Vol.I Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, September 11, 1908. No. 2 OREGON STATE NORMAL NEWS Why Change In Date Of Its Fall Opening. THOSE HAVIN6 ROOMS SHOULD REGISTER Prospect For Large Attendance Are Good -Many Im- provemenU. .Before the next issue of Herald, the twenty-seventh year of the Oregon State Normal School will have begun. Next Monday is registration day and on Tuesday all classes will be organized. Sometime during the week' a re ception in honor of the new stu dents will be given. Students will be arriving Saturday and Sunday and the town will once more resume its traditional schol astic atmosphere. The opening on the fourteenth of the month this year will be an exDeriment since it is one week earlier than customary. The Board of Regents wished to have a uniform calendar for the three schools and as both Ashland and Weston have had the earlier date, Monmouth conforms. The late ness of the season for hop pick ing may interfere more than an ticipated, so that it will not be possible to form an accurate esti mate of the probable enrollment until after the second week. Citizens who wish to secure student roomers and boarders should report to Registrar J. B. V. Butler at once. No canvass of the town will be made this year and naturally students can be directed only to those who have reported. The information desired is how many rooms are available, the price per week, number of boarders with price per week and whether boys or girls are wanted. All resident students who will volunteer to assist in locating new students are requested to report names to Mr. Butler. The prospects for new students are good and if the usual per centage of old students return, the total enrollment should ex ceed that of last year. Of last year's attendance of 173, Presi dent Ressler does not expect more' than 50 to return for the first semester. Of the number, 48 graduated, about as many more will teach while at least 25 others will drop by the wayside. When ever the demand is strong for teacners, lewer teachers go to the expense and trouble of seek ing professional preparation. One fact, however, is very much in favor of a good enr ol ment this year; that.'is the attitude of the Board. Last summer the Normal was closed and the faculty dismissed in August and the news was published broadcast through the state. In spite of that handi cap, Monmouth ranked second in enrollment and was far in the lead in the number of graduates. This summer, the plans for finan cing the school were made in good time and approved by the Board and as a result it is gener ally understood that Monmouth will continue, whereas last sum- opposite opinion pre- Of course this wiB be & crucial year in the hister the old Normal; she has the approval' of the Board and if tfw Legistatere accepts the findings! the Board, a good apprcpriat ion will he voted. Every citizen should be deeply interested and be willi g to do all in his power to win this last fight. In later issues of the Her ald, some ways in which all can help will be suggested. In 'the meantime, let everybody boost Improvements at O.. S. N. S. We ure pleased to note the im provements about the State Nor mal building incident to the open ing. The carpets are being cleaned, the blackboards all put in excellent shape, the entire building thoroughly renovated and the campus cleaned of all grass and rubbish of all kinds The blackboards will have a coat of si ting with a green tinge to it, since it has been demonstrated to be by far the best for the eyes of the students. The constant aim of President Ressler and the Faculty, with the co-operation of the Board, is to make conditions as nearly right as it is possible, both for the reason that it is for the present best interests of the students and because they will carry with them to their work in the public schools of the state the right ideals. We commend to the citizens of the town the ' 'cleaning up spirit" so manifest about the school grounds. Monmouth Heights. If you want to gain a high position come to the Heights. Miss Ermon Wheelock is up from St. Johns visiting her brother Maurice, of this place. George Sullivan, of Falls City, spent Sunday at the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. W. A. Messner, of Indepen dence passed through here one day this week enroute to his fine farm on the Luckiamute. Quite a number of Indians passed through these parts Sat urday and Sunday enroute to the different hop yards' near Inde pendence. Maurice Wheelock has the roof on his new house and will occupy the same when completed. Jesse Johnson and William Bozinsky are working with Rid dell Bros, new improved clover huller. C. C. Pitzer is hauling cord wood from the Treanor place to different parties in Monmouth. Any items of news handed to your Heights correspondent will be thankfully received. Monday was cold and showery and was feared that there would be considerable damage done to the hops, but Tuesday morning was bright ad fair a typical Willamette valley fall day. The meadow larks singing in the stub ble fields and in the evening the bobwhites calling to their mates, makes this kind of weather as near ideal as it is possible to get it Tell your eastern friends that we have the finest country the sun shines on and that they can get here for thirty dollars. mer the vailed. A GOOD DAIRYING COUNTRY. Creamery Is Better Than A Condenser. OPPORTUNITIES FOR FRUIT GROWING. This Part of Oregon the Natur al Home of the English Walnut. For many years this section of the state has not had a medium of publicity and the effect is ap parent in the lack of immigrants. While other parts of the state are being exploited to their full est capacity we have been stand ing still. There is no longer need of this. The Herald will indeed be a herald of glad tidings to the world, of the good things that await the progressive farmer and dairyman who locates with us. The time is not far distant when we will see hundreds of cream wagons traversing the high roads of this section bearing their loads of rich yellow cream to the butter factories, there to be turne f into golden dollars. The writer has long been an advocate of the con denser, but since becoming ac quainted with the operation of the creamery system, he believes that the creamery is better for the farmer of this section than any condenser could possibly be. In the first place the only reason why this valley does not produce just as good crops of cereals as it did when first put under the plow, is that for years the farm ers have been taking crops from the soil and giving nothing in re turn. The