Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 14, 1916, Image 3

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ter '
jnr places
Paragraphs of
It The Observ
es Readers.
'ev lias returned from
here he has been work
wr. '
made a trip to Gopher
eek for a load of lum
e Sampson of Tacoma
ister-in-law Mrs. Mary
tly. ..
I has, returned from a
. was called to Marion
ly to be at. the bedside
r, who is very ill.
ill has retnrned from
where he has been
and Mrs. Morris ot
are here recently,
ts. Elmer Newbill have
rtland for the winter,
with Mr. and Mrs. Rae
alias last week before
man, is running Elmer
1 hall while Elmer is
Boll,' one of the grade
in Eugene for "Home-
is working for the
nber company in the
gging camp,
herton and Alf Wine
rip to Gopher Valley re
retting a load ,of lum
inelond is building an
s house.
fewbill is working in
ah. . , ,
Sears is again studying
innville. -
inworthy has been home
with his family. Wal-
hy has been ill witih a
f pneumonia. Dr. Fields
.ttended him.
of Independence moved
rto the Albert Yocom
y vacated by Mr. Hat-
lan and Felix Comogys
ins c?, cabbage to Port
r. . - -
Tlark went to McMinn
last wejk for medical
was in T .oMinnville last
ess. 1
irqtiar has been making
iments to his property
bill a .d mother went
iirr 'ay to visit for a
r. J.ewbill expects to
fc r ."rings for treatment
-i. -
land gave her lit
7u. .!, a birthday party
Tlie l .tle folks enjoyed
reat'y with different
at lun h was served,
irist. in Sheridan
dentt.l treatment,
amm, v ited Mrs. S. H.
days 1 ist week,
was in t alem Friday on
and Geo. Ijamm went
'er to fish Wednesday.
?bodby was in Sheridan
baon's brother came
visit his mother and
:xa VISTA.
I Correspondence)
Andersoa has returned
and reports her moth
ttcr. J. W. R. Bevens and Al
5 Dallas callers Sunday.
Elkins of Dallas is vis
r sister, Mrs. W. R.
Prather entertained a
mg folks Tuesday even
ing waa spent playing
'. light refreshments
" ' ose present were :
f Hall, Inez and
C I nd Geneva Cry
3 Rath Prather,
Horn Brunbridge.
i and Vera F.m-
. George Simmons.
Liehly, Mr. and
Mrs. Kuimons
4 Prather.
had an anti-rat
1 day Thursday.
oom is planning
1 sinment on the
f ! FV name of the
V inkle."
ee of the politi-
Robertson and
f J. T. Robertson
Robertson home
nse of Olympiav,
Wash., is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eitelgoerge.
Emmett Fletchall is nursing a bad
ly cut finger.
Byford Stone drove a herd of cat
tle through here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gruber were
recent guests in the Alex Robertson
J. A. Lowther and family have
gone to Portland to live.
A very successful basket social was
given in the school house Saturday
Mrs. S. N. Phillips and sister from
the east visited here recently.
The mill is closed down until more
logs can be obtained.
Plaronno Alford and Miss Opal
Harrington were Sheridan visitors
A number of men have been em
ployed the past week to repair the
A baby girl has been born to Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Daniels.
Several new bridges are being built
above the mill.
Mrs. Pearl Black and baby of Dal
las are visiting Mrs. Blnck's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Titus, this week.
G. D. Treat is reported to be quite
ill at his home tliis week.
Harvey Montgomery and wife came
up from Dallas Sundoy evening to
visit his mother, Mis. Aildie Mont
gomery. Thepoople of Falls City appreciati
the neighborliness of Rev. .Tnmes, C.
Hrwiu of the Methodist Episcopal
church. Though here but a little more
than a month Mr. and Mrs. Erwin
have shown that they like this little
city und its people and want to do
their utmost to help it grow, physi
cally and spiritunlly.
A number of young people met nt
the Methodist church parsonage last
Tuesday evening. After an hour
spent in singing, several very good
readings were giyen. Light refresh
ments were served.
Miss Alineda J. Fuller has thanked
the people of Falls City through the
press for the support given her in
her recent candidacy for county
school superintendent.
II. Phillip, champion race rider of
the world,' took supper at Phil Ar
thur's this week. He was on his way
to Tennessee,
add Falls City '
The mill company is banking logs
above the pond in order to have a
winter's supply for the will.
I?. W. Tripp of Brownsville, an old
friend of J. W. Mickalson of this
place, visited here Wednesday.
