Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 17, 1916, Image 1

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    , .
folk . CEmmtg (msimat
NO. 66
t-- - ' "
l . V.'0;.!.'.!l KILLED
,t; mobile oc-'ision fatal
' to mbs. 0. : . jiatlock.
i. a. m. r
, Aileen, and Two
bthers B Mured When
Cht i Kits Ford.
'n r. M. Matlock of Salem, moth-
Hf A. M. Matlock, shipping clerk
Vthe Willamette Valley Lumber
inpany, is dead, sad Mrs. A. M.
rook and 25-nv hs' old daugn
Aileen, Mrs. i 7 N. Ivie and
s. L. E. Weeks i suffering from
taries as a res' a head-on coi
tion between t -rd car in which
( Matlock r with Mrs- Weeks
1 the Wheel, traveling north on
Sg Salem-' ton road Friday
ning an 3 . a Chalmers ear of Ju-
Aim, I iMit of Liberty Hill,
Vertex ' Jessie Matlock, 8-
iajir-old t-ughter of A M. Matlock,
inped injury as did three of the
,r occupants of the Aim automo
e: Christian Aim, driver, Misses
Kaise ScoH and C ra Dick and E.
Swan, '.he in; -d are at the Sa
l bosr" J. It., j. Matlock's body
ijo cha.e of Coroner Clough o
Irion con
Che acme' t occurred one mile east
(Doe's f r grounds store on the
Wton T.iA about nine Friday
m. ning. Testimony indicates that
I jir causes were responsible: a low
iJllagiiig fog which prevented either
iver from seeing far ahead; exces
"a speed of the Alms automoibile ;
" iupancy of t'.w left-hand side of the
jd by the Alms automobile; and
tfusion on the part of Mrs. Weeks.
Prom the condition of the care af
It' the accident it is evident the im
"lot was terrific' The Ford was turn
half way around and When the cars
jpred their bodies were parallel,
pig north, with their noses turned
t t e wire f nee. Just previous to
accident the Ford car was travel-
east and the Chalmers west.
IVThe entire front of the Ford was
"Vtmpled. One of the Chalmers f ront
els, It", fender and windshield
re moos', t '
j?he era of the collision, the
I teams of ... women and children,
' I the st s of the men were heard
Miss J iea Holdridge of Polk
pity, a f at in the near-by home
mA. C. I srson. She rushed from
J house .d was soon joined by J.
i P-" -Ti and Percy Brown of Sil-
ii -oae automobile had been
I .it a short time before by the
rty. Mias Holdridge tele-
r Dr. 0. B. Miles of Salem
i from the home of Ed.
e took the injured Aileen in-
e house and called Dr. W.
Dr. Byrd also answered
t for Dr. Morse,
s body of Mrs. C. M.
taken from under the
r wh "s. Finding that
nd aid the physicians
to the injured. They
to the Salem (hospital.
; in the Ford car Jessie
jtlock was t e only one uninjured.
j) oodies ot tne otuer women were
d on either s' 'e and under the
i machines. 1 .berg of the Alms
gty were thro i into the air and
d(Kl on tne o ixsite side oi tne
4tMrd. A"- 1 rently someone in each
wan 1 d t rough, the wind-
Oelds. J. Die' 's back was strain.
bat fo; itc" no other passen-
in the
oilier I
lp cute,
i lower 1
a. Weeks has bad
and sprained hips
.liien has a badly
.! facial gashes and
Bering from severe
I. Ivie ii a
fhotoirr ' i of the cars, the scores
v tiei t i brakes were applied,
"Vi! he F owns as to the
' t ; . ms i lomobile and of
i i f bo i wrecked auto-
esen A to the coro
y lrday morning.
s of t eoroner's jury
j i i the following verdict:
." . j at K.s. C. M. Matlock
1 r death ia an automobile
.;. h occurred on the Sil
'. a out one mile east of the
cf Sakm.
! aceint occurred from
the principal of which
h rate of speed and the
the ear driven by Chris
he secondary cause was
to the left of the ear
! m. IJoyd Weeks." The
bv Earl Race. J.
A. I ; s and Hal D. Pat-
'e and Frank Moir
the verdict, hoid
a kmg discussion for
the 1
( ca'.l
The !.
itloek '
' aimers'
I was )
& at ton i
re burrw
)f the Deo
a verdict placing the entire responsi
bility on Aim.
Ten witnesses were called before
the jury in their effort to get at the
acts of the case.
