Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 08, 1916, Image 2

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Study Food Values
Food provided for the family table de
serves the careful thought of every house
wife. Do you use thought when buying
baking powder?
The quality of cake, biscuits and all
quickly raised flour foods depends largely
upon the kind of baking powder used.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is
absolutely pure and has proved its excel
lence for making food of finest quality and
wholesomeness for generations.
Royal Baking Powder contains no alum
nor phosphate.
New York
Terse Tales of the Town
A. Sampson of Falls City was in
the city on business Wednesday.
Lee Clements is working in Inde
pendence for the Oregon I'ower com
A. W. Fletcher of Bueil was in the
city Wednesday.
Fred Stump of Suver was in the
city Wednesday.
A. B. Warkentine of Rickreall was
in the city Saturday.
B. H. Butz is one of the men given
work at the Espee repair shops this
month. Mr. Butz is a car repairer.
Miss Blanche Barrett returned the
first of the week from a short business
trip to Portland.
Mrs. Ida Manston had a light touch
of the grip this week,
Arthur Bennett, now in the South-
em Pacific shops at Brooklyn, expects
to be transferred within a few days
to Sacramento, California.
F. R. Regeher started for Dalmeu
ing, Saskatchewan, Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hcistand and
family left Tuesday morning to make
their home in Enterprise, Oregon.
Miss Kulhryn Djlley, who is teach
ing near Pallas spent Thanksgiving
week at the home of Miss Alice Jen
sen of Silverton.
A. J. Bowman of Falls City was op
erated upon at the Dallas hospital
buiutay by Doctors Hcllwarth and
Whitney L. Boise, prominent at
torney ot Portland, was in the city
Tuesday to attend the funeral of his
brother, Filler Boise. R. P. Boise,
Jr., another brother, of Salem, was
in the city Tuesday.
Glenn Dann of Black Rock was in
the city the first of the week on his
return to his high school studies in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer, Mr. and
Mts. Floyd Meyer, Mrs. I. N. Woods,
Mrs. Amanda Hastings and E. K.
Piasecki were passengers on the in
coming motor Mondav evoninir
Penn l'atton of Cherry Grove vis
ited at the home of Mrs. Fern Allen
alst week.
Mrs. (. W. Johnson and Miss. Fern
Allen were in the city Tuesday.
Tr. Rempel and family will leave
Monday for Madras and Bend, where
they will visit with (datives and
friends. The doctor will return home
immediately before Christmas, while
Mrs. Rempel and little son expect to
remain m r.astern Oregon for several
N. K Manock returned Tuesday
from a two-weeks' stay at Corvallis
and Philomath. He was managing the
Parsons Drug store at the latter place
last wcPk during the absence of the
Bids received for part or all of my
property in Falls City, two good
houses on South Main street and two
lots on North Main street. 0. Aur
land. 82e
Grant Lane has one of the many
grip oases in the city at the present
Mrs. Jasper Demick has the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Houston
Albany were in the citv Wednesdnv
Ray Durant, who has been visiting
at me nome or K. w. Evans, return,-
ra Aiontiay to bis home at Woodburn,
Kiuivr mrnois ot rails city was
is the city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickereon and
daughter returned this week from a
isit at Hie nome of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Koberta m Eugene.
Mrs, N. M. Grant is visiting with
inenoa in JUrMinnville this week,
four Dallas children with the
easles are: Marion Smith. Retta
Watson, Helen Soehren and Mildred
Wednesday visitors were J. K
White, district manacer of the Ore
gon Power company, Frank Longhary
of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Fnnk of Falls City, Mrs. William
F. of Falla City. Ezra Hart of
Salt Creek, Andrew Hjlman of Port-,
land, James Clow of Monmouth, C.
Ralph of Guthrie, and D. D. Schro
der of bait Creek.
H. A. Woods returned Sunday ev
ening from a visit with relatives in
Newcastle, Perm.
Mrs. V. Chapman and children, of
Alma, Mich., are winter guests of
Mrs. Chapman's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Fryer.
E. F. Aebi of Salt Creek was in
the city one day 'this week.
