The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, November 13, 1908, Image 2

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    The Herald
W. T. FOCLE. Editor.
Entarad m aaconl-laa Kattar Saptambar 1 1W.
at Oia poal offlca at Mocunoulh, Oraaoa. under tha
AetotMarckl. 181.
The Acorn Press, Publishers
Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscription Rates
One year
Six months
- $1
50 eta
The Oregon machine has evi
dently decided to make the Tuft
victory in Oregon the pretext
for the overthrow of the popular
will and the repeal of the Ore
gon direct primary law. While
Washington and California have
followed Oregon , iii enacting aJ
direct primary law, and while
all states are trying to bring
about the election of United
States senators by direct vote of
the' people a result which Ore
gon has accomplished the ma
chine managers of Oregon are
on 'the back track. They have
begun bombarding every mem
ber of the legislature with a pro
gram to defeat the peotde's
choice, and restore the old cor
rupt way of electing senators.
-This battle is up to the people
regardless of the party in Oregon.
Ifcnieans machine warfare on
the initiative and referendum
and the direct primary, backed
by all the money that corporate
power and corrupt politicians
can throw into the battle against
th'e people..- I,et no one be. Re
ceived. The -machine leaders
hate the popular reforms. This
is going to be a fight to destrov
the progress that has been made
in putting Oregon in the front
rank of political states, and put
in the saddle instead the most
vicious elements of Oregon pol
itics, s;i
It means the overthrow of the
direct primary law, the corrupt
practices act, and the power of
the people generally to control"
the public policies of this state
ii is not a nght to give a
United States senatorship to the
Democratic party, but to main
tain a people's government. It
, is the square issue, "Shall the
People Rule?" Or shall the ma
chine and a corrupt boss-ridden
minority, that hates the people's
policies for which men like
Roosevelt, La Follette, Hughes
and all clean and progressive
statesmen are contending, dic
tate its political policies to the
people. -
Let no one be deceived. The
Oregon machine hates "the
progressive policies for which
Roosevelt stands. They hated
the clean progressive" character
of Taft so much that they would
not even consider a resolution
to endorse Taft offered by Bob
Donaldson in their county con
vention at Salem, which was
called to overthrow and nullify
the direct primary law.
Let all these matters be kept
clearly before the people. The
Capital Journal is on the side of
the citizenship of Oregon. It is
opposed to a return to the cor
rupt machine methods that have
controlled our legislatures in the
past whenever a senator . has
been elected except two years
ago when two senators were
chosen in 15 minutes without
even a cigar being given for a
vote. Capital Journal.
The matter of a Union High
School is Wing discussed con
siderably and the feeling seems
to be unanimous in favor of one.
After the union high school dis
trict is organized it can be bond
ed the same as any other kind
of school district and this would
be the simplest method of rais
ing funds to erect a building.
The proper place for a sito for
the school building would be at
Talmage and it is believed that
there are public spirited men
who own land in that vicinity
who will willingly donate a site
to the district. There is no
doubt but it would enhance the
value of the land in that vicinity
to such an extent that more
than double the present prices
could tie obtained for it.
If, there is any question as to
the sanitary . condition of this
part of the state, we should point
to longevity of our population
as- an example. We have the
oldest people and the most of
them of anv section ofthe state
and we doubt if there is any
place in the United States tha't
can show nearly as many people
ou years old and upwards.
Varioui Quaar Notions Exist AM Ovw
tho World.
In British Columbia the Indians
ceremoniously went to meet the
first salmon and in flattening voices
tried to win their favor by calling
them all chiefs.
Every spring in California the
Karaks used to dance for salmon..
Meanwhile one of their number se
cluded himself in the mountains
and fasted for ten days. Upon his
return lie solemnly approached the
river, took the first salmon of the
catch, ate some of it and with the
remainder lighted a sacrificial fire.
The same Indians laboriously
climbed to the mountain ton nftpr
the poles for the spearing booth.
