Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 06, 1917, Image 2

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Personal Paragraphs Pertaining to
People and Their Movements,
Gleaned by Observer.
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Lynch went to
Portland Saturday for a visit of three
days. While in Portland Mr. Lynch
expects to buy a 1917 model Chevro
let seven-passenger touring car which
he will drive back today.
J. S. Cooper of Independence was
in the city Friday, transacting business.
The following were among those
who registered at the Imperial Frir
day: A. V. Brace, Chemawa; N. G,
Dennis, Bridgeport; Vera Kraber,
Dallas; Ernest Zimmerli, Portland;
Dr. D. L. Foster, Dallas.
Mrs, A. W. Bennett and daughter,
Alma, left Sunday morning for Spo
kane, Washington, for an extended
visit of from four to six weeks with
Mrs. Bennett's gista. Mr. Bennett
accompanied them to Portland.
Eoy Bremmer of Salem was in the
city Friday.
Clairk Van Orsdel, a student of 0.
A. C, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Ore
del. Mr. Van Orsdel returned re
cently from Chicago, where he rep
resented his fraternity, Sigma Alpha
Epislon, at the annual convention,
Will Snyder spent the week-end
bere at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. V. Snyder.
B. Lovelace received the sad news
Sunday of the death of his son, A,
H, Lovelace, in Portland. He left
for there to attend the funeral which
is being held today.
Mrs. Maurice Dalton and little son,
Maurice, Jr., returned last week from
a visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Spong in Spring
Mrs. J. M. Murray visited over the
week-end in Portland.
Miss Mildred Cliapin of Falls City
visited at the home of Mrs. A. M.
Vassall over the week-end. .
Hon. Conrad Stafrin was in the
city over Sunday visiting with his
Ernest Hoisington of Monmouth
was in the city Saturday on business.
Jesse Whitaker of Independence
transacted business in Dallas yester
day. L. C. Bonnctt of Ballston was a
business visitor here Monday.
Mrs. E. W. Staats of Monmouth
has been apjiointcd, administratrix of
the estate of her father, the late J.
A. Haines. Henry S. Portwood will
act with Mrs. Staats as administrator.
Miss Edna Simonton of Salem was
a week-end guest at the Oscar Hay
tor home.
II. H. Volheim went to Portland
Saturday and returned last night
D. V. Poling lef tyestcrday for
Hood River and The Dalles, where
he will conduct the funeral services
over the late Mrs. J. P. Lucas. The
services -will be held at Hood River
and the buriul in The Dalles. Mr.
Poling is often called to The Dalles
to say the last words over the body
of some friend, made during his long
pastorate of the Congregational
church, there.
Harold Poling, a sophomore at the
Oregon Agricultural college, is visit
ing at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. V. Poling. He will leave
todav to resume his work. The ter
mination of the mid-year examina
tions has given college student a few
davs to spend at home before the
second semester starts.
George Skeels, a prominent mer
chant of Coquille, is transacting bus
iness here.
Geonre Baxter, publisher of the
Crcewell Chronicle, is a Dullas busi
nesa visitor.
Miss Katherene Van Voorhees will
leave tomorrow for a month's visit
with friends in San Francisco and
San Dieco. California.
Senator Ira Smith visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L F. Yoakum
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooper of Al
bany were over Sunday visitors at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cosper.
Mrs. Cooper is a cousin of Mrs. Cos-
Marshall Blessing of Portland vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Blessing over the week-end
Frank Blessing returned to his
home in Portland after visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henr
Jack Eakin, a student of 0. A. C.
was in the city yesterday visiting
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1L C
F.akia. Mr. Kaikn is a member of the
O. A. C. basketball squad.
Jud II IL Belt and Miss Blanch
Barrett went to McMinnville Sunday
where the Yamhill session of the Cir
uit court convened yesterday.
Represent an es W. V. Fuller and
Conrad Stafrin spent Vie week -end
with their families in Dallaa.
Lloyd Mot, an 0. A C. student
who lives at Hood River, spent Sun
day at the D. V. Poling home, here.
Vere Staats, a student at O. A. C,
is spending a few days with relatives
in Dallas before the opening of the
second semester.
Mrs. Theresa Bahnsen of Salem
was in the city Sunday visiting with
her brother, Frank Bethel.
Roy Houck, a student at 0. A. C,
spent the week-end with his parent
Mr. and Mrs. W.- M. Houck in una
M. L. Fry of Silverton spent Sun
day in Dallas.
Mrs. L. A. Williamson of McCoy
spent Saturday in Dallas.
George Morton spent the week-end
with relatives and friends here.
Miss Loraine Goehriug of McCoy
registered at the Hotel Gail Satur
Mrs. Chloe A. Seymour of Salem
registered at the Gail hotel, Satur
Miss Geneva Sayre and Miss Alice
E. Quint of Black Rock spent Sat
urday in Dallas.
Miss Lula E. Peterson of Suver
registered at the Hotel Gail Satur
C. A Minty of Salem was a Dallas
visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Beer of Black
Rock registered at the Imperial hotel
T. B. Sears of McCoy registered at
the Imperial Hotel Saturday.