Sirs'. James Robbie of Independence
visited at the home of hei' mother,
Mrs. D. L. Foster, this week.
merriu earner is ill with, the grip
at Ins home on Haytcr street.
Mi'.soiid Mrs, J. Walker of Perry
dale were in the city Tuesday.
Miss Caroline Burch of Rickreall
attended the meeting of the Dallas
Woman's club Tuesday.
Mrs. Jake Fudge of Perrydnle
shopped here Monday.
C. S. Graves is at his Ballston farm.
Mrs. J. H. Rkeela and Henry Skeels
of Hollister, Cnl., are at the home of
Mrs. Skeels' sister, Mrs. D. M. Smith.
Mrs. A, Longnecker has returned
from a Portland trip.
Miss Helen Fletcher spent Thanks
giving vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Fletcher, at I'uell.
The three children of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Wilson have been quite sick for
the past week. Glenn is sunVriii.
with bowel trouble and Volma and
Dorris have the measles.
J. R. Allgood was' a Salem visitor
T. J. Worth of Douglas precinct
was in the city yesterday.
I. H. Loekmun left Wednesday
morning for Los Angeles, where he
will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Grier of Sa
lem are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mm. Robert Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Sword of Port
land attended the meeting of the Ar
tisan lodge Wednesday evening.
Albert Teal of Falls City was a vis
itor yesterday. He reports his father,
Judge Teal, as being very much im
proved. Mrs. Abel Voth fell down the stairs
at her home Tuesday and was injured
about the arms and shoulders.
Y. H. Beard of Sellwood, who re
cently purchased an interest in the
Falls City bank, was a business visit
or uere eunesuay.
The name of Mrs. J. S. Schauck of
this eity is listed among the con trib
ute to the Christie home of Port
land campaign fund.
Miss Abbie Walker had dinner with
her parents in Greenwood Sunday.
Mrs. Walter L. Too?, Jr., is vis
iting at the Plankington home at
Bridgeport this week.
Miss Pearl Dennett of Crowlcv was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. L. Delashmutt is ill at her
home on Hayter street with the grip.
.Newman Dennis, who is workinsr nt
the Balderree camp at Black Rock,
is visiting in Dallas this week.
Mrs. Ray Thiers and children re
turned yesterday from a visit at the
home of her parents in Eugene.
Judge H. H. Belt returned Tues
day night from Portland, where he
had been substituting for Circuit
Judge Uatens, wto is in California.
recuperating from a recent illness.
Frank Bethel was confined to bis
room two days this week with an at
tack of gastritis.
Mws Ethel Van Xortwick is one of
tbe many on the "sick list" this
Ira Merling, postmaster, mavnr-
elect Albert Teal and Walter Xicbols
of Falls City were among yesterday's
U. S. Grant left Tuesday moraine
to attend the annual convention of
the National Mohair Grower' asso
ciation in Galveston, Texas.
Miss Sophie Bankbooser was initi
ated into the Rebekah lodge Tuesday
evening. After the initiation the mem
bers enjoyed an informal dance.
A. B. Brown of Falls City was in
the city yesterday.
Misses Nell and Edith Southworth
spent Thanksgiving with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Southworth, at
E. C. (Sap) Latourette, attorney of
Oregon City, was a courthouse visit
or yesterday afternoon.
Return From Roseburg, Oregon.
Mrs. B. Casey and Miss Helen Ca
sey have returned from Roseburg,
Oregon, where they were Saturday foi
the funeral of Mrs. Casey's sister,
Mrs. S. P. Jewett, who died in tlie
Portland Surgical hospital November
28. Mrs. Jewett had been sick for
a number of years. Miss Rosa Par
rott of the faculty of Oregon Normal
school and a sister of Mrs. Jewett,
was in Roseburg for the funeral.
Hate To Give Up The Ship.
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., still lias a
picture of Charles E. Hughes in his
window; Carl Gerlinger declines to
discuss the "present ailministraton";
E. E. Ellsworth hasn't been quoted
for several days. There are still oth
J. T. Morrison Hurt.
J. F. Morrison, miller at the Perry-
dale Flour mills, was caught in a
shaft at the mills Tuesday afternoon
and had two ribs broken, the muscles
of the left side of the chest torn loose
and his left arm and shoulder strain
ed and bruised.
