Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 09, 1917, Image 1

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j,j Been Put in Readi
-Economy .x
ttBa Watchword.
Lute of Oregon con-
t Salem, w. v,
j mnrpsnntative from
Ln counties and Con-
rtpresentative from tne
mt to Salem Sunday,
lake active part in the
J the house, C. L.
j,Coy is state senator
Lm there has been lit-
itat the state house ex
tiri -uitin of the forty
if the vacuum cleaner
Lj in the halls, and the
the house is furnished
mtv-sixth year. There
Uing of 1915 cobwebs,
nf of chairs and re-in-
heavy members. .New
tinkle in the sockets,
Might sessions, and
At m l shine on every
Mi familiar names, some
Leard of mottakers:
lie subterranean stores
of the space beneath
ilol, Secretary Oleott's
meht up for each leg-
lilt of articles' simply
if them takes a whole
ire several kinds of
br files, bill files (loose
Meets, pencils, pens,
binds, erasers, rulers,
pads and blot-
I the bottom of the in
of the most important
iluminum collapsible
" the lady member
jiitrict cannot complain
w smoking males,' as
itwo years ago.
lie 1015 session, econ-
iin be the most over
io the legislative vo
Ibe oassace of the six
phent has given new
h lawmakers to try and
ping substantial along
al, the big discussions.
ft or two outstanding
fa fangs into the bone-
mil be not about the
wmomy treatment, but
to make the first incis-
f w now many cierxs
ere the legislature
ijl be a burning issue
-Mid may result in the
it. -i j
Iius uue-cierot-miu-uue-each
man rule. That
a'ieu wo years ago
fith most of the dcl-
meir run quota or
JNate institutions have
pased appropriations,
r r reasons or necessity,
I 'ew have gracefully
Nts for about the
Poted at the last ses-
ichieve saving of
,(My in operation by
f1 of various functions
r be numerous.
tand there will be an
divorce the highway
leering departments.
used two years ago.
for an unsalaried
ion to have snper
Mrtwav work, which
we the support of
Another suggestion;
! Engineer John H.
j" responsibility for
P placed on elective
.. -f fVAWjj-A'WXiXllk UQ
taken away, if bills proposed along
those lines are Dossed.
The proposal will also be made to
divert tne tuntls rrom the motor ve
merit, instead of turning them over
to tne counties as at present, for road
Hole on K. B. Kugle Place is Down
1000 Feet.
Well drillers on the K. B. Ku
place, iy2 miles north of Dallas,
reacnea a depth or 1U00 feet last
Friday, without evidence of water.
The well was started in October by
Tank Maybee and at a depth of
about 600 feet a small flow of natur
al gas was encountered. When light
ed it made a flame about three feet
high. The well is plugged every night
to see if the gas flow increases, but so
far the drillers have been unable to
notice any appreciable increase.
The well was started with the idea
of enlarging the supply of water
which sometimes went short in the
summer, but so a great a depth has
been reached now that there is lit
tle hope of finding fresh water. Mr.
Kugle states the drilling will con
tinue, more in a prospective nature,
in hopes of getting a larger flow of
gas. It is also probable that salt
water will be found soon. The well
is located within: six feet of a 3-inch
hole which was drilled on the farm a
few years ago to a depth of 325 feet.
It is believed the new well is the
deepest one in Polk county.
Failure to Convert Free Throws Costs
Dallas' Hard-Fought Game;
Bennett and Durno Stars.
to iust how the drv
effective will take
H the session. Sen
Anting throoeh this
hurt, there will be
w !uirk aetion.
tabtless be propos-
eareh and seizure
"i'Sot this clause
fibility of both be-
TerrM to a Tote if
tT in office" lnw
.awnilcf. and m
"' f the state Ha-k-
ST"Me. wir Vve
-ie lemrhnent.
