The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 18, 1908, Image 2

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    The Herald
W. T. FOGLE, Editor.
The Acorn Press, Publishers
Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscription Rates
One year
Six months
- $1
50 cts
The Oregonian lets out an
other howl in its Sunday edition,
against the primary law and this
time it seems it has struck the
keynote when it says in effect
that the primacy law is tut a
sfepping stone to the abolish
ment of party politics and in
making tins purely a govern
ment of the people. So long as
we elect delegates and they elect
other delegates to represent, or
misrepresent us, as the ease may
be, just so long will we be but
tools in the hands designing
politicians. The Oregonian does
not want the old system des
troyed for it is bread and butter
for it; always for sale to the
highest bidder it is now making
a light against the primary law
evidently at the behest of the
deposed ring politicians. It is
too bad that a paper otherwise
reliable should be so radically
opposed to the welfare of the
people, especially when it has
such a large circulation, but that
it is so is not new to those who
have been familiar with the
methods of the paper during the
past fifteen or twenty years. We
know of but one time when that
paper took up the fight of the
people against the grafters and
that was from purely personal
reasons on the part of the editor
because of the fact that the only
successful opponent it has yet
had in the newspaper held was
championing the other side. ,Ve
dare say that the Oregonian has
done more harm to the republi
can party than any other element
that has ever assailed it. The
Iniative and Referendum, the
Direct Primary Law, Statement
No. 1 and the popular election
of United States senator are with
out doubt republican measures
in this state for the Oregonian
says that the state is nominally
47,000 republican and yet these
measures are an eyesore to said
paper. If Harvey eve? was
gifted with any of the milk of
human kindnes it turned to clab
ber when he was young and his
naturally warm disposition cur
dled it and he has been getting
rid of the whey ever since com
ing to the head of the Oregonian.
in. Had the matter been in the
news colums there would have
been allowance made for dis-
jcrepaneies, but editorials of that
kind should get down to lacts.
Oro Fino is tributary to the
North Fork of the Clearwater
river while Elk City, fifty miles
distant, is tributary to Middle
Fork and South Fork of the
same rivejr, but Florence is trib
utary to Salmon river and nearly
100 miles from Oro Fino. It
will be a matter of news to some
of our readers who have been in
that section during the early
days to know that a great deal
of development work is being
done in all of those old "dig-
by statements from the Colorado,
Washington and Oregon Agri
cultural Colleges are that it is
not a new variety; that it is not
milling wheat and is not a very
heavy yielder. On the farm of
Mr. Adams, of Idaho, who was
said to have obtained fabulousy
large yields, the actual crop this
year from 32 acres was t.
bushels, or 2o bushels per acre,
which is quite a reduction from
the alleged yield of 222 bushels
per acre.
m it
ft' "(5
Those sidewalks that are used
considerably should be gone
over now and a few nails driven
into the loose boards and in
some places a new one put in.
There is a half block on Main
street that is about as rickety as
it is possible for a sidewalk to
get and be at all passable. This
matter should be called to the
owners attention and if he doesn't!
fix it up at once, the city should
do so and charge it t the prop
erty. Of course those that are
not used a great deal can go
awhile linger and when the
rains come they will swell up
and be good enough for anotker
winter, next summer we won't,
have time to fix them, same as
the Arkansaw Traveler's house.
Patronize your home merch
ant to the exclusion of the mail
order house. The home mer
chant can sell you the same ar
ticle, on the same conditions as
the mail order house for less
money than it will cost you to
get it from Chicago. Take your
catalogue with you and let him
figure with you on anything you
contemplate buying from the
mail order people. Its a simple
way of proving the matter. If
your home merchant will not
furnish you the same article
cheaper then there is something
wrong, for his expenses are
nothing compared to those of
the mail order people.
The Mustard Jar.
Oratory is merely talk with a
frock coat on.
It's a poor fool that can't be
worked both ways.
If at first you don't succeed,
do it over; but don't overdo it.
The fellow that falls in love
at first sight deserves another
Putting up a sign "Post No
Bills" won't keep them from
coming through the mails.
What is the good of a cook
book when it doesn't tell us how
to keep a cook.
