Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 02, 1917, Image 6

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' i (Continued from page five)
and establishes the government of di
vine Principle, God".
I . .. v . . . .
v.. We all know that when suit is
i brought by one man against another
. tHit the defendant usually appears in
court to defend himself. If the de
fendant by reason of his ignorance of
this right fails to appear or because of
' 1 his negligence fails to put in a de
fonse, the plaintiff, even though his
claims are false, may secure a judgr
.f ment against the defendant by de-
" fault, the same as though the claims
V were proven true. , .
- 4 Let us suppose that A. sues B. The
" claims that he makes against B. are
false. B. should appear, produce the
true facts, so exposing the falsity of
A. s claim, which would then be cast
out of court as worthless and B. would
be in no danger. The truth has saved
'him. But suppose B. through ignor
ance of his rights, or fear of A. or be
cause he is negligent, fails to defend
' himself. Judgment is given against
him and he ' suffers from the false
elaims the same as though they were
true. His own folly has punished him.
Mortals are in much the same posi
tion as B., the man who is being sued.
Claims are being made against them,
against their life, happiness and
health. Evil is the plaintiff and has a
host of false witnesses. It is of in
terest to note that evil is defined in
. the original text of the Bible as ac
cuser. The claims are totally false,
and all that man needs to do is to
assert his rights, know and declare
, the truth, that evil never has had,
hn. via. m,w onrf naviw nnn hniu nv
legitimate claim on man or his being;
that man is of God, is subject only
- to His laws, and has a God-given
right to life, to health and to hap
piness. When man understands his
divine rights he cannot be made the
victim of evil, sin or disease.
If, however, mortal man has not
learned of his rights to immunity
from evil and sickness, or is afraid of
these claims and puts in no defense,
or if knowing his rights he neglects
to defend himself, in any of these
eases judgment is taken against him
as though the claims were true, since
nothing is done to expose their fal
sity. My friends, we have been al
lowing unjust judgment to be taken
against us. We have not licen de
fending our rights to life, health and
happiness, sometimes because of negli
gence, more often because of ignor
ance. Christian Science shows us how
to make our defense, expose the fal
sity of evil's claims and preserve the
integrity of our well-being.
not aerve; two masters. God is One
fand infinite, and His blessings come
not to the self-seeker, to the hypo
crite or to the worldly-wise, who,
snugly wrapped in the garments of his
6elf-conceit would try a little of God
in a way of his own. ,
It is the self-surrender of her who
gave the widow's mite, her earthly
all, the contrition of the publican,
the brotherly love of the good Sa
maritan, that marks the earnest seek
er for God and enables him to reach
the heart of ever-present Ixve. Jesus
said, "Eycept ye . . . become as lit
tle children, ye shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven." This show
ed that the kingdom of heaven is not
a place but a state of consciousness,
to find which one must acquire the
childlike qualities of love, gentleness
humility, unselfishness, purity and
goodness. Thus we see that heaven is
not a future state of regal retuge
but a present reward for righteous
thinking. Instead oi dying his way
into heaven, man must think his way
in, and. this is just as true this day
and hour as when Jesu6 said it. it is
these childlike qualities of thought
that one needs to gain an understand
ing of Christian Science, to gain the
Mind of Christ, the consciousness ot
Little by little, through study and
application, one acquires these qual
ities of thought and comes into living
oneness with ever-present good, God.
Thus is man 's consciousness so filled
with goodness that sin, disease, and
sorrow are brought under subjection,
cast out, and destroyed.
