The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 09, 1908, Image 1

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Vol I
Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, October 9, 1908.
No. 6
Training Department Attends
Dallas Fair
College Fraternal Societies Hold
Regular Election Of
Paul Baker, '08, who is em
ployed in the Junction City High
School, was seen on our streets
last Sunday.
Dean Butler '03, has registered
as a s'udent, in the Law Depart
me t of the University of Oregon.
He has begun work and writes
that he is much faccinated with
the subjects relating to his chosen
On Thursday of last week, a
number of pupils of the Training
Department accompained by Prin
cipal Traver and his corps of
teachers, represented District
No. 13 at the third annual school
children's fair held at Dallas.
After enjoying the exhibits,
which were displayed in the W.
0. W. hall, the pupils formed
in line at theschoolfewilding and
with other school , children from
all the districts in the county,
followed out the line of march as
blocked out by the fair officials.
Much to the delight of all con
cerned, the promised watermelon
ended the parade. Every child
was served; the affair being
quietly and nicely managed by
thje reception committee. Taken
all in all, the management is cer
tainly to be congratulated for
bringing forth such good efforts
of the children. Many results,
as shown in the domestic science
department, the agricultural de
partment and the manual train
ing department are nothing less
than remarkable for children of
grammar school age. Surely the
co-operation of parents and teach
ers during the coming year will
add materially to effective results
which county superintendent,
Seymour is striving very hard to
accomplish. It is hoped the
"fourth annual" will surpass
even the "third arnual."
The new members of the Ves
pertine Society were guided to
the hall last Friday evening by
the witches that were stationed
in the 0. S. N. S. building at
various places. They were enter
tained in the witches den in
genuine witch style. Each had
his future life revealed by a clever
old witch. At length the witches
in order to partake of the pea
nut feast removed their masks.
The Society was pleased to
have Mr. Briggs Misses Shearer,
Whitehouse and Stafford present.
The first regular meeting of
the Normal Literary Society, took
place Friday evening October 2.
The boys all turned out in force
and after the election of officers,
eleven new members were ad
mitted, their initiatitn to be next
Friday evening.
' The officers elected are: Pres.,
David Henry; Vice Pres., Archie
McNeil; Sec, Ray Chute; Treas.,
Erwin Springer; Sergeant at
Arms, Erwin Montague.
Considerable enthusiasm was
manifested by the members pres
ent, for the advancing and better
ing, if possible, the work of the
Normal Society. During the
evening's session, Prof, Briggs
delivered an interesting address
on the necessity of, and how to
raise, the standard of the Society
work to the highest degree of
. It is the earnest desire of the
Normals, to make the coming
year's work, excel any previous
On Friday last, the Delphian
Society gave its first literary pro
gram. Nearly the entire society
was in attendance including about
twelve people wv o, eager to enter
the realms of Delphianism, were
classified and properly labeled
with the society insignia.
The program which was of a
literary and musical nature was
as follows.
Song Society
Address By the President
Reading Lexie Strachan
Solo Lora Craven
Funnyisms Mignon Burt
Solo Mary Murphy
Hidden Biography Isla Laughlin
. l Lillian Gardner
Lorena Daniels
Extemporaneous Speeches
Daisy Thomas, Mr. Fargo
Subject What the Society Work
Should Mean
Song Neath the Elms Society
After the program and initia
tion, the regular business meet
ing was held. The following offi
cers were elected for the term:
President, Mary Whitney; Vice
President, Ruth Fugate; Sec,
Ethel Laidlaw; Treasurer, Ethel
Eakin; Sergeant-at-arms, Hazel
Dunahoo; Organist, Ethel Spill
man; Chorister, Lora Craven;
Critic, Mr. Fargo.
We expect to begin our prelim
inary debates immediately in
order to choose representatives
to the tryout for the school team.
C. T. Allen has gone to Cor
vallis for the winter.
A. R. Lewis has closed his
butcher shop for the winter.