Presents Picture to High School.
In behalf of the Dallas W. C T. U.,
Mrs. J. G. v an Orsdel Tuesday morn
ing presented the high school with
picture of Miss Frances E. Willard,
the great . V. T. U. worker.
I. 0. 0. F, Elect Officers.
The officers of Friendship lodge,
number b, I. O. 0. F. for the coming
term are: Ira Wess, N. G. : Fred S
Cooper, V. G.; Charles Hayes, secre
tary; A, Wl Teats, treasurer.
Sermon Topic Interests.
"The Boy who wanted to know
why" is the subject of the story-sermon
to bo told by Hev. Howard Mfc
Connell Sunday evening in the Chris-!
tinn church, The story will he illus
trated by three striking tableau
which are being prepared by Frank
V. Brown, an expert in that line.
imoci music, nne rei ows im. a com
fortable room, special songs along
with other interesting features are in
store for those who attend.
To Speak Before S. S. Class.
Dr. A. K. Stailmck will sneak to
the members of the Loyal Men's class
of the Christian church Tuesday ev
ening. His subject will he, "Tl
ouug .Man s Welfare." Dr. Frank
R-I'orter, pastor of the Salem Chris
tian church, will be an honored guest
of the class. The meeting will be in
the form of the regular monthly ban
quet, starting at (i:'.W.
Christian Science.
Services in City Bank buildina
Sunday at 11 a.' m. Subject of the
lesson-sermon is "God the Preserver
ot .Man." Sunday school is nt 10
a. in. Service each Wednesday at
H p. in. The reading room is at tlio
same address.
Woman's Club Notes.
The Dallas Woman's club held its
regular meeting for December Tues
day afternoon in the library club
room. Owing to inclement weather
the attendance was small.
Tho vnnmr women's section report
ed splendid success in the sale of the
ery attractive little cook dook which
thev have compiled. Already the nrai
edition lias been sold and more have
been ordered.
The matter of purchasing a building
site came up for discussion but ow
ing to the small attendance, definite
action was postponed until the next
meeting. At that time a closed bal
lot will be taken and it is most im
portant that every member who can
possibly do so be present nt that time.
The next meeting of the literary sec
tion will be on the third Wednesday
of this month.
The music section will meet the
fourth Wednesday, December 27, in
the Uglow music room.
The civic section will not meet un
til the third Tuesday in January.
The club voted ten dollars toward
the fund for the community Christ
mas celebration. Several appeals nave
come to the Woman's' club to start
a movement to secure a fund for the
suffering Armenians but as yet no
definite plans have been formed.
After adjournment the ladies list
ened with much pleasure to a well
rendered piano solo by Miss Vernetto
Smith. Her selection was Valse lie
Concert by Newlnnd. The afternoon!
closed with light refreshments and
a social half hour.
In Portland Studio 600 Royal Building ,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each weak
Teaching in Dallas Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, m.
10 Dallas pupils already studying 'nt,
Write The Observer If Interested it a
1 a
Papers filed recently with County
Clerk Robinson have been:
Warranty deed, G. Wi. Johnson, et
ux, to C. L. Wbelk, .$1000, lot number
six, Hartley and Craig mill tracts.
Polk county.
Warranty deed, Charles Wilson Lee
to W. C. Bird and O. J. Bell, $1000,
44 acres.
Marriage license, Walter L. Hooker
to Ethel M. Wilson.
Deed, Jennie N. Ankeny, et hd, to
O. and C. R. R. company, $250, part
of Samuel Burch D. L. C.
Warranty deed, C. W. Henklo to
Grace Youter, $900, Independence
Quit claim deed, Carrie A. Shafford
et hd, to V. C. Mead, part of tract
number 49, Broadmead.
Mortgage, A. L. Sperling, et ux, to
Commerce Safe Deposit company,
$10,000, part of lot two and nil of lot
one, block number two, Henry Hill's
town of Independence.
