The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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Local and Personal.
. '
Wm. Gilson was in town Mon
day. Get Westfall to do your paper'
hanging. (
Mrs. J. Dornsife visited this
berg Tuesday evening.
Miss Leto Wolverton visited,
over Sunday in Corvallis
Wm. Boots spent a few days
in his home town last week.
Everybody boost for the Citi
. zens Entertainment Course.
Mrs. H. E. Guthrie was a pas
senger to Forest Grove, Tuesday.
Mrs. W. W. Newman 'p'aid a
businees visit to Independence
Miss Lillie Springer attended
the school fair at Dallas last
P. B. Arant left Sunday to
take charge of his school at
M. M. Long and wife, of Cor
vallis. were the guests of Mrs.
Burkhead, Sunday.
H. L. Crider is head clerk at
T. A. Riggs' grocery during Mr.
Riggs' absence to the metropolis.
The Social Hour Club met at
Mrs. L. A. Robinson's Wednes
day and organized for the years
A. J. Tupper ani wife are up
from St. John, visiting with Mrs.
Tupper's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Griffa.
K. H. Sickafoose has moved
from the Stump house to the
house formerly occupied by Mrs.
Pennell, in the northeast part of
Miss Hilda J. Olsen, of Silver
ton, who attended the summer
school, has returned to Monmouth
for the winter and will take a
regular course in the Normal.
MisS Hopkins, assistant State
Secretary of the Y. W. C. A.,
was here from Saturday to Wed
nesday and secured 15 new mem
bers for the local organization.
Work was begun Wednesday
on the new Electric Theater and
we may rest assured that there
will be some good place to go this
winter where we can get rid of
our surplussage of silver.
Prin. Traver went to The Dalles
Monday to attend the session of
the joint Teachers Institute for
Wasco, Hood River and Sherman
counties held at that place Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday
of this wf ek.
C. G. GrifFa has been going
around the past week looking as
if he had come in contact with a
barbed wire fence, but it was
only an innocent looking bush of0
poison oak. However it got in
its work and he could scarcely
see for a couple of days, but is
getting all right now.
Edgar Munson, June '08 writesj
that he itOnow a "country peda
gogue"" near Hebo, Tillamook
county. He reports having spent
a very pleasant vacation as Forest
Ranger, and not feels equal to
the work hsoioH him. In re
membering th oW Wormsl, he
expresses his app'ittion for
the beneficial training h rcid
while here.
A pleasant shower party wis1
given Miss Maude " Ilawley last
Friday night in honor of her
marriage with H. A. Beauchamp.
The evening was deligh&fuRy
spent, and Miss Maude's friends
knew just what was needed in
house keeping, for the presents
were very appropriate. Everf
one voted the evening a delight
ful one and the entertainment
Zook the Painter, will hang
your paper.
T. A. Riggs returned Tuesday
from Portland.
Miss Nejlie Link is the guest
o$ Lillian Bogert
Artie Burkhead returned f3-om
Corvallis, Sundaya 0
Mrs. C. V. Teats, of Dallas, is
visiting relative here.
Mrs. D. M. Hatttwes'ft visitor
in IndepadsEtfe Wadnafcy.
fMrs. Hatti Whitney was an
Independence visitor Tuesday.
Willis- Butler and Cletus Butler
will spjend the winter in Portland.
D. W. Gilliam, of Bridgeport,
was a bi$iness visitor in town
We want canvassers for the
Herald. Liberal cash commis
sion given.
Miss Bessie Butler, of Indepen
dence, was visiting in Monmouth
P. E. Chase and wife spent
Sunday at the F. H. Mulkey home
north of town.
Arthur Burns was down from
hisefarm Monday looking after
business matters.
Harold Bogert returned Sun
day evening from a trip to Sher
idan and other small country
Mrs. B. F. Mulkey, of Medford,
came Monday, to be present at
the wedding of her sister, Miss
Maude Hawley.
Frank Angel arid wife will soon
takV up their residence here,
where Mr. Angel has a position
as clerk in a store.
Correspondents will please get
their copy in early in the week,
as we will hereafter go to press
Thursday evening in order to get
the paper to our rural route sub
scribers on Friday.
Saturday was the 64th anniver
sary of the wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Westfhll, but owing
to the family being scattered
jver a large part of the United
States no reunion was held this
Bogert & Son have inaugurated
a novelty in the way of special
Saturday sales. It is common
in cities, but small towns have
not taken the matter up to any
extent. It ought to be a good
thing for both buyer and seller.
Rev. L. C. Hoover and Presid
ing Elder Hornschuch, of the
Evangelical church, returned
Friday from Big Bottom, in the
Santiam country, where they
have been having a hunt. Deer
were very scarce on account of
no rains to drive them from the
high rrountains. However Rev.
Hoover secured one, his first, and
reports that his nerves were all
right, the dreaded "buck ague"
not affecting him in the slightest
839 JNouce the uanK statement in
anotner column, it. snows our
bank to be in a fine condition.
All State banks must make out
statements the same as National
banks, under the new banking
law. July 15, the first statement
was mad by the Polk Coun y
BVik undr the nw lw and
Sine thtt time the dptits have
incriwd nearly $15,f!D. A
pretty sniaJ -shoving for small
town. For publkhing tha firt
notice a Dallas papr charge th
bank $5, as there wa no impw
here at the time. Our price for
tRe work i $2.50 and there is
about the same difference o in
prices on all our work, whether
advertising or job work and our
work will compare favorably with
any put out in this 'county, or
anywhere else.
Star o Brand Shoes are Better
o o
gauvotf ST Aid BRAND
We have the enappy Nasr Styles c&tf) $
styles fODEvery Day Hard Weaf.
Our line of High Cut Winter Sh&o io the)
BEST we have ever shown.
Star Brand Shoes are Better
W. W. Newman
General Blacksmithing and
Wagon Repairing.
Horse Shoeing sP Sp?ialty
All work done with nearness
and dispatch.
Cornwall's Old Stand
Norrhal Lodge, No. 204
Meets every Monday night at
7:30 o'clock.
Chas. Newman, N. G.
Zook, the paper hanger will do
your painting.
Sam Davis, formerly of Luck
iamute, has moved to the George
Whiteaker Sr. place north of In
Joseph Ingalls has returned
to his home in Centralia, Wash
ington, after a few weeks visit
with friends and relatives in
Monmouth and vicinity.
Miss Lara Mallory, of Alma,
Mich., who has been visiting at
the home of E. Bogert for tfie
past two weeks, has been elected
principal of the Airlie school for
the ensuing year. Miss Mallory
comes highly recommended and
the patrons of the Airlie school
are to be congratulated on their
good luck in securing com
petent a toachtr.
Ssturtky Mrs. E! &L Smit?h Had
narvow facaps fiomvl&fe
at the hand of a carelsnujitw.
A ball tvom a Winchester rifle
paessd p co to her head as to
stun'her and it was some time
before she recovered from the
shock. If a little Thofe care is
net used in firing rifles arounds
town, some one is going to get
into trouble.
The Davidson Studio
Successor to C. C. Lewis
Artistic Photography
Firslclass Equipment in Ery EJepartment
Guaranteed Work at Right Prices
College Street - Monmouth
Monday and Tuesday
October 12 and 13G
MiSs Mclnnes will sell ALL
Remember! AT COST!!
New Olives in
0 New Dill iclS o
Ctetf? ft ftaEam&gssffi&
E & ft &S&fiSS
Baking Powder, Extracts and