Failure to convert free throwB cost
Dallas high school a hard-fought 25
to 24 basketball game" TWay night
Sdlverton nosed under the wire
winner after two extra five minute
Silverton high excelled in teamworK
although the game was mainly an
individual battle between Durno,
crack little forward" for the visitors
and Bennett, who played a star game
for the locals. Durno rescued the
ball from under the Dallas basket
time and again and cleverly dribbled
down the floor. He shot 9 out ot 11
tries for free throws and scored three
field goals. Bennett shot five field
When time was called announcing
the end of the regular minute
halves, the score stood Dallas 24, Sil
verton 24. Both captains agreed to
play five minutes extra to determine
the winner, rive minutes extra :.
there was still no winner.
Both teams played a safe, close guard
ing game and neither side was able
to"get within easy range of the elu
sive hoop.
Another five minute session was e-
cided upon. The two teams
along for four minutes without a dod
ble and then Referee Chenoweth call
ed a double foul. Durno promptly
dropped the leather into tna net, i
Silverton, but Bennett failed to con
vert and the game soon ended. Score
o:i in os Dallas 24. The line-up:
Craven (4)
Hayes (10)
Graves (0)
Beebe (0)
Bennett (10)
Durno (15)
Pittman (0)
Bristol (0)
Bnell (4)
Brane (6)
Referee: Chenoweth.
Legislature Can't Protest Stafrin.
n..;.. rioole stirred the compara
tive calm of legislative orgs n.xatiOn
Sunday, when Senator Smith of Hood
o hat he intended to chal-
5 George B. Wilbur'. , rijt to
. Lt in the lower bouse of the
..... i;w,.r. "No one witn
! be seated in tne state -
the gist of the state law under
. , ii. w:i. Wnme the bone oi
said to
Polk-Yamhill Bar Association In
structs Representative Vinton
On Indeterminate Sentence.
Ways and means to relieve the con
gestion in the supreme court of Ore
gon was the chief issue discussed at
the second meeting of the Polk-Yamhill
bar association at MeMinnvillc,
Under the present arrangement it
takes about a year and a half to get
a settlement, if the case bos to go
to the supreme court.
Two main avenues of escape from
the universally-culpable situation re
ceived the most favor. One was to
make the decision of the ci rcuit court
final in cases not involving amounts
exceeding $500.00. The other was to
have a new court of appeals estab
lished, which would try cases involv
ing amounts up to $1,000.00.
The latter, which is considered the
better by several local legal men;
would necessitate an amendment to
the state constitution. The different
plans were discussed in the presence
of Wl T. Vinton, representative from
Yamhill county to the present legis
lature, and although he has them un
der advisement and Beemed favorably
inclined, it is doubtful whether defi
nite action can be secured at this
The indeterminate sentence ques
tion also came in for considerable de
bate. The assembly voted to have it
repealed, by a large majority. The
indcterminte sentence allows the trial
judge in circuit courts to prescribe
sentence and make the term from one
to ten years. Then it takes the pris
oner out of his hands and leaves the
term to the prison authorities. The
Polk-Yamhill Bar association favors
leaving the sentence in the hands of
the trial judge throughout.
which Mr. Wilbur became the
Mr. Wilbur is
be Tap aof the O. N. G. company
at Zd River. Captain Stafrin , of
"is city received . forty days' tr
ough that started yesterday morn
imr No pay, no protest; Captain
Stafrin evidently foresaw the situ
Jndge Teal Quite Lo
Former Count, Judge John B.Te J
. -. i -i kia home near rails
1u,,e k-JJ nut for
Mrs. Winnie Braden Gets Many Sig
natures in Dallas.
Dallas business men and farmers
are liberally signing a petition, being
circulated by Mrs. Winnie Braden
this week, asking the state legisla
ture at this session to "establish a
state-owned and operated lime plant
for the production of ground lime
stone at cost for agricultural use."
Mrs. Braden attended the lime con
vention at O. A. C. last week and
was one of the delegates from each
section of the state who have been ap
pointed to circulate the petitions.
Fanners ot Uregon nave Deen pay
ing an unreasonable price for Hmt
fertilizer for their acid land and th
only method of securing cheap lime
is with the assistance of the state.
bix of the states of the union n!
