The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 02, 1908, Image 4

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    Local and Personal
Zaok tht Painter, will hy?
youp papap.
Miss Ina Mason, ol? Dallas,
, the guest of her brother here.
to vet
T. A. Riggs and wife were vis-
!.-t Westfall to do your papier
Jim Harrington and family! Babe Graham and family have
i.H v.- moved to Buena Vista. . one to the coast to spend a week."
A I iss Orace Hawley spent Sun- Dr. H. A. Beauchamp, of Stay
.ifcv with hpmarpnts at Amitv. -ton, visited friends here this
MissMayda Huber is having
;i light attack of the whooping
.ugh. iting with friends in Dallas over
Miss Maggie Butler went to Sunday.
I :i ! las Wednesday to take in the : The Davidson Studio took some
school fair. ,fine interior views of the Bakery
II. Nehrbas has been in Port- j vvee-
I;. ii. I on business the fore part of : Miss Nelle Link, of Airlie, is
ili" week. visiting here, the guest of Miss
m r- 1 1 e r n- Maude Hawley.
M. A. Rickard, of Corvalhs, J
was visiting friends in Monmouth A. J. Shipley will begin a term
"V.-r Sunday, j of school in the Sunny Slope dis
trict next Monday.
Miss Cathrine Campbell began
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
M. Walker and family have
moved out of town and will try
farm life for awhile.
. I esse Zook has gone to Port
Ijiini. He has a situation there
i.ii'1 expects to stay all winter.
I . M. Hampton and wife were
visiting and looking after busi
ness matters in Salem Wednes
day. Notice the ads in this issue.
It you don't read the ads you
may miss something very im
l'i'tant. Mrs. L. A. Robinson reports
iJie Professor trettintr alonsr verv
a term of school at the Cochrane
schoolhouse Monday.
Normal Lodge I. 0. 0. F. will
have work in degree and refresh
ments next Monday night.
Wm. Addison, of Ashland, has
rented Mrs. Stines house for the
winter. He is looking for a loca
tion. H. Best and Peter Cornwell
were in Salem Wednesday and
brought back a fine Percheron
Fishback Bros, passed through
Come in and let us Fit Your Feet with a new
We have the snappy New Styles and the
styles for Every Day Hard Wear.
Our line of 0gh Cut Winter Shoes is the
BEST we have ever shown.
k-ely with his work in Columbia ' here Monda' on their return from !
I: Diversity.
W. D. Fenton and wife, of Port
la nd, were week end visitors at
tlio home of the latters mother,
M rs. Lizzie Lucas.
II. W. Lucas returned Wednes-
lay from Roseburg, where he
the hop fields in the vicinity
Forest Guthrie, of WaitsbuPg,
Washington, was visiting his
brother, H. E. Guthrie, the first
of the week.
Glen 0. Holman was in from !
Star Brand Shoes are Better
has been for some time iooking ' the ranch Tuesday looking after
after his fruit crop (business matters. He will move
to Dallas this fall,
fohn Howell has been on the' , . . ,
sick list for the past week, but is I ?.rs ?uick and M!ss Lu,r,a
hid a'lwauor" nave reiurnea to rans
W. W. Newman
General Blacksmithing and
Wagon Repairing.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
j All work done wifeh oneatness
j and dispatch.
i 0
Cornwall's Old Stand
able to bp out now. Hp
s.-vere attack of grip. i Clt-V alter a two weeks vlslt at
..,.,. . x , , the home of E. II. Roger',
u A. Riggs has rented the.
rm formerly occupied by Bogert Miss Ethel Lucas wil1 leave in
Son furniture store and will , a short time lor Douglas county
mit. in a movin.r mVtnrp sknv i where she has the school at Dill-
... T M , ., ard for the coming year, j
Miss Laura Mallory, of Alma, ; !
Michigan, and Mrs. Vida Quick, ; Miss Myrtle McReynolds went;
..f Falls City, are visiting this ; to Independence Monday to take :
uvek with Miss Lillian Iiosrert. ! charge of a department in the P
. , ... , . ,. i city school, where she will teach
Quarterly meeting wil be held j the comi
at the Evangelical church Satur-! !
i 1 c r i r i ! Mrs TTanrmm rf 1 awiaviWa
nay anu ounuay, uciooer o ana :
I Rev H. EHornschuchof Port- who has been visiting with her
land will conduct the services. ; daughter, Mrs. Will Jones and
, , A friends for some time past, re-
J-, M-Murney county manager . Ujrned tQ he(. home Tuegd
ni the Pacific Telephone Co., wasi
in Monmouth last week and paid! Hon C- E- Wolverton, U. S.
