THE POLK COUNTY OBSERVER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1917 SNOW WHITE I :. mi tfH, .fti'tYiffi i r i , i rifiil Chapter XX She ran as long as her feet would go, until it was evening; then she saw a little cottage and went into it to rest herself. Everything in the cot tage was small, bat neater and clean er than could be told. There was a table on which was a white cover, and 7 little plates and on each plate a lit tle spoon; moreover there were 7 lit . tie knives and forks and 7 little mugs. Against the wall stood 7 little beds side by side and covered with snow white counterpanes. Little Snow White was so hungry and thirsty that she ate some vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each mug, for she did not wish to take all from one, only. Then as she was so tired she laid herself down on one of the little beds, but none of them suited her. TERSE TALES OF TOWN LOCAL NEWS OF DALLAS AND THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. Personal Paragraphs Pertaining , People and Their Movements, Gleaned by Observer. to Lew A. Catcs is driving a 1017 model Velie Six Forty touring car which he received from Portland this week. T. W. Scott left Tuesday evening for his home in Roseburg after a vis it of a few days with relatives at Gilliam. He has just returned from an extensive trip through Idaho and Montana. Oliver Smith was up from Portland this week looking after the surveying of his old home place near Lewis- viilo. Claude Richardson has returned from Sacramento, where he has been qualifying as a motorman on gasoline motor cars. He has been placed on the run between Salem and Dallas. Joe Helgerson was in McMinnville the latter part of the week on busi- L. D. Brown, P. E. Kersey, Judge Coad, Alvie Morton, and Chas. Greg ory were in Salem Tuesday attending the legislature. Mrs. Pauline Aulen went to Salem Tuesday to acquaint herself with the machinery and topics of legislation. Floyd Ellis of 0. A. C. will spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hubbnivl nn! eons spent last week at Scotts wills with the families of Claude Stanton and August Percy, old-time friends of the Iiubbards. Mr. Hubbard likes the country around Scotts Mills and may locate there in the near future. Probably no motion picture ver shown in Dallas has received the at tendance that is promised for the be loved Grimm fairy tale, "Sno7 White," which is to be shown at the Orplicum on Sunday and Monday. This is one of the new Paramount pic tures in which charming Marguerite Clark takes the leading role. Three weeks ago it was shown to nearly a. half million people in Kansas City in two days. Mr. Smith has nrransre.l li have four shows on Sunday at 2:15, 4:15, 7:15 and 9:15 to accommo date the larse number of people from all parts of Polk county, as well as from Dallas, who are planning to see it. Lawman Conner of Perrvdale iin derwent an operation at the Dallas hospital Tuesday afternoon. Dr. A. B. Starbuck, assisted by Dr. B. 1L MeCullon performed the operation. Harold Frink of Falls City was in jured in the Falls City sawmill Mon day. Mr. Frink was taken to the Dallas hospifal Tuesday, where he will receive medical attention. Ernest McCallon was in Imlepen dence Wednesday evening. Ray Smith visited with friends in Independence Wednesdav. Klwyn Craven was an Independence visitor Wednesdav. E. M. Tankersley returned the fore part of the week from Portland with, a Hudson-six touring car, which he purchased there. Mr. and Mrs. Hood Craven left Wednesday morning for Portland af tT a visit with Dallas relatives and friends. Mrs. H. E. Musrott has been visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chapin in Salem this week. Mrs. Henry Staats visited in Tails City Wednesday. Mrs. W. V. Fuller returned Tues day afternoon from Salem, where she tited her husband and t'te leci!; u Mrs. George Hawkins spent Tne Hav in Portland. Mrs. A. A. Xtbill will mulerg an operation at the Dallas boapiirl this morning; Dr. V. 0. Staats is the attending physician. Mr. and Mrs. Manl.v Bevens of Air- lie are visiting at the home of Mrs, A. A. Newbill here. Oscar Hayter was a Salem business visitor Tuesday. William Maekie of Superior at tended to leeal business in Dallas Tuesday. R. S. Kreason went to Salem Mon day night and returned Tuesday. A. E. Bates was in Salem the fore part of the week on business. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., was in Salem Tuesday on business. Miss Mary Treber of Portland is visiting with friends in this city. Elder Dirkson of Portland will preach in the Seventh Day Adventist church on the Sabbath. Earl Hetrick of Salem visited Sat unlay and Sunday at the Fidler home in Dallas. