Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 13, 1916, Image 1

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    :M folk CEmtttto Wbsmtn
NO. 65 '
ir .vrlowin:
,fl -8TINGLY t
UTH. ;
-or and U.
cpsl Dili-'
' sand So! "
tf Peon Life
.4T El Paso.
$Mg Pearl Owings of Dallas, now
Uing with relatives and friends in
i Paso, is in love with the sun id
iate of El Paso and the border
r bnt not with the life as she has
Ind it there. The piJifulness of the
, (V.Ud life of the V.- ' -n peon ap
ffi, she says, I' ' "is not any
t aper m Jl I'a t uregon, sne
S, tier descr- i ot 1U raso and
irez follow:
Paso d ' ie, "The Pass of
ENorth,'-' busy city with lots
pep, lan1 Urn a population of
Elxiean. , would be impossible to
jrel in ' part of the city without
Agli.- . a these people, while in
' jbr own district they live in adobe
lPsju-e and have their- shops .and
a is. The public schools in their
a, however, are taught by our
1 ...! Mexicans are employed at
Jmry 1 wage by the white popula
liii. The women wear black sluawls,
lli: mantillos. over their heads and
lot- their1 siiouldens, and: are, to my
, liltm, b ve-y ouu class ot women.
C he sun and air here are truly
Ji Bderful, although there is quite a
iof dust in the air at times. The
'H altitude and the hard, warm wa
i ao fa do not seem to agree with
, J)l- Everyone tell me this is a very
. utniui climate and tuat a person
jfcj fat who stays lone enough. I
ri can, manage to stay that long,
place has a great many of "TB"
Jtors. and if one' wiehed to worrv
Itpt t Catching it there would be a
M opportunity, I fancy. s
ve is, aside from the Mexican
..J z -rro population, fL large class
t l-'wn-who go about the
jpdr' i I 'od tm- and by
P14 i n i ;',ar Tad -iSolive drab
.l'J l...i. UiVliinated that about
p;0 our jsoldiers are stationed
'l And Bear t" is city. ' And you wonld
IWIiere the ' 'ementiif yon-could nee
ontttb bo are on the streets.
Bar horning 20,000 militia
y n a practice hike to
, 58 miles north of ' El
there is a slight decrease
pulationjat present. '
as some- very nice build
j-k block., or plazas, lo-
vanous ..points about tfie
nne nice, park called Wash
It. The Alligator Plaza; as
is located at the most cen
,f the city, and bias in the
it a large cement pool,
c alligators reside, togetln
,t a thousand gold fish,
! also me big water tur-
the f -id, while on a
rro ng the pool are
us lesr.of another
u in the water,
sun themselves
tli the turtles.
I are two nice
UHfrety io m
I i lie aliij; lie a
Withe g, 'ong
1 llirther up v o str
I itk oiocks, one ot wnicb ia eallen
! 1
off for a day and took me about the
city. The most interesting place we
visited was Juarez. We. boarded
car bearing the name Mexico, but it
did not occur to me that this car
would take us through the city of
Juarez, as I did not suppose our
street care were operated in Mexico.
However, we came to the Internation
al bridge, and, after an inspection by
one American and two , Mexicans,
crossed the bridge and rode to the
principal business center of -Juarez.
The street oar line makes a wide
loop through the city and is the only
electric line that I saw. We entered
a sort ot curio store and bought
some postals to mail froni Mexico
and then walked around the town.
My friend had a camera and took
pictures, most of which were of Mexi"
can children in characteristic poes.
Poor little tilings, how they did heir
for a nickel! One picture was of un
eld man beggar sitting in a corner
of an old building, while another was
a laundry scene, in, which several wo
men were washing clothing in a dirty
irrigation ditch. The particular wo
man whom we wished to snap was!
scolding a child on one side of her
and slapping another on the other
side. The place beside the ditch where
the women were washing seemed to
be a sort of open air camping pkife
for the homeless, and the men sat
sleeping or smoking while the women
worked. It was a very depressing
place to me. In fatt I saw nothing in
Juarez which Interested, me in the
least. It seemed to me all life and
intelligence ceased the moment 'we
crossed the bridge. T saw only a few
Mexican soldiers there, 1'Ot more than
hnlf a dozen, and thuir appearance
bears out the description I have read
of them as being half starved,' etc.