I'rreent operate state-ownea lime
hint for the benent or tne ia-"nrs
ml they are all successful. If peti
tions in tber sections of the state
mc.;i with as much success as Mis.
Brailr n's. the legislature will no doubt
cake come kind of action.
Frisco Finn Can't Guarantee Against
Dropping on Sidewalks.
"The world is a mighty small place
after all" holds true in the case of
a Dallas news item that traveled all
the way to San Francisco and back
since Christmas.
A local man who had the misfor
tune to spill a little "Christmas
cheer" received the following com
munication from his retail liquor
house in San Francisco:
"Apricot and J. M. H. special
brandv coming up by Fargo, and I
trust it will reach you promptly and
in good condition.
I wish you would be little more
careful the way you handle those
packases; I will do my best to get
i ... -rnress office whole but
cannot guarantee tbem to stay whole
after they are dropped on me .
r,n and Stafrin in Line.
Speaker Stanfield has not publicly
announced his committee appoint
ments for carrying out the lfslft'
prosram this session but W. V. Fuller
and -Hr.id Btaino oi --pra-tf
. v sure to receive the chairmanship-ot
the forestry and military
affair? committees, respecti elv.
.uyi More Iran. Land.
D- "lark T'-vter bM purchaed 1
r .u. nn;nrv estate, a'" inine
Polk and Marion County Courts Reach
Unanimous Decision; Railroad
Jitney May Be Operated,
The inter-county bridge at Salem
will be permanently cllotsed to fall
traffic at noon Thursday, by order of
tne JUarion and folk county courts,
which met in joint session yesterday.
The action was unanimous. Joseph
Weare, assistant state engineer in
charge of the bridge department, tes
tified that the bridge is absolutely un
safe. His decision is based upon a
thorough physical examination of the
bridge and the stresses. The bridge
was first condemned in 1912 and ev
ery engineer, who has examined it
since, has agreed with that judge
ment. The men at the joint meeting
yesterday came to the conclusion that
the bridge -was just as apt to fall
over with no one on it, as it was under
a several ton pressure.
, Judge Kirkpatrick said, after the
meeting: "Wio hated to close it up;
it will mean a great inconvenience
to many people, especially those liv
ing in West Salem, but the danger to
life and property far exceeds any in
convenience. " .
One section of the bridge on each
side of the river will be entirely re
moved and a big barricade erected to
prevent any kind of traffic whatsoever.
Marion county now faces the prob
lem of communication between Salem
and West Salem. The county court
broached the ferry proposition but
Judge Kirkpatrick and commissioners
Manston and Beckett refused to list
en to it. "Polk county will do noth
ing about it; it is entirely up to
them," said Judge Kirkpatrick.
The Salem Commercial club has the
matter under advisement and may
provide some means of traffic in con
junction with the Southern Pacific
company. A jitney may be operated.
The members or the two courts
threshed the matter out thoroughly,
not even stopping for lunch, yester
day at Salem.
Sheriff On Gets County Court to Re
pair Bastile.
Sheriff Orr expects a guest. Im
bued with a true spirit of hospitality,
he has prepared for his company.
County Commissioners O. W. Beck
ett and Mose Manston have extended
the helping hand and the county bas
tile is in ship-shape.
After installing a new furnace, the
sheriff got to thinking about fire dan
ger and escorted the commissioners
there for a "once-over." lhe decis
ion was to cover the smoke pipe with
asbestos, and to cut out two useless
joists close to the pipes.
The job was done baturday.
County Health Report
Dr. B. H. McCallon, county health
officer, reports that during the month
of December the total number of
births was three, all males and the
total number of deaths, four. The
births were as follows: William Lor-
en, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ocar Bos
wick, of Dallas, born December 10;
son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sher
wood of Dallas on December lfi; son,
bora to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klassen,
bf Dallas, December 27.
The death report shows that ail
the deceased were males. The deaths
were as follows: Jasper Dimifk, born
September 4, 1808, died December 9,
1916; Clay Richard Dimick, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Dimick, born
May 2, 1902, died December 12, 191 fi;
Wilton A. Haynor, born February 1.