Mrs. James, of Suver was visit
ing her sister Mrs. Marble last
Mr. West, of Falls City, bought
three beeves of the Airlie butcher
last week.
W. B. Williams has gone to
Strong & Martins mill to work
for awhile.
Mrs. H. P. Williams and
daughter went to Albany on
The Chinas seem to have taken
to tall timber as the hunters do
not find very many.
Jack Taylor and wife visited
the latters sister, Mrs. O. L.
Buchanan, last Sunday.
Mr. Glassford and wife of Cor
vallis were visiting their daughter
Mrs. 0. L Buchanan, last Sat
Sunday. Olive Williams is spending a
few days with her sister Mrs. A.
R. Lewis, before going to Port
land to attend school for the
Miss Maude Hawley Weds
H. A. Beauchamp.
Our Correspondents Tell Of Lo
cal Happenings In Their
The prettiest of autumn wed
dings was performed at the resi
dence of Hon. and Mrs. J. H!
Hawley, in Monmouth on October
6, at three o'clock, when their
youngest daughter Maude, was
united in marriage to H. A. Beau
champ, a prominent physician of
Stay ton, Oregon; Rev. W. A.
Wood, pastor of the Christian
church officiated. Before the
ceremony Mrs. Allan Clark sang
very sweetly "All the World
Loves a Lover". The wedding
march from Mendelsohn was
effectively rendered by Miss
Orace Hawley, niece of the bride,
and little Miss Fransel Hawley
was winsome as flower girl. The
bride was beautifully attired in
a gown of maize colored moussa
line, and carried a shower boquet
of brides roses. Both bride and
groom were unattended. Light
refreshments were served after
the wedding. The parlors were
splendid in autumn leaves and
the dining room was decorated
with sweet brier where Miss
Lapha Hawley presided at the
punch bowl. The happy couple
departed amid a shower of rice
and old shoes for Victoria, B. C.
and way points.
The guests were received by
Mrs. B. F. Mulkey, of Jackson
ville, a sister pf the bride.
Falls City.
Jack Frost visited ou&Aown
and draped our gardens in mourn
ing. The late vegetables and
blackberries are injured badly.
Rev. E. A. LaDow has re
turned to Falls City after a two
weeks visit in Walla Walla with
his aged mother Mrs. C. B. La
Dow. Mr. O'Brien and family, who
contemplated moving to Black
Rock for the winter, have decided
to remain in Falls City. A wise
Miss Irene, Cecil and Percy
Dodd have gone to attend 0. A.
C. at Corvallis, They will be
missed from the community and
the church.
The Falls City school began
October 5. Falls City has a good
school and one we are all proud
of; Fred Crowley is principal, his
assistants can't be beat so we
Rev. LaDow is exercising his
muscles lately in replenishing his
woodhouse. He takes to it kindly
and says he is reminded of days
of yore, when he lived on his
farm in eastern Washington.
Mrs. Charles Palmer and her
sister, Mrs. Paul, have returned
to Falls City after spending two
months at their old home in Min
nesota, where they were c? lied
to the bedside of their father who
died the morning of their arrival.
Rev. G. F. Round, minister of
the M. E. Church, and who has
served that church for the past
two years, leaves soon to take up
the work at Jefferson. The citi
zens regret his departure as he
and his noble wife will be greatly
missed from this community and
church, which he has so nobly
served. Rev. D. H. Clark takes
his place. We welcome him here
and wish him success in his new
field of work.
Monmouth Heights.
Clemens Fishback was a Rick
reall visitor Mondaj;.
Dick Ogle has rented and moved
into R. M. Smith's residence.
Nathan Emmett and wife moved
down from Falls City last week.
The Antioch school began Mon
day with A. J. Shipley, teacher.
Harry Thompson, of Salem, and
his best girl were in this vicinity
Grandma Dressier moved from
Antioch to Gilliam's Siding
Prof. Fred Crowley, of Falls
City, passed over the Heights
Saturday last.
Johnie and Maggie Snider, of
Rickreall, visited friends here
Saturday and Sunday.
