The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 11, 1908, Image 4

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Local and Personal.
Prin. Traver is moving into the
new Boots residence.
J. E. Winegar was a busines
visitor to Portland Tuesday.
Dr. Parish and family returned
last week from Sulphur springs.
Mrs. Susie Stanton is here vis
iting her mother, Mrs. John
Mrs. J. F. O'Donnell and
daughter, of Portland, visited
friends here over Sunday.
Crosby Dalton has accepted a
position in the drug store of H.
M. Kirkland, in Independence.
John Robinson, accompained by
his brother William of Aberdeen,
Washington, returned home Sat
Miss Mabel Johnson was a guest
of Mrs. Strong's young people in
an automobile party to Dallas
It is reported that a large num
ber of pickers have quit the large
hop yards in the vicinity of
Buena Vista.
P. E. Chase has purchased the
Sloan and Hembree property.
His father and mother will occupy
the Hembree house.
J H. Gardner came down from
Drain Monday and will have
charge of the evaporator during
the prune drying season.
Mrs. A. Cattron, returned from
Portland, the first of the week
where she had been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Clodfelter.
Sermon subjects at the Christ
ian church for next Sunday; "The
Church's Purpose" at 11 a. m.
and "The Word" at 7:30 p. m.
W. 0. Meador and wife left
the first of the week for their
home in Eugene where Mrs.
Meador has a position in the city
The merchants here are employ
ing a number of wagons to deliver
goods to the various hop yards
adjacent to the city. They all
report a thriving trade.
Bogert & Son are building a
large furniture warehouse in an
ticipation of the big shipment of
furniture and carpets that are
now enroute from the east.
C. C. Mulkey and family, of
Natron, are visiting at the home
of his father, Hon. W. J. Mulkey.
Mr. Mulkey soon goes to Baker
City where he will engage in
Rolla Waterhouse and wife
were down from Falls City Mon
day guests of Hotel Hampton
Mr. Waterhouse was formerly
engaged in the blacksmith busi
ness here.
U. 11. JNewman is ounaing a
new porch and putting a new
roof on Miss Loretta Smith's res
idence in the south part of town.
It will be occupied by J Lindsay
as soon as completed.
Hawley & Son shipped 191 fine
Lincoln rams to a big eastern
Oregon sheep man Saturday. This
part of the state is becoming the
home of the finest long wool
sheep, as it is peculiarly adapted
to those breeds.
From recent reports we learn
that riuoert booue is taking a
course in a business college in
Portland and teaching at night,
earning aoout $ou a montn in
this manner, aside from making
rapid progress in his studies.
Miss Viola Gwynne, who taught
the past two years at McMinn
ville, was here this week. Miss
Gwynne has just finished a sum
mer term on me coast near
Waldport She has been elected
a teacher in the Lebanon Public
school for the ensuing year.
Get Westfall to do your paper
Mrs. Dalton visited her daughter
Mrs. John Orr, this week.
Sheriff Grant was a busines
visitor in our town Wednesday.
Mrs. H. C. Chamberlain, of In
deoendence. was visiting in our
city Tuesday.
Miss Mclnnes and Mrs. Moot
were visiting. with Miss Percival
in Independence Sunday.
Miss Lillian Bogert and Miss
Ethel Newman have returned
from their outing at Falls City.
Peter G. Schreuders, of the
Polk County Bank, accompanied
by his wife, Sundayed in Port
The time of holding services in
the Evangelical church has been
changed to 7:30 and Y. P. A.
meeting to 6:30.
Charlie Murphy was down from
Eugene the latter part of the
week visiting his sisters Ina and
Mary Murphy.
Mrs. H. Best and Grandma
Overall returned Tuesday from
Seaside, where they have been
spending the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McReynolds
went to their hop yard near Buena
Vista last week to superintend
the preperations for picking.
Mrs. Boles returned to her
home in Seattle Monday, after a
three weeks visit here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Miss Eva Mulkey completed
her course at Summer School and
has received her Normal Diplo
ma, she will teach the coming
year at Scappoose.
Milton Force returned last week
from an extended visit with rel
atives at South Bend, Washing
ton. He reports having had a
very enjoyable trip.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Winters and
son Gerald, of Portland, visited
at the home of E. E. Hewett last
week. They drove out from the
city in their auto in five hours.
