put Mnte TO Uz- (THE HOME PAPER) I5ADEN REPORTS Wary makes valu- Lg SUGGESTIONS. j put Year Shows Polk L To Fore ill' Securing . jjeg for Exhibits. fee is desirable as it places fr fair on a better business has added diemitv kber of entries at our 1010 -M a decided increase ovdr it.'.- XT-. 1- n DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917 UW-lVi-A-Wilis.) v Vft I ik. i. le tajjrase as 1 returned convinced uim we, too, could have a balcony and thus secure more space for dis playing exhibits. Through the efforts of our executive committee this balcony was built aud we now have a suitable place for the ladies to display all entries in de partments J. K. and L. From the many favorable comments I am sure our ladies appreciate this balcony, I also visited the North Pacific Pair association in Portland where the problems which confront all fair man agements WPIW rltQlMl'ca.i.T TU.l. valuable information was gained. T I-.. i flil. T . i . . .. uumuuj a io oia x attended tnc lectures and conventions nt n,a gon Agricultural college, where ev ery nour of every day was devoted to the subjects in which nil ,.,,n. mu ni ties arc vitally interested. At our county fair convention we kviu wi ngibo uvu n uni form classification. A committee of which I was the chairman, met with tha nr-nsi1onf anA caiivaf.n- rf H. Oregon State Fair board and they agreea to cnange tne rules governing our county exhibits at the stafe fair to conform to our ideas. In fact, they U foonty Fair association , to have passed a very suc uuhy the secretary's report, s adopted by the board of di ll the association at their an ting Saturday. finaie Braden reviewed the 1 it the secretary's office in , i made valuable suggestions The report follows: t Honorable Members of the inty Pair Association, Qreet- . tir 1916 was without question iiitcessfui in the history of niation. Greater co-opera- ; s secured from bur people, on were won with our ex & greater publicity was giv- i nty and its wonderful pro a to any previous, year, ... .-pie are beginning to realize tot our county fair and many i lave come to me asking hih grown to strengthen our . Jit mfed niany favorable com i oar beautiful sheaf grains iM. In fact two irovernroent f Ad experts publically stat- Ihad never seen such beaut l y and bunched grains and dot a more artistic arrange- Piiquestionably ft Lcccss! LETHARGY IS WEARING OFF; Us had been enclosed with rtwitti XiR.au juuoj. aviua in and admission was charg- proved conclusively that an Several Deals Made In Fast Two Weeks; More Sales on Slate for New Future. (Continued on last page) Man 88 Years Old, Hale and Hearty. Newton Campbell departed Tuesday evenine for his home 'near Fresno. California. Mr. Campbell, although 88 years 6 age, is hale and hearty and eats three "squares" a day. He has been 'Visiting here with J. L Campbell and other relatives for tin oast two weeks. The old gentleman is traveling alone. . REAL ESTATE STIRRING Rno aetata' li Polk conntV is at :air, fiot only was .were o. ,"v, r. . tr o, r.. greatly improved. Fn,n WJ , the neer.ea es ateman civ conclude that our psoole "",0 """"J : - , ,, . .ding to the educational fen- evidence that Ue winter "TO - oar fair and are realizing wearing ou. x Z. , t onalitv of the product is of of prune land in a Salem paper lost doe than the Quantity week and ne nas alreaay recelveQ, m" , f ' "" in answer to the ad. Along inoae or our nonntv fair our I.1 . .. l .... A 1. , , , , in HovemDer tne same boh uj. u Ntnral and horticultural ex-L.:i t .liit a sinde letter. Thara wnsi niiite a move during the early fall around Dallas but the win ter months so far have Dcen extraor ji.iv jiiill. Prune land seems to change hands more often than other real estate. A deal was uoseu iu week at the office of the Ellis Realty Co whereby W. H. Weaver of this i... r,.V,npri the 12-acre prune orchard of George M. Tice near Falls City. This orchard is one or tne oest in that vicinity, has been in Dearmg for several years and has produced a most excellent grade of prunes. The orchard is in one of the best parts ot .1- t Tolla Titv having become famous for its prize winning fruits and garden products. There is an option out on a prune. . tn Frank Brown and iraci uciiufs... - - , located about one mile north of Dal las There are 28 acres in the