E. 0. White of Perrydale was a Dal
las visitor Saturday.
A. L. McKee of McCoy registered
at the Imperial Hotel Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Selig and two
children were at the Imperial hotel
Saturday. .
T. C. Powers of Falls City was in
town Saturday.
Frank H. Lawrence of Salem reg-
stored at the Imperial Friday.
Dr. Clinton Foster returned Sun
day evening from Portland, where he
attended the automobile show.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster of
Bridgeport visited at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Harold Rich,
over .Saturday.
Mrs. Harry White of McMinnville
and Mrs. Emma Thompson of Salem
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Dalton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith are
receiving congratulations from their
many friends upon the arrival of a
daughter, born February 2.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vil
wock of Salt Creek a son, February
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Nelson, who
resides near Dallas, was in the city
yesterday on business.
Frank McCann was in Portland o
business over the week-end.
Charles W, Johnson and family
will leave Dallas soon for Maryhi
Washington, where they will locate.
II. E. Muscott and Robert Muscott
were at homo in Dallas over the week
Mrs. Dan StoutTer is verv low with
uremic poisoning.
Mrs. Belle Ellwood, department
treasurer of theJjudics of the G. A
R. of Portland, visited the Dallas
post, Saturday.
Mrs. H. B. Cosper left today for
Portland, where she will attend the
Rebekah convention.
Ross Nelson of Independence was
in the city Saturday on business.
Committee Hopes to Add School Chil
dren's Fares to Maintenance.
The Southern Pacific company has
been asked by the bridge committee
of the Salem Commercial dub to
make a change in the operation of
the jitney service over the steel
bridge whereby the company's regu
lar trains will not take on passengers
on either side of the river, and to
put on additional jitney runs to han
die the traffic now being taken care
of by the regular trains.
This change would affect the hours
of the day when the cars are patro
nized by school children and the, ar
gument is made that the fares paid
bv them are needed in the mainten
ance of the jitney service to which
the fores paid on the regular trains
do not apply. Charles A. Park, of
the Commercial club's committee,
took the matter up with the railroad
company last week.
Baby Actress of Firs is Known In
All Civilized Countries.
A wee mite of five years or so, has
been to practically every city of im
portance in every civilised country of
the world. She always trav
els in a round tin box, much toe
small for an ordinary human being.
On the top in big letters, are the
words, "Precious, Handle with
Her name is Baby Marie Osborne
otherwise known as "Little Mary
Sunshine." ever since she start! n
Patiiea onderful five-reel piei'ti
of happiness, railed "Little Mary
Sunshine." Her latest starring ve
hicle is "Joy and the Dragon." in
which she appears at the Orpheum
theatre o" Thursdav and Friday. It
is scoring as big a hit in New York
did her other pictures.
Cooper-Kraus Nuptials.
A marriage of interest in college
circles was that of Miss Frances
Cooper and John Richard Kraus
which took place at high noon, Sat
urday at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper, at
The beautiful ring ceremony was
performed by D. V. Poling of this
city, in the presence of the immedi
ate families and close friends. The
bride was led to the altar on the arm
of her father. She was attired in
an exquisite gown of embroidered
white crepe and taffeta, made in bouf
fant style. She wore a veil and car
ried a shower bouquet of bride roses.
Miss Genevieve Cooper, a sister of
the bride, was the nuud of honor.
She wore a gown of blue silk, trin
med with silver lace, and a hat of
silver tulle; she carried a colonial
bouquet of Ophelia roses.
Mrs. John Tryon, a school chum
of the bride, sang a number of beau
tiful .solos. Lohengrins' wedding
march was impressively played by
Mrs. Allen Chase.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kraus were
fetudents at the University of Oregon,
where they had a large circle of
friends. The brides' parents are
prominent residents of Independence
The groom is the youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Kraus, well
known Aurdta residents. Mr. Kraus
is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity. The young couple will be
at home to their friends after March
15 at their country place near Aur
ora. The bride is a niece of Mrs
Sam Coad of this city.
cocktails were served. The dining
room was decorated in the high school
colors, orange and black, and clevei
place cards were in evidence. Miss
Pearl Smith and Miss Helen Casey
assisted the hostess. The dinnei
course was served at the home of
Miss Myrtle Hayes. The dining room
was decorated in festoons of orange
and black. Misses Genevieve Coad;
Helen Poling and Thelma Smith as
sisted the hostess. Miss Helen Lough-,
ary, assisted by Misses Georgia Sperej
Belva Beebe and Lucile Loughary,
Served a dainty paladi. The ttiigh
school colors predominated. Dainty
dessert was served at the home of
Miss Nina Farley; Miss Farley be
ing assisted by Misses Marjorie Hol
man and Edith Southworth. Coffee
was served at the home of Miss
Echo Balderree. The Balderree res
idence was decorated in ferns and
cut flowers, and dainty Japanese
place cards adorned the tables. Miss
es Helen Fletcher and Retta Wilson
assisted. Miss Marjorie Holman act
ed as toast mistress, and the mem
bers of the team responded to toasts.