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins of Falls City was visiting with mends here the fore part of the week. Mrs. Rea. Craven and Mrs. Arthur Vassall were in Salem Wednesday or: business. Will Hartley of Salem was in the city visiting with friends last week end, i S. D. Hubbard is moving to Rock Creek, in the Silctz basin, after mak ing his home on the James xlubboru place, near here, for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Blessing returned from Albany Wednesday evening, where they have been visiting with relatives for the past week. Charles Tate returned the first of the week from a business trip to Portland. P. L. Kau of Falls City was in town Wednesday. Hugh Smith visited at the home ot D, Hubbard on Sunday. Eddie Richman of Smithfield spent Wednesday in Dallas. He left Thurs day morning for Falls-City, where lie expects to buy cattle, during the next two weeks.' Edward Day visited at the home of- C. C. Hartley in Salem this week. Mrs. Winnie Braden and Miss Win nie Launer were in Salem the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. E. Goetz, wife of the prom inent Perrydale farmer, was in Da!- as Tuesday. She left for Portland Wednesday morning. James Woodes of Willamina reg istered at the Gail hotel Tuesday. Frank Hcydon, a timber cruiser of Falls City, transacted business in Dallas Tuesday. G. E. McCrow of McCoy was in Dal las Wednesday. Roy Bremmer, deputy state game warden for Polk and Marion coun ties, is making his headquarters here this week. A. V. Oliver of Riekreall trans acted business in Dallas Tuesday, reg istering at the Imperial hotel. R. E. Scibert of McMinnville was at the Imperial the fore part of the week. C. L. Dagg of McMinnville regis tered at the Imperial hotel Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kugel returned Wednesday from a business trip to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., were in Salem Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simeral and daughter, Maxine, spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Roy Savage. Wayne MeCann of North Yakima, Washington, is visiting hire with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ji A. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and children of Ballston visited for several days this week with Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. Mary Conner. R. U. Steelqnist of the Oregon Pow er company was in Independence yes terday looking after business. Wiil Hartley, formerly of Dallas, but now of Salem, was in the city yesterday visiting with friends. A marriaee license was issued this week to William Branchflower and Harriett Marehant. Ah-in E. Kimball was granted a divorce from Rose Kimball by Judge Belt. Wednesday. Panl U Hunter, proprietor of the Hunter garage, went to Portland Wednesday noraing and returned 1at nicit with a ear. Civic Section to Meet. The Civic Section of the Woman's club will meet -next Tuesday after noon at the nome or. Mrs. tJonrau Stafrin. Mrs. Stafnn and Mrs. Asa B. Robinson will be hostesses. B. Sundberg, J. R. Brown, J. G. Tan Orsdel and Miss Fannie Dempsey. Miss Mattie Crook Entertains. The Standard Bearsers of the Meth odist church met at the home of Miss Mattie Crook on Monday evening. After a short business meeting, music and games were enjoyed. About 12 girls were present. Sunday School Board To Meet. The Sunday school board of the Methodist church will meet this even ing in the church parlors. After the business meeting, light refreshments will be served. All members of the board are urged to attend. See "Bird of Paradise." Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tooze, Jr., Muriel Grant, and Herman Hawkins were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cates at a theater party, in Salem Wednesday night. The party motored over in Mr. Cate's car and enjoyed the "Bird of Paradise." Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Entertained. The members of the Christian church choir serenaded and delight fully surprised Mr. and Mrs. M. D, Ellis, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis returned Sunday from a month's visit in California. A social hour and music was enjoyed, after which light refreshments were serv ed. