The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, November 13, 1908, Image 3

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    Disc Cultivators
Are a necessity now as much so as a
drag harrow was in the early days of farm
ing in this valley.
We handle the DEERE the best on the
market. '
Walking Plows
Are the kind you want on a small
place and you want The Best. We
have them, THE DEERE.
We have Gang and Sulkey plows
for large farms. Get our Prices.
Historical Paper
Read At The Last Meeting of
the Ladies Club.
The Ladies' Club, of Mon
mouth, is entering upon the
Hixth year of its existence. It
first met in May, 190:1, and was
organized tlio following month
11s the Lewis ami Clark Club of
Monmouth with u small mem
bership.' Mrs. Fisher and Miss
Maggie Butler were elected pres
ident and secretary. At subse
quent meetings new members
were added ami, at the election
in November, 1504, Miss Butler
was chosen president. The Club
worked for and sent an exhibi
tion to the fair. Its object being
then attained, it adjourned in
definitely, June 10, 1005, the
last meeting being a most de
lightful one, held on the lawn
at the president's home.
The gatherings had proven so
enjoyable that when a meeting
was called by the president in
October to consider reorganiza
tion, it was unanimously agreed
to continue tho club under a
new name. In due time it was
decided to form u book club,
eacn member contributing one
. . 1 1 i i ,
noomi ear, xne oookb oeing
circulated among the members.
The number was limited to 20
and two meetings appointed for
each month. The members were
grouped into sections of four
each, so that it fell to each sec
tion to entertain the others once
a year.
These regulations, with a few
changes, have continued for
three years, one business and
one social meeting occunng
each month. For most of the
former, short literary programs
have been prepared. The enter
tainments have shown iutcrsxt,
variety and ingenuity. St. Val
entine, the Father of his country,
All Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving,
Christmas and other festival
have had their share of atten
tion. Several new members
have joined the club at various
times and are worthy of especial
Mention. They have taken an
active part, their participation
in voting being done altogether
viva voce. Charlotte and Milton
Rice are no longer with Htsbut
Hazel Robinson is a loyal mem
ber and the very newest one is
William Riddell, Jr. Herbert
Powell is the only other gentle
man who is privileged to attend
Each year there have been
several vacancies caused by fam
ilies moving from town, To the
charter members who are pres
ent, it may be pleasant to recall
some who have left us in the
last five years. Greetings to the
Club have come from one and
another of them, from the east,
from California and from all
parts of Oregon. Mrs. Fisher
was among the first to leave.
Mrs. Snelling soon returned to
Lakeview. In the following two
years there were several changes,
Mrs. Muhoney returned to Mass
achusetts, Mrs. Neal went to
California and Mrs. Rice to Port
land. Miss Snelling is now with
her niece at Seaside, Mrs. P. O.
Powell resigned on account of
ill health. During the last year
we have lost from our number
Mrs. Sicafoose, Mrs. A. F. Camp
bell, Mrs. Pennell, Mrs. Retta
Powell and Miss Smith. Though
these members are missed the
vacancies are quickly filled, for
the club speeds the parting and
welcomes the coming members.
So far as is known a friendly
and kindly spirit prevails. To
the President who has been
again unanimously re-elected,
hearty thanks are due for her
faithfulness, loyalty and interest
in her duties and especially for
looking out for and keeping
diiliculties out of the road.
The club now consists of
about thirty members, including
active, social and honorary, all
of whom will help to make an
other successful year, which will
bring much pleasure, a little
profit and, above all, friendly
intercourse amongall concerned.
(Continued from page one)
on account of errors. The visit
ing team soon carried the ball in
to their end of the field but it
was returned to the home end
before the end of the first half.
The second half was practically
a repetition of the first half as
far as playing was concerned,
Both Capt Stump and F. M.
Phelps deserve special mention
for good playing. The game end
ed with a score of 0 to 0. The
lineup was as follows:
Quarterback Sacre
R. halfback Phelps
L halfback McNeil
Fullback Stump :
Rend Burkhead Sen
L end Lindsay
R tackle Henry
L tackle Arrant
R gurad Bozynska
L guard Grounds
Center Dunham
Q. B. Butler
R. H. Johnson
L. H. Mattison
T. B. Lawrence
R. E. Whitney
L. E. Jones .
R. T. Flukes
L. T. Mix
R, G. Tickard
L. G. Dalton
C. Kirkland
The "Chalk Talk" recital, by
Mr. H. W. Sparks, mentioned in
the supplement of last issue is to
be given in the Normal Assembly
Hall Saturday evening at 8:15
Nov. 14. This is given by the
management of The Courier.
Owing to the failure of one En
graving Company to get their
cuts to the printer on time, the
June commencement issue did
not get out until a week after
commencement, losing the com
mencement sales thus leaving the
issue some fifty dollars behind.
This amount must be met as well
as the putting out of our regular
issues this year. Hence we make
special appeal to the students
and citizens. We believe this re
cital will prove highly pleasing
and worthy in itself, thus have
no hesitancy in requesting the
fullest patronage from the public.
Four lots inside the ciuy limits
of Monmouth, 63 and one-half by
165, or nearly an acre, all in
young orchard. Priee $200. We
have other good buys. Polk
County Realty Co., office at Her
ald office.
Painter and Paper Hanger
Monmouth Oregon
w. o. w.
Monmouth Camp No. 49
Meets every Wednesday night
Visiting Neighbors cordially
P. H. Johnson, C. C.
Electrical Supplies
Lamps and fixtures, electric
irons, chafing dishes, broilers,
heaters and electric motors of
all kinds. Wireing scientifically
done in all its branches. Elec
tric lights installed. Estimates
furnished on short notice.
Phone Main 98.
V. D. Butler.
Fresh Bread, Pies. Cake, etc.
Constantly on hand. Boston
baked beans, hot soup and other
Home Cookery.
Our motto "Home Made"
Mrs. Brewster, proprietor.
For Sale
At the Monmouth Nurseries.
Choice and Extra Choice, high
grade English Wallnuts from
one to four years old. Place
your orders early and secure the
Choicest of Stock,
i . W. H. Parrish.
Contest Report.
. In this column willbeg'ven the
standsng of the different candi
dates each week:
, Miss Anna Troedsen, 100
Miss Mary Murphy 300
Zook, the paper hanger will do
your painting.