Charles Norris is laid up with an
injured foot, which he received in an
accident at the cement quarry some
days ago.
Charles Bradley and E. Hollings
worth have returned -from eastern
Oregon, where they have been for
the last few months,
add Falls City
J. H. Oxford of Brownsville vis
ited with his son. Clay, while return
ing from an extended eastern visit.
Preston Ireland of Lebanon was
here recently for the purpose of look
ing over property with a view to
ward locating later.
Revival services were started in
the Methodist Episcopal church Wed
nesday night. The pastor, Rev. Er
win, plans to conduct the services for
the next three weeks.
ver, Colorado, to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Maud Johnson.
The city council met in regular ses
sion Monday evening. Some routine
business was transacted. Sherman
Elliott was appointed treasurer and
a mass meeting called for Thursday
night to make nominations for city
officers to be elected in December.
'A heavy vote of 268 was polled in
West Salem precinct, over half of
which was cast by women. Kepubli-
ean candidates led all along the line.
Most of the measures were turned
The Ladies' Aid society held a meet
ing at Mrs. D. K. Brannons, Thursday
afternoon. General business was trans-
lacted and some sewing done. Dainty
refreshments were served and meet
ing adjourned to meet fourth Thurs
day in November with Mrs. W. W.
Chas. WSvern started to Eastern
Oregon Thursday morning. He will
do some trapping while away.
A pleasant little surprise party was
given Delbert Moore on Friday ev
ening, the occasion being his four
tecnttflrirtliday. Games were play
ed and light refreshments served.
Those present were Missec Alice
Wood, Dorothy Miller. Ruth Bedford,
Alida Beeken, Dessie Jacobs, Messrs.
Walter Brannen, Albert Warren. Ben
Beeken. Albert Lamb, Edward War
ren, Delbert Moore, and Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Tanton of New
port have rented and are occupying
the Sherman house in Kingwood.
Mrs. John Morgan and baby Olive
started Wednesday for Joplin, Mis
souri for a visit with relatives. Later
she will join her husband in Oklahoma.
W. C. Heise spent Sunday at home,
returning Monday to his work on the
telephone line in Southern Oregon.
The baby son of Mr. and Mrs
Frank Lamb has been quite ill winh
bronchitis but is improving.
Mrs. Chas Spitzbart and Mm. De
Mars of Salem and Mrs. J. R. Bed
ford were Wednesday dinner guests
at the J. T. Hunt borne.
A number of voters availed them
selves of the privilege of getting a
hot dinner on election day for the
small sum of 25c, which was served
by the "Ladies' Aid" at the borne of
J. T. Hunt
Vim Gibson of Liberty was a guest
at the home of ber anrle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Moore, the
first of the week.
Misa Zela McLean of Salem was a
Wednesday night guest at the J. R.
Bedford home.
Mrs. Jane WDson baa gone to Den-
Election day passed quietly in Su-
var, and we were exceedingly well
pleased to see so many women turn
out at the polls.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Lindgren have
gone to Roseburg, and Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Habekott have taken charge
of the Pacific Land company's farm
F. N. Stump "has opened his new
hardware store.
Mrs. E. E. DeArmond came to Sa
ver Tuesday to vote.
Mrs. Mason, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. R. McCallum, has
returned to her home in Corvallis.
Walter Lembke was in Portland
last week visiting his mother.
F. D. Moore, the county supervis
or, visited Suver last Tuesday and
gave the children a most interesting
Edward L. Bagley has returned to
Suver to spend the winter with his
Mrs. Hurd and son of Elkton are
visiting Mrs. Townes.
Miss Matilda Bidders has returned
to Portland. "
Mrs. E. L. Baker and Miss Vera
Wilson spent Thursday in Indepen
Miss Matilda and Anna Ridders en
tertained last Tuesday evening.
Raymond Frost has returned to
Forest Grove, where he will resume
his studies at Pacific University.
Miss Violet Oglcsbee has returned
from Eugene and will spend the win
ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. P. Oglcsbee.
Hallie Brown has returned to Su
ver and is visiting with his cousin,
Lloyd Flickenger.
Mr. Stark of Eugene, a former ho
tel man of Independence, is visiting
his brother-in-law, A. T. Steele,
i Mrs. J. M. Larsen was in Indepen
dence Friday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Prather of Bu-
ena Vista were Suver visitors last
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M- Allen enter
tained. with cards and dancing Satur
day evening. The James-Cooley or
chestra furnished the music.
