment Course was a success. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mulkey were taken to Salem by Mr. Best Wednesday to attend the Wed nesday to attend the wedding of their nephew Chester Mulkey, to a Miss Frisby of that place. The plasterers began work on the new bakery building Mon day. Contractor Howell inform ed the Herald man that he ex pects to have the building ready for occupancy by the first of De cember. G. W. Paulsen, of Lake county, California, has taken the lease of the Monmouth Hotel and will run it hereafter. Mr. Sherman has not decided definitely what he will do, but will probably de vote his time to oil prospecting. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Taylor were up from Crowley Station and visited over Sunday with Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pettit. The two families took Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs Fred Huber and report having spent a very pleasant evening. With the liberal appropriation recommended by the Board of Regents for the Normal we may reasonably expect the attendance to double next year and there will be a demand for more houses in Monmouth than there is at present. As it is there is scarce ly a vacant habitable house in the town. The threshing outfit of C. Lor ence threshed 25,000 sacks of grain this season, not including clover and vetch. This seems to be a very good showing consider ing the fact that this part of the state is rot considered among the wheat growing sections any more. The most of our land is becoming too valuable to use it for grain growing as there are many other ways in which it will bring larger returns. Clarence Ireland is cutting up the old Ireland place and will sell it in small farms. He is planting 180 acres to walnuts, 40 of which have already been sold at $300 per acre. There is plenty of opportunities for eastern capital to make a fortune here. Good walnut land can be had from $20 per acre up to $40 and see what a profit there is at $300 inside of five years. Let the. easterners know what a snap there is here for them in real estate. P. B. Arant returned to his school at Greenwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Guthrie spent Sunday at the home of F.J II. Mulkey. S. R. Smith was visiting his son in Portland the latter part of last week. Glen Ireland, of Corvallis has been a pleasant caller in town the last week. Mrs. Mary Burrows and daughter of south Independence were in town Friday. Mrs. M. A. Stine returned the latter part of last week from an extended visit with relatives at St Helens, There were quite a number of Independence people up for the game betwee the Independence team and the home team. Miss Agnes Campbell who is attending school at the O. A. C came home last Thursday and returned to school Monday. Mr. Fisher, of Fisher Flouring Mills, at Corvallis passed through town enroute to Dallas by auto mobile, Monday returning Tues day. E. W. Strong's family were out in their automobile Sunday viewing the scenery of our beau tiful Willamette Valley at autumn tide. Mrs. Joe Rogers, of Balm Grove, was in town Saturday with her infant son that had a severe operation preformed by Dr. Crowley. Burton Arant formerly of the Normal, reports that he has a very fine school at Greenwood and is very much interested in his work. Dr. Powell, of Spokane, is making arrangements to plant 15 acres of orchard on the J. G Powell farm and P. O. Powell and Ira C. Powell will put out 15 acres also. " Mrs. J. Dornsife and Mrs. O. A. Kramer in company with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooper drove over from Independence to attend services at the Christian church Sunday night On November 4, Mrs. M. E, Percival and Nita Davis were given a birthday party and din ner by Mrs. M. E. Snooke. They received many tokens of remem brances from their friends. -Mad ras Pioneer. Joe Radek and Roy Smith were Portland visitors the latter part of last week looking after stock for their new bakery. They will have one of the most up-to-date bakeries in the state when their new machinery is installed. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church, of Independence, will hold a chrysanthemum fair on Saturday November 28. These ladies are noted for the excellent fairs they hold every year and are preparing to make this one the best and most attractive of sny yet held. D. M. Hewett is moving his residence around the corner onto the southeast corner of his prop erty. He intends erecting a new dwelling and will then have his present dwelling for rent Let the good work go on and we ex pect it to do so and a number of new dwellings go up in the spring. College Football Rally. A memorable event of the Sem ester was the initial foot-ball rally of the season. It was held on the foot-ball grounds imme diately after the adjournment of the literary societies on Friday the 6th inst Great was the en thusiasm and large was the crowd. The grounds were bril liantly lighted by a bon-fire of immense size, the flames being fed by wood gathered by enthu- M ENS QjH UT St SHOES i w 8 K as This is ideal weather for High Cut Shoes. You need something to keep out the mud and water and we have them in a dozen different styles at 3 SSS 23 35 6M to We can fit the boys too. V.F.DANIEL 38 Xaaa8KKKKaS!S8KSSS8SS8SSS8S89SKSSa! W. W. Newman General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty All work done with neatness and dispatch. Cornwall's Old Stand Normal Lodge, No. 204 Meets every Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, y Chas. Newman, N. G. Joseph Radek, Sec. iastic foot-ball supporters dur ing the week. The most unique attraction of the evening, however, was a "real foot-ball game by moon light" Of course, "rooting" was much in evidence, the play ers being cheered for as a team and as individuals. During the intermission between, "halves," the audience was favored by speeches from the stars of the team, only one being a genuine "Stump" speech. This game un like most foot-ball game's, did not require a record to be kept, it is thus pardonable if the final score be not reported. Immediately following the game, there was a grand prome nade around the campfire which was ended by two excellent talks by J. B. V. Butler and A. L. Briggs. Both of these men gave good advice and spoke very en couragingly to our boys and to the student body as a whole; their points of course related to athletics.. Following the speeches, the company decided to continue its "merry-making" and gave the absentees a taste of foot-ball spirit. Accordingly songs and The Davidson Studio SucecHHor to C. C. Lewis Artistic Photography Firslclass Equipment in Every Department Guaranteed Work at Right Prices College Street - Monmouth ty PACKAGE fty 1MMf im I ur " 1111 Teas. No other I They are always the same. Fragrant and delicate. Kept so by the sealed package. T. A. RIGGS, Sole Agent. yells were the "stars" for the remainder of the evening, and without a doubt many a good person was wakened from his peaceful slumbers, all of which of course is painful to the com pany as it reflects, A dignified name for that which took place is a "serenade." Mr. Ressler, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Fargo and Mr. Traver were the "would be" victims. Mr. Ressler, how ever was out of town; Mr. Robin son of course was serenaded in memory and Mr. Traver was away. Thus "the speech of the evening was made by Mr. Fargo who made a creditable talk to the assemblage. After having voted a very pleasant evening, profitably spent the company disbanded feeling repaid for all efforts. Celebrates Ninety-third Birthday Sunday, November eighth, was the date of Mrs. "Patsy' Simp son's ninety-third birthday and in honor thereof her children, grand children and great grand children gathered at the home of I. M. Simpson, with whom she makes her home, and enjoy ed a pleasant day and sumptuous banquet Those present were; U. S. Laughary and family, Frank Laughary and family,' O. A. Wolverton and daughter Edith, I. M. Simpson and family.