system is being changed somewhat by planting a large area in clover and other leguminous plants, but it will take years to replace natures patrimony that has been so reck lessly squandered. With the con denser there would not be so much taken away as was the case in the days when nothi -g but wheat was raised, yet there would be more taken by fifty per cent than by the creamery process. With the former all the milk product goes from the farm, while with the latter a large percentage remains to be fed to the pigs and poultry. Down at Hillsboro, the home of one of one of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Co.'s plants, a large central separating plant is being put in, where the cream will be separated and the milk be taken home. In that part of the state the farmers are familiar with conditions as ap plied both to the condenser and to the creamery, having tried both. If they are in sufficient numbers to warrant the erection of a large separating plant we may reasonably suppose that the condenser plan is not giving uni versal satisfaction or anywhere near it. Dr. Withycombe, than whom there is no better qualified man in Oregon, says that the most prosperous parts of the state are those devoted to dairying. This being the case and this part be ing very well adopted to that in dustry, may we not reasonably hope to see this one of the most prosperous of all? Dairying is not all that can be done here to bring profitable re turns. Fruit raising can be car ried on here just as profitably as at Hood River or anywhere else in the state. What is necessary first is to thoroughly cleanse the country of those worst of pests, the San Jose scale and the cod ling moth. This can be done as it has at Hood River, by thorough and persistent spraying. Millard Lownsdale has proven conclu sively that the Willamette valley is as good for raising fine apples as is the famed Hood River valley, therefore it is not a matter of ex periment. Again this valley is pre-eminently the home of the walnut and a very small walnut orchard coupled with a small dairy farm would be all that a common mortal would need. After the walnuts come to full bearing age the dairying can be- dispensed with and one can sit back and let nature do the work. One of the nicest things about the walnut industry is that it does not require a great lot of help. An ordinary family can do the harvesting of several acres as the harvest can be prolonged in this climate for several months, if necessary Later tne rieraia win nave an article on walnut culture from the pen of an expert in the business It is worth while to visit the walnut nursery of Dr. Parish and see the thrifty growth made by the young trees. No one after looking over this nursery will hesitate to pronounce this country as pre-eminently fitted for wal nut culture. A tree five years old has six nuts on it and as the age at which the trees usually begin bearing is from six to eight, it will be seen that they bear earlier here than in California, which has heretofore been con ceded the best walnut country in the world. People are but be ginning to find out what th's part of the world is good for. It is a pity we couldn't see all these things 20 years ago. Ten wal nut trees fifteen years old and upwards will be enough to keep a good sized family in easy cir cumstances. The Doctor also has lemon and orange trees in bearing, besides a garden of Gin seng which has some of the very finest plants in it, many of them bearing large clusters of ripe ber ries that are worth almost their weight in gold. George T. Boothby returned Tuesday from Siletz points and reports having a very good trip, but cattle a little slow to gather on account of being scattered over a large territory. C. C. Lewis had the misfortune to slip off a load of straw Satur day and sprained his foot severeiv. It has detained him from leaving for the homestead on the Siletz, but he is getting around again. Curtis Strong, of Muscatine, Iowa, arrived here last week on a visit to E. W. Strong. He is a cousin of the latter and they had not met for 35 years. He left Wednesday for his home in the east Mrs. Carol Phillips, who has been visiting her brother, Fred Huber, for the past week, left for her home at Clem, Gilliam county, yesterday. She will be met in Portland by Mr. Phillips and they will visit there a few days before continuing the jour ney homeward. INDEPENDENCE NEWS BUDGET From Our Regular Corres pondent DAILY HAPPENINGS IN OUR SISTER CITY. Scan This Column For News of Importance From the Riverside. C. C. Patrick was a Portland visitor Saturday. M. A. Rickard, of Corvallis, spent Sunday here. Ira Merling, of Falls City, was in town this week. L. F. Finseth, of Dallas, visited friends here Sunday. Dr. Calloway was a Portland passenger last week. Miss Helen Cooper returned from Albany last Friday. Miss Genervie Wilcox has been very ill but is improving. Fred Stump made a business trip to Portland last week. A. J. Richardson, of Buena Vis a, was in this city Tuesday. Oliver Lyndon returned this week to his school work in the east Mrs. Janet Waller returned Tuesday from her claim at Siletz. Mrs. Rose Carey, of Salt Lake, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Henry Hill and daughter Garlie, were Salem visitors Tues day.. Miss Ella Robinson spent last week with her parents in this city. Paul Belt spent a few days of last week with his father at Will- amina. Edd Wallace returned from Washington and Eastern Oregon this week. Dave Collins and wife are visit ing at the home of his parents for a few weeks. Miss Pearl Percival, left last week to accept a position in a millinery store at Hood River. Miss Lucia Campbell, of Eu gene, and Cecile Wilcox were Portland passengers Wednesday morning. Carl Harkins and wife, of Win lock Washington, are spending their vacation in a hop yard near this city. Miss Maud Iliff, who has been spending a few weeks here this summer, returned to Portland Monday. Mrs. C. P. Irvine has been spending a few weeks near this city. She returned to Portland the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Gilmore, of Los Angeles, are visiting friends in this city. Mr. Gilmore for merly owned the electric plant here and their many friends are pleased to see them. The Spalding Logging company will start its big mill in Dallas Monday. S. W. Doughty, who was severely injured last week, is im proving slowly. Mrs. S. P. Riggs came over from Dallas Tuesday for a visit with her son T. A. Riggs. J. H. Moran has moved a build ing onto the corner next his res idence and will fit it up for a real estate office.