Through trite prayer man learns to
know God. A correct understanding
of prayer is therefore essential to
an understanding of Christian Sci
ence. Scientific prayer is the modus
of all Christian accomplishment. A
Christian Science treatmenet is pray-
As Christian Science explains it,
The question is often asked, What
is necessary for one to acquire thai
understanding of God and man which
displaces the false concepts of ma
teriality with the truth of .spiritual
being, heals the sick, and enables one
to solve life problem 1 Earnest study
of the truth as set forth in the Bible
and Science and Health, and its con
stant application in diily life, is es
sentia. It iB also necessary in ap
prnnohing this question to remember
that God and not man governs the
universe. It is God's will and not
the personal will of mortal man that
must control. Not infrequently peo
ple come to Christian Science for
belp with the desire to have God work
in their way. They wish to tell Gd
what to do and perhaps oftVr a little
tiuvice on me uesi wav mr xiim io uu
it. Such a state of mind never gets
near to God, for it has failed to rec
ognize that man's whole Wing is the
expression of God and is eternally
snbject to His will, which governs
the .universe for the benefit and hap
piness of all.
Self-surrender, surrender of the
mortal sense of selfhood, is necessary
to know God. Mortal man must be
willing to let God's will be done
whether or not it coincides with his
personal preference. Many business
deals onght never to work out the
way men would have them and Chris
tian Science will never help through
a dishonest businese deal or give the
lightest assistance to any evil pur
pose. It is the operation of God's
will alone, God dwelleth with him
that is of an humble and contrite
spirit. Friends, it requires true cour
age to be humble.
It should further be borne in mind
that God eschews all evil, that he
does not tolerate selfishness, self-will,
dishonesty or sin in any form. He
who seeks to understand God must
do so with this fact in mind and be
willing to surrender the mortal aenee
of self and all of his false mortal
belief as rapidly aa they come to
light. He most be sincere and hon
est Some try to get to heaven ear
rying a little hell along with them,
under cover. Hell it oar sinful be
' lief and the Area of suffering they
itvitMy rinr. ' 8neh a one atekea
"-OirWhw in Christian Science and
A. V f!i "t fW be cannot lay hold of
deputy, Mti eM hand while holding
Merer . ! the other. We ean
faanged duU, -s '.
prayer is not imploring a far-away
Deity. It is the simple and natural
process of thinking in accord with
the ever-present Principle, incorpor
eal good, God. It is that thinking
which shuts out the claims of mater
ial, sense and places all trust, confi
dence, and faith in God, relying sole
ly upon His power and wisdom to pro
tect and maintain the integrity or
His universe, including man. Thus
we see that the Scriptural command,
"Pray without ceasing," simply
means to think righteously always.
Through prayer thus understood man
finds his oneness in thought and char
acter with God, his scientific and eter
nal unity with divine Mind, ever
lasting good. Through prayer he gains
the light of Truth in conscioitencss
that drives out fear, heals disease,
and gives man the moral strength
which resists and overcomes sin. Pray
er is man's active manifestation of
his oneness with God. It is right
mental activity Dasea on a true con
cept of God and man. Since sin, dis
ease and all evil is the outcome of
wrong thinking, it must be plain that
the prayer of right thinking is the
only way that overcomes the world,
the flesh, and all evil. It is man's
God-given privilege whereby he finds
his oneness with the infinite and his
place in the infinite plan.
"On earth peace, good will toward
men, was tue message that neraictea
Jesus' ministry. For nearly two
thousand years these words and the
prayer of the Master: "Thy king
dom come. Thy will be done in
earth, as it is in heaven," have been
on the lips of Christendom. But what
is the trouble f Something has fail
ed. Somewhere there has been a
hitch. Something has been out of
gear, " ihis people draw near me
with their mouth," wrote Isaiah,
and with their lips do honor me,
but have removed their heart far
from me." The trouble has not been
with men's words, it has been with
men's thoughts. Rivers of words will
not bring God 's kingdom to earth in a
thousand centuries: universal right
thinking will establish it in a day.
