Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 08, 1916, Image 3

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    tbs polk ootnmr obse&ybb, fbidat, December s, ins
y i
A a
d ai
oi the high
in Selig's hall
o of the senors
.1 had a jolly good
a justice to a boun
s, 8 i old-time resident of
if i in the Dallas hospital
'ere operation last week,
ras brought here and was
he Odd Fellows cemetery
irnoon. f .
ercy, brother of William
i over from Scotts Mills
liily and made a Thanks-
with his brother's lam
liting with. Mr. and Mrs.
10 are Mrs. Percy's par-
i the teachers of Falls
s teaching outside schools
to spend Thanksgivng.
l was in Portland during
( business matters.
.ton was a visitor to New
the past week.
md has been confined to
some time with a severe
thma, ;,!
dickalsori, who is teach
'inunond's valley school,
Wednesday evening to
:sgiving at home. She re.
ir school Sunday.
Brown of Baker City has
hat is known as the Rho-
sea in the east part of
111 move his family there
dson Realty company re
e of two of the city prop
ing to a Mr. Lanning of
ring thd week. several
ties have been rented.
y of Independence has
with his brother and
is city for the last week
1 to his home Sunday,
i, who has been in Wash
he last six months, has
ae for a short time. He
h work in the state of
and good wages.
Lin view
Irs. i
irs. .
Mrs. E. F. Aebi from
ipent Thanksgiving with
er, Mrs. G. leischnian
ms Lehman and children
aer to spend a few days
ents, L r, and Mrs. Shir-
foedte -ier from Slier-
one t ternoon at the
and I i. A. Aebi.
wleigh from Sa
ving at the home
ward Lehman.
.pscott and their
unday with their
s. LUard Ijchman.
s. J. Jr. Aebi were
( s with Mr. and Mrs.
I. man left for Wash
i e mded visit with her
J... on.
n and Edwin Rutschmar
visitors with Mrs. JacV
:tt of Dallas preached at
st Sunday.
shipped them to Portland this week.
Miss Mamie Peterson has gone to
Portland to spend the winter.
Mrs. J. D. Anderson spent last
week in Cottage Grove visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. England, and baby.
Earl Mangis visited a few days
with his sister, Mrs. B. B. Bradley,
lost week.
Mrs. S. E. Guthrie and baby re
turned home from Dallas last week,
where She had the baby in the doe-
tor's care. She also visited with her
mother, Mi's. Gilson.
Grace Irish, Leota Smallman and
the little Kimsey girl are all ill with
Harley Bradley's eye is slowly im
proving but is still under the doctor's
care. The bandage has been removed,
but he has to wear dark glasses when
near a bright light.
)f the cloudy weather
re were 55 people at the
and all enjoyed the day.
had arranged a nice pro-
on the table was spread
utul lunch. The after
nt by re-electing officers
ig year for the Parent
The officers elected
nt, J. C. M linkers; vice
's. J. C. Guthrie; secre-
pper; treasurer, Mrs. B.
rograra committee, Mrs.
ft, Mrs. B. B. Bradley
Munkers; refreshment
re. G. G. Irish, Mrs. G.
s. L. N. Belieu; press
iss Merlie Gilliam. The
out the district were
it and Mrs. W. I. Rey
1 ?"rs. Phillips and two
s Johnson of Dal
. pipy of Monmouth
i. The subject of
'ionola for the dis
u p during the meet
baen fully decided
is suffering with
a garage on
of Perrydale spent
r mother, Mrs. E.
' of Dallas spent
her parents, Mr.
t family and Mr.
- of Dallas spent
we with the for-
';. Palmer and fam-
The bazaar held by the Ladies' Aid
society was well attended and a snug
sum of money was realized.
A basketball game between Rickrc-
all and Indeendence was played Fri
day night, after which there was a
dance. The game was won by Rick
reall by a score of 16 to 3.
