Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 14, 1916, Image 5

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Ways Hold Almosl
2 oats Under Con-iaction.
are under construction in
Is of the northwest at pies
wooden ships, each with an av
?oss tonnage of 2400, and
th an approximate carrying
of one and a half million
umber. Of this number yards
le Columbia river are con
f20. instruction is not confined to
ticular locality, as activity is
ced from Vancouver and Vie
here S boats are building, to
and Marshfleld, at which lat
s two of 11 rumored addition
8 will be constructed,
from the quantity of lumber
construction of these boats
trip of this fleet of 64 ves-
handle almost a hundred mil
t of lumber. This industry
be the one redeeming fea-
tbe Northwest lumber situa-
'ing is the list of construction
i the number of ships being
by each: .
uver and Victoria, B. C, 8;
ton Shipbuilding Co., Se-
; Alaska Pacific Navigation
ttle, 1; Seaborn Shipyards
5; Olympia Shipbuilding
npia, 3: Aberdeen Ship-build-
Aberdeen, 3; Grays Harbol
ling Co., Aberdeen, 3; Mat
upbuilding Co., Hoquiam, 2;
American fisheries Co., Bel
2; Heath Shipbuilding Co.
, 6; Peninsula Shipbuilding
land, 2; MoEachcrn bandifei
ma, 7j Wilson Bros., Astor
, Helens Shipbuilding Co., St
3. Rumors of additional or-
Seattle 3 by Alaska Pacific
on Co.; at Portland 6 by
'acifie Shipbuilding Co.; at
I 2 by James Feency.
Touches Upon Roads, City
r- 'pf, Social Welfare.
' !h commonwealth confef-
ninily held at the State Uni
vill full this year early in
p. The points to be consider-
iiese :
ay improvements; simplinca-
ie state legislative machinery
ihamt r for budgetary and
egislfi on; provision for ex
draf. ,ijf and regulation of
of b.lls; a shifting of the
from the legislative to the
nd administrative depart
' t co-operation with the na
ies in control of natiir
if te state as will in
's getting not only her
e fullest returns from
n; supervision of city
; c irvation of human life
a development of ideals of
iprovi ncnt, with the lcgisla
mpai nent of a bill for the
ent of imbeciles.
raetictJ achievement of the
;e will come through diseus
le points described above ac-
0 F. G. Young, professor of
5 and sociology in the Uni
f Oregon, who has charge of
lonwealth conference. These
e the ones uppermost in the
the people, of the state at
; says Professor Young,
people of Oregon are only
; to recover from the craze
ate 'a boom. They are begin
ec that Oregon is the normal
the most progressive civil
nd that the peculiar advan
ich nature has given her fit
1 for unique development,"
second place they are at
lining to feel that the great
Oregon has cannot be real
68 her development is wise
nan! ed.
obleros then which the state
'onwealth conference will
e of so handling the af
' slate economically and
7, that kindred spirits
will be attracted to help
of a successful state;
T the political machinery
rationalized to that it
Trying an unnecessary
ing. All that I am is from you who
bore me.
"For all the love that you gave
me, unmeasured from the beginning,
my mother, I thank you, I thank you
for the hand that led me, the voice
that directed me, the lap that rested
me. All that I am is by you, who
nursed me.
"For your smile in the morning
and your kiss at night, my mother, I
thank you. I thank you for the
tears you shed over me, the songs
that you sang to me, the prayers you
said for me, for your vigils and min
i storings.
"For the faith you had in me, the
hope you had for me, I thank you.
I thank you for your praise and your
chiding, for the justice you bred into
me and the 'honor you made mine.
All that I ami you taught me.
"For the sore travail that I caused
youi, for the visions and despairs, my
mother, forgive me. Forgive me the
peril I brought you to, the sobs and
the moans I wrung from you, and the
strength I took from you, mother,
forgive me.
"For the fears I gave you, for
the alarms and the dreads my mother,
forgive me. Forgive me the joys I
deprived you, the toils I made for
you, for the hours, the days, and the
years I claimed from you, mother, for
give me.