tract which is planted to two-year-old trees. Real estate men expeui. -pick np from now on. p taken to Salem and exhib ie Oregon state fair, Septem to 30th, where we won first our district and received (M score of any county in the t also given second premium ntyor Kxhibit,f this being time Polk county ever re place in this contest. Nose of nnr rIaIa fair our f M taken to Seattle to co ra pe Northwest Land Products p igainst four counties from jle from Washington and Montana, e were awarded the nrsl a aeore nf flft.v points Ftlosest enmrtfltitnr. !iblicity was given our coun- i Jore press publicity than we wiore been able to secure. :: management of the Land "position acknowledged Geteas of the exposition was A and the other Oresron I'lhibitintr f Mty's first "corn show" independence, November p9th. Every one visiting it 1 m a success. Corn was iron all nnria nf nnv nnnt.V fciera were greatly inter- weivea much valuable in- the desirable varieties H Ulfitmtinna An -A bo. H rn cultivation. NeDendpnaa nn f Salem, where it was ex- R Mhiuju: . 1 r ! L wilq annuo N. In snita of the fact CLUB BANQUET JAN. 31 EVERYONE INVITED TO AT TEND COMMERCIAL FEED. Finance Committee Is Ordered To Prepare New Membership List Based on Subscriptions. POLK FRUIT GROWERS ELECT. Annual Meeting Held Saturday; H. 0. Eakin Re-elected President. n)L .nnnal meetin? of the Polk X IIC oil" o . , . County Fruit Growers' association was held here baturaay . , vn read and 8P- Umcers rct. , proved. H. C. Eakin was re-elected president 01 me fni.. nfficera are: George Maw kins, vice-president ; F. V. Brown, sec- retary, . ; r retary anu . , executive committee l - djmlo vi iuc 1 I executive eorramuw IF eoonty has been giving M Harvey, D.'D. Peters, R. M. Ew (-- w corn culture in tne . q0 Skersies ana u. and we have given it - This committee will serve P"i Polk eountv was aeain l :. with the president and i er.dits.hU iinmhor of I j . .rin? the affairs of j secretary m -- . . .... hne fruit pwen- j. - t uicaouin uui uv- .! and eents, yet we .11 J, Made In Auto Case. VJlT . ' n,.rl. Hartnng has made arranee- ssity of e... Jiuin? Charles nnn? . , the ;nri?. ncre to advertise Polk ment ionr " Oobile Mrident tb,n all else m the Mis Oty wtoaoWe r case. The agrpemcu. - I visits the T,- through W.ter -J 7 rr to aecure infor- jOseer rr- - VT.rtnne.. Ko tl.eywereeondnctir.g lv for fnartun, their att J b A banquet will be held here Jan uary 31, to which all local citizens, their wives and friends are invited. The feed will be given under the auspices of the Commercial club. Plates will cost 50. cents each. At the close of the regular meet ing of the Commercial club Wed nesday night Tracy Staats voiced the sentiments of the members present when he suggested that the amuse ment committee should be arranging one of the club feeds. ' W. L. Soeh ren in the 'absence of H. L. Fentoii assumed the chairmanship of the committee and promptly decided to stage the affair in either the Im perial or Gail hotel on the evening of January 31, A new membership list based oh 'paid-up subscriptions was a need. agreed upon by all present, the fi nance committee was ordered to see all delinquents and get the subscrip tion list as nearly paid tip as pos sible before the next meeting. The finance committee made its an nual report and stated that the books of the secretary and treasurer were neatly kept and correct as far as they could ascertain. The receipts in the aggregate for the past year were $1881.81 and the total disburse ments were 1159.27. This left a bal ance, January 1st, of $722.54. The standing committees of the club as appointed by President Ful ler are: Finance: Tracy Staats, F. E. Davis and R. V. Steelquist; pro motion and publicity : M. L. Boyd, Hj W. Brune, J. C. Hayter; manufactur ing: F. J. Coad, R. U. Steelquist, Wi L. Soehren; amusements: H. L. Fen ton, W. L. Soehren, N. L. Guy; roads and highways: A. B. Muir, H... L. Fenton, N. L. Guy: membership;, J. R. Craveri,"t. V.'Poling, TJ. S'. Lough arv: city and county affairs: N. L. Guy, W. G. Vassall, J. R.Allgood; railroads: W. L. Soehren, A. C. Pe tersen, E. C. Kirkpatrickj legisla tion and judiciary: E. K. Piasecki, Oscar Hayter and W. L. Tooze. The club passed a resolution against the practice of picketing and intimidating the employees of a non union