The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, November 13, 1908, Image 5

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    Additional Local. The Student's voting: contest
haa been extended to Christmas
. ... ..... . . t insteadof Thanksgiving as at first
Get Westfall to do your paint, lnleM We hope gtU(enU
twill tab an fnAPtfit In im n-
I SIS .MfV CMS 111 VS VOW 111 VII 10 vwii-
Get Artie Burkhead to test
your cider. He does it for the
Sophomores. .
Citizens are invited to visit the
Normal. Every Wednesday and
Friday the students essays will
be given.
P. 0. Powell will represent the
Mt Tabor nurseries in this vicin
i y and states that he can save
the people money on their orders
for fruit trees.
T. J. Pettit has resigned his
position as secretary of the Mon
mouth Creamery and G. T. Mc
Kinney has taken his place. The
business of the creamery has
been increasing steadily this fall.
The Telephone office will be
moved irf the near future to
rooms over the poet office. The
candy business has grown to such
proportions that Mr. Chase will
need all of his building now
occupied by the telephone office
for manufacturing purposes.
with this issue we install six
pages. Our advertising patron
age has increased sufficiently to
warrant us in adding the extra
page. In fact we had enough
matter to fill the extra space last
week, but some was crowded out
notwithstanding we ran a supplement
J. G. Seifert Dies.
John G. Seifert died yesterday
morning at the home of his son,
II. Seifert, near Sodaville, aged
90 years and 10 days. He was
born in Germa y; came to the
United States in 1870, and came
to Kings Valley, Oregon, in 1878.
He came to Sodaville from Kings
Valley with his son last fall. He
was the father of twelve children,
seven or whom are living. The
remains will be taken to Kings
, Valley today for interment The
remains were brought to Lebanon
this morning to be shipped to
King's Valley, but as the neces
sary papers were not made out
they could not be taken on the
train and the family had to drive
to Albany. Lebanon Express.
test as it is an easy way to earn
a nice prize.
J. M. Zoosman, of Brownsville,
passed through here Saturday
enroute home after a visit with
his sister, Mrs. H. E. Smith, of
Luckiamute. He was accom
panied by his niece, Miss Addie
Have you noticed Winegar &
Co. 'sad? Notice the new style
border around it This is the first
to BDDear in this county. It is
the very latest thing in borders,
having only been designed in the
east a couple of months ago.
C. C Lewis reports that there
is now a woodsaw in Monmouth
that is owned here. and that it
will be run. Those wanting to
know more about it can consult
Mr. Lewis at any time and no
doubt he will be glad to explain
how it works.
Willis Duniway is having
trouble with the printers union
in Salem, because he wants to
keep the State Printers office an
open shop and the union wants
him to sign up not to employ any
but union men. Mr. Duniway is
to be commended on the stand
he takes, that the states money
should be open to all the citizens
of the state, whether they belong
to the union or not
tralghUnlng Out
"I tee," he said to the reporter
of daily paper, "that you have
been writing up a ihark itory."
"Yea, I tried my hand at that"
"But you are a nature fakir, tir.
You have ihark iweep a man off a
raft with hii tail and then eat him
up. It ia the alligator that uses his
tail in that faahion."
"Are you lure about it V. . ,
"Of course I am. What are you
goi& to do about it V
"Why, I'll have to write another
story tomorrow and have the shark
put the man back on the raft and
then make some arrangements with
some alligator to get hold of him in
the proper way." Kansas City In
dependent lavM Tim.
An old millionaire refused point
blank to lend 50 to a bosom
friend. "Well, I did not expect
that of you," said the would be
borrower, rising and preparing to
leave indignantly. 1 will never
forgive you for this refusal." "Of
course you won't nay dear fellow,"
replied the old screw, with the ut
most calmness, "but if I'd lent you
the 50 you wouldn't have paid me,
and we should have quarreled
about that, so it's as well to get the
row over at once. Uood morning.
Illustrated Bits. '
HI Definition ef Whisky.
The eminent British surgeon,
Sir Victor Horsley. not only enjoys
the reputation of being one of the
leading pathologists, but he is also
known lor ' his wit Entering his
club, the Athenaeum, one day,
friend said to him: "Hello. Hors
ley 1 Can you tell me what whisky
is yetr "The most popular poison
in the world, my dear air," was the
prompt retort
Church Directory.
L. C. Hoover, Pastor
Morning service at 11 M o'clock
Evening service at 7.-00 o'clock
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m
Y. P. A. Meeting at 6.80 p. m
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening,
W. A. Wood, Pastor.
Morning Service at 11. a. m
Evening Service at 7.-00 p. m
Sunday School 9:46 a. m.
Y. P. S. C. E. 6 JO p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m,
Baptist Church.
Sunday School
Preaching 2:30
10 a. m,
p. m.
For Sale
Farm Lands, Houses and Lots
Five, Ten and Twenty acre
J. H. Moran
Monmouth and Independence
Our New Brick
The Monmouth Bakery
Radek & Smith, Props
. , .
Contractor and Builder
Carpenter shop and General
Repair Work.
Moulding and Finishing
Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts.
Come to uo for
Fancy CMsfcmas
Wo show tho greatest assortment
In Polk County. Come early and
malie your selections. Goods kept
till you want them.
Noted for Bargains
The Worlds Best Chilled and Steel
R. M. Wade & Co.
W. E. Craven, Mgr.
Monmouth Laundry
Equipped with Up-to-date Ma
chinery, We Can and Will, do
your work as well as any Laun
dry in the State.
Work Called for and Delivered
Main Street Monmouth
Acorn Store
Wm. Evans, Prop.
Books, Periodicals, Ice Cream,
Soda and Soft
Polk County Bank
',' Established 1889.
Monmouth, Oregon.
Paid Capital . . - $30,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits $7,000
Transacts a General Banking Business
J. H. Hawley, President J. B. V. Butler, Vice President,
Ira C. Powell, Cashier
F. S. Powell,
J. B. Stump,
J. B. V. Butler,
I. M. Simpson.