"For the times that I hurt you,
the time I had no smile for you, my
mother, forgive me. Forgive me for
my angers and revolts, for my de
ceits and evasions, for all the pangs
and sorrows' I brought to you, moth
er, forgive me. .
"For your lessons I did not learn,
for your wishes I did not heed, for
the counsels I did not obey, my moth
er, forgive me. Forgive me my pride
in my youth and my glory in my
strength that forgot the holiness of
yoW years and the veneration of
your weakness, for all the great
depths of your love, that I have not
paid, mother, sweet mother, forgive
" And may the peace and the joy
that passeth all understanding be
yours, my mother, forever and ever."
Prediction at Spokane Conference
Yesterday Was Surprise to Lum
bermen of the Coast.
Washington Had Troubles of His Own
In Hit Official Family.
To represent the factions fairly,
Washington chose for his cabinet four
men who could not bave differed more
in character had he summoned tbem
from the ends of the earth.
For secretary of state he chose Jef
ferson, tbe ardent theorist who had
done his country the service of formu
lating tbe Declaration of Independence
and was perhaps better known abroad
than any American save the aged
Franklin. For secretary of the treas
ury he called to him the phenomenal
Hamilton, with the frame of a lad and
tbe Intellect of a giant, to whom It
was given to perform miracles with an
empty exchequer. The secretary of
war was General Knox, large and
showy, but, despite his pompous speech
and grandly flourishing cane, a man of
experience not only in battle, but In
administering this same office under
the Continental congress. T'.ie attor
ney general was Edmund Rnndolph.
who proved of wcoker moral fiber than
the others.
Jefferson was the strong opposing
personality of the administration. He
bad little patience with General Knox,
whom he called "a man of parade,"
and be and Hamilton quarreled almost
dally upon every conceivable topic, for
Hamilton, Federalist to the core by
instinct and conviction, became as in
evitably spokesmnn for the party hi
Even Washington could not preserve
harmony in such a cabinet, and before
tbe end of bis first term both Hamilton
and Jefferson resigned. Afterward the
president had still greater difficulty
with his council. His critics taunted
him with being able to get only second
rate men to fill their places, and Vice
President Adams asserted tbnt it was
this, not high devotion to principle.
that caused him to refuse a third term.
But Adams was neither generous nor
always Just in his estimate of others.
Helen Nlcolay in Century Magazine.
Chiefs of the lumber industry of
the east and middle west told repre.
sentative lumbermen of the northwest
at a1 conference in Spokane yesterday
that within ten years the Pacific man
ufacturers would be called upon to
produce one-half of the lumber out
put of the United States against a
present production of one-sixth of
the nation's cut.
This was the most startling infor
mation developed from the day's con
ference on questions of present and
future production and consumption.
Late in the afternoon, as the confer-
once became" an informal discussion
of inside facts in the industry, the
visitors brought the western manu
facturers face to face with the fact
that the great southern and middle
western timber areas will not con
tinue to meet the demands at the
present proportion; that the north
west and west coast mills will see a
constant increase in volume of busi
ness; that in meeting 50 per cent of
tbe consumption ten years hence, the
western mills will be compelled to
maintain an output far above 50 per
cent of the present consumption.
Eastern manufacturers were after
wards entertained at a banquet at
which they stated their purpose in
coming on this trip, which is to take
them to Seattle and other coast points,
is the stimulation of the lumbermen
to a realization of the possibilities
of their industry and to expand the
demand for their product.
Their efforts are a feature of the
national campaign to put lumber be
fore all communities and cities as the
ideal building materiul. They will
conclude their conferences in Spokane
A SUry af the Baaiila.
In tbe year 1785 a haughty noble of
the ancient regime of France fell In
love with a beautiful girl, tbe daugh
ter of a wealthy tradesman of Pari.
Tbe latter, refusing to encourage tbe
nobleman's passion, was soon after
thrown into the Bastile. Tbe sweet
heart of tbe gtrl. wbo was to have
married her in a few days, dreading a
like fate, made his escape to Constan
tinople to serve as a volunteer under
tbe grand seigneur, leaving bis Intend
ed bride secreted with a woman friend.