business. Dallas is not affect ed but the action was taken in re sponse to a communication from C. C. Chapman of Portland, who is at tempting to get the legislature to pass a bill preventing the practice. Ira S. Smith, a member of the present legislature, and a former Dal las man, was invited by the eluD to visit his old home and friends and talk to the people of Dallas and community on "Assessment and Tax ation." Mr. Smith is deeply inter ested in his subject; he submitted his plan to the legislature two year ago but it failed to carry by a small w 1 , IT d margin. He suggested to k o Loueharv tpon the latter's trip to Salem, Monday, that he would like to have the chance to explain what he considers the only correct meth od of assessment and taxation, to the people qf Dallas. The date has not been decided upon as yet. The proposition to have the mail jfor people around RicWreall come from Dallas instead of Rickroill wa? indefinitely postponed. The club act ed noon the suggestion or w. ii. Vassall, who reported that the eluh wonld siirely antaeonize Rickreall if they took any action and that the action should come from the people vitally interested, anyway. j Mrs. Winnie Braden was instruct ed to purchase sueh supplies as she deemed necessarv for t"e secretary s office. A new loose leaf minute book j wil' replace the old one, which is be- j eoming bulky. o Inn 1 Chamber of were ordered paid to put the club in good standing with the na tional organisation. The local club's proxy was given to the Portland Chamber of Com merce. wboe delegates leave for Pittsburs Jannsrv 21 to attend the eonrentior. of Foreign Trade Rela tions delegates. C. H. Morris, who is president of the state Jewelers' association ask ed the elub for recommendations up on the best date o invite the Nation to D-IIas for their annual convention. The elub suesre'tel Jn d exnrewd: a wimns in shnwin; in LOCAL MILL TO SHARE UNION PACIFIC WILL PLACE BIG ORDER HERE. Mills of Willamette Valley, Portland and Region North on Company Tracks to Share Equitably. Orders for between 8,000,000 and 10,000,000 feet of lumber to be used in the construction of 1800 refriger ator cars for the Pacific. Fruit Ex press are being placed by the Union Pacific system among the mills of the Willamette valley, Portland and the region north of Portland on Southern Pacific and 0. W. R. & N. tracks. No definite word has been receiv ed here yet, but the Willamette Val ley Lumber company will probably :ome in for a targe onltr. The com pany's decision was announced Tues day by Harvey E. Lounsbiiry, gen eral freight agent of the O. W. R. & N. The cars will be constructed by the coihpany. The ears will be constructed by the American Car & Foundry company ki its plants at Chicago and at Mad ison, 111. It is estimated that the lumber, at current rates, will cost $220,000 at the mills'. , - The Pacific; Fruit express is a cor poration separate from afly railroad company, Specializing in the handling of perishable product, of Orchard and farm. It owns its own equipment, which is handled by the carriers Ob a contract basis, similar to the eon tracts prevailing between the rail roads and the express companies. The P. F. E. is controlled jointly by the Union Pacifio and Southern Pacific systems, through ownership of stock. It is because of this ownership of stock that the Union Pacific 'c pur chasing organization is looking after the placing of orders for this new car lumber, .,, It is understood that work on the cars .will be ftisheti, SO that all will have been manufactured and deliver ed to the western railway centers in ample" time for "Handling bext'sea son's fruit crop. , Ae an example, of the need for such additional cars, Mr. Lounsbury said the 0. W. R. & N. loaded 2000 more refrigerators during the fruit season between July 1 and December 31, 1916, than during the same period of 1915. Considering that constant ly more acreages of fruit are com ing into bearing, the demands for 1917 are expected to exceed aii pre vious records. TRACTOR CAUSES COMMENT. Little Fonr-Wheeler Keeps Well Within City's Speed Law. People, who are unacquainted with modem farm machinery, wonaerea vhat kind of a new fangled auto mild invade the world of travel next, when they saw Harry Woods at the wheel of his new orchard tractor, pro ceeding