E. G. Dun ton is getting the former
Normal domestic science building
ready for occupancy.
A car of flax seed was recently
shipped from Monmouth by G. W.
Cheseboro of the Monmouth Heights
Hugh Black was in Sheridan Sun
day. Jack Syron of Sheridan was in the
city Friday.
Misses Rosa and Nellie Gilson are
boarding in the Bratcher home and
attending high school.
FT J Elliott was in Portland the
first of last week on a business trip.
A literary society has been organ
ized in the high school.
A valuable horse belonging to Bob
Mitchell died November 4.
Waxes' silks, rollea and wool and
mohair mixtures are the craze now m
Parts, which ts quite mad over these
now "tiasus clrea." Callot and Cberult
especially have taken up these waxed
fabrics, and. in addition to tne anu
nesa of the material, there are facings
of stiffening under he ma and pepluma
Paris lam enormously these days,
Drecell being the only bouse that does
not emphasize crinoline effects. Pie
met la exploiting flare effects extrava
gantly. Not only are the Premet frocks
stiffened at the hem and at the hip.
but broad sashes are Hoed with resili
ent fabric and boned at the ends, so
that they atand out from the akirta.
All bodies are snug fitting, and bones
aie introduced at the waist line to give
the trim waist effect that accorit best
with a widely flaring skirt.
Sizes ef the Planets
An tngeniona way of comparing the
ties ef planets with 'the sua la sug
gested by a French adentiflc writer.
Let the earth, he nays, be represented
by a twenty franc piece; then Venus la
IS franca. Mars 1 Mercury T. Cream
MO. Neptune 30. Return I MO. Jnpilar
MOO and the nun ,7!Wwa
(Delayed Correspondence)
The week preceding Hallowe'en
was Busy one for normal students.
On October 21 the moving picture,
"Civilization," was presented to a
large and appreciative audience. On
the Thursday following we were en
tertained by Mr. Whipp, a Portland
soloist, who gave a good program
of musical numbens. On October 28
two Hallowe'en parties given by the
juniors and seniors, respectively, were
held in the training school and the
normal gymnasium. The evening of
November 3 was the occasion of the
joint meeting of the Vespertine, Del
phian and Normal societies. The
masque, "Pandora," was staged by
the Delphian society and the debate
and musical numbers of the normals
were all very much appreciated by
the audience. On account of an acci
dent to the lighting system the Ves
pertines were compelled to postpone
their program, but it will be an event
to be looked forward to in the future.
On Friday, November 3, Mr. Starr,
a regent of the Oregon Normal paid
us a welcome visit and incidentally
enlightened the student body on some
of the laws which were on the bal
lot. Miss Dinins, our third and fourth
grade critic, gave an unusual chapel
talk in the form of a Riley program
by the pupils of her room. Each bud
ding orator, reader and musician was
heartily applauded by the students,
for it was a treat all enjoyed.
On November 4 the junior girls
were entertained at tea in the dormi
tory parlors. This tea added anoffher
to the list of successful affairs that
have been held in the dormitory under
the management of that able hostess,
Miss Todd, dean of women.
President Ackerman, who has been
giving lectures at institutes in east
ern Oregon counties, has returned to
Monmouth. '
One has only toiote the added spir
it and enthnsism awakened in the
student body when the dhair in chapel
which has been vacant for a time is
again filled to realize how -great is
the influence of the man who leads
in the normal. Under his guidance
our school is forging ahead in all ac
tivities. . Misses West, Kennon and Butler of
the Normal faculty were entertained
in Eugene on "Homecoming" day by
Miss Fox, dean of women at the university.
Honor Residents' Birthday.
Tuesday, November 7 is a red let
ter on the calendar of the Oregon
Normal school. The person who said
bouquets are thrown only at those
who have left us would have to change
hip viewpoint immediately had he
visited our school on that day. For.
during the regular chapel period 420
students, in song and speech, showed
their appreciation and love of the
man at the head of our school. The
alert, happy faces turned toward the.
president's chair and the enthusiasm
and good feeling which surcharged
the atmosphere evidenced the heart
felt spirit which was the inspiration
of this expression of honor for Pres
ident Ackerman. A huge lighted cake
was carried in at the close of this
enjoyable hour by Mr. Ingram, pres
ident of the student body, who was
attired in a chef's cap and apron.
This concluded the students' share
jn the festivities of the day and the
annual faculty banquet was held in
the evening in the domestic science
department of the training school.