1866, died December 25, 1916; Geonre
Marion Duogan, born February 1ft
1848, died December 30. 1916.
Anew Buy Marion Farm.
Win. Kllia and Glen O. Butler have
tive campaigns will be carried on
this year with the plan and at the
O. A. C. Farmers' week next win
ter an orgonization will be effected.
F. R. Ewing of Brush College in this
county, is temporary chairman of the
cainpaisrn committee. The non-nart.i.
san league has recently been Dolitical
ly active m some ot the middle west
states, and was Darticularlv siiiiae
ful in the recent election in North
Court Chooses Local Papers.
Tlic Polk County County Itemizer
and the Polk County Observer were
chosen as the official papers by the
county court in its recent session.
The law states that the two papers
with the largest circulation in the
county shall be designated to print
the county court proceedings.
Deputies Get Vacation With Pay.
Hereafter deputies in the county
offices will receive a ten days' vaca
tion with pay. The order to this ef
fect was entered by the county court
Farmers' Union To Meet
The annual meeting of the County
Farmers' union will be held at the
court house tomorrow morning at ten.
Election of officers, committee re
ports and other matters are to be
taken up at the meeting, which will
have dtegates from all1 of the four
teen locals in the county. Before
another year passes it is expected that
four or five new locals will be or
ganized in the county.
rails City Automobile Accident Case
of Chief Interest in Judge
Selt'e Court Today.
Four civil eases survived the sort
ing process that immediately follow
ed the convening or the January term
of the Circuit court yesterday morn
Sampson versus Hartung, involving
questions of damages due for alleged
injuries to A. Sampson when he was
struck by the auto of Charles Hart
ung. at Falls City last June will be
heard this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
W. C. Winslow represents the plain
tiff and Oscar Hayter is attorney for
the defense.
In his complaint Mr. Sampson al
leges he was struck by an automobile
driven by Emmerson Wbnderly, an
inexperienced driver, with whom Mr.
Hartung was riding. He complains
the automobile was exceeding the
speed limit of Falls City, 20 miles
ner hour, at the time of the accident,
and asks damages to the amount of
$2410. Thie cose seems to overshad
ow the others m regard to public interest
The other three cases are of minor
interest. Roth Company against
Jackman, and Whiteaker versus
Whiteaker are "action for money"
cases. Both will be heard Wednes
day. Richardson versus Milledge is
scheduled for Thursday morning at
nine o'clock.
Mrs. Winnie Braden of Dallas "Beats
the Universe With Her Agri
cultural Exhibits.
Mrs. Winnie Braden of Dallas, wlio ,
takes particular interest in agricul
ture, horticulture, community boost
ing, county fairs, chickens, and nu
merous other things, was on interest
ed and active attendant at the farm
ers' meetings at O. A. C. last week.
and speaking of women who do
things, under the head of "Three Wo
men Hero Wno Are 'Some Pun
kins,' " the Farmers' Week Newn
picked her as one of tSie three most
prominent women at the convention
and had the following to say about
Mrs. Winnie Braden, secretary of
the Polk county fair, is dearly en
titled to a place on the roster of wo
men who do things in Oregon. Last
year she went out into the fields and
homes of Polk county, selected, col
lected and arranged an exhibit, and
with it took first place in the Polk
county division and highest in the
state at the state fair, and also
sweepstakes at the Northwest Land
Products exhibit at Seattle, with five
counties competing from each of the
three northwestern states Oregon;
Washington and Idaho.
"Our success was due to personal
service," says Mrs. Braden. "I went
into the fields and pastures and
picked the specimens for exhibition.
hand-picked the threshed grains
from the machines. I selected the
fruits and vegetables for canning and
canned them. I fully believed that
the growers had done their pert and
that the results of their work was
entitled to the best (bowing possi
Mrs. Braden supervised the ar
rangement of the exhibit, according
to sketches based on her mental pio
luro'. "From these' she permitted no 1
variation. The scheme, simple but
strong, was to feature Hie major pro
ducts, prunes, hay and oats, and use
all other material as a setting for
them. Visitors who left the booth
had one clear idea of the county's
best commercial crops.
