. 4? folk (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLE COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1916 (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 6 nfttito IE MEET SAT v SO AY .TELL ATIirr-D. Itj Be Given T.'At Consid- at He"J:'i in Dallas OctoW 7Ji. ing that the West Side high- ;ween Portland and fcugene, through the important een- it of the Willamette river, xb in much consideration at ids of the state highway eotm- as any other road, a large 'lusiastie representat,v'U from i-pinl hndiro; met in AcMinn- nt Saturdav nurht and formu- flans for securing a portion of lersl appropriation m vregon completion of this road. The betwen Portland ana Jmi- 12 n "en shorter this way way of the East Side route, lore ed scenery ana wiau 1 i oeep, and it was the K'' ' 'ntiraent of the MeMinn jf that the West Side as I the East Side should share in Jppropnaition for a permanent Barry out the plans a committee imifld to draft resolutions for a r - ent organization, and the next ig of the association is to be Dallr" m Saturday, October Andr?-s Uuir of Dallas is a er of ' e committee. ' - sent act by congress provides f e Aution of road lunds in , ti afiia , TimvirlAd tliA fltllt.es , t kit amount each year which is r,- - to the government appropria . f!i VimMinc nf trunk hiirh Tlie federal appropriation for1 x)unts to about $8,uuu tor year, tod this amount will size over a period or live king $156,000 next year, ihe third year, and so on. !an of the association to in e various counties in which it hi li-ways will be built in .;riations for the fund, e is at present no state legis nrovidinff for this fund. Of lias amount Will be expended the entire state. 1 as the trunk am built, each countv sharing in hwt uroDortion according to the lag-e of trunk line it builds. be MeMinnville meeting was at- livi hv Cnuntv Commissioner Ru- fo. Hokr .n of Multnomah county, f rha, -: arut W R. Chandler BPortland, State Treasurer Thos. of f 'em and other prominent Mr i men of. the Willamette fry. l.e Dallas representatives m- l Andrew Muir, Walter JVluir, V. Fuller, Frank Coad, C. L. Dr. MeCallon, Dr. Starbucfe, C. rg, R. U. Steelquist, WWter b !1, " Junlge H. H. Belt, Cscar !' r, J. R. Craven, Ernest MoCal Vaido Finn and E. J. Himes. he committee of five which will ft resolutions for the permanent anization of a West Side highway sasts of Norman I Hayes of Cor- Rufus O. Holman of Portland, B. Muir of Dallas, C. L. Tipard Tigard and W. T. Vinton of Mc tmviile. Wm. Macy of McMinn e was presiding officer at the meet :. Representatives from all the im- fc-tant communities on the st Be were present. frhe permanent highway proposed to extend out of .Portland tnrougu bard, Rex, Newberg, Dundee, La- frette, St. Joseph, MeMjnnville, fliitoson, Amity, Perrydale, DallaA fcnmnntb, Independence, Corvallis 1 will connect with the East Side t J at Eugene, both roads at that .-e joining the Faeihe highway. Come To Dallas Soon. "We urn makin? a pretty Rood hp, but are expecting to eome out re as sooa as we can sell out, 'tee R. Gottsehalk from .Winters, to Charles Bilyen of the Htf ill. Gottsehalk is a cotton grow i itl t wants to eome to Oregon 1 fe. I e .visited here recently and 1 DuI'.-js. Mr. Gottsehalk sent cotton bolls for exhibition pur- rested Saturday in Portland by Dep uty Sheriff Ward of Multnomah coun ty on a wan-ant charging him with rape against Dollie Reynolds, 15, ibis sister-in-law. Deputy Sheriff Hooker followed Airs. Hamilton to Portland and telegraphed Sheriff Hurl hurt to have a man at the Jefferson street de pot to arrest Hamilton when lie came to meet his wife. Hamilton was lodg ed in the Multnomah county jail and Hooker brought his man to Dallas Sunday morning. Hamilton pleaded, "not guilty" before Justice of the! Peace Holman Sunday afternoon and was remanded to jail. Yesterday lie endeavored to secure an attorney. He will probably be given a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Holman this morning. At the time of the alleged offense, June 30 Hum- llton and his wife were living at the Reynolds home. WORKMANSHIP IS POOR BELIEF EXISTS THAT BEIDGE FOREMAN WAS CARELESS. Expert Bridge Engineer Will Makt Report on His Findings in a Few Days. BOARD REJECTS PETITION. Two Members Disagree on Higher Assessment for V. & S. T .2im House Bonn, home of T. L. Williams, two e-kalf miles from Falls City tmyed by fire Wednesday. In- of $500 was earned on the and $300 on the furniture of r. the resident ZAZZT WITH RAPE. j-nn'. Is, 15, AceoMa Brother la Law of Crime. -KanUHoo of Ball&too was ar- A petition from S. H. McElmurry to the board of equalization asking that the assessment of the 28 miles of the Valley & Siletz Railway com pany, roadway and trackage, be rais ed from $19,140 to $150,000, has been disallowed by the board of equaliza tion. The two members able to be present, County Clerk Robinson and County Assessor Meyers, disagreed. In the petition comparative figures of other valley railways were given. The petition recited that 43. 