My visit filled me with pity and dis
gust for the Mexican situation, and
I should like to say what I might
want to do were it in my power, to
settle the" problem. . Of course this
city may not be 4 fair representation
of the real Mexican cifV,. but it cer
tainly seemed a desolate, dirty and
wicked place to me. I did not see the
famous gambling den, although wt
must have passed it, nor did I wish
to visit the bull-fighting arena, I
had plenty just visiting the principal
parts of the town. We went through
the custom house and saw a historic
old church, and those are sufficient
memories for me. They aay Villa was
supposed to take Juarez on October
4, but we have not beard of t'lus be
ing done as yet. Really I don't be
lieve if I could see him attacking the
town I would be affected in the least,
and I can see a part of the city from
my place of residence, with the hills
of Meueo beyond, it is rather -a
pretty view.
LY ?12,000 AT AUCTION.
Highest Animal Goes for $290 Jo
' - seph Man Was Heavy
Holstein of H. W. Jones Wins Hon
or Jerseys Make Good
Showing. . .
Governor Withycombe Will Extend
Address of Welcomo to Workers
.' In Armory at Eight.
The "Hushes- Special," carrying
30 prominent American women, will
'eveland Square, and which is used arrive in Salem tomorrow night at
Band concertx. Adjoining it is
ther park b!ok on which is lo-
led the public library, and I have
iver in a rr ttier builiSng or
unde for the si e or the city. The
nic Te- ,!e. L O. O. F. buildr
g and Y. II. C. A., all fine build
gs, surroi i th' plaza section. The
enees, as we ! as apartments and
ie bui. iingg, are constructed of
ait; the i.iiter t tes are built of red
ro not ever thi; k the cost of living
1 h in Oregon. Ice is cheap here,
it i i re y al out the only thing
I e nolir-t i so far aa being cheap-1
j n at 1 me. And 111 tell you
ti y don't know how to
i Tjim. Mexicans do yon!
' nly, but one scarcely
t j done upon inspecting it
rs urn from being laundered
is a very large smelter at this
I ii ierstand it is second in
the t'nited States, but I could
hy visitire it how famous it
. Fort ',,liss is a very busy
t I do r .f think it is reeard--v
Wis "nl by all-of Uncle
'nrs ho reside out there
7:30. They will be formally wel
comed at the armory by Governor
Withycombe at eight. A program of
speeches will be carried out , at the
armory. A number of Dalla women,
and men too, are planning to attend
the meeting.
The special train will be aecompan
ied from Portland to Salem by Walter
L. Tooze, Sr., president of the Ore
gon branch of the National Hughes
Aliance, Mrs. E. B. Hanley and Mrs.
Harriet L. Buford, first and third
vice-presidents, respectively, of the
Oregon branch, and Miss Mabel
Withycombe, daughter of the gover
nor. The party will be met in balem
by a special committee of Salem wo
The personnel of the, "Special" is:
Mrs. Arthur Capper, Topeka, Ran.;
Mrs, George Sutherland, Salt Lake
Citv. Utah: Mrs, Herbert C. Hum
phrey, Reno, tfey. Mrs. . Thurston
Ballard, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Nicho
las Longwortb, Cincinnati. O.; Mrs.
Harry Payne Whitney, New York;
Miss Maud Wetmore, Newnort, R. I ;
Mrs. Dsniel Gugsenheim, New York;
The second annual sale of the Polk
County Jersey Breeders' association.
held last Tuesday at Independence
was a successful one, 75 head of the
total of 85 offered upon the block go
ing at good prices! - Approximately
.12,000 was the gross receipt from
the sale, making the average selling
price for each animal about $100, or
$25 higher than the average at the
first sale a year ago.
The highest price paid for any one
animal went to W. 0. Morrow for his
Golden Tulip of Sunny Bank, this cow
bringing in $230. It was bought by
A. J. Johnson of Corvallis. The next
best price, $275, was paid to G. G.
Hewitt for a young cow by J. A, Hood
of Wialla Wialla. Hugh Wilson of
Joseph was the heaviest buyer, tak
ing away 11 head with him. The
sale was attended by a good crowd of
buyers most of whom Were from Wil
lamette valley; Eastern Oregon and
Washington points. . : '
The sale was held in a large tent,
which has been put np especially for
it, and was managed by W. O. Mor-
rowrtu J. W. Hughe of Forest Grove
was the auctioneer and he was assist
ed by E. A. Rhoten of Salem and C.