On the outbreak of tbe revolution tbe
young man returned to I aria and was
tbe very grenadier wbo first mounted
tli breach made In tbe Bastile, from
the dungeons of which be bad the hap
piness of rescuing tbe father of bis
future bride.
Regular Hours.
Faithful Colored Servant (to roanff
pbraiclanl lorr be. Dr. Tswm. a sbo'
I nui panenc none torn a i JJ -Jte
to Mother. 1 .1 me come today. But I batter sen'
you gave me, the bone ' bint away, fount Physician W oat the
the heart and the
Tours, my mother, I
'nnnk Too for the lirlit
blood in niv v,-in-i. for
r my life, for niy be-j
deuce did yo do that fort Servant-
Well, sun. yo ece boors am from 1 1
to L Hit were gwuw on half pes
when tl-H ber rem'toae Hng de do
belt-New Trk Vint.
The ore from which quicksilver is
obtained is a brlllliiut red rock known
as cinnabar. . When of high purity it
Is actually vermilion in color. Cliina
hur Is the original source of the pig
ment known commercially as vermil
ion. It is a compound of sulphur unil
quicksilver, und in order to separate
the latter from the sulphur the rock is
roasted. Passing off in the form of a
gas, the mercury is afterward con
densed and Sows out in a fine stream,
like a continuous pencil of molten sil
ver. I.Ike gold and silver, mercury Is
occasionally found in a native or pure
state. Sometimes the miner's pick
penetrates a cavity that contains a
cupful or more of the elusive and beau
tiful fluid. Miners suffer much from
the poisonous effects of the quicksilver
fumes. Extreme cleunliness is the best
safeguard for workers in this danger
ous occupation.
business as Fisher Bros. & Steiner,
Private Bankers, Grant Smith, J. B.
Blair and A. L. Warren, trustees of
Fisher Bros. & Sterner, Private Bank
ers, Defendants.
To F. F. Fisher, Alena E. Fisher, his
wife, Mary Fisher, J. B. Blair, re
ceiver of Fisher Bros. & Steiner,
Private Bankers, R. L. Fisher, M.
M. Fisher and Q. A. R. Steiner, co
partners doingi business as Fisher
Bros. & Steiner, Private Bankers,
Grant Smith, J. B. Blair, A. L.
Warren, trustees of Fisher Bros. &
Steiner, Private Bankers, and each
of you, Defendants:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before November 25, 1916, and
if you fail to answer, for want there
of, the plaintiffs will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in the
Complaint, to-wit:
A judgment against F. F. Fisher
and Alena E. Fisher, his wife, for
$5,000 and interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from
August 22, 1915, until paid, and the
further sum of $500 attorneys' fees
and their costs and disbursements in
curred in said suit and for a decree
of this Court forever foreclosing and
barring the equity of redemption and
interests of the defendants herein,
and each of them, and that tbe fol
lowing described real property be
sold as provided by law and the pro
ceeds thereof be applied toward the
payment of plaintiffs' demands here
in, to-wit:
The West one half of the D. L. C.
of Jesse D. Walling and Eliza Ann
Walling, his wife, it being claim No.
48 T. 6 S. R. 4 W. and claim No. 52
T. 6 S. R. 3 West and claim No. 58
7 S. R. 4 W. of the Willamette
Meridian in Polk County, State of
Oregon, save and except from this
conveyance the following tracts of
land: 71.51 awes, more-or less, out
of the N. E. corner of said West half
of said claim deeded to Mrs. Eliza
Ann Walling by the heirs of the said
Jesse D. Walling, tbe said tract of
land so reserved and excepted from
this land being described as follows,
Beginning at a point on the North
line of the said Jesse D. Walling and
wife's claim 78.17 chains West of the
N. E. comer of said claim and run
ning thence S. 7i'2 degrees West
38.67 chains along the North line of
said claim; thence South 15 degrees
East 22.64 chains; thence N. 74y2
degrees East 17 chains; thence N. 15
degrees West 7 chains; thence North
7412 degrees East 21.66 chains;
thence N. 15 degrees West 15.25
chains to the place of beginning.