95 miles of the Salem, Falls City & Western is assessed at $300,941, road, trackage and rolling stock; the Ore gon & California railway, $509,650 oa 33.28 miles. Taking off 20 per cent for rolling stock (the Valley & Siletz- has no rolling stock), the as sessment per mile of the Salera, Falls City & Western is $5,600 a mile; the Oregon & California railway (ain hill division) is $12,000 a mile; the Independence & Monmouth railway: $3,000 a mile. The petition prayed for an assessment of $5,400 a mile for the Valley & Siletz and added that this is a fair assessment inasmuch as the roadway and trackage is entirely new- and- modern,- " MARRIES THREE IN AN HOUR. Rev. Bennett Is Nearest Dallas Has to "Marrying Parson." Three in one hour Saturday after noon is Rev. G. H. Bennett's end of the week record. He finished strong. The three knots tied were: Leo. J. Clements and Miss Edna Holmes of Dallas. E. D. Crook of Monmouth and Eva Harris, and Adrian J. Dickin son of Independence and Miss Verna Linn. The first ceremony was per formed in the new Clements home, Mill and Levens streets, the wedding march being played by little Cleo. Guy Dalton. The other two were sol emnized in the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Prominent Goatmen Visit. A. C. Gage, editor of The Angora Journal, and Dr. Parker, of Portland visited in Polk county over the week end. Dr. Parker formerly lived near Phoenix, Arizona and had between 4,000 and 5,000 in his herds. He is now looking over the Oregon country and has decided to engage in the goat business here on as large a scale as he did in Arizona. He says Polk county looks uhe best of all to him. U. S. Grant believes Polk has a good ohance of getting Dr. Parker to come here. Roscoe Ballantyne Leaves. Roscoe Ballantyne, Southern Pa eilio roundhouse employe, plans to leave October 1 for Ashland, where be has 'been transferred by the rail road company. The reason for the; transfer is Mr. Ballantyne 's health. Mrs. Ballantyne will Dot leave im mediately. Another Good Oats Crop. James Glover of near Whiteson was in Amity Wednesday. When we asked him about his crops he smiled with a broad smile. His spring oats weighed 103 bushels to the acre and his other grains turned out equally well. Amity Standard. To Set Court Cases. September 29th has been designat ed by Circuit Judge Belt when de murrers will be heard and eases set for trial at the fall term of the eir eoit court which convenes on October 2nd. A number of naturalization pe titions will eome op for final hearing on the first day of court WiR Attend Convention. TJ. S. Great, president of the Na tional Mohair Growers' association will attend the convention in Galves ton, Texas, December 5. Mrs. Grant may go with him. Present indications point to care lessness and poor workmanship on the part of the contractors as the cause of the collapse of the Inde pendence bridge last week. Such is the preliminary report of Prof. C. B. McCullougli, expert bridge engineer of the Oregon Agricultural college, who examined the wrecked structure in detail last Saturday. He 'lias not yet made complete report of his find ings, but it is expected this will be forthcoming in a few days. The ac tion of the county court in the mat ter will be based largely on this re port. Tobin and Stevens, the contractors, are said to blame the accident to a poor quality of cement, and it is also said that they have signified' their in tention of "doing the right thing." Just what they mean by this, 'howev- 01', leaves considerable doubt, as the phrase would "cover a multitude of sins. " In the contract which was entered into between the county court and the contractors, Tobin & Stevens of Portland, on the 31st of last May a provision appears as follows: "The contractor will be held re sponsible for the faithful execution of the work in accordance with the specifications. Any defective work that may be discovered by the en gineer or his appointees before tlie fi nal acceptance or before final pay ment shall have been made, shall be