The sum of $2,000 has been appro
priated by a unanimous vote of the
county court to pay for this work the
coming year. Mrs. Braden has re
ceived scores of letters ''asking what
she wants grown for the exhibit. C.
D. Nairn, breeder of Shadeland oats
three varieties says he is out to
grow the banner oats of Oregon. Mrs'
Braden says that Bhe will not say
that the Polk exhibit will repeat, but
she is sure that it will take a rattling
good exhibit to defeat it.
Team Will Leave Saturday for Eu
gene; Expects Victory.
Captain Carl Fen ton will lead the
strong Dallas basketball quintet to
Euirene Saturday, where they are Din
ed to meet Coach Bezdck's hoopers.
Manarar Godch has been unable to
schedule any further games but hope
to bring Mount Angel, Silverton, Me-
Younger Generation in Dallas Can
Play Basketball, Too.
Tlallns Bov Scout 24, Monmouth
Boy Scouts 5. No wonder Dallas is
noted for prunes nd basketball. The
next step in the boys' career after
walking is to leam how to ireeze un
to a basketball, and most of them
learn, too. Six members of the young
er generation clearly deroonmraieu
that their education is iunner uevci-
oped along this line than their nenrn
bors in Monmouth. They completely
outclassed the invaders in the prelim
inary to the Dallas High versus d i
verton High Friday night. Donald
Hayes carried off the honors for Dal-
1U- " " , iM .itknno-h Wa ter Craven was
just sold the highly MuJ in bMk
acre ianu ui
The whole team ahowed
ion county to Fred Auer ana w,.e ,-. . .m .biut. enoo)?h to
This sale follows ciose n - station for
the heels of the sal
Multnomah club here for games. He
I. us hwn corresponding with all of
these teams but so far they have fail
ed to reach definite terms.
Multnomah has a strong aggrega
tion this year and members of the
Dailas team are anxious to try con
elusions with the wearers of the red
and white.
Captain Fenton is optimistie over
the Doming game with Oregon. The
university has an entirely new team
this year and will not be as strong as
California Packing Co. Ha About
800,000 Pounds Lett.
The California Packing company,
formerly the J. K. Armsby company
will resume its run tomorrow oe
I prunes. The piani nm wjcb
1CTes will b wd
a mnnr
. ,
who visited him last baWt." ..."
were Ed. F. rM.
're. Ed. Himes and Frank BetheL
plant nine ,
other n"
ie in.""". j , .tll.M tount. Donald Haven rinee December 10.
have jost made of the Hiboara ia ; h , rf fonrd; WJ- About 800,000 pound, of prune, re
, J. M. Card; the, announce 'h her. and McCallon. L. to be packed. The eompan, ex
fact that the real estate business is ter i r , , .rds.L,u to finish the year', run within
and they expect to v ur.
k tmnmVMl
sell at least one farm a week darinir
the remainder of the year.
r.rm Non-PartUan Leagne.
c.r inward the formation of
' ' . . . m .1.-
non-partwan ' -
state of Oreeon were taKen icii..n
a !ture at O. A. U. u
. Chapman, when
h bvtnre signe
u .1 endorsement to the plan. Ae-
B trying Up Hop.
77 .v v i ....
A considerable quantity oi nop. . v j
the next two month, i
I are coming in spasmodically tun um
one w&o
Aeonderaoiequw.--,- t peop,,
been purchased from local grower. Met of th.
during the part week by & U Jen-'ployed ,n t ry
ton, who represen . " - - .rt of tb. rjnitea Bute. In
Approxun. i 1913. 60 per eent of the output went
changed hand, last - w "J.'A. " ... Thi. m, the greater
"nf" riJT IcT, h fc. try, at-
far wa inwim wm .
4 Co. of Chicago.
though England bought tomo.
I i'
- n .