The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 04, 1908, Image 4

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    Local and Personal.
E. Bogert is having a Colonial
porch added to his residence.
J. Lindsay, of Lindsay & Co.,
was a business visitor to Portland
last week.
Mrs. Ira Phillips, of Condon, is
visiting with her brother, A. F.
Huber, this week.
Miss Armilda Doughty, teacher
of history at the Ashland Normal,
was in attendance at the Summer
Postmaster Wolverton was rust
icating at Newport-by-the-sea
last week and reports having had
a pleasant time.
Gordon Treat and family were
down from Falls City Sunday,
visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Treat.
Winegar & Co. received a car
load of sewing machines and a
carload of shingles last week.
Looks like something doing.
Subscribe for the Herald and
send it to your friends in the east.
It will do a great deal towards
developing this part of Oregon.
P. H. Johnson has taken charge
of the butcher shop for Long &
Chamberlain and handles chops
and steaks with a master hand.
L. Ground went to Luckiamute
Tuesday to survey the old Wm.
Davidson place for the purpose
of a division of the estate among
the heirs.
Mrs. D. Ross Noot, of Portland,
has accepted a position as trim
mer in the milinery store of Miss
Mclnnes and will remain until
after the holidays.
Any one having wild horses to
break will do well to consult
crosby Dalton. He was seen Mon
day morning looking for some
worlds to conquer in that line.
The many friends of President
P. L. Campbell, of U. of 0., are
pleased to learn of his recent
wedding. His bride was Susie
Campbell Church, well and favor
ably known throughout the state.
It is understood that Monmouth
is to have a nickel theatre this
winter. Parties have rented the
building formerly occupied by
Bogert & Son and will install a
moving picture show in the near
A S. P. Special passed through
here Wednesday morning, with
Gen. Man. 0'Prien, Supt. Fields
and several otv er ra'lroad officials
aboard. They were paying a
visit of inspection to this part of
the system.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clod
felter came down from Jefferson
Sunday for a visit with Mrs.
Clodfelter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. Griffa. Mr. Clodfelter
returned Monday, but Mrs. Clod
felter will remain indefinately.
E. II. Hosner has been cleaning
up, the past week around the
premises of the Bently property
which he recently purchased. He
will have a fine residence property
when he gets the contemplated
improvements completed.
Miss Hazel Seely has accepted
a position in the Condon city
school. She left last week for
Rock creek where she will visit
with relatives for a short time
before taking up her duties in the
school. Miss Seely was one of
the June graduates of the Normal.
Mrs. J. M. Fowell and daughter
Lois left for Weston Tuesday
morning, where Mrs. Powell takes
the position of Matron at the
dormitory of the Normal. Miss
Lois will attend Whitman College
at Walla Walla this winter, where
she has a scholarship in the Conservatory.
Get Westfall to do your paint
Hod picking will be in full
blast by the first of next week.
George Boothby, the stockman,
is over in the Alsea country this
week buying cattle.
Elias Robertson was down from
Falls City last week visiting with
his parents in this city.
The roads have been lined the
past week with people taking
their outfits to the hop yards.
Allan Johnson and wife re
turned Monday from a visit with
Mrs. Joh son's sister, near Sum
J. W. Orr and family returned
Sunday from a two weeks outing
at Ocean Park, and report having
had a splendid time.
Rev. John Burns and wife were
over from Kings Valley last week
visiting with relatives in the
Lewisville neighborhood.
Mrs. Emma Haggard and son,
Phy Ward were down from the
Little Luckiamute Saturday and
paid the editor and wife a visit.
If you know of anything inter
esting come in and tell us about
it and help us to make the Herald
the best local paper in the county,
C. E. Force and V. 0. Boots
went to Salem Thursday to take
in the big circus and report hav
ing seen the elephant and other
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis,
was here during the last week of
the Summer School and delivered
one of his very pleasing and in
structive lectures.
The Butler cottage on Railroad
Avenue is receiving a new coat
of paint and is otherwise being
renovated in time to rent to stu
dents for the fall term.
T. A. Riggs received a car load
of watermelons Tuesday from
California. The melon crop in
southern Oregon has been a prac
t cal failure this year.