The choir may sing "Peace on
-bartn, but that doesn t mean
peace in the choir.
Some men were born great,
some shrink, and others never
find out how small they really
In an editorial Sunday's Ore
gonian speaking of the Oro Fino
gold fields displays about as
much knowledge of that minkig
section as it does in many other
cases where the interests of
others are involved. From read
ing it one would naturally infer
that Oro Fino, Florence and Elk
City were in the same township,
when the facts are that each is
a separate and distinct mining
district and many miles apart,
with an entirely different grade
of gold. There are yet in this
country men who have mined
in all of these districts and no
doubt some of them live in Port
land, it is therefore a matter of
gross carlessness, or worse, when
such misleading editorials creep
Reverend Clarence True Wil
son throws some hot shot into
the Portland council in last
Sundays sermon. He says he
will invoke the recall on at least
four of them if some of the or
ganizations in the city do not
before he gets back from the
annual conference at Salem. It
is Co be hoped that he will make
good his threat for the city would
profit wonderfully by such a
course, here's too much par
tisan politics in the city council
for the good of the people.
Chicken lice, like weeds, flour
ish in warm weather. For this
reason the poultry, especially
that kept in confinement, should
be provided with boxes contain
ing dust, sulphur and wood
ashes, while the henhouse, nests
and roosts should be given fre
quent applications of whitewash
and coal oil and be frequently
disenfected with sulphur fumes.
Sickly and ailing chicks as well
as dumpy and unprofitable flocks
of hens are often the direct re
sult of these louse and mite
pests. During the present sea
son we have noted localities
where hundreds of chicks were
killed off by them as if it were
by a pestilence.
Perkins Pharmacy
Under Management of Graduate Pharmacist
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Prices Right. q0
in and investigate our Up-to-date line of Brushes, Station
and Toilet Articles.
Full Line of Paints, Oil and Glass.
We carry the sole agency for the well known Sherr
Williams Paints.
Pure Drugs, Reasonable Prices
Latest Fall Styles
Miss Mclnnes has bought out the Davidson Sister
and is now ready for business with an entirely n
and stylish line of Fall Goods. Also a fine showim
of Fall and Winter Hats for Street Wear.
Monmouth Livery and Feed
Graham & Son, Proprietors.
General Transfer and Delivery Business.
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month.
The value of a thoroughly es
tablisked good reputation is
hard to over estimate. In all
parts of the country now when
a locality wants to claim the
highest posible'Suality for the
apples it produces, ft declares
them equal to Hood River apples
There are some growers at Hood
River who get mad every time
they read one of th
and yet every time such a claim
is published it gives Hood River
",v advertise-
ment of the best possible kind.
Oregon Agriculturist.
Real Estate For Sale.
330 acres on C. E. R. R. 1
miles from station and school
house. Good small house and
two barns, and other out build
ings and a good young orchard.
Good stock and dairy ranch at
a bargain.
'2i big lots lying on Ma
street in Monmouth, will sell
2 lots with a good 5 room,
basement cottage, with a rood
pantry and closet. Apples, pears,
cnerries, plums and other small
fruit. A bargain. Inquire of
A.eN. Hallkck,
9 Monmouth, Oregon.
The facts about the so-called
Alaska wheat, as clearly shown
Job Printing .
The HERALD office
is equipped for nrint-
ing Sale Bills, Posters,
Dodgers and all form
of Commercial work.
Prices as low as pos
sible consistent with
good work.
Hotel Hampton
D. M. Hampton, Proprietor
15 years in Moiimouth
Under Same Old Management
Everything strictly firstclass
The Davidson Studio
Successor to C. C. Lewis
Artistic Photography
Firtfclass Equipment in Every Department
Guaranteed Work at Right Prices
College Street
Polk County Bank
Established 1889
Paid Capital
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Transacts a General Banking Business
J- H. Hawley, President p t u
L,. Campbell, Vice President,
Ira C. Powell, Cashier
P. S. Powell,
J- B. Stump,
J. B. V. Butler,
I. M. Simpson.
Subscribe for ,he Monmouth Herald. $,
per Year