C. N. Sherman, of Hotel Mon
mouth, paid a business visit to
Albany Tuesday. He was called
there in the interests of parties
who are sinking an oil well in
Linn county.
Mrs. Rev. John Burns, of Kings
Valley, passed through here Mon
day enroute to Dallas where she
was having some dental work
done. While in towrn she paid
the editor and wife a pleasant
T.J Pettit started Tuesday for
an extended trip in the interests
of the Monmouth Creamery. He
will visit K ngs Valley and a
number of other Benton county
points and will go as far as Toledo
in Lincoln county. Inquiries have
been made by dairymen in that
section of country as to shipping
cream here.
Mrs. M. E. Percival, of Madras,
Crook county is here renewing
old time acquaintances and visit
ing relatives. She formerly re
sided here, but was among those
who took up homesteads on the
Agency Plains near Madras. Mrs.
Percival is jubilant over the news
of the early completion of a rail
road to Central Oregon. She is
the guest of Misses Maggie and
Allie Butler.
Clover is not yielding as much
this season as usual. This is said
to be on account of poor polleni
zation caused by the scarcity of
bumble bees, they being the only
kind of bee that feeds on the
clover. It was thought by some
to be the result of a small aphis,
but scientists have decided that
the bumble bee is the real reason.
The season was very cold and
backward and there were very
few of these bees hatched.
SS I a flips Home Journal patterns, ivujro. .sler
I Corsets, Patriot and Society Shoes, Kingsbury Hats
New Fall Goods
OUR showing of new Fall and Winter goods is
now complete. Come in and inspect our line of
Dress Goods, Ladies and Children's Cloaks, Furn
ishings, Fancy Goods, Shoes, etc.
We were fortunate this year in placing our or
ders at a time following the recent financial flur
ry, when prices were at the very lowest.
You get the benefit of the reduction.
We carry only dependable Merchandise.
M. Born and Strauss Bros. Mens Made-to-measure
A. N. Poole
Contractor and
General Carpenter Work
Phone 187
New Lot of Furniture
Get Westfall to do your paint
ing. Mrs. J. W. Hilderbrand, of
Luckiamute, was shopping in
Monmouth Tuesday.
If you like the Herald do not
fail to speak to your neighbor
about it. We want 500 subscrib
ers by Christmas.
Ihe cannery started up on
pears yesterday morning with a
large force of workers. The
evaporator will start up next
week on prunes.
Miss Ruby S. Shearer, a critic
teacher of last year, is here this
week preparing some preliminary
work before the opening of
school. Miss Shearer spent the
summer at her home in Portland
Ira C. Powell, took advantage
of Labor day and went over to
Newport Sunday after r is family,
returning Monday. He reports
that they had a fine time this
summer; also that the big fish
story told in the papers a short
time ago has the appearance of
being founded in fact as the beach
was lined with dead fish.
W. A. McNeil returned last
week from a trip to Coos Bay
points. He visited Marshfield,
Empire and Coquille and reports
the weather very cool, , but lots
of enterprise shown and that the
recent fair was very successful.
While at Marshfield he met Hon.
Ira S. Smith, who is a prosperous
merchant of 4 hat thriving city.
The older residents of Polk county
will remember Mr. Smith as a
former member of the legislature
from this county and also an
efficient sheriff.
Especially for Students
Come in and Look it Over
Telephone Main 331
T. A. Riggs
Groceries, Crockery, Feed, Hop Supplies, Wool,
Mohair and Cascara
Agent Chase & Sanborn Teas and Coffees: Folger's Baking
Powder, Spices and Extracts. Preferred Stock
Fruit and Vegetables
Hop Pickers Supplies
Try Us on Your Produce
in- cuuur was presented with
sprig of beautiful blossoms Mon
day, by Dr. Parrish. They be
long to the lillium family, but we
do not know the botanical name
for this particular variety. It is
a native of the Cascade mount
ains and grows near the summit.
This plant was secured by the
Doctor's daughter while teaching
school near Gates.
Miss Frances H. anil "III TO IT i.,Ua
teughtmtheT. D. last year and
has been at her home at Weiser,
?fovrthe summer, has gone
o take her position as precep-
& th,6 kdieS Seminary at
Paradise, California. The school
a excellent teacher and
bespeak for her a most pleas.
ant years work.