Basket Social Profitable.
Assembly number 46 of the Artisan
lodge met at the Woodman hall Wed
nesday evening and elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
B. F. Preston, master artisan; Miss
Altai Savage, superintendent; Earl
Barlmm, inspector; J. N. Helgerson,
secretary; L. D. Brown, treasurer;
Airs. John Wit:';, senior conductor' (!
K. Patterson, master of tWcmonies;
and Dell Plasty junior conductor.
After the elective of officers a basket
social Wag held with E. K. l'iasecki
as auctioneer. Thirty-six dollars was
reidized from the sale of the many
clever baskets disn aved. Sonip n
the baskets sold for three and four
lullnrs. Dancing was enjoved after
the social.
Entertains With Silver Tea.
Mrs. C. L. Crider delightfully en
tertained the ladies of the Presbytcr
ian church Wednesday afternoon with
a silver tea at her home on Academy
street. The rooms were taslefnllv
decorated with chrysanthemums and
terns.- Miss Elva Lucas sang a nnm
i. .,i ,.!.... . i ..
ul ir.i-iisin- smos. -uiss I'aulinc
i pail accompanied her. Late in the
atternoon rclreshinents were served
iy the hostess to the 35 ladies wli
were present.
Tapscott To Preach Sunday.
Rev. W. T. Tapscott will preach
Sunday morning and evening in theij
Dallas Jiaptist church.
Friends' Club Entertained.
Mrs. Hulda Savery delightfully en
tertnined the members of the Friends'
club yesterday afternoon at her home
on Jelterson street. Late in the C
ternoon a delicious two-course lunch
eon was served. Those present were:
.vicsciamcs ,. L. Collins. D. (). B,Y,n
son. Hardy Holman, Beatrice Grant.
oiiiiuiii ierscy, I ieorge Cutler S P
Rigg. M. Kill's. Ihil.lo ' ,'
iss -Mary Butler.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Polk Coun
ty, Oregon, will hold the regular ex
amination of applicants for State
Certificates at Court House, Dallas,
as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, December
20, lOlli, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and
continuing until Sat unlay, December
23. l!)lti, at 4:00 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday forenoon: U. S. his
tory, writing, penmanship, music.
Wednesday afternoon :
Bazaar Held This Afternoon.
Hie Woman's club bazaar will 1en
m the library club room this after
noon at three. Fancy work, aprons,
dressed dolls, home-made candv and
cooked food will be on sale. 'l.Hit
7'"-' ,l,,ls Wl" ue sol thronghoui
the atternoon and evening. A ten-
ceuv parcel post sale will be
Hire of the evening.
Dr.Rempel,Chiropractor,513 Church
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1, for sale by all drag
gists. Adv. 70-tf.
Broken window ? We pat in window
glass. Sterling Furniture Company
The Dallas Wood company is ready
to furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf.
For paper hanging, and all kinds of
sign painting get Ernest Hanson's
prices. Office, 217 Main, 'phone 301.
We frame pictures. Did you know
that? Sterling Furniture Company
For Fire and automobile insurance
see Chas. Gregory, city hall. 32-tf
Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist, City Bank
building, Dallas.
Schevers, W. D., at 415 Oak street,
knows how to shoe horses. Try him
Dr. R, C. Virgil, osteopath. Uirlow
building: 9 to 12; 1 to 5; 7 to 8. 4fi-tf I
Have you a picture to frame f You
need go no further than our store to
have it done. Sterling Furniture Com
Pany- 75-tf
My office will bo closed from Mon
day, December 11 until after Ohrist
mas. DR. D. G. REMPEL
Do You Havef
ty of Hot W
ED7 WE HAVE Ali jj to
NEW PARTS. ttix?
ET. find
I SOB f2.S0 TO tier a
MORE THAN A C010!Ol;also:
ig v
is (
id to
. jthe
i me 1
Dr. Turner, formerlj.h v
& Turner, the wellb an"
specialist of Portland, 'illCj
tel Gail again Wodnesdi),
ber 13th. Don't foritet j
hira about your eyes u
Headaches relieved, crest 4 i
straightened. Satisfaction -J ' -teed.