Misses Mabel Craven, varsena Lu
cas and Glen Brown, who are attend
ing the normal school at Monmouth,
spent their Thanksgiving vacation at
N. S. Burch of Springfield is visit
ing relatives here for a few days.
The walk from here to Nesbit sta
tion is being repaired this week.
F. S. Crowley has moved to Dallas,
where he will take the office of school
superintendent, to which he was elect
ed last month.
F. A. Kascr is in Portland this
week with a carload of sheep which
he will exhibit at the stock show.
Frank Burch shipped his crop of
potatoes last week.
Quite a few young people from Dal
las and Independence attended the
dance Saturday night.
W. 0. Hill and family spent
Thanksgiving at Mill City.
Mrs. B. F. Lucas returned to her
home Tuesday having spent ten days
isiting friends and relatives in Al
bany, Turner and Salem.
School closed Wednesday afternoon
with a short program and re-opened
on Monday, December 4.
H. II. Smith of West Salem visited
his sister, Mrs. Warren Burch, Satur
Miss Porter spent the week-end
with friends in Dallas.
Satisfy that's a new thing
for a cigarette to do
It's nothing for a cigarette to just taste good lots of
cigarettes may do that. But Chesterfields do more they
satisfy! Just like a thick, juicy steak satisfies when
you're hungry.
Yet, with all that, Chesterfields are MILD t
No other cigarette can give you this new enjoyment
(satisfy, yet mild), for the good reason that no cigarette .
maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new
combination of tobaccos and the most important develop
ment in cigarette blending in 20 years.
?Giie me a package of those cigarettes that SA TISFY"!
lag -
-JwSlv, Visa,
Fred Hughes is in McMinnville at
tending the seventh annual state con
vention of the Oregon and Southern
Idaho Farmers' union as a delegate
from this neighborhood.
Albert and Mildred Sellers are both
confined to their beds with a severe
attack of measles.
Jim Hubbard is grubbing up (his
bopyard and will sow it to grain and
perhaps put in a few acres of pep
permint. He is also preparing to put
in six acres of prunes on his hill
0. E. Dennis raised about 360
pounds of sugar beets in a row forty
feet long.
Will Dennis and Erich Deierling
are cutting wood for Fred Hughes.
Mrs. Dennis has been having quite
a sick spell but has almost recovered.
Ha Mason is quite sick at this writ
Curtis Hubbard of Dallas ate
Thanksgiving dinner with his neph
ew, Jim Hubbard. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rodgers, Miss
Gill and Abe Bartholomew spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Rhoda Green.
Don Miller and his family have all
been down with a siege of grip.
Mr. and Mrs. White from the Pio
neer neighborhood, have moved onto
the Floyd Smith place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson and
George D. Robinson spent Thanksgiv
ing with the family of Chas. Bird in
Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson and family
of Mistletoe spent Thanksgiving with
the family of George Robinson.
lots in Seattle to Bud Sears for ten
acres in the Oak Knoll tract.
The Bird Walling family motored
to Portland on Thanksgiving day. ,
The first parent-teacher meeting of
the year was held Wednesday at the
school house, a large number attend
ing. The children gave an excellent
program, which was much enjoyed,
after which sandwiches and cake were
Russell Taylor and Wayne Henry
were business callers in Portland
Mr. Cook, a former resident here,
and now living at Lakeview, is visit
ing friends at Shaw, and expects to
visit in this neighborhood next week.
While he is here,. Ben and Willis, are
running the farm, John is holding
down a homestead of 320 acres and
expects to get 320 more when the new
law passes.
daughter, Mrs. Levi Burbank of Pe
dee. Mrs. T. F. Ulrich is nursing the
grip the last few days.
J. E. French and family spent
Thanksgiving in Salem with the moth
er of Mr. French. Mrs. French and
children remained for a few days' vis
it, expecting to stav over Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Scott are
spending several days at Fairview,
near Portland, where Mr. Scott serv
ed as pastor for 38 years.
