Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 08, 1916, Image 2

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Terse Tales of the Town
Mrs. J. E. Luce of Ballston was a
visitor Tuesday.
Hugh Ayers of Portland was iu the
city the fore part of the week. Mr.
Ayers formerly lived in Dallas.
Mrs. H. E. Muscott and Miss Jennie
Mufcott spent Sunday in Salem.
Miss Almeda J. Fuller was in Sa
lem Sunday.
Miss Ruth Campbell has been en
gaged as teacher in the Oak Point
school near Independence.
Mrs. A. Essen of Woodburn, moth
er of Mrs. Harry Price, is a guest
in the Price home.
Mrs. B. R. Reed went to Hall,
Wash., the first part of the week to
get the Reed children, summering
there, and bring them back to Dallas
to prepare for the opening of school,
September 25.
Miss Georgia Fiske returned Tues
day night from a vacation spent in
Seattle and Index, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown of Sand
Lake, Tillamook county, are visiting
in the eity.
August Risser and mother and Mr.
and Mrs. M. B. Young were in Salem
Carl Fenton is foreman for Horst
Brothers during the hop picking sea
son. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Schevers, Mr.
. and Mrs. Henry Hartman and F. J.
Wagner and Miss Vera Wagner spent
Monday on a picnic up the Rickreall.
Mrs. Nancy Newbill of Ballston is
visiting Mrs. Rea Craven.
Boots Kersey has' been busy the
past few days fixing up a new candy
kitchen at 316 Main street.
Attorney Glen 0. Holman can stop
his Chevrolet very quickly these days.
T. B. Hooker, M. L. Boyd, J. E.
Richter and Waldo Finn spent Sun
day in Tillamook.
Mrs. R. C. Balding has finished her
work as special deputy in the county
assessor's office.
Joe Stowe of McMinnville was a
visitor Tuesday. Mr. Stowe has re
cently disposed of his lively business
in McMinnville.
Frank Gilliam of Pedee was in town
J. P. Huntley and E. F. Brown,
- f members of the Greenwood school
board, were visitors nt the ennnr.v
school superintendent's office Tues
. Miss Winnie Hargrove spent Sun-
i . day and Monday with her parents in
.1, intern. - -
l Mrs. Edith Plank and Miss Claudia
Plank visited in Salem Sunday on
their return from Corvallis.
County Assessor F. E. Meyer and
deputies have finished Writing up the
tax roll. The board of equalization
will meet Monday at the court house.
Ira Mix of Independence was a Dal
las visitor Monday evening.
Miss Winnie Hargrove has moved
to the Theodore Fairington home ut
514 Hnyter street.
Miss Sara Peachey of Portland has
accepted the position as stenographer
in Oscar Ilayter's office. Miss Pearl
Owings will leave within a few days
for an extended visit in El Paso,
Texas. Upon her return she will live
in Portland.
R. S. Kreason was a Salem visitor
Mrs. A. It Dennett, Misses Ruth
Dennett, Bonny Sherwood, Marie
Sherwood and Eunice Brown were in
from the Dennett farm Tuesday. Mis
sea Bonny Sherwood, Marie Sherwood
and Eunice Brown are Salem girls
visiting with the Dennetts.
Ernest Hanson has completed a new
addition to his carriage and automo
bile painting shop on Main street.
C. W. Davis is emptying hop boxes
for G. W. Garbutt.
Mrs. E. E. Davis, Misses Fern and
Eitbel Davis and Don Davis, of Sa
lem, were dinner guests at The Imper
ial Monday night.
Frank Barrett of Eugene was a vis
itor at the Walter L. Tooze, Jr., home
Monday night. Iawrence Dinneen
and Mr. Barrett were Mr. and Mrs.
( Tooze 's guests Monday night at din
ner. Mrs. Conrad Stafrin, Misses AWiie
Walker and Lucille Hamilton were
Salem visitors Tuesday morning to
ee the Oregon troops pass through
on their way to lackamas.
Miss Hallie Smith and Mrs. I. F.