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitney, Rev. and Mrs. Howard Me Cbnnell, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grind- heiin, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gibson Mrs. Rose Grant, the Misses Alice Grant, Ava Coad, Nola Coad, Bessie Gooch and Messrs. Fred Eldndge and Will Caldwell. Dancing Party Saturday Evening. A number of the members of the younger set will be hostesses at in informal stepping party at the Wood man hall on Saturday evening, fol lowing the Multnomah vs. Dallas bas ketball game. The girls are planning upon making the dance one of the most enjoyable of the season. Sunday School Class Entertained. Miss Francis Ingram entertained Mrs. Longnecker's Sunday school class of the Methodist church at her home on Stump street, Tuesday ev ening. Songs and music were enjoy ed by the'guests after which Mrs. In gram served a bountiful lunch. Mem bers of the class present were: Rena Bennett. Osha Tate, Rena Olmstead, iuella Stewart, Dena Wilson, Myrtle Chase and Francis Ingram and Mrs. LongSecker and Mrs. Ingram. Silver Tea. On Wednesday afternoon a party consisting largely of the ladies of the Evangelical church were entertained at a silver tea given by Mrs. Jennio Smith and Mrs. David Seth at the home of the latter, 1018 Main street. The guests were, Mrs. Z. M. Knight, Mrs. Geo. Scott, Mrs. Fannie Brown, Mrs. C. Risser, Mrs. Edgar, Mrs. Bu- ell, Mrs. Rhoda Lynn, Mrs. G. P. Erskine, Mlrs. Alice Stanton, Dor othy Erskine, Mrs. F. R. Smith, Miss Ruth Smith, Mrs. A. J. Barham, Miss Bess Owens, Mrs. Bonnie Smith, Airs C. Winters, Mrs. Nellie Hubbard, Mrs. Josne Griffin and Mrs. Edna Johnson. Singing and musical i lections by Miss tsess Uwens were contributed, adding to the enjoyment of the occasion. Entertains at Luncheon. Mrs. C. L. Crider was a charming hostess at a one o'clock luncheon giv en at her home, Monday afternoon, honor of the ladies of the D. A. R. The rooms were decorated in flags. The dining room was adorned in dainty spring blossoms and ferns. After the luncheon the afternoon was evoted to a business meeting and fancy work. The members of the D. R. present were: Mesdnmes S. B. Tavlor, M. L. Bovd, J. E. Bloom, J. R. Sibley, D. 0. Branson, H. C. Eak- R. Y. Morrison. J. E. Sibley. S. Miss Kathryn Fox Married. A very simple but pretty wedding ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Fox in Riekre all, Wednesday, February 14th at 1 o'clock, when their daughter, Kath ryn, J., was united in marnnge to Herman Alvor Brown, of Indepen dence. Rev. D. V. Poling of Dallas read the impressive service. Miss Maude Gilfrey, of Creswell, played the wedding march and sang a num ber of beautiful songs. The rooms were filled with flowers, the keynote of color scheme being pink. Only relatives and close friends were pres ent. Both are well known young peo ple of Riekreall. The bride is of an old pioneer family, the granddaugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Baskett and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown of Indepen dence. After a short wedding trip they will make their home in Oregon City. held with President Himes press ing. The constitution was reid and the various committees appointed. Piitners for supper were found by matching candy hearts. The Valen tino idea was carried out in the re freshments, also. Those present were the Misses Muriel Hayes, Flavia Stin nette, Gladys Lewis, Mattie Crook, Eunice Martin, Amy Hibbard, Hazel Bursell, Maggie Odom, Emma Ander son, Hazel McBee, Erne McBee, Mes srs. Bolton Stinnette, Maurice Hayes Clarence Nelson, Alfred Coon, Wil liam Jackman, George Jordan, Car son Odom, Glen Holman, Mr. Himes, Rev. Short, Mr. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. McBee. Entertains Sew and So Club. Mrs. Carl Williams was a charm ing hostess Wednesday afternoon when she entertained the members of the Sew and So club at her home. The rooms were decorated in hearts and cut flowers. The afternoon was spent in sewing, after luncheon was servi assisted by Mrs. I members of the o Mrs. C. L. Foster, ) Mrs. Lief Finseth, ; weth, Mrs. Maurice ') ry Viers, Mrs. L. , mon Grindheim, Miss the hostess. I 1 Per Cent Farm class farina. 605 Court aire S; 24, speci his las. Consultation hotel parlors all irom headaches snouici taiie tins oi lief which is assun system employed. ur ir. ORPHEUMPROGRj ONE NIGHT ONLY SATUr B. Y. P. U. Valentine Party. 1 ast Friday evening the Baptist you.-g people held the first of the:i. monthly parties at the home of Miss Kflie McBee. A pleasant evening was spent in playing appropriate games. Uev. Short sang several pleasing num bers. Later a business meeting i u The Eye of the Nig A Triantflo Plav that Hanehat n miiv ihj una nvuvuvi Right Down to Your Heart and Getsjt. Featuring Win. H. Thompson and MARJORY WILSON Keystone Comedy, "The Social Cob.' SUNDAY AND MONDAY Marguerite Clark in "Snow White" v Bray Cartoon Comedy ' TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Louise Huff in "Great Expectations", Black Diamond Comedy, "In Society and Out" "IT njajBJ i s .' - , f ' ) M In a picturization of her greatest stage success, the beloved and beau-J tiful fairy tale, NOW WHITE in which she appeared for two sea-1 sons at Winthrop Ames Little The-! atre, New York Also Bray Cartoon Comedy Sunday and Monday, Feb. 18-19 Sunday Shows: 2:15, 4:15, 7:15 and 9:15 p. m. IllUilUdJ dliwAd III uuui nuuid REGUL 1 1-RICES 6c AND 15c ORPFEUM