The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 25, 1908, Image 4

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    Local and Personal.
Mrs. Hattie Whitney is having
her house painted.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mulkey
spent Sunday in Dallas.
J. H. Hawley made a business
trip to Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. Paul Cone visited friends
and relatives in McMinnville this
S. R. Crowley, of Crowley's
Station, was seen on our streets
C. C. Lewis and sister started
for their home on the Siletz last
P. E. Chase paid a business
visit to the metropolis the first
of th week.
Misses Cassie Stump and Agnes
Campbell have returned from a
short stay in Eugene.
Postmaster Wolvcrton went to
McMinnville Monday and secured
40 new boxes for the office.
Mrs. Willard Long, of Corvallis,
visited her mother, Mrs. Burk
head Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Effie S' ore has returned
from a weeks stay with Albany
friends and has entered the Nor
mal. M. E. Wheelock was a business
visitor in Independence Tuesday
and gave the editor a lift on the
road home.
There is one thing about the
Herald that is worthy of consider
ationit is not filled with patent
medicine ads.
moved into Miss Etta Smith's
residence which she has had re
modeled and painted.
Norman H. Gerky, cf Albany,
was visiting the fore part of the
week with T. A. Riggs and wife.
He is a cousin of Mrs. Riggs.
H. B. Waggoner, of Newport,
came over Sunday and visited
with his brother, W. R. Wag
goner, of the Perkins Pharmacy.
J. E. Winegar & Co., have a
lot of good second hand sewing
machines, taken in exchange for
the White, that they will sell
T. C. Allen, whom many here
will remember, is still employed
as principal of the Grangeville,
California, schools. He and Mrs.
Allen spent their vacation at
Santa Catalina.
II. A. Newman presented the
Herald with some fine Bartlet
pears and potatoes Monday. The
pears were the largest we have
seen for many years and the fla
vor was excellent. The potatoes
were good enough for any country
and above the average as to qual
ity. They were a new variety
called Hood River.
Definite plans are being pre
pared for athletics at the Normal
and a coach for basket ball, foot
ball and other games will be se
cured and the outlook for some
good teams seems promising.
Plans are also being perfected
for a town and school team to
gether and we hope to see some
good games during the winter.
The literary societies at the
Normal have been organized for
the year and all began with a
general jollification last Friday
evening. The Normal will give
special attention to the study of
parliamentary law9in all its phases
while debating, as usual, will
have a strong place on the pro
gram. The practice of secret in
itiations will be continued as the
result was found to be advanta
geous rather than detrimental
last year. The societies bid fair
for a 6plendid years work.
Get Westfall to do your paper
Henry Ebbert is moving down
this week from Philomath.
The board of equalization will
meet in Dallas October 19.
K. C. Williamson visited at the
home of J. L. Murphy Sunday.
Bogert & Son are putting the
roof on their new warehouse this
County Assessor C. S. Graves
was a business visitor in our city
The show troupe . were guests
at -Hotel Hampton, during their
stay here.
Misses Bessie Foster and Emma
Kramer leave Friday for their
schools in Salem.
Miss Opal Boothby is attending
the street fair and . carnival in
McMinnville this week. '
The R. M. Wade people beli?ve
in the virtues of printers ink.
See their ads in this issue. e
John Orr, wif? and daughter,
visited with Mrs, Orr's mother,
Mrs. Irene Dalton, last Sunday.
E. H. Hosner is remodeling his
dwelling this week and tvill have
an uptodate building when it is
Mr. and Mrs. John Butler, of
Portland, were here the first of
the week visiting with T. J. Pett
it and family.
Joseph Wright is improving
the appearance of his house by
adding porches and putting on a
new coat of paint.
Monroe Mulkey and wife went
J. Lindsay and family have to McMinnville the first of the
week to visit relatives and take
in the carnival at that place.
Miss Leota Foster has been
elected principal of the Ballston
school for the ensuing term. This
is her second year at that place.