removed and replaced by work and materials which shall confirm to the spirit of the specifications; and- the fact that the inspector or other per son in charge may have overlooked snch defective work shall not consti- CITY MOVES EQUIPMENT ELLENDALE MACHINERY IS STARTED TOWARD DALLAS Crusher and Bunkers Probably Will Be Placed on City Property at - Foot of Jefferson. eounty. Tlie bridge had not been accepted by the county court at the time of its collapse, although it had been paid for in full ($6300). The contract be tween the county court and the con tractors provided that payments could be made monthly as work on the bridge progressed until 85 per cent of it had been paid for, leaving (he balance to be due after accep tance of the bridge. It was further stipulated in the contract that "The contractor agrees to assume all risks for accidents or damage that may accrue to persons or property during the prosecution of the work under these specifications by reason of negligence or careless ness of himself, his agents or em ployees." The contract was drawn up in ac cordance with Multnomah county plans and specifications for concrete bridges, and .the bridge itself was almost an exact duplicate of the Bertha bridge in the northern part of that county. MAY ELECTRIFY LINES P. ROADMASTER HOPEFULLY ADDRESSES COUNCIL. City Fathers Consider Location of Rock Crasher and Bunkers Sat urday at Special Meeting. That hope springs eternal in the human breast was evidenced by the eagerness with which. Dallas listened to Roadmaster McCann of the south ern Pacific Saturday night. Mr. Mc Cann. was present to 'speak to the council as to the request of the South ern Pacific company in regard to the improvement of Birch street "We do not want to make a com plete improvement at this time," said Mr. McCann, "as there is no telling but that we might want to tear up our lines here within year or two to electrify." His words did electrify the couneilmen. Mr. Mc Cann went on to explain that electri fication means a lot of expense and requested permission of the council for an incomplete improvement of Birch street until such time as per manent improvement could be made. Tbe eotmcU granted the request Under the temporary improvement the Southern Paeifie will macadamize Birch street 14 feet from each curb. At a special meeting Saturday night the city council authorized the removal of the EUendale rock quarry machinery to Dallas. Work started yesterday. Two sites have been considered 'by the couneilmen, for the city's crush er and bunkers to be placed to re ceive rock from the Falls City quar ry: one on the Spaulding Logging company's land across the Levens street bridge and the other in the Southern Pacific yards. Definite ac tion on the selection of a site will be taken at a special meeting of the council tomorrow night. Yesterday morning the mayor and couneilmen inspected the Southern Pacifio yard site and this seems to have the pref erence. The distance from tbe Le vens street place to the city would be a greater inconvenience than the un avoidable delays in hauling which will occur at the Southern Pacific site. It is pretty certain tihat electric power will be used for the crusher. Enlarged bunkers will be built 'and a spur, 460 feet long, constructed. The plant will be ready for spring street work. Graveling Road. The graveling of the Dallas-Falls City road, on its uncompleted part near the Hugh Smith ranch, two miles west of town, is rapidly progressing and will be finished in a short time Tflie half-mile stretch which is now being graveled is the only portion of the entire eight miles which has not been surfaced and with its comple tion the highway between these two cities will be one of the best in the , The Southern Pacific examination car, which makes the rounds of the system about once each two years', arrived in Dallas Sunday and will re main until tomorrow morning. Dur ing its stop here it will examine all employes of the company who are in any way connected with the operating department, Including lagents, telef graph operators, engineers, conduct ors, brakemen, firemen, hostlers, etc. The car is in charge of W. F. Nich ols, whose special car accompanies it and who has been connected with this work for the Southern Pacifio for more than twelve years. Hill Land Makes Big Yield. Al Stow, farming the upper, hill land of the Boise farm at EUendale reports a yield of 500 sacks of oats from 40 acres. The sacks weigh 100 pounds and contain three bushels. Some agriculturists have said that