And universal right thinking is no
more and no less than every indivirtu
al thinking, that is, praying right
ly. We each have a duty to per
form, not only to ourselves but to so
ciety. The brotherhood of man can
never be a fact while an evil thought
remains in your consciousness or
mine. Our words and our thoughts
need to be brought into agreement
Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and
Founder of Christian Science, was a
gentle, refined, and cultured, New Eng
land woman. A native of New Hamp
shire, she received her early religious
training from Puritan parents, be
coming a member of the Congrega
tional church in her girlhood, Mrs.
r.ddy early in life evidenced a deep
ly religion nature. She was ever
seeking for the truth about life as
the Bible taught it, without concern
for merely man-made doctrines, as
evidenced by her refusal to accept the
doctrine of prelestinatioa when she
joined the orthodox chorea. ..'
Passing through human trials of
more than usual severity bnt alravs
trusting in God and seeking to know
more of Him, Mrs. Eddy discovered
the law of Christian healing at a tiio
when a severe aendent threatened her
life and her entire tms-had e be
placed in other than material reme
dies. Her first glimpse of this spir
itual law through which she was then.
healed was followed by complete re
tirement from society for. several
years in order that she might the
more diligently devote her time to
the study of the Scriptuo-es and glean
from them a fuller understanding ofj
this law and its application to hu
man needs. In 1875 the text-book of
Christian Science, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
was published by her, setting forth
the result of her labors. The Bible,
with which all the teachings of Chris
tian Science are in agreement, and
this book, have ever remained the
basis of all Christian Science teach
ing. For her unfaltering courage in the
face of a world opposed to her, for
her unfailing devotion to Principle,
for her love for God and her devo
tion to the cause of universal bet
terment, and for her wise and loving
leadership, Christian Scientists hon
or and respect Mrs. Eddy. They rec
ognize her great work for them and
for all mankind, even the reopening
and making plain of the way for in
dividual and universal salvation. To
hold a lesser opinion of her and her
life-work would be to deny what is
true. It would be to shut out hones
ty and leave the heart frozen with
the ingratitude which shuts the door
on good, to him who is thus deceiv
ed. We all need gratitude, for grat
itude goes hand in hand with right
thinking. Gratitude is indeed the ac-1
knowledgement of good present. Grat-1
titude is the recognition of God with
us and opens the doors of thought to
heavenly things.
Many expressions of the highest re
gard and respect for physicians and
ministers are to be. found in the writ
ings of Mrs. Eddy, although she could
not concur with their views upon med
ical and religions subjects. Christian
Scientists entertain no hostility to
ward the medical profession nor to
ward those whose religious opinions
differ from their own. They respect
in the fullest degree the right of ev
ery individual to think as he or h
may choose upon medical or religious
matters, free from interference from
others, and they ask but the same
privilege for themselves.
My friends, but two tilings are hap
pening m the world today. Every ex
perience, every phenomena, howsoever
insignificant or howsoever important
it may seem, from the mortal combat
of nations to the kind thought of the
little child, is but a part cither of
the temporal and disappearing phe
nomena of evil destroying itself, or,
a part of the true and enduring phe
nomena of God manifesting Himself.
Neither you nor I can swerve a hair s
breadth the immutable operation of
these laws of God. What you and I
may do is to choose whether we shall
lie dominated and deceived by evil
hastening to its final destruction, with
its attendant bell of suffering, or
whether we shall be obedient to the
divine Mind, God, and partakers of
the genuine happiness, health and
well-being to which we are rightful
ly entitled.
Christian Science does not argue
with any one. It does not urge any
one to accept its teachings. It sim
ply presents them- to the world as
they are and points to the evidence
of the multitude of men and women,
who have tried them and found them
not wanting. The choice must be in
dividual. No one can work out our
salvation for ns. No one can' know
God by proxy. Like the river filial
floweth for all and giveth freely to
him who Cometh to it, whosoever he
may be, but goeth not out of its
course for any man, so Christian Sci
ence is a stream of living water flow
ing out into human consciousness, free
to all who will partake of its bless
ings. As stated on page 102 of Science
and Health, "There is bnt one real at
traction, that of Spirit," and sooner
or later every man, woman and child
must find his or her correct relation
ship with God, and find it in the wav
that the Bible teaches, through richt
thinkinir. the understanding and dera-
00), costs and disbursements and the
costs of and upon this Writ; and
whereas it was further ordered and
decreed by said Court that the fol
lowing property should be sold by me
to satisfy said execution, I will, on
Saturday, the 20th day of January,
1917, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.