A. M. Matlock was reached Friday
morning and went immediately to Saj-
lem. He has not been heard from
Dallas High Boys Have Three Games
The Dallas high school football
ton m which was organized with Elmo
Bennett as manager and Frank Mc-
Cann as captain shortly alter the
opening of school, has been holding
a practice series for the past week,
and will rlav its first game of the
season at) Salem next Saturday with
tliH state deaf and dumb school. On
Saturday, October 28, Silverton high
will play with Dallas on the home
grounds, and on November 4 a return
game will be played at Silverton.
Other games will be scheduled later.
The team is composed of the fol-
lnnrino'.itiomhers: Irvine Balderee. full
back; Frank McCIann (enpt.) ngnt
half; Elmer Butts, left halt; ium
fits, ouarter back; Webster Bee-
be, left end; Arnold Wilson, left
guard; Paul Praast, lett tackle;
nmiirlas Wheeler, center; Raymond
Wilson, right guard; Virgil Brock,
io.lit tunl-ln: F.url Cutler, nelit end.
0. t Chenoweth is coach of the team.
Friday, the 13th, No Hoodoo.
Instead of beine a hoodoo, Friday,
the thirteenth, was the best day of
the week at the Willamette Valley
T.nmher eonmaiw's mill. Not once
during the day did the mill close down
because some machine broke or tor
any other reason. It -as the first
day in the week that time did not
have to be taken out.
Will Engage In Business.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holloway and
three children, of Twin Falls, Idaho,
have decided to wake Dallas their
home and have rented the Irwin
house. Mr. Holloway will go inU
business in the city.
To Begin With Meeting Thursday
Night at Buena Vista, and Con
tinue Until November 4th.
Chairman Talbott of the Republi
can County Central committee has
completed a tentative set of dates for
Republican meetings in Polk county,
the first of which ia to be held on
Thursday night at Buena ista. The
meetings are to continue each even
ing, except Sundays, throughout the
campaign and will wind up with a
big rally at the county seat on the
night of Saturday, November 4. The
date for November 3 is still open.
For the meeting at Independence on
Monday, October 23,' Congressman
McArthWr has been secured.
Following is the tentative schedule
as compiled by Chairman Talbott:
Buena Vistia, Thursday, October 19.
Suver, Friday, October 20.
Airlie, Saturday, October 21.
Independence, Monday, October 23.
Brush College, Tuesday, October 24.
Perrydale, Wednesday, October 25.
Ballston, Thursday, October 26.
Buell, Friday, October 27.
Falls City, Saturday, October 28.
Rickreall, Monday, October 30.
McCoy, Tuesday, October 31.
Monmouth, Wednesday, November 1
West Salem, Thursday, November 2
Friday, November 3 Open.
Dallas, Saturday, November 4.
Sunday Wa Last Day to Shoot
At 5:25 p. m. Sunday the pheasant
season ended. The season had been
cut in two by the state fish and game
commission because of the scarcity of
birds. Rod and gun clubs had peti
tioned that the season be closed en
tirely bat the game commission re
Rnnndpd bv enttin? the time in half.
' Birds examined by state officials show
' -1 - . 1 1 1 ami if ia rank.
able that this disease, along wun ine
severe weather last winter, destroyed
some of the chinas,
tending the release of 2000 pheasants.
Sportsmen over the state are urg
ing that the 1917 season on pheasants
be closed to permit the birds to prop
nfj fnr thn 1918 season. In Port-
land, Sunday, Mr. Shoemaker said he
did not know whether this wouia oe
done or not. i
Delegates To October 28 Conference
Here Are Selected at
Organization of the 19 road dis
tricts of Polk county into permanent
better roads associations is being com-
pleted this week. At each meeting
delegates to the road budget confer
ence in Dallas, scheduled for October
28, are being chosen. Delegates are
selected to represent every road in
the district. These delegates are then
supposed to obtain the opinion of the
residents along each road as to im
provement needs and submit these
opinions to conferences of the dele
gates. At these conferences the needs
of each district are to be determined
(and a definite program for sulxmius-
sion to the county court decided upon.
In this way it is hoped to have a
complete prospectus of the county s
road needs for the year 1917 and the
county court can then make a budget
including the improvements it finds
possible. It is hoped that by this sys
tem all sections of the county will be
heard from before January 1.
Elkinis district was organized Fri
day night. Saturday night district
12 organized at a meeting in Guthrie
sclioolhouse. J. R. Craven was se
lected as chairman, Chester Gardner
as vice-chairman and Lynn MoBee
as secretary. Roadmaster Finni ex
plained the purpose of the meeting
and of the road conference in Dallas.