Also the following: Beginning at
a point in the North boundary line
of the D. L. C. of Jesse D. Wa'ling
and wife in T. 6 S. R. 4 W. of the
W. M. in Polk County, Oregon which
said point is South 74 degrees 30 min
utes West 116.84 chains from the N.
E. corner of said D. L. C. and run
ning thence S. 74 degrees 30 minutes
West along the North boundary linp
of said D. L. C. 13.25 chains; thence
South 15 degrees E. 22.64 chains;
thence N. 74 degrees 30 minutes East
13.25 chains; thence North 15 degrees
W. 22.64 chains to the place of be
ginning and containing 30 acres ot
land, more or less, in the D, L. C. of
Jesse D. Walling and wife, and in
Section 36, T. 6 S. R. 4 W. of W. M.
in Polk County, State of Oregon.
This Summons is published by or
der of the Hon. Harry H. Belt, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Polk,
which order was made on the 2nd day
of October, 1916, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is 6
weeks, beginning with the issue of
October 3, 1916, and ending with the
issue of November 14, 1916.
T03-N14 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
NOTICE is hereby given that, I,
the undersigned administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of
Martha J. Stairs, deceased, have fil
ed my final account, report and pe
tition for my discharge from such
trust, in the County Court for Polk
County, Oregon, and the County
Court has fixed Saturday, the 16th
day of December, 1916, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of said duy at
the County Court house in Dallas,
Polk County, Oregon, as the time and
place when and where the said final
account, final report and petition for
discharge will be heard. All per
sons interested in said estate may ap-
pear and hie such objections and
show cause if any they may have
why the same should not be in all
things allowed, approved and the
said administrator with will annexed
finally discharged, and his bondsmen
exonerated from further liability
This 11th day of November, A. D
Administrator with Will annexed
of the estate of Martha J. Stairs,
Attorney for Administrator.
The G-E Electric Range boils,'
broils, roasts, toasts, fries and
bakes like any modern range
but it takes only the turn of a
switch to ' get it hot. No coal,
or coal dust, or coal gas just a
switch to turn and the cookery,
, begins!
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Ella R. Stouffer has been
appointed executrix of the estate of
Dan P. Stouffer, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon ! g
for Polk County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby required to
present them, with the proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date
of this notice, to the said executrix
at her residence at No. 212 Main
Street, in the City of Dallas, in said
County of Polk.
Dated and first published October
31, 1916. ELLA R. STOUFFER,
Executrix of the estate of Dan P.
Stouffer, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix. T031-N28
In the Matter of the Estate of J.
W. Dickey, deceased.
Notiee is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been, by the County
Court of Polk County, Oregon, ap
pointed Executrix of the estate of J.
W. Dickey, deceased, late of said
county and state.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same, duly verified, to the
undersigned at her residence in Sa
ver, Polk County,- Oregon, within six
months from tbe first publication
Dated, October 14, 1916.
Date of first publication, October
17, 1916.
Date of last publication, November
14, 1916. T017-N14
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Polk.
OertrHe E. Krnse and Emma L.
Savace. trustees under the will of
0in (. Savage, deceased, Plaintiffs.
vs. F. F. Fishe- Alena E. Fisher, his
wife; Fred A. i.andy, W. S. Catton.
Vary Fisher. J. B. Blair eceiver of
I isher Bros. Steiner. P, ivale Bank-
. If. I,. Fisher. V. M. 7 '.. '1. r. and
i. A. K. Steiner. eo-partr..;- doing
You Are Judged
By the
Appearance of
Your Stationery
IF your Stationery is up to the
minute, with the type the proper
size and neatly displayed, your com
munication will command attention.
That is the kind of Stationery that The
Observer Job Rooms turns out. If
you want any kind of Printing, ' give
us a chance to figure on your work.
No botch work allowed to leave the
office. All work is under the super
vision of competent workmen. Re
sults are guaranteed both as to price
and quality. Promptness is assured.