the Boise hill land would not pro duce good crops but Mr. Stow offers his yield in evidence. COMPANY LHOMEAGAIN TROOPS MUSTERED OUT YES TERDAY AT CLACKAMAS. Train Arrived at 8:45 Last Night. Officers and Men Are Tanned And Happy. Company L, Oregon National Guard, officers and men, returned to Dallas last night after a three months' absence. As a part of the federal body of troops of the Third Infantry, U. S. A., Company L has been at Camp Withycombe and Cal ifornia points since June 19. The Southern Pacific train which returned the soldiers to Dallas arriv ed at 8:45 last night Though the train was over an hour late a erowd of about 500 people waited for its arrival. The company fell in line at the depot behind an escort of the G. A R. and marched to Court, to Main, to Mill, to Church for dismissal at the armory. At twelve last night they ceased to he members of the Third Oregon Infantry, U. . and became eitizen soldiers again, mem bers of the new federalized national guard. At nine this morning the company reassembled for cheeking of ordnance and equipment One hundred per cent was Co in to Captain Stafrin and the corns and non-coms of Company L. It is said that a number of the men had decided not to re-enlist. This would have eliminated Com pany L as the government has ruled that bodies of troops must take the new oath en bloe. When the argument was put to the men that to refuse to re-enlist would be throwing down their captain there was no hesitancy. Tlhere, then, was no refusal. Wednesday evening the women of the Patriotic league will hold an in formal reception in the armory for the boys. Because of Mayor Kirk Patrick's presence at a special meet ing of the council ex-Mayor J. R, Craven will preside. Judge H. H. Belt will deliver the address of wel come. The men of company L will respond. There will be good music and refreshments. REGISTRATIONS VERY SLOW. Books Will Be Open But Eleven More Days. The registration books in the coun ty clerk's office will close in just 11 days. Have you registered f There has been but little registra- lton of voters since the re-opening of the books after the May primaries. It is estimated that no more than 200 have registered, and of this num ber practically two-thirds were Re publicans. The total number of registered electors in Polk county April 18 was 5964. This is subdivided as follows: Republicans, 3521, diivded among the men and women as follows: men, 2102; women, 1419. Democrats, 1865: men, 1084; women, 781. Prohibition, 196; Socialist, 156; Progressive, 30; miscellaneous, 195. The normal Republican majority is approximately 600. According to the registration figures the majority is 1656. This indicates many democrats registered as Republicans. The total mlale registration in Polk county is 3457; female, 2507. ! . s. : - Aside from a few voters registered as Republicans, but who are now and always have been Democrats at heart, the Republican vote in Polk county will -go almost -solidly- for Hughes. Hughes should carry the county by a little better than the normal majori ty. Defections to Wilson from the Republican column are more than made up by the additions to the Hughes movement of Democrats, many of them formerly Democratic leaders here. Among the Republican women of tliis section there is an enthusiasm in favor of Hughes that is most notice able. They are proudly wearing Hughes buttons, and are doing much work for the ticket. Democratic hopes that "Ihe kept us on of war" would influence these women to vote for Wilson has veen blasted. The registration figures above also indicate that practically all the Pro gressives have returned to the Repub lican fold. The second annual sale of the Polk County Jersey Breeders' club will be held at Independence on Tuesday, October 10th, when almost a hundred head' of the highest class of register ed Jersey cattle in Polk county will be put upon the block. The sale will be in charge of the president of the association, W. 0. Morrow and Col. J. W). Hughes, well-Jaiown auctioneer of Forest Grove, will cry it. The animals which are to be offer ed are selections from the breeders' herds of Polk county, which of course insures they are the best in the west, end are such cattle as were seen by . thousands at the county fair here last week. They are in no wise culls from a consigner's herd, but are all (surplus high class animals, among which are registered cows of merit (hat have made their records with plain dairyman's care. Manager .Morrow states that in quiries have been coming in