north on Main street, Tues day morning. There are several tractors ra we country surrounding uanas. nr. Woods' new one is a four-wheeler. Its maximum speed is about three milps an hour, so no speed laws were broken. In fact, spectators who were lurious to find out how the machine i t- ' - 1. nn villinill run, were aDie io ecp up irreat effort. The orchard tractor does away with he necessity for horses, entirely. It loes all the farm work connected with the upkeep of an orchard. RIFLE CLUB AVERAGES FALL. New Targets And Longer Distance Blamed For Low Scores. Averages depreciated at the Ride club shoot Tuesday night. Members cite the new targets and th longer range as accountable for the showing- A. F. Toner led tne neio who r The otber results GfejUEKwQreSwr dropped ded suddenly at 2:40 Wednesday after noon while at work in the yards of the Willamette Valley Lumber com pany. The death was probably due to some species of heart failure. Mr. MacGregor had just finished loading a wagon and was talking to E. T. Colsen, one of his teamsters. He had stooped and picked up a piece of lumber. While standing there talking Mr. Colsen noticed him fal ter and start to fall, so eaught him. Colsen lowered him to the ground ; he raised up once and fell back dead. Dr. Starbuck arrived almost immedi ately and presumed the cause to be some species of heart failure. Mr. MacGregor has suffered from stomach trouble and ill health for the past 20 years. Last summer he un derwent an operation which corrected bis trouble and since then he ha en joyed splendid health. His many friends remember of him telling them recently how well he was feeling. He felt extremely well Wednsday during the lunch hour at his borne. Mr. MacGregor has been running the Dallas Wood company here for the past six years. He was superin tendent of the yards at the mill when he first came to Dallas, over ten years ago. Mr. MacGregor made a friend of each person he met aud hit death is mourned by a host of local people. The funeral will be held at one o -clock Sunday afternoon at the Pres byterian ehureh and the body will go to Portland on the two o'clock train, to be eremated. The body may be seen at Chapman's undertaking parlors until Saturday night Gilbert P. MacGregor was born in Morristown, New York on August 1, 1865. He was 51 years old at me time of his death. He lost bis par ents when he was but a mere lad. Ke percentage oi o. follow: H. A. weiwter o. v """!,, :. ion iw have made their . . -. o. oi n.... F .11 K(l .' rnmmpm 'K4. M . vv. slump oi, vo.o which toured the United States a few years ago. "Sheldon is a wonderful man; b has written 27 books, one of which, "In His Sreps," is the mostly 'wide ly read book toiiy, with the excep tion of the bible; He is considered one .of the foremost American au thors," said Mr. Poling m speaking of his friend. The "Paramount" people took "The Crucifixion of Phillip Strong" and "In His Steps" as a basis and produced a photoplay which pictures the struggle of a young minister against exterior and worldly things in trying to get at the real factors of life and the conditions which make life so hard for the poor. The re sult was "The Martyrdom of Phillip Strong." Critics pronounce it a won derful picture. ' FINANCE MERSURE IS IM COMMITTEE ADVOCATES BUD GET SYSTEM FOR 1917. Staats, Davis and Muir Work With Experts For More Business Like Handling of Finance. NO BASKETBALL TONIGHT. Manager Gooch Is Unable to Secure Game For This Week. Local basketball tossers are minus competition this week-end. Manager Fred Gooch tried to bring McMinn ville or Silverton here but was un successful. The Dallas team will play two games on the armory floor next week, however. Mt. Angel Will be the at traction Wednesday night and the Corvallis Firemen will try conclusions with the local champions Friday. The CherfldWa Indian's have been secured for February 3. Manager Gooch hopes to get some of the northwest college teams to visit Dallas before the con ference season is over. MACGREGOR FALLS DEAD SPECIES OF HEART FAILURE CAUSES SUDDEN DEMISE, He Had Just Finished Loading Wood and Was Talking to Teamster;. .End Came Quickly. .1 . 