D. Minton of Portland. The sale was
not quite as large as last year's, when
119 cattle were sold at n average of
$135, but the stock consigned at Tues
day's sale was of the highest possi
ble type obtainable, all of which was
registered and of far superior class'to
that put up before.
Eleven head of bulls and 74 head
of cows, the best to be had in Ore
gon, were consigned to the sale by the
following breeders : W. O. Morrow,
Frank Longhary, G. G. Hewitt, Mc
Arthur & Stauff, F. E. Lynn. C. B.
Hembree, C, R. Newman, F. W. New
man, W. B. Allen, W. L. Hull, W. P.
McBee. C. A. Dobell, N. C. Anderson,
H. Iliff, Fred Loy.
Mrs. Georee H. Partridge. Minneapo
guard at the smelter and ! j; Minn.; Mrs. Walter Damroseh.
reservoir out on a sand vp York: Mrs. Winslow Williams,
Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Spencer Pen
rose. Colorado Spring"). Tol.; Mrs
Cornelins Vanderbilt. New York :
Mrs. Oiflord Pinehot, Pennsylvania;
Vn. Phoebe Henrt, California: Mrs.
Charles M. Hoffman. Newport, R. I.;
and Mrs. Edward T. Stotefbory, Phil
adelphia, Pa.
1 riice, and along the riv-ie-
'hit beautiful ditei
t r ' "-es about t!e citv.
ot f i-fl unprotected in El
ore 'ia get most awfnIW
f!r my arrive! in El Pa
rr acquaintance stopped
Need Cart to Ship Car Lumber To
, r. Build Oars.
"It's a pretty ease of a blocked
game, " . said - Superintendent Ells
worth of the Willamette Valley Lum
ber -company aa be pointed to the
piled : lumber. "See . "that lumber.
The firms back east that are build
ing the cars . for the -'Southern : Pa
cific are hollerin' for their material;
the Southern Pacific is shouting at
the concerns for the delivery of the
ears as .per contract; -we're .piling
lumber here that we'd like to ship
them and calling on the Southern
Pacific for cars to ship the lumber in.
So it's a ease of petition the Southern
Pacific for cars to ship, lumber to top
building firms, that the. Southern Pa
cific cars may be finished: on time.
Do you get itt" " . .'.,. j '
-. Expect Hich Officials, i
Local Southern Pacific employes are
looking forward to the annual in
spection visit of high officials of the
Southern Pacific company about Sun
day. The officers will reach the Port
land division today.
Polk county cows, four bf which
were Jerseys entered by Frank Lough
ary and G. Q. Hewitt of Monmouth.
and one the prize winning. Holstein of
U. W. Jones, who lives on a ranch in
the north part of the county near
Amity, made a most creditable show
ing in the three days' milking con
test at the recent state fair.. Nine
cows were in the test which covered
six niillcings, beginning at 8 o'clock
Wednesday and dosing at 8 o'clock
Friday evening. The test as conduct"
ed by A. H. Steinmetz, deputy state
dairy and food inspector, assisted by
K. H'anneman, official tester for the
Marion county eow testing associa
Johanna de Kol, a Holstein of tjie
herd of H. W. Jones, a Polk county
farmer, took first prize in the test,
the value of her three days' milk pro
duction being $2.18279. Lady's Silk
en Glow, a Jersey owned by Pickard
Bros, of Marion .county was second,
with a production valued at $2.18230'
Jefferson's Lily, a Holstein owned by
William Bieliop, was third with pro
ducts valued! at $1.90, Octavia's Duch
ess, a Jersey . belonging to Frank
Loughary was fourth with products
valued at $1.78. La Belle's Girl, and
Lad 's Sweet Dorothy, two Jerseys of
O. G. Hewett, were fifth and sixth
respectively with records of $1.71
each. Riverview Cliloe Methilde and
Bonnie Ormsby Lass, belonging to
Wm. Bishop, were seventh and eighth
respectively, with records of $1.48 and
$1.40. Eminent 'a Daisy, belonging
to Frank Loughary was ninth, with a
production amounting to $1.35.