rapidly of late regarding the sale and cata logs are now being mailed out. The buyers will find a fine lot of animals offered and these who attend will re ceive a hearty welcome. It is the plan of the breeders to hold a sale every year. The first annual sale was held in 1915 and was the greatest Jersey sale in re cent years in tlie west. This year eighty-five head of cattle have beet) consigned and they are from some of the best producing blood in the northwest, and these breeders put their good names behind their con signments. The consignors to the dale are well known to Polk county and western Oregon people, and ac counts of their herds have appeared in these columns frequently. COMMITTEE MEETS SATURDAY. The railroad tracks will be in theipany L's answer to the request of center with a sloping, 14-ineh, open the government to enroll in tbe new ditch on either side for drainage. national guard. It is a signal honor Republican- Body, With Auxiliary, to Make Campaign Plans. A general meeting of the Republi can county central committee, to gether with the woman's auxiliary, has been called by Chairman J. C. Talbott, to be held in the circuit room in Dallas Saturday afternoon, Sep tember 30, at one o'clopk. Plane for the ensuing campaign will be laid, and thereafter tbe campaign opened. The woman s auxiliary will also be permanently organized, the officers will be elected, and committees ap pointed. Chairman Talbott was in Dallas Monday and made all arrange ments for the meeting. Personal no tices are being sent by the secretary to all members of the committee. A large attendance is expected. Repub lican county central committee head quarters will be opened the first of October in room 22, Dallas National bank building. Campaign literature will be kept at headquarters in plen tiful supply, and Chairman Talbott and Secretary Macken will make it a point to be present as much as pos sible during the campaign. Chairman Talbott has made an investigation of political conditions extending over much of the county and is highly gratified at the enthusiastic support being given Hughes and the whole republican ticket Miss Robertson Recovered. Miss Maude Robertson has recover ed frem her recent severe attack of throat trouble and is able to receive visitors. Miss Robertson haa been sick about four weeks. JERSEY SALE OCT. 10 POLK COUNTY CATTLE TO BE OFFERED AT INDEPENDENCE Is Second Annual Event of Jersey Breeders' Club 85 Head of Thoroughbreds Up. BENNETT GOES TO LEBANON. Will Attend Annual Conference of Oregon Methodists. Rev. G. H. Bennett left this morn ing for Lebanon to attend the sixty- fourth session, Oregon annual con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which opens tomorrow morn ing and continues through Monday. Mr. Bennett will preside tomorrow evening, when the anniversary board of home missions and church exten sion meets. A. G. Kynett, D. D., Philadelphia, secretary of the church extension work will speak, tomorrow evening, on "America, the Strategic Battleground of Christianity;" Ed gar Blake, D. D., Chicago, secretary of Sunday school extension, will take his subject, "The New Sunday School Movement" Mr. Bennett u a member of the examining board and the committee on education, two of the most important bodies in the conference. Among tbe prominent Methodists who will participate are: Mathew Simpson Hughes, D. D., L. I D., bishop; J. W. McDougall, D. D., dis trict superintendent; J. T. Abbett, D. D., district superintendent; U. J. Van Fossen, D. D., district super intendent; T. B. Ford, D. D., district Buperintendent; Walton Skipwortty D. D., pastor. Motorcyclist Fined, Fritz Helzinger, a mechanic em ployed at the Espee car repair shops, was fined $5 by Judge Gregory Sat urday for motorcycle speeding. Coulter Suet Plaster. A foreclosure of chattel mortgage suit has been filed by W. R. Coulter against Ed. Plaster. Party For Mist Holmes. Mrs. Ida Mans ton was hostess Fri day night at a party for Miss Edna Holmes, bride-elect. - FLOWERS ARE WANTED Polk eounty people going to the state fair this week are requested to take bouquets of flowers along for use in decor ating the Polk eounty booth. The bouquets should be deliv ered to Mrs. Winnie Braden. Yellow and purple flowers are preferred as these are the eol- ore of the booth. Citizens who are not going to the state fair but who do wish to assist in making Polk's exhibit attrae- tive to the eye are asked to leave flowers at Fuller's Phar- maey. Tbe flowers will be for- warded from there to Mrs. Braden.