The following delegates were select
ed: Clarence Sellers, Oakdale; Ohet
Ralph, Libert v; Chester Gardner,
Luckiamute; John Holman, Cooper
Hollow; A. B. Muir, Dallas. W. V
Fuller, Frank Coad, A. B. Muir, Law
rence Dinneen and J. R. Craven at
tended from Dallas. W. V. Fuller
was called upon for some dialect se
lections. At the meeting .Roadmaster -Finn;
announced that the road conference
date had -been changed from October
21 to October 28, so as to give the
various districts more time to perfect
Forty Attend First Meeting in High
School Friday Night.
Forty Dallas men and women an
awaredi the call of Joseph A. Finley
of Portland, new music teacher in the
Dallas schools, for the hrst meeting
of the choral society Friday night.
Mr. Finlev coneratul&ted lie city up
on the number and said the start was
more propitious than he had when
he Btarted the Portland oratorio so
nietv which now does big work. Miss
Dorothy Bennett was accompanist for
the practice and Mr. riniey distrib
uted five songs which he said he
wanted the society to sing. A tem
porary executive committee, Mrs. G.
P. MacGregor, chairman, John Wi.
Orr and Claire Snyder, was appointed
tn arranee for the next few meetings
Land report to the society upon a
form of organization and constitution
and by-laws.
Railroad Agent in Washington Ex
changes for Valley Lands,
In a letter to The Statesman (Sar
lam 1 R P. Rozell. aeent for the C.
T & St. P. R. R. at Hanford, Wash., i
says that hebeheves the Willamette
valley will within the next few years
witness the greatest influx of settlers
it has ever known.
Mr. Rozell says that the high water
assessments and pests have disco ur
mred the settlers in the irrigated dis
tricts, and many of them are seeking
land in the non-irrigated portions of
tha northwest. Mr. Rozell has traded
nmivrtv in the district where he now
lives for Willamette valley lands.
Clean $3000 on Clover.
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Crook be
lieve there really is something in the
good luck of the four leafed clover.
Probably there were quite a few of
the lucky kind in the Crook patch.
The result, at least, would indicate
as much. The Crooks say their patch
paid them $3000 profit this year.
Puts in New "Y" and Track.
An Espee gang has been working
this week patting in a new "Y" and
siding for the Southern Pacific com
pany at Gerlinger.
Need More Gravel Cars.
V7i1miuttr Finn renorts that grav
eling on the Downing and Goetx bills
bas been delayed because of the lack
of ears.
Mythical "Cynthia Grey" Finds Wo
man Farmer an Interesting Sub
ject for Feature Story.
The mythical "Cithia Grey" of
tne bcripps-Mcnae syndicate ot
newspapers, this time writing for the
Seattle Star, has the following to say
of Mira. W&nnie Braden, Polk coun
ty's prize winning fair secretary:
It takes -a good man to compete
with a woman in farming these days.
Mrs. Winnie Braden, winner of
the $400 sweepstakes prize and also
the first prize for best exhibit at the
1916 Northwest Land and1 Produce
show, now in progress at the Arena,
plucks prizes at fairs just as she
would apples from a tree.
During the short period of seven
years she has won first prize at the
Dallas poultry show for five consecu
tive years, first prize at Oregon state
fair for prize poultry and best ex
hibit; first prize at Portland Land
and Produce show, and first prize at
Polk county fair. .
When I came upon Mrs. Braden
this morning at the Polk county
booth, in the Arena, I found her tack
ing the purple banner, lettered with
gold, high above the sheaves of grain.
It waa tjlie first Tvrizn and she informed
me that she was more proud of it than
she was of the $4UU sweepstakes prize
As a way of breaking the ice, I
"I suppose you are a real, honest-to-goodness
farm lady, aren't you?"
"Oh, no," she laughingly replied,
"although I get the credit of being
a full-fledged farmer wherever I go."
I got tilie surprise of my life when
Mrs. Braden informed me that un
til seven years ago she resided in
Portland Bud attended parties, thea
ter clubs, meetings, luncheons, etc.,
and lived the life afforded the wife of
a prosperous business man.
Then she told me all about it.
"Sfivpn vears asm mv husband be
came the owner of the Sleepy Hoi-,
low poultry farm, at Dallas, Polk
counitv." she said. "My life in the
city did not afford me the opportuni
ty to become very tnendiy winn
MVittipr Nature, although as a child 1
was deeply interested in outdoor life
and loved every growing thing. Mly
father once remarked' that if I should
plant a cabbage up-side-down it would
"The year before we moved to Dal
lu tha eoons of the Dallas poultry
show burned and that association
went behind considerably financially.