Yoakum returned last week from an
enjoyable trip to Oregon and Wash
ington beach points.
Mrs. W. P. Lewis is at the Dallas
hospital convalescing from a recent
double operation for appendicitis and
rail stones.
L. D. Brown was a Portland visitor
Mrs. Oscar Powell, operated upon
Tuesday morning by Dr. Bollman, is
rapidly gaining strength.
Bill Snyder is working at the power
plant as sn extra fireman.
Klwvn Evans of Bowersville was in
Dallas Wednesday.
Miss Georgia Ellis of Rickreall vis
ited in the ii'y Wednesday.
Mrs. M. M. Ellis rc.nrned last week
from an outing at X wport.
John Sweeney is expecting Sirs.
Sweeney an J John, Jr, home to
morrow night, after an extended trip
to West Virginia.
E, F. Rogers was in the city Wed
nesday. Mrs. Eugene Phillips has been en
gaged as teacher at the Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. FuJler and
their house guest, Mrs. Violet Me
Dougall of Joplin, Mo., and Mrs. Os
car Hayter and children spent a cou
ple of days the first part of the
week on the Columbia highway.
The grading of the road near the
cemetery south of Dallas is proceed
ing and it is thought will be finished
within a week. The grading and
graveling on the Baker lane probably
will begin within ten davs.
A Western Union repair crew is
working between Salem and Black
Rock restringing the telephone line
with copper wire and placing a tele
graph line
Ralph Morrison and A. M. Matlock
went hunting near the Rock House
on the Rickreall Monday. Don't ask
them what they got.
Ross CHilcott of Black Rock was iu
the city Wednesday,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr.,
motored to Salera yesterday and had
as their guests to Clackamas, Lanfi
and Leslie Tooze.
Loran and Ray Butler of Eugene
are picking hops in the McNeil yard
at Oak Dale. They are batching with
Ed. and Charlie Cochrane
Mr. and Mrs. Otho Williams and
Victor and Mir. and Mrs. F. E. Lvnn
of Perrydale returned Tuesday after
noon from a ten days' outing at
Belknap Springs in Lane county.
. Mrs. Arthur Vassall has moved in-"
to the Art Cutler house on Robb
jar. ana Mrs. jn. jj. Setb are living
in the George T. Gerlinger home as
caretakers during the absence of Mi
and Mrs. George T. Gerlinger an
Miss Ednelle Collins was able to
leave her home this week for the first
time in ten weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and lit
tle son. Willard, house guests of Air.
and Mrs. Frank Myers and Mr
Clara Myers of Salem, returned to
then home in Dallas Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John White and Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Grier of Salem spent
Sunday in i alls Citv
Ennis Frink of Falls City was in
Dallas on business Tuesday,
Miss Viola Selig of Falls City was
in Dallas Tuesday,
Guy Nixon of Rickreall was in Dal
las the first of the week.
Herman Hawkins plans to visit Dal
las a few days next week.
Mrs. Frank Meyers and children,
Miaxine and Deryl, of Salem, are vis
iting at the Frank Brown country
0. C. Smith has purchased a 1!)17
Huick light six and will give it a
thorough testouit in a Portland trip
today. In the automobile party will
b6 Mr. and Mrs. Smith and J. D.
Smith and Mrs. E. B. Hamilton of
John W. Boyer and son, Mervin,
residents of Bear Camp in the Salmon
river country, were visitors here Wed
nesday morning enroute to Portland.
F. J. Coad of the Dallas Planing
mills, was a business visitor in Port
hind on Wednesday.
Fred Herbert of Price Brothers
store, was in Portland this week
where he was visiting with Sacramen
to friends who were just returning
from an extensive trip through China.
J. R. Craven and family returned
Tuesday from a fishing trip of sever
al days at Cascadia Springs, located
in the Cascades about 35 miles east
of Lebanon. The trip was made over
land in the Craven auto.
Misses Vera Wagner and Lucile
Hamilton left Tuesday to pick hops
at the Molson hopyard near Salem.