Dr. Lowe's patients if Mn
to during his absence. kpei
Rich & El
f anc
Women Enjoy Sewing Party.
Eight women enjoyed a sewing par-
ty at Mrs. Olive Smitb-Bieknell's
-nonoav evening Tl,.,..
Physiolo-jMesdames Herman Layher, Ida Man-
Bt ..n.u.iifc. ithiiuv; muii, weurve 1 AVbino W t o .
sitinn. dnmestto !.;,,. . n,tl,.! ;., !, M r tr r. . "oen-
.. ulv lur uiaiii,," ... ana iora and Mnn.i. pu
methods in arithmetic.
Thursday forenoon : Arithmetic,
history of education, psychology.
methods in geography, mechanical
drawing, domestic art, course of study
for domestic art.
Thursday afternoon : Grammar,
geography, stenography, American
literature, physics, typewriting, meth
ods in language, thesis for primary
certificate. ' j
rnuay forenoon: Theory and
practice, orthography, physical geog-
rapny, tnclisfi literature, chemist
physical culture.
. r. .
- iieinuun: oenool Imw.
j , igeora, civil government.
Saturday forenoon: Geometry, bot
any. Saturday afternoon: General his
tory, bookkeepine.
County Superintendent of UWi.
T.D.5.12. I
To Many Portland Man.
Oinstmas day to J. Heron of Port-
cifie company. Mi,. Viola Colson.
-jus. toon within the
uVL roung eoupIe
. vi i num.
Lncaa-Hicok Weddinf Date Set.
The wedding of. Mis, Elv, Lucas
and Irvin D e Wi i H.cok has
set for New Yew', day in the First
Presbyterian church W tl. 1
eleet will arrive in th. .1 . r
cember 20. J T
The chargt toriliMrs,
ments under this '"Than:
cent per word toMrs.
sertlon. No dlKouiJ
cesslve ltsuei. " !y sj
anything for kfcg
change; It jrooC'
or lease'a house or buHMv
If you want help or a Job o(
you have lost or found U!j
you want publicity of uwf'
this column. You ut m& :
results others do, whjrnot!. J
ephone your "want ids" "fSB
all communications to Tl vis
Dallas, Oregon. Count tltti.
words to remit with order. I'jcott
No. 19. last f
"Six," run less than
in fine condition. LoamXT
and will sell for 75;
at factory one year &
at The Observer, or UH . "
Hotel Gail. Will consider: ot
Will Give Another Jitney Dane.
Company L Athletie club will give
another j.tney dance tomorrow
in? in the Dallas armorv.
pr7s1iHE GiftStor
that's what many
II call our store. Every-
a I e 1 line
'Ml "niq"e Eiftp-,hint
" me particular and
eif useful, like the
Conklin Self-Filler.
A Conklin nukes a
nighty good pft. The
Pen with the "Cretcent
Filler". Point to suit
every hand. J2.S0up.
LOANS Farm and city f and
lowest rates. Mortgs?0 had
tracts bought aad soli loon
A. Kliks, MeMinnviltomtifu
tnt 1
6 Per Cent Farm Lowing ;
class farms. E
605 Court street, ,
FOB SALE Team, warrPePP
1050; 2 wagon; good 'pg
12-inch plow, and cow. g ji
together, can make god
terms. See E. D. Cosper i .
FOR SALE New. moden ' Kiss
bungalow on Washing n on
terms. McBee UndCo!
able, two-horse, double
than half price; gooi "
W. WeUs. J
- -Id
TO TRADE One JerieT "
year-old and 2 one-vet'- i
for Angora goats. Iff !
or see O. H. Hill; Bueu. I
Fountain Pen
NON-LFAnni r-
Hayler's Book Store
TO TD A FIP T- wfi P
- ' a iini u j.Mv - r :
land in sabnrbs of P
improved farm land ui P wi;
no buildings required. r
Address P. O. box ,U.
Phone 145L jg a
FOR SALE Prune l.ni J
orchards, 30 acres, Hi"' p .
Dallas. Will trade for" '
dress F. care of Observer f