Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 05, 1917, Image 2

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Personal Paragraphs Pertaining
People and Their Movements,
Gleaned by Observer.
Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Tapscott, Ro
land Tapscott and Mrs. May Lehman
of Fairview were New Year's day
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rollo
in Salem.
Mrs. Fred Stiver has recovered
from an attack of the grip.
Miss Ethel Van Nortwick and Na
than Manock returned Tuesday after
noon from a ten days' visit in Cottage
Miss Carrie Scamann has returned
to her Independence home after a va
cation in this city.
County Commissioner C. W. Beck
ett was in the city the first part of
the week to attend the sessions of
the county court.
Mrs. C. C. Canfield of New Haven,
Conn., was a Hotel Gail visitor Tues
day. Miss Edith Anderson returned
Tuesday from her parents' home in
Carlton, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. August Risser return'
ed Monday night from their honey
moon trip.
. Mrs. Charlie Gregory returned
.Tuesday from Portland. 1
Miss Bob McCnllon returned Mon
day night from Portland.
Miss Ruth Nunn of Portland spent
New Years day here with her parents.
John Birks and Lawrence Bil ks of
Ballston registered at the Hotel Gail
Mrs. Henry Stump left Thursday
for a visit with friends in Albany.
S. F. Kingsbury of Independence
and Lafe Edwards of Airlie were in
the city Tuesday.
Leslie Wells was a recent Balem visitor.
W. R. Hinshaw and wife of Falls
City spent the fore part of the week
with County School Superintendent
and Mrs Crowley. Mr. Hinshaw is a
brother of Mrs. Crowley.
Miss Helen Buird has returned to
Portland, where she is taking a busi
ness course, after spending the Christ
mas holidays with her mother, Mrs,
N. Baird, and her grandmother, Mrs.
Nellie Webb.
Walter L. Tooze was in Falls City
on business Tuesday evening.
W. F. Nichols, formerly of Falls
Citv. but now of Portland, was in
the citv on business one day last
Miss Gladys Cartwright, a member
of the Dallas high school faculty, is
seriously ill at her home in Salem
Mrs. Bonnie Smith is teaching in Miss
Cartwright 's place during her p!b-
Marshall Blessing of Portland
spent New Year at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Blessing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fiddaman
and children, of Albany, visited over
New Year's at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Stump.
: Miss Ella Moffet has returned to
this city after a few days' visit at
the home of friends in Salem.
R. U. Stcelquist was in Albany
Tuesday to confer with District Man
ager White of the Byllcsby Oregon
Power company.
Roy Farley is one of the men who
is trying for a place on the university
of Oregon bnsketbnll team.
Walter Hooker of Independence
was a New Year's day visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolverton of Mon
mouth visited at the John W. Orr
home New Year's day. Mr. Wolver
ton returned Tuesday and Mrs. Wol
verton Wednesday.
.1. R. Evans of Monmouth on Wed
nesday visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. 1). A. .Tarman.
Maurice Schwab has returned to
his ihome in Fairview, after spending
New Years at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Marshall in this city.
J.iP. Smith is improving after an
illness of several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr.,
returned the first of the week from a
visit at the home of F. D. Barrett
in Eugene.
William F. Lee of Falls City was in
the city Wednesday to attend the
6rst meeting of the county court nnd
to collect bounty for a wild cat which
he shot recently. Not long ago Mr.
Lee brought down a bear. He attrib
ute much of his success to his dogs,
foxhounds, which he proudly says are
a pood as any in the valley.
Miss Grace Porter has assumed her
duties as assistant to County School
Superintendent Crowley.
C. 8. Grant, cornet. D. V. Poling,
piano, and John C. Cglow, 'cello, arc
monibcre of an orchestra which willj
play at the installation of the officers
of the Eastern Star Tuesdny evening.
Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Hicok return
ed Tuesday evening to their home in
Colusa. California, after attending
the Lucas-Hieok wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Richardson left
Monday for a visit with friends in
Sacramento. California.
Thomas Foster of Bridgeport was
operated upon at the Dallas hospital
Monday and is reported as improving.
Miss Ora Fenton has returned to
her home in Independence after
spending a few days at the home of
Miss Marie Griffin.
Edward Cutler was in Falls City on
Monday evening.
Ravmond Scott left Tuesday for
Mill City, where he is employed.
Austin Titus of Falls City was in
the city on business Tuesday.
Frank Campbell returned yesterday
to Eugene after spending the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Campbell, in this city.