Major H. B. Fiske and daughter,
Miss Virginia of Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, are the house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. V. P. Fiske this week. I
Miss Deliah McDaniel of Rickre
all was in Dallas Thursday.
Miss Laura Meyers of Portland is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Boydston.
Miss Helen Loughary spent Sunday
with Miss Marjone Holman at Ant
Miss Kleine Oxford is. working for
t red est this week.
Mrs. H. B. Cosper is at her moth
er's sick bed in Salem.
Miss Letitia Shewey has been en
gaged to teaeh school in Lexington.
Morrow county, this year.
.miss uona Mayes has accepted a
position as teacher in the La Grande
W. S. Loekman of Woodbuhn was
in Dallas Wednesday.
K. U. Steelqnst was an Indepen
dence visitor vesterdav.
Otto Byerly of Rickreall was in
Dallas on business Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Tanseher of Chehalis
visited this week at the home of her
ister-in-lsw, Mrs. H. P. Shriver.
D. S. Kimsey and daughter Grace
Mr. Kimsey 's cousin, Mi's. H. P.
Mrs. Edward Shaw was a recent
visitor at the home of J. L. Brown on
Salt Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller and
Miss Almeda J. Fuller are spending
hoppicking season at the Hart ranch
in Salt Creek.
Dr. D. S. Kimsey and daughter
Grace were recent guests at Mrs. Wil
liam Kersey's home.
The Girls' National Honor Guard
society meeting lias been postponed
indefinitely on account of the ab
sence of the president, Miss Almeda
J. Fuller.
Mrs. Ralph Adams of Black Rock
was a visitor in Dallas Thursday.
Jack Eakin drove his mother, Mrs.
H. C. Eakin, Mrs. M. J. Bronson,
Miss Evelyn Sibley and J. E. Sibley
to Portland yesterday. The party
plans to return Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Campbell drove
to Portland and to their ranch 18
miles out the Columbia highway yes
terday. The renter on the Campbell
150-aere ranch has cut the third crop
of alfalfa and the clover is a foot
and a half high after one cutting. Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell visited in Sell
wood with T. B. Hill and Dr. R. R.
Hill and with the James Gibson fam
ily in east Portland. Mr. Campbell
reports a detour necessary in the Dallas-Portland
road between Newberg
and Rex because the bridge at New
berg is being repaired.
A nine-pound son was bora to Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Clark of Boise, Ida
ho, last Sunday. The youngster has
been named Hal Anthony.
M. L. Thompson, wife and daugh
ter, Lucille, of Portland, spent the
first part of the week on the Thomp
son farm near here.
Merrill Barber, who has been work
ing in Cody, Wyoming, for the past
four months, is spending a few weeks
with his parents.
Miss Francis Harrington is spend
ing the week-end in Independence.
Story of a "Stormy" Night.
There are some kinds of showers
ncuinst which rain-coats, umbrellas,
or even . shingle roof are no pro
tection. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Smith,
the newly wedded couple residing near
the south end of Hayter street, were
enufrht in such a shower on last Mon
day evening. The home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Smith, parents of the
aroom. constituted the storm center
of this extraordinary shower. About
8:30 p. m. the young couple were
treacherously enticed to leave the
shiHcr and warmth of their own cozy
home, and crossing the paternal
thrcshhold found themselves in the
midst of a cloud-bank of laughing
neighbors and friends who proceeded
to shower them with a great variety
of articles essential to good house
keeping, ranging from a table and
copper boiler to dainty china and sil
verware. Mrs. Rhoda Lynn was mistress of
ceremonies and in a brief address
showered words of wisdom in the ears
of the bachelors present as she prais
ed the step which Mr. Smith had tak
en in providing himself with n wife,
and pointed out- to them the fact
tlir-t the magic touch of a woman's
hand is one of the chief essentials iu
the creation of a home.
