The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 23, 1908, Image 4

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    Additional Local. - -
l Get Westfall to do your paint
;ing. .
I Help some deserving ' stH&en-t
j get a nico foanfeaiit' pH &f
Mr. nd Mrs? O. "E. Dennis, Mr,
and Mrs. John FarW, 51?s. $nn
away, of Por-t?kml; 4a
V'aoghn, pt g A-ngeJe; iik
I iMrdepeiiiieiM,, t$ $J.
Cf 1 apiw.Ote!ff
1 loftd ol &, b&wtwi f I"
j dependenct.
i J. H. Moran has finished the
. i .in
i exterior ot nis new ouice umm
: inr and adds considerably to the
, looks of that corner of the block.
; J. E. Winegar& Co., have a
lot of good second hand sewing
machines, taken in exchange for
the White, that they will sell
1 P. 0. Powell will represent the
Mt Tabor nurseries in this vicm
ifv and states that he can save
the people money on their orders
for fruit trees.
Postmaster Wolverton informs
the Herald that some boys have
been tampering with the combi
nation locks on the post ofhce
boxes and that if the parents
cannot put a stop to it the De
partment officials will be notified
Prohibition evidently has not
prohibited in some of the "dry"
counties, but the fines and jail
sentences imposed recently in
dicate that it is making a des
perate effort to prohibit. Per
haps before they get0 through
with the court proceedings some
of the liquor sellers wilj wish
that prohibition had prohibited.
The early frosts have done
more damage than at first -supposed.
As the full extgnt is
reached it is found that the loss
pvt.pTids to t.Vm porn that, is be-
I cing raised for the silo and the
young nursery stock, many
thousands o? trees Jbeing killed
that were still growing and thus
diminishing the supply o avail
able trees for this year's plant
ing. Oregon Agriculturist.
Owing to the fact that some
who would like to get the first
prize in the voting contest would
rather have the rug than the
fountain pen, we have changed
the terms somewhat and will
give the one getting the largest
number of votes the first choice
of the two articles. There will
be only a little over three weeks
to get votes in this contest and
you will have to hurry. Some
body with very little exertion is
going to get a prize that will last
for many years and is good
enough for the most fastidious.
Flewef fetter fim f PifSfP.
Migonnette a substitute fer
fly paper! Surely, of any remedy
for any bad condition, that an
nouncement has a delightful
sound, says the New York Press.
A woman living in the country
asserts that in a room where
pots of mignonnette are set flies
will not linger. "Instead of
placing those annoying sticky
sheets of paper about the room,"
says an experienced woman, "or
undergoing exhaustive exercise
of driving the pests out of the
place through the window, the
blessed plant just seems tO blow
them out on a wave of what you
and I would call its fragrance."
Church Directory.
Evangelical Church
L. C. Hoover, Pastor
Morning service at 11:00 o'clock
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
Y. P. A. Meeting at 6.30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening.
W. A. Wood, Pastor.
Morning Service at 11. a. m.
Evening Service at 7:30 p. m.
Sunday Schodl o 0:45 a. m.
Y. P.'fc. C. E. 6:30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m.
For Sale
Farm Lands, Houses and Lots
Five, Ten and Twentsy&gacre
J. H. Moran
Monmouth and Independence
Celebrates Ninety-First Birthday
Mrs. Anna Coad entertained
a few relatives and friends at a
dinner Wednesday in honor of
the ninety-first birthday of her
mother, Mrs. E. G. Emmons.
The guests present were: Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Cooper, of Inde
pendence; Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Skipton, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
James Burns, of Luckiamute;
Our New Brick
The Monmouth Bakery
Radek & Smith, Props.
Contractor and Builder
Carpenter shop and General
Repair Work.
Moulding and Finishing
Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts.
0 We have the LARGEST ROOMS,
fl ' and SET the BEST TABLE ft
y of any Hotel in the Town J
Subscribe for the Monmouth Herald. $1 per Year
We are Sole Agents for
matures health remedy
The Cheapest and Best Medicine on
the Market.
$1 per Bos
6 Boxes for $5
The Noted Place for Bargains
The Worlds Best Chilled and Steel
R. M. Wade & Co.
W. E. Craven, Mgr.
Monmouth Laundry
Equipped with Up-to-date Ma
chinery, We Can and Will, do
your work as well as any Laun
dry in the State.
Work Called for and Delivered
Main Street Monmouth
Acorn Store
Wm. Evans, Prop.
Books, Periodicals, Ice Cream,
Soda and Soft
. , Drinks. .......
Polk County Bank
Established 1889
Monmouth, Oregon.
Paid Capital
Surplus and Undivided Profits
H Transacts a General Banking Business
J. H. Hawley, President J. B. V. Butler, Vice President,
. Ira C. Powell, Cashier
F.S.Powell, , ; J. B. V. Butler,
J. B. Stump, . . I. M. Simpson.