Mrs. W. Harvey Crawford visited
Monday with Mm. J. I. Miller in
West Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crawford of Sa-
em entertained the several Crawford
families firm Spring Valley on
Thanksgiving day.
lered five hogs and I Nile Holland has traded several
Uncle John Lewis, our veteran wood
cutter, is 72 years old and puts up his
cord each day.
The school gave a basket social in
the hall Tuesday evening, November
28. The baskets brought $52.
Vern Williams is preparing ten
acres of land for potatoes the coming
Elige Caughey is visiting in Port
land this week.
Mrs. C. V. Johnson and mother,
Mrs. H. Runlett and daughter, Miss
Hattie Runlet, of Medford are visit
ing here.
Will Todamere has traded with
Fred Abi for a gasoline woodsaw out
Ira Williams is running a lunch
Jule Hannum spent Thanksgiving
with his sister, Mrs. Will Jones in
Mrs. Charley Seaman spent Thanks
giving with her parents at Turner,
Marion county.
Chester Cooper has returned from
a visit to his Uncle, John Cosper, at
Goldendale, Wash.
Mrs. C. M. Shewey returned from
Brooks, Marion county where she has
been nursing Frank Sturgis family
through the measles.
Mr. inn and family of Salem are
visiting J. F. Ulrich.
W. P. Williams is well pleased with
his new tractor engine.
F. Simpson and Ben Canghey went
coon hunting Thursday.
Gordon Munkers and wife of
Brownsville are visiting their cousin.
Mrs. C. V. Johnson.
Elder Plowman will preach in the
school bouse Sunday.
Jesse Yonst of Coos Bay, who used
to live on the Pedee, is visiting his
Mm. Scth Fawk, a former resident
of this place but now of Oak Grove,
was an Independence passenger from
here last Monday.
Twenty-seven pupils are now en
rolled in our school. Miss Gladys
Mitchell of Glenada is our teacher.
The Southern Pacific Company has
a large force of men taking up the
old ties and replacing same with new
ones. They have six cars here on the
siding in which they live.
Chas. Huntley and wife and Miss
Mabel Stevens, a teacher in the In-do-iendence
high school, spent last
Sunday with the J. T. Huntley fam
Mr. and Mrs. Wooden and two chil
drcn of Black Rock have moved here
on the Hallberg farm.
Roy Bigelow and family, who lived
on the Hallberg farm, have moved on
what is known as the M. W. Mix
farm near Monmouth.
Gordon Huntley has been on the
grip list.
Billy Simons received news of the
serious illness of his father in Min
nesota last Monday. Billy left for
the east the next day.
Mrs. Hildebrand has had several
new buildings built on the farm
which she recently purchased.
Mrs. R. V. Lindsay has sold her
farm to a gentleman from the east.
Mrs. Lindsay has gone back to her
former house in Vancouver, British
Miss Abbie Walker of Dallas was
an over Sunday visitor with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker.
E. F. Brown and J. T. Huntley
made a business trip to Independence
and Monmouth last Monday.
Mrs. Lettie Huntley was a recent
visitor at Mrs. E. F. Brown home.
Miss Mitchell, our teacher, is pre
paring her scholars for a Christmas
Mr. Backer was a business visitor
in Salem last week.
Mrs. J. T. Huntley, our school clerk.
has finished taking the school census.
There are 48 pupils drawing school
After several months oat of the
ring Greenwood's grizzled old writer
has once more taken np the quill
and will write for tie family stand
by. The Observer.
The Misses Florence and Ruth
Walker of the Normal, spent Thanks"
giving with their parents, Mr. an1
Mrs. John Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth White and R. J.
Williamson and family spent Thanks
giving with Mrs. N. A. Williamson of
West Salem.