Percy Stroud had a bonfire of
dry ; thistles Monday evening.
This is a good way to get rid of
the pests and it would be a good
idea if there were many of them.
Miss Minnie Murphy has re
turned from her summer vaca
tion at Yachats, where she util
ized the time in study and inci
dentally enjoyed the climate and
T. A. Riggs returned last week
from an extended trip down the
valley in the interests of the Mon
mouth Creamery. He reports a
very prosperous country and a
good business done.
Miss Mae Mclnnes has pur
chased the milinery store from
the Davidson Sisters and will
have a large supply of goods ar
rive in a short time. Miss Mc
lnnes is a late arrival from'North
Dakota and is highly pleased with
our town and climate.
R. J. Allen, of Cove, Oregon,
has been visiting friends here the
past week and looking in on the
work of the Summer School. Mr.
Allen was employed in teaching
at Cove for the past year and has
been elected to teach the coming
year at an increased salary.
Mrs. Ellen M. Pennel who has
taught here for the past seven
years in the Department of Eng
lish, has gone to Eugene where
she will occupy a similar position
in the U. of 0., with Miss Carson,
who is head of that department
in the latter school ; she will also
have charge of the Ladies Dor
matory. Mrs. Pennell is a most
estimable woman, of pleasing
personality and a good teacher.
She will be greatly tnissed by her
many friends.
Ladies Home Journal Patterns, Royal Worcester g
Corsets, Patriot and Society Shoes, Kingsbury Hats.
New Fall Goods 1
We carry only dependable Merchandise.
M. Born and Strauss Bros. Mens Made-to-measure
Contractor and Builder
Carpenter shop and General
Repair Work.
Moulding and Finishing
Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts.
Get Westfall to do your paper
Kenneth Campbell returned
Wednesday from a business trip
to Balston.
President Hidschberg, of the
I. & M. Railway, was a business
visitor in Monmouth Wednesday
P. E. Chase and wife returned
the fore part of the week from
an extended outing at Newport
and report having had a fine time.
W. S. Watson, of Tekoa, Wash.,
after visiting several days wi h
Monroe Mulkey, left for his home
on the Columbia Sunday after
noon. From private sources we learn
that Prof. A. F. Campbell has
opened a law office in Eugene, in
the McClung building, and re
ports prospects good. .
Dr. Parrish and family went to
Sulphur Springs the latter part
of last week to remain for some
time. The Dr. will run into town
daily to look after his patients.
The'offer made before the first
publication of the Herald of a
three months trial of the paper
and if not satisfied that it is
worth the money asked have it
stopped, is continued for this
month. The reason this is done
is that about a year ago a paper
was started here and for some
reason only run a month or two
and was then discontinued. We
are located here permanently and
Our showing of new Fall and Winter goods is
now complete. Come in and inspect our line of
Dress Goods, Ladies and Children's Cloaks, Furn
ishings, Fancy Goods, Shoes, etc.
We were fortunate this year in placing our or
ders at a time following the recent financial flur
ry, when prices were at the very lowest
You get the benefit of the reduction..
Under New
Rates $2 Per Day
Chase the Cash Jeweler
For Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stationery and Post Cards,
Call on
Chase the Cash Jeweler
His Prices are Reasonable his Goods are Up-to-date
Chase the Cash Jeweler
T. A. Riggs
Groceries, Crockery, Feed, Hop Supplies, Wool,
Mohair and Cascara n
Agent Chase & Sanborn Teas and Coffees: Folger's Baking I
Powder, Spices and Extracts. Preferred Stock : -Fruit
and Vegetables
Hop Pickers Supplies
Try Us on Your Produce
expect to continue the paper,
hence we have no fear that when
you take the paper three months
you will stop it at the end of that
time. . . . ' ,,. v
A recent arrival from the east
in speaking of some of the big
cherries seen this summer said
that if the people back there were
told of the mammoth proportions
of our cherries that they would
Free Baths to Guests .
not believe it. We should send
some samples back next year and
have them placed on display
where they will do the most good.
Miss Loretta Smith, for many
years connected with the T. D.,
goes this week to Weston, where
she will take charge of the Nor
mal library. She will be very
much missed by her many friends,
but it is hoped their loss will be
her gain.