After the dinner dancing was en
joyed at the Woodman hall until a
late hour. The members of the team
present were : Harry Graves, Charles
Hayter, Ray Smith, Irivng Balderree,
Elmo Bennett, Carvel Campbell, Don
ald Hayes, George Smith, Webster
Beebe, Paul Praast, Maurice Hayes;
Ernest McCallon and Clarence Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods Entertain,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods were
hosts at a "500" party at their home
on Levens street, Thursday evening.
Cards were played at ten tables, af
ter which a delicious luncheon was
served by the hostess. The follow
in!' guests were present: Dr. anil
Mrs. A. B. Starbuck, Dr. and Mrs
V. C. Staats, Dr. and Mrs. Mark
Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Lough-
ary, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crdier, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Craven, Mr. and Mrs
R. L. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. H. B,
Viers, Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Steelqiust
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allgood, Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Craven, Mr. and Mrs. C.
L. Crider, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown.
Mr and Mrs. I. N. Woods, Mr. and
Mrs. Otho Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H
C. Eakin, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Patter
son, Mr. and Mas. W. L. Soehren, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Hayter, and Judge
and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick.
Mrs. D. B. Jarman Honored.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. C.
B. Sundberg delightfully entertained
in honor of Mrs. D. B. Jarman, who
leaving with her husband within
a short time for Salem. The rooms
were decorated with baskets of vio
lets. The afternoon passed quickly
with needle work and a number of
pleasant surprises. Late in the af
ternoon a delicious luncheon was
served by the hostess. The guests
who called to pay their respects ro
Mrs. Jarman were: Mesdames V. P,
I'iske, Henry Ghorke, John Stein-
feldt, W. L. Holloway, B. Y. Allen
J. M. Murray, Edith Plank, Merle
Meyers, P. A. Finseth, John Richard-1
son, Karl Kugel, J. D. Barrett, Ed
Himes, E. A. Adams, R. T. Baldwin.
and C. B. Sundberg.
Saturday Busy Day at Library.
More books were given out Satur
day at ithe library than in any one
day in the history of the institution ;
the number was 120. The attendance
was 186, making one of the busies'
days the library has seen.
The Observer publishes the news.
fl Lou Tellegan in "Victoria Cross."
JgQ Comedy "A Villainous Pursuit."
a Gladys Hulett in "Her N. Y."
ftj Luke Comedy
Up J. W. Kerrigan in "The Measure of a Man";
W Comedy "A Million Dollar Smash"
EM Vivian Martin in "The Right Direction"!
BLj Bray Cartoon Comedy ;
Another Little Mary
Sunshine picture,
starring , Baby Ma
rie Osborne. Every
one remembers ' ' Lit
tle Mary Sunshine"
and "Shadows and
Sunshine," which
made two of the
biggest hits ever
scored by a motion
picture in Dallas.
A particularly inter
esting point about
the production of
"Joy and The Drag
on, Little Mane s
W 'V V i - 'wi I writel
M . to hi
V, I additi
XI . l
s-, & . ai ana u
of. c
Scene from "Joy and the Dragon" Pathe Gold Rooster Play
Produced by Balboa.
Methodist Social Club Meets.
The first meeting of the Methodist
social club, number four, was held at
the home of Mrs. Gordon Black on
Oakdale avenue, Thursday afternoon,
After a short business meeting a so
cial hour was enjoyed. During the
afternoon dainty refreshments were
served by the hostess. The memebrs
of the club are: Mrs. Oscar Pow
ell, Mrs. Foster Odom, Mrs. Clinton
roster, Mrs. Charles Lynn, Mrs.
Cooper, Mrs. D. Quick, Mrs. Dick
Webster, Mrs. W. C. Schaefer, Mrs.
Charles Johnson, Mrs. Wiley Carpen
ter, Mrs. Fred Elliott, Mrs. Guy
Shreeves, Mrs. Lee Clements, Mrs.
Judson Palmer, and Mrs. Gordon
Surprise Party for Clora Ramsey.
One of the most enjoyable surprise
parties of the week was given Satur
day evening in honor of Miss Clora
Ramsey, at her home, by a numbej
of her young friends. The evening
was merrily spent in games and mu
sic. The guests made merry until a
late hour when a delicious luncheon
wis served. Those ' who surprised
Miss Ramsey were: Misses Mat tic
Morris, Zelma Fulgam, Jessie Brown
Mildred Shaw and Belva Beebe, and
Messrs. Merritt Hart, Grant Burford
Frank McKinney, Bill Young, Lowel
Simpson, and Bruce Wheeler.
Football Team Entertained.
The football squad of Dallas high
school was honored with a progressive
dinner party given by the girls of
Dallas high school, Friday evening
At the home of Miss Miriam Hart,
Orpheum Thursday and Fr
The Victria Cross
Orpheum, Tuesday and Wednesday
FEBRUARY 6 AND 7 " ' '" ' 1
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