Because my husband was in the poul
try business, quite naturally I be
came especially interested in it. With
several other members of the associa
tion I worked and secured the finani-
dial backing and support of promi
nent Dallas citizen The coops were
rebuilt and another poultry show
staged. -We made I won my
first prize at that show.
County Fair Secretary.
"Shnrtlv afterward I was elected
secretary of the Polk County Fair
association, and won several prizes
for my exhibits. I was as iced to
Wa afianre of the county exhibit at
the state fair and also at ths Land
show in Portland, winning the first
prizes at both places. Then I brought
the exhibit here. That's all mere is
to tell," said Mrs. Braden.
But it isn't all, by any means. The
most remarkable part of it is that
Mrs. Braden secured all of the mater
ial for the exhibit. She spent the
greater part of her time from Jane
until September collecting and pre
paring the exhibit now at the Arena.
She made a tour of the county when
the grasses were in blossom and se
cured the prize bunches. Plucking
and earing them ia an arduous task.
Mrs. Braden informed me that it took
her an en tin day to strip and shape
three bunches.
4side from preparing the sheaves,
Urm Rnulen canned all of the frnit
on exhibit, and selected the prize
.ut.HlA and fresh froita.
There are 21 varieties of wheat, 16
of oats, eieht of barley, seven of corn,
in ..riptiaa of cresses and 96 varie
ties of fruit and vegetables in the
Jury Returns "Not Gnflty" Verdict
Last Night
The jary in the ease of the state
of Oreeon vs. Skinner, charged wita
violation of the prohibition law by
selling Hostetters Bitters, a proprie
tary medicine, returned a verdict of
"not guilty" at 8:30 last night. The
case was hard fought throughout yes
teeday afternoon by Oscar Haylaer,
for the defendant, and District At
torney Sibley. The conduct of the
trial was complimented by members
of the state pharmaceutical board,
present during the afternoon. Dis
trict Attorney Sibley has not yet de-
cided whether or not he will appeal
the case.
Pole Line Completed To Crowley.
Into Corvallis November 1.
The electrification crew' of the
Southern Pacific has completed the
pole line to Crowley. Headquarters
have been established there. Rgad
master McCann believes the track
and line will be completed to Cor
vallis November 1. It will be some
time, however, before electric service
is ready. One unit, from Gerlinger
to Wellsdale, 16 miles, has not been
done yet. - Mr. McCann would make
no statement as to when this nnit
would be completed.
County Fair Pays Own Way.
Thanks to three things, an increas
ed allowance from the county court,
gate receipts, and the first prize mon
ey at the Seattle exposition, the 1916
Polk county fair will be able to pay
up its debt of $500, pay its own way
this year and probably have money
in the bank. Nearly all bills have been
paid already though a final return can
not be made until Mrs. Winnie Bra
den's return from the north.
Will Visit Ballston Lodge.
Members of the local lodge of Odd
Fellows are planning a fraternal visit
to the Ballston L. 0. O. F. lodge to
morrow night. From 1,5 to 20 mem
bers are expecting to go from here,
making the trip in autos. The Ball
ston lodgs is one of the new ones of
this section, having been organized
about two years ago, and for some
time Dallas has had a standing invi
tation to make it a fraternal visit.
VALUE IS $11,853,255
Total for 1916 is $11,853,255, Which
is Loss of $929,665 Compared
With 1915.
The total valuation of Polk county
for 1916 is $11,853,265, according to
the assessment roll which was com
pleted last week by County Assessor
F. E. Meyer. This ia a loss of $929,-
665 compared wiUh the county's total
valuation for 1915. This valuation
does not include railroads and other
public service corporations, Which are
assessed by the state tax commission.
The county contains 424,999.45
acres of all lands which are valued
at $8,575,050. Of tins total acreage
134,478.68 are tillable lamda valued at
$4,788,689, and 290,520.77 are non-
tillable, valued at $3,786,370.
Improvements on deeded or patent
ed lands amounts to $673,065 and on
town and city lots, $629,215, while
improvements on lands not deeded or
patented amount to $16,030.
Logging roads and their rolling
stock total $25,890 and engines and
manufacturing machinery amounts to
Merchandise and stock in trade to
tal $245,910, hotel and office furni
ture, $10,990 money, notes and ac
counts, $46,470; shares of stock, 1800,
with a value of $87,470 ; farming im
plements, wagons, carriages, etc., val
ued at $148,850.