It was necessary to carry the fig
ures out to long decimals on the first
two plaees, so close wag the compe
tition, "between- the Holstein. and. the
Jersey, the Jersey having had the lead
until the last milking. If she had
won this contest her owner would
have received $240 in premiums, there
being a $200 prize offered by the
American Jersey Cattle club for the
"Jersey eow that would win the con
The average production of all Jer
seys and Holsteins in the eon test, was
aboot equal, the four best Jerseys
having a better average than the four
best Holsteins. The Jersey had the
.greater, production and lost the .eon
test through the ekinunilk .handicap
of the Holstein.
A two-day test on Jersey yearling
heifers entered by- Frank Longhary,
of Monmouth, Oregon, in the futurity
contest resulted as follows: Luckiat-
mute Fleuretta, 43 pounds of milk
and 1.78105 pounds of fat; Pansys
Patricia 37.9 pounds of milk and
1.6213 pounds of fat .-.. -
time. The number of the latter class
of vehicles was 2185. During the eame
week, which was from 6:30 a.-m. Sep
tember 10' to September 17, at the
same hour, the number of motorcycles,
bicycles and pedestrians combined go
ing over the structure was 3331. The
figures were secured by the state high
way department which is now com
piling a similar report of traffic over
the bridge for a month.
The heaviest day in the week for
travel was Sunday, September 10,
when 994 automobiles, 739 motor
cycles, bicycles and pedestrians, 223
horsedrawn vehicles and four head
of livestock crossed, the number of
the latter class being the least of any
day of the week. September 14 was
the lightest in motor traffic, there be
ing only 523 machines crossing, and
September 13 saw the least travel by
motorcycle, bicycle, or on foot, the
count being 403. Two head of live
stock crossed September 12 and sixty
two crossed September 16, being the
least and the greatest number reaped
tively of animals using the' bridge.
The total number of livestock for the
week was 140. Salem Statesman.
Horse Becomes Frightened at Baby
Carriage and Runs. .Occupants :
Are Pitched Out
Company L "Will Enter Team at
Company L, O. N. G., will enter a
rifle team in the state shoot to be held
at Clackamas next week Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday. Oapt. Staf rin
is now making arrangements for the
team of five, which includes one al
ternate, to Attend the meet, but has
not yet finally selected the members
of it. At the shoot, which is to be
held on the Clackamas rifle range,
teams will, be entered by' the differ
ent infantry companies of the state,
by the machine gun, headquarters and
supply companies, as well as the cav
alry, artillery and coast artillery or
ganizations. . ; , , ...'.',
At a business meeting of Company
Li last Tuesday night it was decided
to begin immediate lari-angeroents for
getting equipment and fitting up alub
and athletic, rooms at the armorv.
For the purpose of starting a fund
to help meet this expense the com
pany boys wj( Vive a dance in the
near future. ., '.V . " .'.-'
Mrs. L. R. Adams' right shoulder
was dislocated and two children off
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ramsdell
were slightly injured when the horse
drawing the Adams buggy, in which
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Lawrence Rams
dell and two Ramsdell children were
riding, became frightened at, a baby
carriage about six last night on Oak
street and ran afay. The party
was returning from a ride and had
left the livery barn on Oak street,
between Main tod Church street.
Part way. up the block the horse be
came frightened at a baby buggy
which a pedestrian was pushing across
the street and got away from the wo
men. At Church the runaway turned
south. Mrs. Adams was thrown out
first and then Mis, Ramsdell and the
two children. A wheel wets torn loose
from the buggy and the axle, grind
ing on the railway rail, threw out
sparks in every direction. Some men
stopped the horse near the Southern
Pacific passenger depot. Doctors Boll-
man and McCaHoni attended Mrs.
Adams at her home across the Levens
street bridge. The Ramsdell chil
dren are at the Ramsdell home.' Mrs.
Ramsdell was not injured. Mr, and
Mrs. L. R. Adams had recently moved
into the city from their farm home.
Rickety Polk-Marion Bride Groans
and Shakes Under Load.
Automobiles passing over the Mar
ion-Polk eounty bridge during one
week in September numbered 4474 or
more than twice the number of horse-
drawn vehicles crossing in the same
-i'mner In Nrw Yuri Sum.
Don't Hani After Sunday
Sunday, October 15. is the last da,v
of the shortened china pheasant sea
son. The state health officer has' ex
amined several birds- sent; in from
the Independence section and says the
birds had tuberculosis.
