Keeping up the Mutton Flock. Often I have noticed that the flock cwrers are wiUicg to let tfceir grow 7 ewe lambs go on the market and keep the culls that the buyer would throw back. i There is no harm in this if the I entire ewe flock is sold every year ' and an entire new one bought i But if you keep the same flock of Breeding ewes from year to year and sell your best ewe lambs, you i will soon have a flock of very poor quality, no matter if the ; foundation was of select ewes. I By always adding the culls to the breeding stock they will soon be come a small, weak lot, light shearers, of weak constitution and light milkers. A lamb from ?4 light milker never makes a great big heavy carcassed sheep, for in breeding any kind of sheep, pure bred or grades, mutton from form must be what we all strive for. Do you in selecting your seed corn feed and sell all the nice full iears and save the nubbins for seed? No, you don't. If Nine times out of ten ewe I lambs out of heavy milking eyes ' wili be heavy milkers themselves. I Then why not reserve the ewe lambs whose dams are heavy milkers? sf Next select the ewe lambs from the large, heavy-carcassed ewes, for is not the block the final test? See that the ewes have broad, deep bodies, short necks, short broad faces, legs strong and well fleshed down. I Next see that the strong milk ing, heavy carcassed ewes have fleeces of good length, density and quality. Under no condition whatever keep a ewe lamb whose dam is a "bare belly," no wool pn belly. I By observing the following and by using a good ram, grand I flocks, be they pure bred or fgrades, can be built up in a few lyears trom sometimes a poor foundation. First, select out all the best ewe lambs from the strong milking ewes; second, se lect from this lot the lambs from the heavy carcassed ewes as de scribed above; third, from this .last lot select the lambs from the ewes that are heavy shearers as described above. If the flock be poor in quality, the first two years there will not ;lhe very many ewe lambs to keep lout, but by selecting the best ewe ilambs as described above and fusing a good ram, every year, I you will in a few years have more good ewe lambs than you want to keep. One might say, if I buy a ram that would sire eood milk- Jers all my work would be for nothing. To get around this question, in pure bred flocks, the same as grade flocks, most gen erally the best lambs come from the strongest milking ewes, there fore in buying a ram do not buy fa cull, for nine times out of ten a cull rams dam is a poor milker. J. Donald Green, in Farm and Stock. Service wishes to devise some fU1 nf nnnpratinc Wltn StOCK- UX vwr- o men in getting rid of this grow ing nuisance Skim Milk for Chickens. At the Indiana Experiment Sta tion two lots of growing chickens were allowed all the food they would eat, consisting of crushed corn, ground oats and bran, cracked bone, cabbage and let tuce. One lot was given in ad dition all the skim milk they would drink. The chickens in this lot made an average gain of 4.46 ounces each per week, while those that did not receive skim milk made an average gain of 2.62 ounces per week. Making Up to the Cook. Smith "Excuse re, Jones, but may I ask you he .v you man age to have such delicious things to eat?" Jones "It's quite simple. I always kiss the cook before din ner and hold her on my knee after dinner." Smith "But what does your wife say?" Jones ' 'Oh, she doesn't object. She's the cook." Low prices of an article tend to develop new markets. This is happening this year with cherries in Oregon. Tilson & Co., of Salem, have pitted and packed in syrup in barrels many tons of cherries for a big pie-manufacturing company in New York. If these give satisfaction, as they probably will, a valuable new out let for our cherries will have been found. The Allen cannery, at Eugene, has packed 9000 cases of Royal Ann cherries this year against 6000 cases last year. The total output of canned cherries for this season from the cannery is said by the Guard to have amounted to 250 tons. The large season's operations was due to the arrange ment with the Fruit and Veg etable Growers' Association. The Umpqua Valley News re ports that Hon. George M. Brown expects a crop of 6000 boxes of apples from his ten-year-old orchard of fifteen acres, or 750 tons. The varieties are Yellow Newtown, Spitzenberg and Bal dwin. The orchard has always received firstclass care. Sixty-one carloads of peaches, pears and plums were shipped east from Sacramento, Cal., July 21. This is said to have beaten all previous records for a single day's shipments from that state. The next highest record was 49 cars for one day in 1902. Wild horses are increasing in number very rapidly in the national forests in .Nevada and some of the other states, and the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture finds the problem of dealing with these horses a very serious one. At one time a law was enacted in Nevada which allowed any person to shoot wild horses, but it resulted in the shooting of many branded horses. The United States Forest Service has no authority to kill the wild horses ranging in the forest re serves. The officers have the right to drive the horses out of the reserve, but in the case of wild horses which have no owner this does little good and the Forest Evangelical Church L. C. Hoover, Pastor Morning service at 11:00 o'clock Evening service at 8:00 o'clock Sunday School at . 10:00 a. m. Y. P. A. Meeting at 7.00 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening. Notice to the Public. Having decided to discontinue the old credit system, and do a cash business in the future I request all who are indebted to me to call and settle at their earliest convenience. P. E. Chask. V. O. Boots FIRE LIFE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID OUR MOTTO "Please The People" When quality and price are considered there is No Getting Away From Us WHAT We have the newest novelties in Dry Goods. We have the newest novelties in Trimmed Millinery. We have the newest Fads in Print Goods. We have the Latest Lasts in Shoes. We have the Choicest brands of Groceries. We have Graniteware, Tinware, China, Crockery, Novelty goods of every Description, Do not buy until you see our stock WHAT We want your good will. Wre want your patronage. We want your produce. We want to know you better. Do not buy until you see our stock WHAT We give the best values. We give the newest merchandise. We give all that capital and experience can command. Do not buy until you see our stock Special This Week Calico 5 cents the yard Cotton Blankets 75c the pair worth $1 NO GETTING AWAY FROM US Our Motto "Please The People9' LINDSAY & CO. Monmouth Laundry Equipped with Up-to-date Ma chinery, We Can and Will, do your work as well as any Laun dry in the State. Work Called for and Delivered Main Street Monmouth W. W. Newman General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty All work done with neatness and dispatch. Cornwall's Old Stand Acorn Store Wm. Evans, Prop. Books, Periodicals, Ice Cream, Soda and Soft Drinks. For Sale Farm Lands, Houses and Lots Five, Ten and Twenty acre Trads J. H. Moran Monmouth and Independence J. E. Winegar & Co. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges John Deer Buggies Harness, Implements, Vehicles, Shingles, Moline Wagons, Deering and Champion Binders, Mowers and Rakes New Store New Goods Bogert & Son Furniture, Carpets and Wallpaper. Masury's Pure Paints. Every Can Guaranteed. Formula given on each package. Picture Framing a Specialty. A large stock of the latest styles of Mouldings just received, from which we will make frames to order of any size. Telephone Main 331 Monmouth Oregon Get your Job Printing done at the Herald Office Good Work, Lowest Price