of said day at the front door of the
County Court House at Dallas, Ore
gon, in Polk County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand on day of sale, all the right,
title and interest and estate whioh
the said defendants have and all per
sons claiming under them have in or
to the hereinafter described premises
and every part thereof, said property
being described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northeast corner
of Lot 3 in Block No. 1 in Henry
Hill's Town of Independence, Poll
County'; thence West 74V4 feet;
thence South 102 feet; thence East
7413 feet; thence North 102 feet to
the place of beginning, all being sit
uated in Henry Hill's Town of Inde
pendence, Polk County, Oregon, save
and except therefrom the North Fifty
(50) feet. .
Said sale being subject to redemp
tion in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds thereof to be applied to
the payment of the aforesaid judg
ment, and that in case any proceeds
are lert alter tne saiisiacuon m
Plaintiff's said judgment the sanie
shall be paid over to said defendants
as their interests may appear here-
Dated at Dallas, this 19th day of
December, 1916.
Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff. T.D.I 9-J16
Pursuant to the terms of the Will
of the late Gideon Sowers, the under
signed Executor of said Will offers
for sale, for cash, at private sale the
following described premises belong
ing to said estate, to-wit:
Lot 1 in Block I, Montgomery's ad
dition to Falls City, Polk County,
State of Oregon, being store property.
Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Block B, Mont
gomery's addition to Falls City, Polk
Connty, State of Oregon, being resi
dence property.
AH bids to be submitted to the
undersigned Executor of said Will at
the office of Walter L. Toozc, Jr., at
Dallas, Oregon. Bids will be received
on each tract separately, and all bids
submitted should state whether bid is
for one or both tracts, and be accom
panied by a certified check for 5 per
cent of the amount offered.
All contracts of sale are made sub
ject to the approval of the County
Executor of the Last Will and Tea-
tanfent of Gideon Sowers, deceased.
Attorney for Executor. A85-tf
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, George A. McCulIoch, has
been appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Polk Coun
ty, administrator of the estate of Sa-
brina E. McCulIoch, deceased, and has
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby required
to present them with the proper
vouchers within six months from the
date of this notice to the said ad
ministrator, at his residence near
Broadmead, in said County of Polk.
Dated and first published December
12, 1916.
Administrator of the estate of Sa-
brina E. McCulIoch, Deceased.
Attorney. TD12-J9
onstration of God and His idea.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Polk County, on the 14th day of
December, 1916, and to me directed
upon a judgment that was enrolled
and docketed in the office of the clerk
of said Court on the first day of De
cember, 1916, in a certain suit then
pending in said Circuit Court where
in W, C. Win slow was plaintiff and
C. G. Long and Mary C Long, his'
wife, were defendant, (Case No.
4934) a judgment was rendered in fa
vor of the above-named plaintiff, W.
C Winslow, and against the above-'
name, defendants, C. G. Long and
Mary C. Long, his wife, for the sum
of S. Hundred Six and Ten-100 Dol
lar ($606.10), together with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum fron te 4th day of February,
1916. until paid, and V 1 further ft If Tit
of Sixty and No-100 Ivllar 60.00)
attorneT' fee, and V" t "'her sum
of Nineteen and Xo-100 Poller. ($1 -
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Polk County, on the 8th day of
December, 1916, and to me directed
upon a judgment that was enrolled
and docketed in the office of the clerk
of said court on the 7th day of De
cember, 1916, in a certain snit then
pending in said Circuit Court where
in Gertrude E. Kruse and Emma L.
Savage, trustees under the will of
Orin G. Savage, deceased, were plain
tiffs, and F. F. Fisher, Alena E. Fish
er, hi wife, Fred A. Handy, W. S.