Frank Muno came over from Dallas
and spent Sunday with his parents
Cecil Riggs was a Sunday visitor
in Oak Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edgar spent
Saturday with Mrs. J. C. White.
J. P. Hamilton was a Dallas visitor
Mrs. Smith and Miss Stella Smith
spent Thanksgiving with relatives in
Kaner Trent and family spent
Thanksgiving with his parents in
R. J. Williamson and family and
Miss Mildred Edgar were Sunday
visitors at J. W. Edgar's Oak Grove
Cass Riggs was a Dallas visitor
F. M. Edgar was a business visitor
in Newberg Monday.
Malcolm Pewtberer was an Inde
pendence visitor Friday.
H. M. Edgar and family of Dallas
spent Thanksgiving with Finlcy Ed
gar. Several from here attended the
Thanksgiving dance at McCoy.
Jim Bradeu and Ben Carrol of
Greenwood hauled grain to Crowley
last week to be shipped.
Elmer Hamilton went to McCoy the
middle of last week for a load of feed
as they are fattening about 40 hogs.
Mrs. Ben Carrol and baby of Green
wood spent the latter part of last
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Valliere.
C. H. Farmer and family spent
Thanksgiving with their daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd Mallicoat and family of
C. M. Warren was a business caller
in Salem the middle of last week.
Mise Ruby Elk ins has returned to
her home near Dallas, after visiting
with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Bevens.
Mr, and Mrs. Elkins and son of
Dallas spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Bevens.
Miss Gladys Reynolds, who is at
tending O. A. C, spent Thanksgivtmr
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . A.
Re-molds. i
V. J. Krnetx and fiunilv nf Indp-
I pendenee spent Thanksgiving with
T' ! recent heavy storms have sua-1 Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson.
pende ! farming for a time at least Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roy of east
Buena Vista, spent Sunday with Mir.
and Mrs. Amos Holman.
The "Loyal Daughters" of tha
Methodist Episcopal church entertain
ed the "Knights of Honor" olaaa
with a party Wednesday evening in
the gymnasium. The evening was
spent playing games. A Thanksgiv
ing luncheon was served by the girls.
Those present were: Misses Elsie
and Edna Schrunk, Bernice Weill,
Ruby Elkins, Alma Wells, Louise
Leonards, Geneva Cryderman and Is
abella Peterson, Mrs. Buell and Mes
srs. Marven and Perry Wells, Ray
Grounds, Alfred and Gilbert Loy,
Verd Schrunk, Clifford and OrvUle
Wells, Arthur Black and Ernest
G. A. Wells is attending court in
Dallas this week.
Cleve Pratber was' a Portland visit
or this week.
Mrs. Cleve Prather has been visit
ing with relatives in Salem this week.
Perry Wells, who is attending bus
iness college in Salem, spent the lat
ter part of the week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wells.
The women of the Methodist Epis
copal church have re-organized the
aid society.
The program committee for the
Christmas program met at Rev. At
kinson's to make further arrarure-
ments Monday evening. The program
will be given in the Methodist Episco
pal church.
Rev. Burns of Rickreall preached
in the Evangelical church Sunday.
Rev. Atkinson preached at Moun
tain View Sunday.
W. R. Bevens is in Portland tend
ing to some business.
Mrs. W. R. Bevens is in Dallas vis
iting with relatives.
Rev. Vint preached here Sunday.
Seth Fawk hauled wheat to Derry
last week and loaded a ear to ship.
Mrs. Fuller and son, Joe, of Port
land visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ed
gar one day last week.
Clyde Vincent attended the dsnc
in McCoy Thanksgiving night.
R. J. Williamson and family spent
Sunday at J. W. Edgar's borne.
Seth Fawk and family spent
Thanksgiving with Frank Fawk and
family of Salt Creek.
Cecil Riggs was a Snnday visitor
(Continued on last page)
Twlc-a-Wk Ohwtrvr 11. fS a Tear.
Golden West Coffee
is -just K!?hr