: ; 1 1 1 l : I .i
gathered where the salmon-, were
watenmg no U6h would' be caught
Very widespread, in fuct, is this
native belief of the nnrciuiitv of
caution whenever Adam is on fish
ing bent
In Japan among the primitive
race of the Ainos even the women
left at home are not allowed to
talk, lest the fish may hear .and
disapprove, while the "first fish:$s
always brought in through a win
dow instead of a door so the other
fish may not see.
The Eskimo women of Alaska
never sew while theTnen are fish
in?, and should anv mondintr lw im
perative they do it shut up in little
tents out or sight of the sea.
Under no circumstance on the
northeast coast of Scotland will a
fisherman at sea mention certain
objects on land, such as "minister,"
"kirk." "swine." "do?." etc.. nl
the line will surely be lost if a pig
is seen while baiting it.' As on
the land chickens must not be
counted until thev are hatched, no
at sea fish must not be counted un
til thev are causht. It in irooH luck
to find mice nibblinn amone the
nets. A horseshoe nailed to th
mast will help, and a herring
caught and salted down will pro
duce wonders.
In the Shetland islnnrU o cut
must not be mentioned twfnro a
man baiting his line, and among
the Magyars of Hungary a fisher
man will turn back and wait over a
tide if he meets a woman wearinc
a white apron.
iivery year the natives of the
Duke of York island decorate n on.
noe with flowers and fern, fill it
with shell money and cast it adrift
"to compensate the fish fer their
fellows caught and eaten."
It was always the custom of the
Maoris, the primitive inhnhitiinta
of New Zealand, to nut thn find.
fish that they caught back into the
.11, ' ,.. .,.
The White Front furniture Store
.' '-1' ' ' i -' : UK! :'. ' I i
Saturday's Big Bargains
l ! ...' h ..... .1 i , . ' .
15 per cent off on all grades of
t!f t ,A
.1 " , :,'
' Ml!
. .('. .'. ..' y - '?. "
. i .. ..''' ..'' ; 'i ':
, V'-:f.
, ' " ) . I ' . I
sea "with a prayer that it might
VrOv Boots
- .. !'v,?. AV. .V" ., ', ?'
A. N. Poole
' a - : ..
Contractor and
? General Carpenter Work
Phone 187
tempt other fish to come and ha
If the fish did not come soon
enough in British Columbia the In
dians used to employ a wizard, who
made an image of a swimming fish
and put it in the water to attract
live fish to the bait Ta Anaroloa
Tim. 6
Real Estate For Sale.
330' acres on C. E. R. R. H
miles from station and school
house. Good small- house and
two burns, and other out build
ings and a good young orchard
Good stock and dairy ranch at
a bargain. , ... .. .
80 acres, GO under cultivation;
good house, burn and other-out-
buildings; 2J miles from, rail
road station.. Will sell for cash,
or half cash, balance one years
time. .5 springs, and running
water on place. ,,. . ,.-
2 big lots lying on Main
street in Monmouth, will sell
cheap. ' ' J
2$ lots with a good 5 room,
basement cottage, with ' a ' good
pantry and closet. Apples, pears.
cherries, plums and other small
fruit. A bargain.' . Inquire of
A. N. Halleck,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Students Contest' Ballot '
For ..:
ac-ciikiiia riicuiuacy
' !; Under Management of Graduate Pharmacist
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Prices Right; Come
in and investigate our Up-to-date lino of Brushes, Stationery,
and Toilet Articles;- ' i-
Full Line of Paints, Oil and Glass.
' . ' .
''.'.. i.
We carry tho sole agency for the well known Sherwii-
Williains Puints. ' . ,;
Pure Drugs, Reasonable Prices
Hotel Hampton
D. M. Hampton, Proprietor
15 years in Monmouth '
Under Same Old Management
a ' - . , . .i
Everything strictly firstclast
f 1 i,-.(., !V 'l.;i
Go to P. E. Chase, for
Pure Home Made
Sold under positive guarantee
.- Why eat sweat shoo, factory mkdA stuff
when you can get a clean, healthlul article
...... maaeatnone7'",l;;,;., ;' "
m v.
t 'k''.tllr.:
Monmouth Livery and Feed
' Graham & Son,prowieio:u
' " General Transfer and Delivery Business: x
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month.