Catton, Mary Fisher, J. B. Blair, re
ceiver of Fisher Bros. & Steiner, Pri
vate Bankers, R. L. Fisher, M. M.
Fisher and G. A R. Steiner, co-partners
doing business as Fisher Bros. &
Steiner, Private Bankers, Grant
Smith, J. B. Blair and A L. Warren,
trustee of Fisher Bros, and Steiner,
Private Bankers, were defendants,
(Case No. 4905) a judgment was ren
dered in favor of the above-named
plaintiffs, Gertrude E. Kruse and Em
ma L. Savage, trustee under the will
of Orin G. Savage, deceased, and
against the above-named defendants.
F. F. Fisher, Alena E. Fisher, his
wife, Fred A. Handy, W. S. Catton.
Vary Fisher, J. B. Blair, receiver of
Fisher Bros. Steiner, Private Bank
ers, R. . . Fisher, M. M. Fisher, and
G. A. R. Steiner, co-partners doinr
business a Fisher Bros. ft Steiner.
Private Bankers, Grant Smith, J. B.
Blair and A.L. Warren, trustees of
Fisher Bros. & Steiner, Private Bank
ers, for the sum of Fifty -three Hun
dred and no-100 dollars ($5300.00),
wihli interest thereon at the rate of
six per cent per annum from the 21st
day of August, 1910, and the further
sum of Four Hundred and no-100 dol
lars ($400.00), attorney's fees, and
the further sum of Seventy-Four and
no-100 dollars ($74.00), costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and up
on this Writ ; ami whereas it was fur
ther ordered and decreed by said
Court that the following property
should be sold by me to satisfy said
execution, I will, on Saturday, the
13th day of January, 1917, at the hour
of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day at the
front door of the County Court House
at Dallas, Oregon, in Folk County,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand on day of
sale, all the right, title and interest
and estate which the said defendants
have and all persons claiming under
them have-in or to the hereinafter de
scribed premises and every part
thereof, said property being described
as follows, to-wit:
The West one-half of the D.
L. C. of Jesse D. Walling and Eliza
Ann Walling, his wife, it being claim
No. 48 in T. 6 S. R. 4 W. and Claim
No. 52, T. 6 S. 'R. 3 W. and claim
No. 58, T. 7 S. R. 4 W. of the Wil
lamette Meridian, in Polk County,
State of Oregon, save ana except
from this conveyance the following
tracts of land: 71.51 acres, more 01
less, out of the N. E. corner of said
West half of said claim, deeded to
Mrs. Eliza Ann Walling by the Heirs
of tilie said Jesse D. Walling, the said
tract of land so reserved and excepted
from this deed being described as fol
lows, to-wit: 1 1,
Bcffinning at a point on the Hortfl
line of the said Jesse D. Walling and
wife's claim 78.17 chains West of the
N. B. corner of said claim; and run
ning thence South 74 degrees West
38.67 chains along the North line of
said claim; thenee South 15 degrees
East 22.64 chains; thence North 74'2
degrees East 17 chains; thence North
15 degrees West 7 chains; thence
North 74i2 degrees East 21.66 chains;
thence North 15 degrees West 15.25
chains to the place of beginning.
Also the following: Beginning at a
point in the North boundary line of
the D. L. C. of Jesse D. Walling and
wife in T. 6 S. R. 4 W. of the W. M.
in Polk Couuty, Oregon, which said
point is South 74 degrees 30 minutes
West 116.84 chains from the North
east corner of said D. L. C. and run
ning thence South 74 degrees 30 min
utes West along the North boundary
line of said D. L. C. 13.23 chains;
thenee South 15 degrees East 22.64
chains; thence North 74 degrees 30
minutes East 13.25 chains ; thence
North 15 degrees W. 22.64 chains to
the place of beginning, and contain
ing 30 acres of land, more or less, in
the D. L. C. of Jesse D. Walling and
wife, and in section 36 in T. 6 S. R.
4 Wi of W. M. in Polk County, State
of Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of December,
Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiffs. T.D.12-J.9
Professional Card
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