W. A. Snider and family, of
Latinville, California, visited at
the Fishback home Saturday.
Maurice Wheelock completed his
new silo the first of the past week
and has it filled with feed for his
dairy cattle.
Newt Grooms and wife, lately
from Idaho, passed here Sunday
enroute to the home of their son,
north of Monmouth.
Miss Kurtz, of Dallas, has been
employed to teach at the new
school house between this place
and the county seat.
Quite a large delegation from
here attended the school fair at
Dallas last week and report a
pleasant and enjoyable time.
H. R. Fishback captured a
skunk the first of the week.
There are quite a number of the
fetid animals in our neighbor
hood. The funeral of Lee Clark was
held at the family home Thursday
morning by Rev. E. A. LaDow,
Pastor of the Christian church of
Falls City, and the remains were
laid to rest in the Smith Ceme
tery. If you get a copy of this issue
and you are not a subscriber take
it as an invitation to join our
growing family and send in your
Mrs. W. J. Kirkland and friend,
Mrs. M. 0. Fluke, were over
from Independence yesterday and
paid the Herald office a friendly
Mrs. Susie Stanton left for her
home in California, Saturday.
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Howell went as.far as Portland
with her, where they visited
their son.
Our local reporters have done
well this week, but owing to a
rtrh of job work the editor has
been unable to get out and get
many locals, therefore we are a
little short. In a short time we
expect to enlarge the paper to
five pages.
To Be Held In Dallas Next
Mass Meeting Held to Arrange
Entertainment Course
For Winter.
The Annual Teachers' Institute
for Polk county will be held in
Dallas, October 14, 15 and 16,
1908, in the Public School build
ing. The Institute will be held under
the department plan with the
following educators as instruct
ors: J. tl. Ackerman, superin
tendent of Public Instruction; W.
J. Kerr, President Oregon Agri
cultural College; E. D. Ressler,
President Monmouth Normal
School; R. F. Robinson, Superin
tendent Multnomah county; L.
R. Traver, Monmouth Normal
School ;H. D. Sheldon, University
of Oregon; J. M. Powers, Super
intendent of Schools, Salem; Miss
Cornelia Marvin, Secretary Ore
gon Library Commission.
A reception will be given the
visiting teachers on Wedresday
evening and on Thursday even
ing Dr. W. J. Kerr of the Oregon
Agricultural College will lecture
on "Modern Demands in Educa
tion." Following is the general pro
gram; 9:00 to 9:15 Opening Exercises
9:15 to 10:40 Department Work
10:40 to 10:55 Recess
10:55 to 12:00 General Session
12:00 to 1:30 Intermission
1:30 to 1:45 Opening Exercises
1 :45 to 2:25 Department Work
2:25 to 2:35 Recess
2:35 to 3:15 General Session
3:15 to 3:30 Recess
3:30 to 4:30 General Session
A number of citizens gathered
at the Normal building Monday
evening in response to the call
for a mass meeting to consider
the matter of having a citizens
entertainment course this winter.
The meeting was called to order
by Pres. Ressler and after dis
cussion it was voted to have a
course similar to the one had last
winter. An executive committee
of three, consisting of E. D. Ress
ler, L. C. Hoover and P. H. John
son, was elected by the meeting
with power to appoint a general
committe to canvas the situation.
It was the sense of the meeting
that everybody should boost for
the entertainment course. The
meeting then adjourned subject
to the call of the chairman. After
adjournment the executive com
mittee held a session and ap
pointed the following general
committee. Ira C. Powell, Mrs.
Irene Dalton, Miss Maggie But
ler, A. L. Chute, Wm. Riddeil,
Jr., Mrs. J. Lindsey, F. Y. Mul
key, O. A. Wolverton, J. H. Haw
ley, Mrs. C. Lorence, W. T. Fogle,
P. II. Johnson, L. C. Hoover, E.
D. Ressler. The committee is
called to meet at the Normal
building Friday evening at 7:30
The Herald has installed a tel
ephone. Phone us all the news.
Main 395.