The patter of this second shower
had no sooner censed than an "Ore
gon mist," consisting of ice cream
served on quartered cantaloupes with
cake, drifted nil through the house
and settled upon beautifully flowered
napkins spread upon the laps of the
guests. Webfooters are partial to
mist, they simply dote on it. All
present were of the aforesaid tribe
and the mist was quickly dissolved
as the result of the warm welcome
:l mi.. .i
Makes New School District. ? : l,,L'v ' .
The school district boundary board '7"s '"l"cu-,y .ueareo. a., ine
has created a new joint district by , 1 ,ul""1" " " ' 1
taking a part of district 17 and part H"" '1 fol,,e1 n"""". Their
of district 52 for a new district in D , , . ,
the hills, district 74, in connection f "l,er'a R,;,'"1' Le R"rl"'"
with Yamhill districts 33, 53, 49, and Bennett, Emma Brown, Edna
4. This action was taken to accom- V"'"'J ' ' 1 1 1 M- ''.""i.
modate 10 school children who were ' M,."e T' ,r"';r V. Grit-
cut off from school privileges on ac- " :' '''" ". "co. hcott.
count of the topography of the conn- lalm; "y r.rsKine,
try. Changes were also made in dis- """.", lU'hJ r-
tricts 23 and 71, exchanging property ' VV X' ' m Mrs
in order to make it more convenient " ""icve Beach, II. H.
for the children in each district. P" . if ff'V' R",,mr'l H"hlcberger,
There was no nhieetinn. filed TI,n"u'H """Meocrger, Laura Dunklcbe
boundary board appointed John Ash
baugh as truant officer.
Robert Muscott Injured.
Robret Muscott is at the home of
his mother, Mrs. H. E. Muscott, here
since yesterday morning caring for a
badly smashed left hand, injured in
an accident at Brooklyn, near Port
land, Wednesday, about 3:30. Mr.
Muscott was assisting in unloading a
car of lumber for the Southern Pa
cific company, when a timber swung
round and knocked him off the car
He fell on hjs left hand. Dr. Star
buck made an X-rav examination ves
terday and said that no bones were
C. A. Bennett Injured.
C. A. Bennett has been nursin;
wiree iiainy sniasneu nqgers since
Thursday when his left hand was
jammed in the set machinery at the
Willamette Valley Lumber company's
mill. Mr. Bennett will not be able to
return to work for at least another
Texas Gets Another Goat.
A thoroughbred Angora buck was
shipped to B. M. Halbert of Sonora,
Texas, by U. S. Grant Thursday.
"Doc Yak." the buck shipped, is the
sixth sold by Mr. Grant to Mr. Hal
bert, one of the largest Angora breed
ers in the United States.
ger, Emma Seth, Ruth' Smith, Vera
Glass. F. R. Smith. Jennie Riefarth,
Mrs. David Seth. Mrs. F. R. Smith, C.
F. Smith, Jennie Smith, Amy Sie
fnrth, Donald liallantyne, Kenneth
Diu.klebcrger. Dallas Hiestand, Ever
ett Beach. Arthur Winters, N. A.
Beach, August P. Risser, W. L.
Young, G. II. Coy, Edgar Winters,
DoTotliy Young. Esther Winters. Eve
lyn Beach, Mrs. Erskine, Altn Beach,
Harold Beach. Mrs. S. E. Hiestand.
Mr. S. E. Hiestand. Mrs.
Wright. Mrs. Walter Youn. 11,,,-,-n,'-.
et Kroeger, Mrs. N. A. Bench. Clar
ence C. Kimsey, G. E. Erskine, Z.
M. Knight. Emma Hughes, Eiieen
Hushes, Mrs. Chas. Winters, Mr. C
Winters, Mrs. C. Risser. G. E. E.
Give Butlers Party.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Butler were ten
dered a surprise party by a group of
neighbor Saturday night. The "at
tackers" brought a lunch with them
and after eating enjoyed "500" d
fr"Slw.,, the ""P were Mr- and
Mrs. Will Collins. Mr. and Mrs. J. R
Sibley and Mr. and Ar, T r ti
, ijioorn.
Hold Home Cooking Sale.
The women of the Methodic 'i,..i.
will hold a home-cooked f,i ..i
Vassall & Company's store tomorrow.