Ad&TnBMlto Dry zHo..: :
Workmen are adding a, third tunnel
to- the dryer kiln of. the , Willamette
Valley Lumber company.
Apple Packers and Warehousemen
Rained Fsw Unsold Lots of
.' Frait An Left
The force at the J. .K. Armsby
Packing company's plant was . in
creased the first of the week to keep
up with the prune deliveries. Over
100 people are now employed. This
force will be kept busy until about
November .15. Cars are mining alow
and are causing Manager A. C. Pe
terson considerable worry.
. The market is now at 6, the quo
tation growers have been waiting for.
About the only ansold lots now ir.
the eounty are those of Kugle, H. L.
C rider and Peters. Chapman, Woods
and Voth have sold to Mason, Ehrman
company and are waiting for ears.
Henry Voth has arranged to store his
prunes at the Soebren warehouse un
til he can get ears. The Salt Creek
grower fear that bad weather may
ct in lit any time and TrrnTnssh
delivering to Dallas. His insurance
ran out yesterday and be has to go
to the expense of re-insuring. Re
insurance and storage will be add !
to his 1916 expense on his three ear-
load lots because of. the ear short
age. R. U Chapman is said to hava
been waiting 10 days for ears.. Woods
is in the cams position.
A full carload of anples is at th
siding of the Dallas WtarehooM end
Manufacturing company waiting dis
position. Annies sre comma; in very
fat. The Winter Bananas are par
ticularly, high, grade.
Will Arrive in Klamath This After
noon Reception Planned.
flev. and Mrs. George H Bennett
and Miss Evelyn Bennett left at- five
yesterday afternoon for Klamath
Falls, where Mr. Bennett will assume
the duties of his new pastorate Sun
day. Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Fisher of
Klamath Falls, members of Rev, Ben
nett ' congregation in Rosebasg oms
years ago, telesaphed'JJie Betmelts
that a reception Jiad bWi fanned
for Tuesday night and that a delega
tion, would meet theitt at the, tdepot
tonight, ' Rev. and Mr. BennqU had
dinner with their daughter,. Miss Ar-
lene. Bennett, in West Salem yester
day evening and Miss Bennett accom
panied the family to Salem.. Miss
Arlene will visit in Klamath -Fall at
Christmas and will be with her fam
ily after her West Salem school is out
in May,. . ,
HU Machine Strikes Bicyclist la
CorralU Tuesday Evening. -Herman
Heckendorff of Corvallis
was struck and severely injured by
an automobile driven by Roy Houck
of this city in Corvallis Tuesday ev
ening. The injured man is at the Cor
vallis hospital with broken bone in
the left leg, bruised chest and face,
and minor injuries. Roy was driving
the machine of August Fisher of the
Fisher Milling eompany. v With him
were Miss Ardis Fisher and het sis
ter, Mrs. Everitt Moses. . Bicyclist
and machine were going in the same
direction and Heckendorff, who was
riding close to the urb, attempted to
turn into the center of the road.
Houck was close behind and struck
the man before he could stop his ma
chine or turn it aside.
Reservoir and Reserr An Very Low
Say W. L. Soshren. -Ths
water in the reservoir is the
lowest it has even been according to
Superintendent Wi. L. Soehren. Ths
dry spell is the cause, fae says.
There just isn't ths water in ths
creeks and streams. In the belief
that there might be leaks I havs
personally" patrolled the lines and 1
find no leaks. The streams are low.
'There is no danger of an im
mediate shortage nor is there danger
from a conflagration. Ths supply,
m it is, is near a million gallons,
but it ia lower than I want it to be."
Orchard View School Open.
Miss Si rah Toeves of this eity
II open the Orchard View school
t'-is afternoon for arranmnent of
,tfte. Recitations win start Mon
day morning.
Frost Dos Much Damage.
The frost of a week ago destroyed
$100 worth of cantaloupes, $200 worth
or tomatoes and all ths encumber
pickles of th Brownbrook Market
garden. Similar losses are reported
all over the eounty. Ths wet seaaoa
delayed the vegetables shout two
weeks and the early season frost then
did ths rest.
Observe Cofembos Day.
Yesterday, Columbus day, a legal
holiday, was observed by the banks
and ths eonnty offices.