The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 18, 1908, Image 3

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Reaches Out to Many Parts
of the County and Is
Great Benefit
In conversation with P. E.
Chase, manager of the Pacific
Telephone Company s local branch
we learn that there are at least
160 homes served from his office,
about half of them being n the
town and the other being lines
reaching out into the country and
serving the farmers of this sec
tion. When Mr. Chase took
charge of the office a year ago
there were but 136 phones served
from the office which shows that
there has been a healthy increase
in the past pear, with a gain of
24 phones. The rate to farmers
at that time was $5 per year for
switching service and for phone
rental, now the farmer can buy
his own phone and the charge is
but $3 per year for switching.
This is as cheap a rate as there
is anywhere in the state so far
as we know and it certainly is
worth twentyfive cents a monttf
of any farmers money to have a
phone in the house, for there are
many times that quick communi
cation with town is very desirable,
especially is this the case should
a doctor have to be called. There
is no need of running a horse to
town and taking perhaps two to
four hours to get a physician
when in a few minutes one can
be summoned by phone. Then
when one has a phone in the
house he can call up a neighbor
on a rainy day and talk a few
minutes, or the limit of time
allowed for a conversation, and
thus find out what is going on
besides helping to pass away the
The business done by the local
office brings in considerable rev
enue and gives employment to
two operators. The tariff from
switching which is paid to this
office amounts to $62 a month
and is steadily increasing. This
is not a munificent sum, yet it
helps to swell the coffers of at
least three persons and if there
was no central here it would be
missed very much. There are
two lines to Suver which supply
27 farmers and two lines to Air
lie that supply 30 farmers. Even
tually these will be increased and
we will have several more, be
sides there are a number of short
s lines that reach out only a short
distance. There is free service
to all patrons of this office with
all the phones in Independence,
Dallas and Rickreall, which gives
one a large number of people
with which he can communicate
at almost a moments notice, be
sides we have long distance con
nection with Portland and all the
valley towns.
Besides the $62 payroll the
company pays $9 a month rental,
but the accommodation is more
to the town than the amount of
money coming in and we could
not afford to lose the central
, office. An effort was made last
spring to have the office discon
tinued, but without success and
we have reason to believe that
no further attempt will be made
in that direction; on the contrary
there is reason to believe that
there will be an effort to establish
another system in town, but for
the present it would seem unnecessary.
It is a pretty good index of
the kind of farmer a fellow is if
he wants to keep the manure
pile at the smallest size possible
and doesn't care a bit when it is
spread on the land. Usually
such fellows have a grouch
against the fate that attends them
and lambaste the existing polit
ical and economic order.
In the light of present day
forestry agitation the title of the
poem which we used to recite
when children in school, "Wood
man, Spare That Tree," has a
good deal more meaning in it
than at the time the author pen
ned it.
The total value of the olive
crop for Greece in the year 1907
is reported to have been 112,
000,000. Those desirous of going into
the poultry business often want
to know just how much it costs
to keep a hen a year and what
profit may be reasonably ex
pected from the sale of eggs. An
experiment conducted by the
West Virginia station gives a
definite answer to the above
query. Six hundred hens were
kept through the year, and it
was found that the cost of feed
per head was 89 cents, while the
total for feed and labor was $1.42
The average number of eggs
was 113, valued at 12.43, which
left a net profit of $1.01 for each
hen, Or an income of $006 from
the entire flock.
Church Directory.
Evangelical Church
L. C. Hoover, Pastor
Morning service at 11 :00 o'clock
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
Y. P. A. Meeting at 6.30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening.
W. A. Wood, Pastor.
Morning Service at 11. a. m.
Evening Service at 7:30 p. m,
Sunday School 9:45 a. m
Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7 :30 p. m
Notice to the Public.
Having decided to discontinue
the old credit system, and do a
cash business in the future I
request all who are indebted to
me to call and settle at their
earliest convenience.
P. E. Chase.
The bread that
made Monmouth
All Kinds of Pastry; also Con
fectionery and Stationery, Soft
Drinks and Ice Cream, at
The Monmouth Bakery
Radek & Smith, Props.
V. O. Boots
Contractor and Builder
Carpenter shop and General
Repair Work.
Moulding and Finishing
Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts.
Ladies Trimmed
The swellest goods
The closest prices
Monmouth Laundry
Equipped with Up-to-date Ma
chinery, We Can and Will, do
your work as well as any Laun
dry in the State.
Work Called for and Delivered
Main Street Monmouth
W. W. Newman
General Blacksmithing and
Wagon Repairing.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
All work done with neatness
and dispatch.
Cornwall's Old Stand
Acorn Store
Wm. Evans, Prop.
Books, Periodicals, Ice Cream,
Soda and Soft
For Sale
Farm Lands, Houses and Lots
Five, Ten and Twenty acre
J. H. Moran
Monmouth and Independence
Note the Difference
Millinery price $8 Our price $6
1 1
5 "
4.50 "
i f
J. E. Winegar & Co.
Hardware, Stoves, Ranges
John Deer Buggies
Harness, Implements, Vehicles, Shingles, Moline Wagons, Deering
and Champion Binders, Mowers and Rakes
Chase the Cash Jeweler
For Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery and Post Cards,
Call on
Chase the Cash Jeweler
His Prices are Reasonable his Goods are Up-to-date
Chase the Cash Jeweler
We have the LARGEST ROOMS,
of any Hotel
Wedding Invitations Neatly Printed.
in the Town