Frank Wilson returned the first of
the week to Eugene, after visiting
with his parents in Salt Creek.
Wilber L. Rogers left Tuesday for
Great Falls, Montana.
Harold Poling has returned to Cor-
J. L. Brown of Salt Creek was in
the city Wednesday.
A. G. Rempel of Rickreall was in
the city Wednesday.
Miss Lucile Hamilton returned
Monday to Elkins where she is teach
ing school.
W. V. Fuller left yesterday for
Portland to attend the meetings of
the irrigation congress. Mr. Fuller
will go from Portland to Salem for
the opening of the legislature Mon
day and probably will not be in th(
city again until January 13.
Mrs. Tom Foster, returned to
Bridgeport Wednesday after a visit
at the bedside of her husband in the
Dallas hospital.
Jud Foster of Bridgeport visited
in the city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson left
Tuesday morning for Portland to
spend one or two days before going
to their home in Blind Slough, Ore
S. F. Kingsburv, G. W. Butler of
Willnmina. Jack Svron of Sheridan
and Ezra Hart were in the city Wed
nesday. A. L. Hammel, auditor of the Wells
Fargo Express company, checked the
local office Wednesday and yesterday.
Max Flnnnery returned to his home
in Perrydale Tuesday after spending
a few days in this city.
Roy Houk has returned to Corvnllis
after spending the Christmas holi
days here.
Albert Cadle of Rickreall was iti
the city the first of the week.
Mrs. Glenn B 11 ford is seriously ill
at her home 011 Washington street
Rev. J. E. Johnson of Portland vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Kersey the first of the week
H. .T. Elliott of Perrydale and F.
R. and W. M. Elliott of Dallas are
attending the lectures and classes in
the short course at the Oregon Ag
ricultural college this week.
Koy Barker ot Salem, a student 111
the University of Oregon, was a guest
at the Fred Wagner home Wednes
Mrs. 0. F. Hughes of Corvallis is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Theo.
Fanington ihis week.
Mrs. Albert Teal of Falls City was
in the city the first of the week vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Theo. Farrington.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Longneoker re
turned Wednesday from Portland,
where fhey have been visiting with
S. B. Taylor is in Corvallis on bus
Evan Evans, newly appointed road
supervisor for district number 20, was
in the city on business vestcrdav.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woins, who live
on the r.tl .lacobsen place on Salt
Creek, are receiving the congratula
tions of friends upon the arrival of
a nine-pound girl Wednesday night.
Miss Letha Plankington is improv
g after an illness of several weeks.
Dr. W. L. Holloway, one of Dal
las' most prominent chiropractors,
made a call in Falls Citv Tuesday.
F. A. Butler of Independence, for
mer attorney of Dallas, visited here
at the home of his son. Glenn O.
Butler, the fore part of this week.
Misses Biwdah and Gay Douglas of
Wells are visiting at the home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Miles Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis returned
to their home at Summit Tuesday
evening, after n visit at the home of
Mr. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey and daugh
ter, Miss Helen Casey, are visiting
with friends in San Francisco, Cali-
Observe New Year.
Miss Pearl Smith was hostess Sun
day evening at a wateh-party at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
I. L. Smith. Christmas decorations
were displayed about the rooms. Mu
sic and dancing were the main diver
sions of the evening. At a late hour
a delicious luncheon was served by
the hostess. Those present were:
Misses Marie Grillin, Lucile Hamil
ton, and Pearl Smith, Messrs. Laird
Woods, J. N. Helgerson and Rlay
Birthday Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Craven delight
fully entertained Monday afternoon,
with a dinner party in honor of their
son Elwin's 16th birthday. The table
was decorated in red candles and hoi
ly and the color scheme was carried
out throughout the five-course dinner
The sruests were: Misses Lucile
Loughnry, Pearl Jost, Rachel Hollo
way, Claudia Plank, Messrs. Charles
Hayter, Ernest McCallon, Ray Smith
and Elwin Craven.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick Hosts
Judge and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick
will be hasts at a "500" party to
morrow evening at their home on
Main street. Late in the evening
delicious luncheon will be served to
the guests. The invited guests are:
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eakiu, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Crider, Mr. and Mrs. John
Allgood, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Starhuck
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Staats, Mr. and
Mrs. R L. Chapman and Mrs. B.
