The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 02, 1908, Image 2

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    I Machine rule is dying hard in
I Oregon, but it is dying and once
dead it will be buried so deep
Entered 8ondl matter September 8. ltt. ; cirntu Hum its imnii
t theptofficet Monmouth. Oregon, under the' carCilss will never Ilute the air
A M M L. Q 1L.TU I
All VI narn
The Herald
W. T. FOCLE, Editor.
The Acorn Press, Publishers
Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscription Rates
One year
Six months
- $1
50 cU
The first month of the exist
ence of the Herald has passedj
ami it is still here, not-with
standing the fact that sijjiie said
it would not last thirty davs.
During the nftmth we canvassed
a part of one afternoon and aside
from not to exceed twenty people,
we have not done any soliciting
to gain subscribers. Over thirty
new names have been added to
the list the past two week which
shows that the paper is satis
factory to the people. Ko all
of which we are very thankful
and will try to merit a continu
ance of the confidence given ifc
so far. If the present rate of
increase in our subscription list
and advertising keeps up an
other month we will be forced
to add another page to the paper
in order to furnish the usual
cjuoto of reading matter. We
are not giving 24 colutis of
reading matter eac issue but
what we do give is not paid
locals and patent medicine puffs.
Compare the Herald wit other
country papers, no matter where
published, we do not fear such
comparisons. We ask our friends
to give us all the little news
items that they know of and . by
helping us to make a good paper
you are helping the town and
incidentally yourself.
of our fair state again.
Is the Oregoniii working to
make this state a democrat stte
and then be he leading demo
cratic paper? It is serine tjma
since it discarded the republican
party, putting up the pleafctfhal?
it had Vorkl haftd for tk pstftjv
and that the party ,dr$tiM&
away from tufrfv lin. Hflui
real reion seem to 1 J5
hed of the pajSrP is dis!i;
pointed man and is no ttyutyg
to kill the partf btfceamje h Wk
not been majje a fij. . Senator.
There are potent Masons tylkj
Mr. Scothas ncflj tn ft
the Senate and Put ioisfl vVili'i
they are, but hi !11 fcri to
think tha th lyl ctM l
ifroled. Not all 1h ifimtt.
Theie 19 no mud, to ft njny
disastrous results from the So
cialist party foH riason that
before another cpnjn iifc oll
around thf republican or dni
ocratie party have incorpo
rated the best of its plat
forjn in thefts nd ilurtfor it
will have nothing fco staiyl on.
Whichever party acts first ill
be the winner.
It has beeff rjjpeatly statin
that the republican party is not
the party of panics; tli.jj.t panics
can only come through a fearof
the election of a democratic pres
ident. Now let's not lie about
a matter that even the youngest
child in school knows sonns'thing
of. What can we call tjie great3
stringency of last November but
a panic? Was there a feat of a
democratic president being elect
ed at that time? If so why
didn't that fear keep right on
until now? The fact of the
matter is that a republican pres
ident don't help matters a little
bit in such cases and another
fact is that during the panic of
1SSK5, brought on the machine
politicians sani iy the tear that
Uryan would be elected, any one
having money in a solvent bank
could check it out at any time,
but last fall there were few banks
where one could get his money,
except in little driblets.
Some people object to State
ment No. 1 for the reason thev
say that a man must declare who
he will vote for before he is
nominated. Well, didn't he do
,so under machine rule? Just
ask some honest ex-member of
the legislature if he didn't see
the "Hoss" before he was nomi
nated. Inquiries were made as
to how he would vote before he
was nominated and if he was
found to be the right" kind of
man for the machine he went
in with u whoop, if not he was
relegated to the scrap heap.
Coders (IS$o4$ touted 'id
Jacson left his mark on all that
he touched. With his advent a nejf
regigje was inaugurated. Its com
ing was acc-nnpanied by new meth
ods. The presidents who preceded
him were educated, polished states
men. 1 hey $er of he iPmc&BEicik.
When fheir jfejfiation foa
presidency weo voicedj i statilf
nadiioti by fricdj J mUu of
dignified decorum las olerd ii
the spoken or printed ef prcsioja o
iiopcs and claims.
Campaigning in the madeira
sense was unknown. Convention
lifd no existence. IlatoMn$ da-
daring the principle (Jnd policies
to winch the candidate pledgad
himself had not yet been formu
lated. Political cartoons, carica
tures, great mass meetings, flam
boyant Haunting of Hags, taunting
transparencies parades, campaign
songs, tarass bands and buttoM-
these played no part in the election
of Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison and Monroe.
They were lacking in even the
campaign, of 1824, then Jackson
was first a candidate, though the
house of representatives defeated
the popular will, which hssd named
him as its cfloicc, by selecting John
Quiney Adfhns to fill the presi
dential othce.
But in the campaign of 1828the
general who had done things dif
ferently at the battle of New Or
leans, seems to have stimulated in
men who advocated or oppose! him
a desire to follow new methods.
Jackson's first successful cam
paign in 1828 was opened by a cel
ebration of his famous battle in the
city of New Orleans. Hero of the
battle and presidential candidate,
he attended as the guest of fie
state. On iis way from his home
he was entertained at Natchez. A
procession, a banquet afid a ball
kept him busy. A fleet of steamers
was sent from New Orleans to meet
him. A throng greeted him when
he landed. Four days of festivity,
news of which stirred the people
throughout the land, followed.
This was the beginning. With
his campaign for re-election mod
ern methods were fairly establish
ed. St Louis Bepublic.
ciat prices oa oae aftct two paif Lace Cur-
tpeatigate this of f et and save money
&8fcS03Cifte lineof New Art Squares on display in our store-
ffiSffl, q$ tcflces t-hjErt will please you.
IKattetw ana Couch Covers in an almost endless variety. All
l$& tojjiotionsnand popular designs.
We. sim handle Masury's Paints; the test all-round paint on the
Every can contains the formula and is Guaranteed.
An AcelcUnt.
"What have you to say r aske3
the magistrate of a woman who was
charged with breaking an umbrella
over the complainant's head. "It
was an accident, your worship."
"Did vou not mean to hit her,
then?"' "Oh, yes, I meant to hit
her, but I didn't mean to break my
V. 0 Boots
A N. Poole
CssQ&sctajb 'and
Phono H87
Re$6 Esfftta Foe gtaLe
330icres on C. E. R. R. H
miles from station and school
house. Gootf small house and
tw barns, and other out build
ings and u good young orchard.
Good stock and dairy ranch at
a bargain.
2j big lots lying on Main
street in Monmouth, will seil
2 lote with a goal o room,
basement cottage, with a good
iiuitry and closet. Apples, pears,
cherries, plums and other small
fruit. A bargain. Inquire of
A. Halleck,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Job Printing
The HERALD office
s8e0quipDed for print
ng Sale Bills, Posters,
Dodgers and all forms
of Commercial work.
Prices as low as pos
sible consistent with
good work.
Perkins Pharmacy
Under Management ofGraduate Pharmacist
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Prices Right. Come
in and investigate our p-to-date line of Brushes, Stationery,
and Toilet Articles.
Full Lin of Paiat3 Oil and Glas
We carry the sole agency for the well known Sherwin
Williams Paints.
Ptjf DfugS) Reasonable Prices
Hotel Hampton
M. Hampton, Proprietor
15 years in Monmouth
U-ftdet' Same Old Management
Ecjerryttftiwg, sir-htfy firstcbtss)
Hardware,- Stoves, Ranges
John Deer Buggies
Harness, Implements, Vehicles, Shingles, Moline Wagons, Deering
and Champion Binders, Mowers and Rakes