Prof. Metzgerof Dallas College
will occupy the pulpit at the
Evangelical church Sunday Sep
tember 27, both morning and
evening. ... 0
Mrs. Walter Phillippi, who has
been visiting her parents near
Rickreall and other relatives here,
returned to her home in Eugene
the first of the week.
Bert Lucas, of Portland, spent
Sunday here with his mother,
Mrs. F. E. Lucas. Mr. Lucas is
a former Monmouth boy and is
now an engineer on the Dallas
A man near Oregon City re
cently offered the fruit inspector
o-e dollar apiece for every wormy
apple found in his orchard. He
has sprayed three times this sum
mer with arsenate of lead. Try
it next summer ad see if you
can do as well.
Monmouth needs a woodsaw.
There is a big lot of wood con
sumed here ejery year and we
have to depend on Independence
woodsaws to get it cut Some
thing like 2500 cords are used
here annually. The money paid
out for sawing wood could then
be spent t home. Patronize home
industries and build up your town.
There were 57 people at work
in the cannery last week and 23
in the dryer. The payroll is about
$400 weekly which makes a very
nice thing for the town. After
the pears are done there will be
several days canning on Silver
prunes. Unless more fruit than
is anticipated comes in, the can
ning sea' on will close the last of
this week or the first of next
There has been several tons of
pears dried in the evaporator and
prunes are coming fast now. The
evaporator has a capacity of about
five hundred bushels per day of
24 hours.
Ladies Home Journal Patterns, Royal Worcester
Corsets, Patriot and Society Shoes, Kingsbury Hats.
IMew Fall Goads
V. P.
M. Born and Strauss Bros. Mens Made-tomeagure
A. N. Poole
Contractor and
General Carpenter Work
Phone 187
New Lot of Furniture
W. W. Newman
General Blacksmithing and
Wagon Repairing.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
All work, done with neatness
and dispatch.
Cornwall's Old Stand
For Sale.
A good second-hand ui teen
hoe Van Brunt Drill in first class
The price is so cheug that if
you want a jlrill vou can not
afford to let this one go by. 0
Inquire of R. M. Wade & Co.
Mrs. M. E. Percival, of Madras,
and Mrs. Hattie Whitney were
pleasant callers at this office
Monday. Mrs. Percival left on
the afternoon train for Portland
where she will visit with relatives
for a few days before returning
to her home in Crook county. She
thinks that the country tributary
to Madras is the best in the state.
Mrs. T. J. Pettit and Mrs. T.
J. Berry are the champions when
it comes to preparing pears for
the evaporator. Tuesday they
cored and spread twenty-five
boxes in less than four hours,
notwithstanding the fact that one
is an ardent democrat and the
other a radical republican. It is
needless to say, however, that
either took time to expatiate on
the multitudinous good qualities
of her favorite candidate during
the pear spreading period.
so fie woeesoesoaO
Especially for Students
Come in and Loofc it Over
G9C9 00 900
Telephone Main 331
Mdnfnouth 0
T. A. Riggs
Groceries, Crockery, Feed, Hop Supplies, Wool,
Mohair and Cascara. e
Agent Chase & Sanborn Teas and Coffees: Folger's Bakirfg
Powder, Spices and Exteacts. Preferred Stock
Fruit and Vegetables
Hop Pickers Supplies
Try Us on Your Produce
Bogert & Son have received a
fine lot of carpets, lace curtains
and art squares that are worth
while looking at They will have
a big ad in next issue.
Kenneth Campbell came home
Saturday from a weeks say at
the fair. He reports one of the
best fairs that Oregon has ever
held and that he had a most en
joyable time hobnobbing with
old acquaintances. While there
he was conversing with one of
his friends who had attended
fairs in nearly all of the different
states, who made the statement
that Oregon had as good a fair
as any of them and in some re
spects better. Oregon livestock
will compare favorably with any,
not only in the United States, but
witn any country in the world.