William Hoisinrton Hurt.
William Hoisington, formerly of
Dallas but now living in Eugene, was
seriously injured internally in an au
tomobile accident in Junction Citv
ounday. Mr. Hoisington 's car turn
ed over when he tried to pass another
Rebekahs Have Installation.
Four of the officers of Almira
lodge, Rebekahs, were installed at a
meeting Tuesday night. They were:
Mrs. Charles Gregory, noble grand;
Mrs. Mabel Dalton, treasurer; Miss
Una Campbell, warden; Miss Ava
Coad, conductor.
Monmouth Will Pave.
The paving of three blocks of Main
street in Monmouth will start bv the
loth of the month, it is reported bv
residents of that city. Contractors
who are to make the improvement ex
pect to finish it this fall.
Postal Receipt Increase.
Dallaa postal receipts for July and
August, 1916, show an increase of
j-joo.wu over the corresponding
months of 1915.
Dr. R. C. Virgil, osteopath, Uglow
building: 9 to 12; 1 to 5; 7 to 8. 4fi-,f
. Hay Baling-We are running hay
baler at $2.50 per ton. Cont
connection. Holman Bros,, phone 1551.
or paper hanging, and all kinds of,
sign pa.nting pet E , H
prices. Office, 217 Main, 'phone 361
Schevers, W. D., at 415 Oak street!
knows how to shoe horses. T hfj
For Fire and aninn,M.;i. :..tf,'i
see Chas. Gregory, citv hall
Dr.Rempel .Chiropractor.513 Chnrcb
Dr. Stone s Heave Drop, fnrt.e
-J-e,!, for sale by, C
The Dallas Wood .-. '9"t.t
o furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and irood . .. .uo?
j v aii wood cash
on dehvery. Phone 492. io,f
The Merchant Prince.
There was nu old geezer and he had
a lot of sense;
He started up a business on a dollar
eighty cents.
The dollar for stock and the eighty
for an ad.
Kmuirht him three lovely dollars m a
day, by gad !
Well, he bought more goods and a
lit tle more space,
And he played that system with a
smile on his face.
The customers Hocked to his two-by-four
And soon he had to hustle for a regu
lar store.
Up on the square where the people
Ho gobbled up a corner that was nil
plate glass.
He fixed up the windows with tha
best that he had,
And he told them all about it in a
half page ad.
He soon had 'em coming and he nev
er quit,
And he wouldn't cut down on his ads,
one bit.
Well, he's kept things humping in
the town ever since,
And everybody calls him the Mer
chant Prince Ford Times.
Try The Observer want ad.
curt Hou,,
J- K. SeWo?ii
hnnoo v :i- . . l
Th r.,n . r
""""""J isn't ,
error: E. E. HCTi!. '
of Independent .""'
offices W,,.!. ' """HI
.Inn TaH.
district miml)er'
courthouse Tueedaj 1
Ross Nelson, of L
niMnva ol. . .
Deputy Sheriffs I.
r, .c .terWewo
the lists will h, a:'
ment officers at Pnii..
check them over and J
to the government.
ton for payment.
Charles Stout,
was a visitor st the toj,
Z !
Suits nlo.-.J ..,
no charges for npJ
IN 60c, $1.00 AND $2.00 PACKAGES
Factory tad Ola i
Do This
WHEN it comes to makin. a!
around well balanced cakewi
certainly win the prize. No stunt b
cakemaking is too difficult for us to
accomplish. Whether it is a pM
cake or a pound cake or a layer cake
or a wedding cake or anything in tht
cake line, we produce the best.
We repair all makes of Stove
and Heaters and replace brot
en or burned parts and lining
RICH & ELLIS, Dallas, 0
Tinman Hodfa Is In City.
Tillman Hodce of Slt rwt
of Antelope are puests this week of 1 itingr at the borne of Ed. Hodge.
See Dallas Grocery eompsnv
Infantila Persilicic ic ft L
---.aats.iv aj UlUIJOItJ