I T - . , 1 . 1 i 1
i his office a pleasant call. He is i uistnct Judge, passed tiirougn j
-el pleased with the conditions nci' ,ast week- remaining over! Zook, the paper hanger will do
,,( ()Ur ocai office. ! Friday night for a visit with his your painting.
brother, Postmaster olverton. ' Principal Traver and a number
S. W. Doughtv. who was sS 01 tne wacners witn aoout nity
The Davidson Studio
Successor to C. C. Lewis
- Artistic Photography
Firslclass gqujoment in Every Department
Guaranteed Work at Right Prices
College Street - Monmouth
Normal Lodge, No. 204
Meets every Monday night at
7:30 o'clock.
Chas. Newman, N. G.
Joseph Radek, Sec.
I of the pupils of the Training De-
It is reported that P. H. Burt
and I. H. Fream will have a trv-
1 severely in. ftired bv fallintr off a
future in other words it is Pv. ! house some time since, is able to ! Partment-went to Dallas ed-
;...ctP.l thpv will nin a fnntvn ! he around town, but it will
As both of them are old time rail-1 so,lle time before he win be ab,e
t oad men we may expect them to to ncavJ' work.
New Olives in Bulk
New Dill Pickles
Chase & Sanborn Agents,
Seal Brand in 1 and 21b cans
Two Blend
Superior Brand Mocha and Java
Santos D'
Will and Al Whiteaker, who
have been running moving
kg j nesday to anticipate in the exer
cises of the school fair.
William Grant, an old and re
spected citizen of Dallas, passed
to the Great Beyond, Sunday
morning. He came to Oregon!
when but three years of age in ! .
1844 and has been identified with ! ever they show
tne growtn ot tne state Irom its
infancy. 0
1 1 f 11....... :. ... -.T.n. ... r, "tc,v vl wjici silt will
uiiv.iv, tunin g iii-ictuu, v.11 vu$ him, !cripi i.vpe in x oik county, suit
who is here after a lot of goats able for wedding invitations and
he recently purchased. The latter announcements, and calling cards
.-how good speed. John Howell
is to act as starter.
W. 11. Ireland was in from he picture machine at Rose's hop
ranch near Luckiamute station ! 'ard this season, wene- visiting
id lvnm-ts bis son wht h iWn i Home toiks on the ISrm the
Baling Powder, Extracts and
Spices. .
a i
in wun xypnoiu iever tor tne past . i k ",v- "c,-v"-
month, as getting along nicely! We have just received .direct
Floyd Kennett and Earl Truitt
Mrs R. E. Beery, of Portland, left Tuesday for their old home
wa visiting with Mrs. Peter ' m Missouri. We may expect to
visit with friends for a ehort
time and will then go on to Dis-
gentleman and the editor renewed ! Our prices are the lowest in the ! tyZ 2 1 7 W K
1 1 ft..- .. i. e I of the school for the coming vear.
E. P. Wier. of Airlie and Rid-
Miss Frances Gage, State Sec- dell & Sons, of this nlace. carried
Miss Ellen Nelson, of LaFay- retary of the Young Womens ; away a nice bunch of prizes at
v-ito. was the guest of Mrs. L A. Christian Association, spent a i the first Pacific National Live-
iwooinson a iew uays msi ween. ; lew uays witn the local associa- stock show, in Portland last
Miss Pselson
Id ac(iuaintance after a lapse of 'county.
nearly twenty years.
Schrueders last Friday.
Mrs. Wm. Riddell Jr., assisted
by Miss Ruby Shearer, enter
tained last Thursday evening in
honor of the 69th birthday of her
father, J. I. Phillippi. A very
enjoyable time was spent by
those present
Monmouth is now up with the
other progressive towns in the
iss Nelson is a graduate of ; t.on recently, and gave an in-1 week. Mr. Wier received five 1 valley as it has just added a candv
donmouth and was on her way ; spiring talk on Sabbath afternoon : on his Hereford cattle and Rid-'factory to its other hul-el
o her school in Salem where she; to the girls in the Assembly dell & Sons, 13 out of a possible ! houses P F. rw. wJ'i!
ias been teaching with excellent i Room. She also had a
meeting 20. on their
success ever since her graduation, on Saturday evening with the have some of the finest goats in
in February '07. ladies of the Advisory Board. ! the world and are winners where-
possible , houses, P. E Chase havino- in
fine goats. Thev ! stalled tho
the hrst.of the week. He
turning out a firstclass article.
see them back again inside of a
Harry WTinkley, of the Den of
Sweets, of Corvallis, was down
the first of the week starting off
the candy factory at Chase's.
Mrs. Long, of Corvallis, paid
her mother, Mrs. L. R. Burkhead
a visit last week. She was en
route home from a visit at Forest
Miss Mat-y Stengel and Arthur
H. Myers, of Portland were mar
ried at the home of the brides
parents September 24. They will
reside in Portland, where Mr.
Myers is engaged in business.