New Year's Party Given.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaw were
hosts at a New Year's dinner party
Monday noon. The table was decor
ated in holly. The guests were Mi
ami Mrs. William Kersey, Mr. and
Mrs. G. 0. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Joel
Shaw, Misses Georgia Shaw, Gertrude
Robertson, Muriel Grant, Mildred
Shaw, F. E. Kersey and Master Hal
den Grant.
Mrs. Castner Entertained,
Mrs. H. C. Castner, president of
the state Federation of Woman s
clubs, was entertained at dinner at
the Hotel Gail by a number of club
women and their husbands Tuesday
evening. She left at 6:40 for Corval
lis, where she is to speak during the
sessions of Home-makers' week. Mrs.
Castner was the guest of Mrs. J. R.
Craven at luncheon on Tuesday.
Oscar Chenoweth Entertains.
Oscar Chenoweth was host at a
stag-party last Thursday evening
to a number of his Boy Scout friends.
The evening was enjoyably spent in
various games. Late in the evening a
five-course dinner was served by the
host. Mr. Chenoweth 's guests were:
Ernest McCallon, Charles Hayter,
Donald Hayes, Elwin Craven and Ray
Court House News
Confirmation of the sherill's sale of
509 acres in the "Blue Ribbon Or
chard Tracts" frfr $18,899.76 to satis
fy a mortgage foreclosure obtained by
J. H. Henry, afeainst Sucie E. Van
Zandt, et al, ha been made by Judge
F. R. Wetheijbec, A. L. Thomas and
E. E. Paddock! have been appointed
appraisers of the estate of Frank C.
Eddy. Amy E.jEddy is administratrix
of the estate.
Marriage li senses issued the past
week have beim at follows: Peter P.
Neufeldt and Sarah Wiebe, Irving D.
Hicok and I lva Alice Lucas, and
Dudley Gibso 1 and Jennie F. Hod
son. Mrs. Ethel Sutton of Buena Vista
has been conn litted to the state hos
pital. ,
Papers file with the clerk have
been: T
Mortgage, Thomas A. Roberts, et
ux, to Frank tfi.. English, et ux, $5000,
part of D. L. C. of Carey D. Embree
and wife, T. 7 S. R. 5 W., 100 acres.
Warranty deed, W. W. Black, et
ux, to Josephine Robbins, $10, 48.84
acres of D. L. C. of Leonard Williams
and wife, T. 8 S. R. 4 W.
Warranty deed, John Dickinson, et
ux, to Henry N. Dickenson, $2400, 50
acres, T. 0 S. R. 4 W.
Warranty deed, W. G. Schafer, et
ux, to J II. Mnlkey, 20 acres, $1700,
S. V' of S. W. 14 of S. E.Vi, section
12, T. 9 S. R. 4 W.
Dr. Rempel, Chiropraotor,513 Church
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1, for sale by all drug
gists. Adv. 79-tf.
Broken window ? We pat in window
glass. Sterling Furniture Company.
The Dallas Wood company is ready
to furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf.
Dr. R. C. Virgil, osteopath, TJglow
building: 9 to 12; 1 to 5; 7 to 8. 46-tf
Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist, City Bank
building, Dallas.
Schevers, W. D., at 415 Oak street,
knows how to shoe horses. Try him.
For Fire and automobile insurance
see Chas. Gregory, city hall. 32-tf
Help Your Mind by doing Into a
"Brown 8tuV One In Awhile.
"If the 'brown study' were more
often cultivated many people would be
happier and more clear thinking would
be done," says the London Lancet "It
Is in such a state that truths dawn sud
denly and clearly npon the unclouded
Intelligence. It Is In such a state that
mighty actions are conceived, poems
born at a stroke and mankind enlight
ened through the enlightenment of the
"In this state of mind there Is such a
concentration of mental energy that
the body Is Ignored. The mind, on the
other band, Is so working upon the
subject which concerns It, is so Intent
npon Its own affairs, that the external
world Is obliterated, and any bodily
discomfort that may have been pre-existing
Is now negligible and unnoticed."
The Lancet says the relationship be
tween mental activity and the bodily
state Is not realized with sufficient fre
quency or with sufficient thoroughness
by the European of today. "The aver
age man is too engrossed with bis bod
ily pabulum, and In caring for the
needs of the body be neglects the needs
tt the mind."
Wisdom Teeth.
The wisdom teeth are the two last
molar teeth to grow. Tbey come one
on each side of the Jaw and arrive
somewhere between the ages of twenty
and twenty-five years. The name Is
given them because it Is supposd that
when a person has developed physical
ly and mentally to the point where be
has secured these last two teeth be has
also arrived at the age of discretion.