There are 5,376 head of horses in
Polk county, valued at $213,565; 10,
474 head of cattle, valued at $186r
480; 16,532 head of sheep and goats,
valued at $34,295 ; 5,511 head of
swine, valued at $15,690 and 763 dogs
valued at $8,145.
Dry Spell May Establish Record.
The past few weeks of One weather
has almost established record, no
rain having fallen in the valley for
39 dava, according to observations of
the U. S. weather Bureau at Port
land. If the rain holds off until Fri
day it will equal the record establish
ed in 1895 when there were 42 con
secutive fall days without rain. A
fall of less than .05 of an inch is
not considered by the bureau. Local
ly this unusual condition haw allow.
ed the completion of tb grain and
frnit harvest, one of the best in the
history of the county and farmers are
now briri lining to bops for rain soon
! that they can get into the fields for
jfall plowing.
Offer Is Far With $55.25 Premium.
To Consider Bonkers Bids at Ad-.
journed Meeting Oct. 24.
At the couneil meeting last night
the Clark-Kendall company Was
awarded the $3,328.56 worth of im
provement bonds of the city of Dallas
at par with accrued interest and a
premium of $55.25. The bonds bear
six per cent. This is the same com
pany which bought $12,000 worth of
Dallas bonds last year. There were
three other bids. The city of Dallas
will provide the purchasers with an
abstract of the council proceedings
covering the improvements included.
The council committee on the Dal
las city band reported that the band
had taken a vacation for three months
but would resume practice January
1. The committee advieed that the
band appropriations for October, No
vember and December be not paid and
an ordinance was introduced to that
end. , : '
The ordinance repealing the ordinance-
subjecting the motion picture
show to a $100 tax was lost by a vote
of faulr to two. A new ordinance
was introduced providing for a lower
tax. 0. C. Smith appeared and asked
that the eouncilmen express their
feelings upon the motion picture tax
but no councilman availed himself of
the opportunity to say how he would
vote November 6.
Company L Squad Left This Morn
ing to Attend State Shoot.
The rifle team of Company L, com
posed of Sergeant Himes, Corporal
Robb, Private Helgerson and Private
Dennis, with Sergeant Syron as team
captain and alternate, left this morn
ing at 10:10 for Clackamas wiiere a
will participate in the state shoot
commencing tomorrow and continuing
until Friday evening. The various '
military organizations of the state
have teams participating in the shoot.
U.' S. Senator Will Be In' Dallas
Thursday Evening.
TT S Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain
will be the speaker at a Democratic
rally to be held in the Dallas armory
Thursday night.
Say Whipp Is Good Singer.
Mrs. . B. Tavlor and Mrs. A. B.
Ktnrliui-lr returned from the recent
conference of the state federation of
woman's clubs at Seaside witn en
thusiasm for the coming concert oi
WhiDD and Mrs. Lenora
Fisher Wihipp in Dallas next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wihipp sang at oea
side and the Dallas delegates were
vnrv much Dleased with them. The
Whipp concert in the Orpheum thea
ter will be repeated, tree, ior we
),;rl, anhnnt students the morning fol
lowing the theater performance.
Mrs. Field Allen Buried,
Tha fnneml of Mrs. Field Allen
.ill ha lipid this afternoon at two
from the Baptist church. Interment
will, be in the I. O. O. W. cemetery.
Wl T. Tanscott will conduct the
services. Mrs. Allen had been ill for
the pas year, following an operation
for cancer.
Mrs. L. F. Williams Dies.
u I. F. Williams, former resi
dent of Salem and Dallas, died at her
ki in Iwistnn. Idaho. Friday.
Mrs. William is a cousin of Harry
Cosper. Mr. U F. Williams is a cous
in of Walter, Kalpa E. ana vino
Farmers Meet Tonight
T. A. Sykes of Corvallis, secretary
p , v. farmum' nninns. will be pres
ent at the fanners union meeting, lo
cal No. 140, in Liberty senooinow
May Locate in Dallas.
P n Hiehert and P. C Wiebe,
of American Falls, Idaho, who have
been visiting friends in ine oouniy
the past two weeks, may some here
to live.
Hansen Hart Baby Boy.
a launminl bo wan born to Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Hauser Sonday night.
Mrs. Hauser was Miss Florence Kar-
Wtn Attend Allen Funeral.
The W. O. W. circle will attend the
funeral of Mrs. Field Allen today.