There the excellent dinner and the
witty speeches brought about a fit
ting close to one of the brightest days
the Normal has had this year.
Now is the time to see J. C. Uglow
about The New Edison. 65-67
Dr. R. C. Virgil, osteopath, Uglow
building: 9 to 12; 1 to 5; 7 to 8. 46-tf
Schevers, W. D., at 415 Oak street,
knows how to shoe horses. Tryatnm.
For Fire and automobile insurance
see Chas. Gregory, city hall. 32-tf
Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist, City Bank
building, Dallas.
The McBee Land company has mov
ed ita office to 612 Mill street. 72-75c
For paper hanging, and all kinds of
sign painting get Ernest Hanson's
prices. Office, 217 Main, 'pnone iol,
Dr.Rempel,Chiropractor,513 Church
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1, for sale by all drug
gists. Adv. 79-tf.
The Dallas Wood company is ready
to furnish yon with mm wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf.
Dr. Turner, former-
fm ly of Lowe & Turner,
4sn5" eye specialist of Port
land, will be in Dallas
again on Thursday, November 16, at
Gail hotel. Headaches relieved, cross
eyes straightened. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Consult him. Dr. Lowe's pa
tients attended to during his absence.
Dr. Turner will be in Falls City on
Monday, November 20. 73-74
West Side Marble
0. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor.
Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic
in Dallas.
Because it's the evidence of a Dal
las citizen.
Testimony easily investigated.
The strongest endorsement of mer
The best proof. Read it:
T. J. Campbell, retired farmer, Ash
street, Dallas, says: "I have been
using Doan a Kidney pills whenever
my kidnevs have needed attention
for a good many years and in every
instance I have found them to be all
that is represented of them. I eouldn 't
recommend a better medicine for
backache and regnlatinr the kidneys
than Doan'a Kidney Pills."
Price 50e at all dealers. Don t sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Campbell bad. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
John 8. Moor la Dead.
John S. Moore. 73, of Independence
fied November 7 and waa buried
Thursday in the L O. O. P. eemetery.
The funeral services were held from
the Preebyterian ehnrrh.
Dr. Freeze, the Port
land specialist, will
continue to make reg
nlar trips to Dallas
each month. Watcb paper for dates
Call Gail hotel. Fourteen yea' ex
perience over 7900 eases treated.
Lumber Co.
we handle Crescent Toilet paper
4 rolls for 25c?
We have asbestos paper at 15
cents a yard. Wrap your Sues and
stoves with a non-inflammable ma
terial. A cent in time saves ninety-nine.
Why let your toothbrusses lie
around and sometimes accumulate
dust on the floor toothbrush hold
ers from 20c to $1.00.
Keep the bathroom, and sinks
spick and span with Superior
Porcelain cleaner 35c a can.
Opal tumblers are the color of
the wash basin, the bowl, the bath
tub and ether bathroom fixtures.
Is your sponge on hand when
yon need it? .If not probably
sponge holder would keep track of
it for yon.
With Plumbers Friend any
householder may keep the waste
pipes clean. Maybe the cost of
one 80c, will save yon a several
dollars plumbers' bill.
Pipe cleaning compound from
60c. to 1.00.
Flush balls, 40c. to 75c.
Wash cloth holders at 20c
Cigar rest and paper holder, 50a
Seat hinges.
2 World-Famous
Each tin bmtt of its clam. 1
tplmndid grooVs at 3 rfiffew i
prices. ,
Old Master
San Mario
"Thm Kind With Ik
Twlce-a-Wflek Observor 11.(0 a Tear.
F. N. Woodry
The Live Stock Auctioneer
Farm stock sales a specialty. If
you want what your chattels are
worth I can get it for you. Give
me a trial and be convinced. I
guarantee satisfaction. No sale
too large or too small. I work
for the -man that employs me.
Address 1140 South 15th St
Salem, Oregon.
Phone fill.
f v rr
Awarded Oold Medal
P. P. L E. Ban Frandsco. 1915.
The Strongest and nearest water-proof
shoes made.
Loggers, Cruisers, Miners, Sportsmen
and Workers.
Men's Comfort Dress Shoes
Strong Shoes for Boys
Manufactured by
621 Thnnnaa St. Portland, Oregon,
Ask for
Dr. W. L llolloway
Office over Stafria's Drag Store.
Phones: Res. 182; Office 622.
Try The Observer want ad.