It does not necessarily mean that one
who has cut bis wisdom teeth Is wise,
but that, having lived long enough to
grow these, which complete the full
set of teeth, the person has passed suf
ficient actual years that If he has done
what he should to At himself for life
he should have come by that time t
the age of discretion or wisdom. As a
matter of fact, these teeth grow at
about the same time in people whether
tbey are wise or not
Knights Templars.
During the latter half of the eleventh
century pilgrims to Jerusalem began to
be persecuted by the Turks or Sara
cens then in possession ot the Holy
Land. Nine noble knights formed a
brotherhood with the objeot of protect
ing the pilgrims. The cause spread
rapidly over Europe, and the knights
grew to legions In number. Vows of
chastity, obedience and poverty wen
taken, and the order, from merely pro
tecting the pilgrims, took upon itself
the task of recovering the Holy Land
from the grip of the Infidels. About
1120 they were given a plate In the ln
closure of the temple on Mount Mo
riah, and heute the name Templars, or
Knights of the Temple of Solomon.
We have some beautiful
endars which will be give)
our customers. Dallas Wi
house and Manufacturing cj
Have 70a a picture to framl
need go no further than our si
have it done. Sterling Furniturj
We Deliver
it 11
To Your Door
Every Morning
- 75c Per Month
A the
mal, 1
fe of i
He 0
an adi
j Han
e ninl
J. the en
f juraa,
i Jepsic
. 1.
Willamette Val!
Lumber Co.
V Glen
eral di
j . fear Ni
Is aied h
, Jbeen
-TJUii 1
only 0
Theatre Party Held.
Miss Muriel Grant entertained
number of her friends with a theatre
party 011 Sunday evening. After the
theatre a two-course luncheon was
served. The guests were Misses Hal-
lie Smith, Maud Barnes, Helen Lough-
ary, Messrs. Wilber Rogers of Great
Falls, Montana, Hoy Houk, Floyd El
lis and Kdward Cutler.
Honor Mr. and Mrs. Risser.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kisser will
be honored with a reception this ev
ening at their home on the corner of
Stum) and Shelton streets. The re
ception will be given by the mem
bers of the Evangelical church. Mr.
and Mrs. Risser returned the first of
the week from a honeymoon in the
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell de
lightfully entertained with a dinner
party 011 New Year's day, at their
home on Shelton street. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry McDonald, Misses
Adah Campbell and Mae McDonald,
Frank Campbell and Lynn Black.
Cecil Bennett left Monday for his Give Party For Miss Smith.
home in Portland. Misses Myrtle Hayes and Gene
I-ennv Hixsun went to McMinnville ! vieve Coad pave a farewell party fol
today on a short business trip. ! Miss Vernette Smith Tuesday even-
O. L. Nelson returned this week ir.ir. She was the guest of the young
from a six weeks' stay in California, j ladies at dinner and then at the thea
Miss Eme Brown informally en-lire. Mis Smith will live in Hoqui-
tertained Tuesdav evening for a mini- mm, Wash., where her father will en-
he r of friends.
J. M. Enns of Montana, visiting
with the Friosens here, has been ser
iously ill with pneumonia, bnt is now
Mrs. Howard McConnell and chil
dren were called to McMinnville
Wednesday bv the very serious ill
ness of Rev. J. N. McConnell, fath
er of Rev. rfoward McConnell. Rev.
Mr. McConnell took a decided turn
for the worse Wednesday. Rev. How
ard McConnell has been with his
father for the past ten days. Rev.
J. N. McConnell is pastor of the Mc
Minnville Christian ehnirh. j
gage in business.
Leisure Hour Club Party.
The party given by the Leisure
Hour club of the Presbyterian church
last evening was enjoyed by a largo
number of people.
Give Party For Choir.
A number of the young women of
the Methodist Episcopal church gave
a party in the church last night to
the members of the choir.
Mrs. P.
A. Finseth is visiting in
You Are Judged
By the
Appearance of
Your Stationery
T7F your Stationery is up to the
11 minute, with the type the proper
size and neatly displayed, your com
munication will command attention.
That is the kind of Stationery that The
Observer Job Rooms turns out. If
you want any kind of Printing, give
us a chance to figure on your work.
No botch work allowed to leave the
office. All work is under the super
vision of competent workmen. Re
sults are guaranteed both as to price
and quality. Promptness is assured.
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