7.:;;: Wedekind in 1888 and they eme to ner also secured the best individual j relatives. ore, which was 48 out or a pos. 50. A sister of Mrs. iao- Gregor is on her way to Dallas from Chicago; she it expected Saturday night or Sunday morning. . Deceased is a graduate of Columbia nniversity. He was the youngest of Orphan t Pre-ent "Martvrdom of -three children, all now ead. .mi stron." Sunday-Monday ! father was a native of Scotland and , ...x.-j.fPhinioStronr.".his mother of Kew York state. SHELDON'S BOOK DRAMATIZED In Mr. ,r. r - - - . . A w,',d Rev. Sel1on wre the products oi rui w..j , ' . .. v -men k. .. m Maeiireeor hk"ti ted from fwo book, written by e.hea tb , thej r moved Reverend Charles M. Me d o-. ' - , Apra preat sntbor.,. - Pnd fnendof h. h been D. V. Prline of th euv. r. .-,--.-" . , wood W wh itvmners lonecv " their stay pleasant the famous "Flying Squadron". inesa here. The finance committee of the city council advocated the adoption of the budget system for 1017 in order to insure a more business-like handling' of the city's affairs. The manner of purchasing supplies and employing la" bor was taken up in detail in the re port, which follows: "It appearing that the time has come when' the affairs of the city df Dallas should be conducted in a mott business-like manner, and certain sug gestions having been made by the ex perts, we, your finance committee, have studied the report of the experts very carefully, and it is our opinion that the recommendations contained therein are all good and should be ac cepted by the council at their earliit convenience. ' Wis believe the affairs of the citv can be better and more economically conducted by adopting the bndgot aye-' tern; and We recommend that an or dinance be passed adopting the brill- get system, and when passed, that the council adhere strictly to the budget as adopted. ' We find it impossible for the coun cil or any one else to keep truck of. the purchases and employment of la bor, and it is not right for the finance committee to recommend for pnvment bills, about which they know nothing and about which tliey eata find no rew ord, as is often done by the present, system, ne, tnereiore, asK mat an ordinance be passed adopting the re- quisition system for all purchases iff. equipment and supplies, and the nnv ploVment of all labor for the city of Dallas. We further recommend that tbo blank forms prepare 1 Vy (V-d '1 "5 Roberts and he n i ' - ed S"d r ' - suggestions and recommendations, rf . adopted by the council, may be sys tematically carried out." The council unanimously accepted the report and ordered the eity at torney to draw up an ordinance, whereapon Chairman Tracv Staats of the finance committee read .the fol lowing budget and recommended its adoption for 1917. General Fund, , Auditor's salary.. $ 900.06 Treasurer's salary ...'.. 300.00 Salary of marshal 780.00 Salary of deputy marshal. . . 780.00 Lights 2,278.0" Fire department 600.00 Repairs, equipment, office supplies 300.00 Fuel 30.00 Construction of safety vault 600.00 Maintenance of eity buildings 60.00 Assistance of band 420.00 Reduction of indebtedness.. 1,352.00 Miscellaneous expenses 650.00 Total $9,000.00 Library Fund. Maintenance of the library. .$1,000.00 New books for same about. 100.00 , Total i $1,100.00 Street Fund. Maintenance 600.00 Oiling streets 600 00 Intersections i.ou.ow Total $2,Z50.W Rnnd. Interest and Sinking Fond.. Water $1,050.00 Fair " 750 00 Sewers . W Total 8.ww.w Total for all funds $15550.00 Annual Medical Society Meeting. . Dr. R. I Kleinsorge of Silverton . . . 11 . A 4k. Pnllr. was eleerea preincn Yamhill-Marion Medical eoeiety a . 1 n.l mwMnP lUflftOav " K ' Other officers elected were: L Wood, Amity, first nee-president; t. v. mmr this, Monmonth, second viee-pre a.i- J. R. Pemberton. Salem, thirt vice-president and Prinee Byrd, ae retary. The meeting waa attended by several physicians irom -lamette valley poinU and by many members of the legislator, ur. n. Bteiner gave a lecture on "Btenlixar tion of tb Unto," ana ur. u. m. Griffith spoke on "Prevalence . Pre vention, and Benonsnese oi " TV IWll diseUSU OB tOt- lnwed the diseonraea. Oregon rower Has Unique Window. A ligbthoose with t revolving npi, to varn e'lips off the rwkv coast ap pear in an of the window, oi v. . TV I i mi Oregon rower ' - nas eansed eonileraoi eomn. from oa-sewhr. Th objert of th window is to emphasise the vein t his in prsrti'1 rmji7 lf- " trip waa we'l ' rth FaDs City.