Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 08, 1916, Image 1

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    ip polk CEmwttf
NO. 55
' ' .ken in Charges
:al and Two
ma addressed to Coun
. B. Robinson, Jr., and
charts against Judge
ounty (. jissioners Wells
,'Jt, 3' S circulated this
i have had an, ac
. 3 recall since it
' months ago. Lo
s being taken in
io it is possible
es may be secur-
of Commissioner
. alley, it does not
ee Teal or Com
i feel its effects.
inst Commission-
iett bear exactly
under 4 items', as
ed destruction of
.1 and county road
are no emergency
it shadow of ex
l contracting re
at an expense to
s thah $20,000; all
,f other deserving
county where the
1. Said bridge and
is corporate limits
t "of moneys levied
ridge at Salem for
a private surveyor
or more than law
X county work, to
, legally elected and
nty surveyor.
travagance : Obli
ork far in excess of
. said districts for
dge Teal bears the
ti an added charge
unable to atteiuf'to
court house or to
itters of business
t upon that office."
Cells' term of office
,ry 1st, leaving but a
im to serve after the
ovember and Judge
ity throughout the
. doubtful if these two
ictims to the recall.
:n Say Saturday and
ers Were Costly.
il bales of hops of the
1 as the output for the
n are said to have been
of the rains Saturday
The hot weather pre
s drove out the lice but
ttiier caused honey dew
i. Glowers now want a light
and a little breeze. Too
riiiine would cause the va-
from the ground too rap
ig the mould, and would
i continued rain.
:d sells oarage.
and Paul Hunter New
a October lsf .
consummated last week
h Bennett and Paul
well-known young men
11 take over the Thos.
irage on Jefferson street
if October. M,r. Cath
mducted the garage in
past five years and has
iendid business. After
s affairs he expects to
s daughter, Edith, for
, making his headqunr
liver, while he engages
trade, the optical bus
been compelled to leave
ount of his health and
1 relief in traveling ov
ulate of Dakota.
(Tiers of the garage are
y known to Dallas peo
ett having been engaged
y business here and at
; employed at his trade
, while Mr. Hunter has
a rage for a number of
s thoroughly conversant
herwood's business. Both
experienced machinists
donbt give the business
; management it has had
esent owner.
s Gains Grief ill Illicit
ft t Goods Lose Peaches
; P. X. Shock of Airlie to
v blind pigs. For that
Albany police officers arid
district attorney are indebted to him.
For the good money he was out and
for the loss of a wagon load of peach
es which rotted while he was enjoying
his revels Shuck doesn't know who to
debit. Following Shuck's discovery
of a week 'ago the Albany officers have
been working on the information con
tained in his complaint. Several wit"
nesses were summoned to testify in
the justice court regarding the source
of the liquor which started Shuck's
toboggan. None of the testimony has
been made public.
What is known is this: Shuck went
to Albany Saturday morning with a
load of peaches and left the wagon
and load at the Palace feed stables.
Instead of finding a market for his
fruit he says he found a blind pig.
The "find" cost him $40 in money, a
gold watch and the loss of the peach
es. When he "came to" Sunday he
went to the stable for his peaches but
by that time they were spoiled. Sor
rowfully Shuck hauled them back
home again to feed to the hogs'.
Billy Miller Injured.
In a fall at Clackamas vesterday
Billy Miller, Dallas soldier, hurt one
of his arms severely.
Miss Robertson Improving.
Miss Maude Robertson, who has
been sick the past week, was reported
as improving by Dr. B. K. McCallon,
the attending physician, yesterday.
Demobilization Order Fails to Bother
Troops They Have Learned
Browned and burned and physical
ly "pink" three members of Com
pany L, Herman Hawkins, Bill White
and Ray Scott, are in Dallas on fur
lough from the federal guard concen
tration camp at Camp Withycombe,
Clackamas. They return tonight.
I .All,, day, yoattday-snd--this- morn
ing little groups have gathered about
the boys, eager to hear the stories of
the border camps. Questions were
poured into them: "How's f",
"When do you think you'H be
home?", "How are all the boys?",
"Why didn't you write f", and simi
lar queries. Yesterday the oft-repeated
question was about the mustering
out and the, return to Dallas. The
boys knew nothing about the return
of the men to national guard status,
and showed little concern.
It was proof they had learned the
first lesson of military life, that of
obedience without question. The boys
would like to come home tomorrow,
though they have enjoyed their stay
on the border, but with a surprising
nonchalance they are leaving the mus
tering out question to their superior
officers. If they are ordered borne
immediately, aliight; if they are sent
back to the border, that is agreeable
with them; if they are held in Camp
Withycomlie, there is no complaint.
But the three in the city prove they
wanted to get home, just as soon as
they could. Dallas looks good to them
and their reserve is not natural but
When one of the boys grabbed a
hand it was a vice grip. "On the
ball of their toes" from their ten
weeks out of doors the troops, if all
are as the three Dallas is entertain
ing, must be near the superman stage.
No fat, no "pot-iness." no stoopea
shoulders are seen. Skin is ftrownea
fannml nd neelinff. Eyes are
Kn-l.t nd hearts are light, mere
ore wrinkles in the face, such wrin
kles as are found in the face of the
athlete who is trained to the minute.
And they all came back, itie rel
atives and "friends who bid them good
bve and God speed in June weren't
at all certain that all would again
come home but all are accounted for.
Two are in the government military
hospital at the Presidio. San Francis
co: Chester Minty. suffering from a
shortened left leg caused by lumbago
and rheumatism and Stewart, the
Monmouth boy. having his eyes treat
ed. These two boys are expected here
within a short time. Billy Miller, the
cook (and one of the most important
boys in the company) fell Wednesday
at Clackamas and hurt his arm, per
haps broke it. Billy is almost mousea
bv the bovs. not alone because he is
one of the best cooks, so good that
the officers messed with Company L,
W because he has eared for the boys
as a father would. Miller could have
left the boys for more money soon af
ter he arrived at San Ysidro. but he
stayed. From what the soldiers say
he hasn't lost anything either for be
has gained the sound friendship of an
appreciative company. 1
Dallas Aldermen Unanimous For In
ter-City Working Agreement;
Opposition in Falls City.
There is just one possible chance of
a slip in the pending negotiations be
tween Dallas and Falls City for the
joint working of the Falls City rock
quarry. That one chance is the Falls
City council. The question will be
decided at the council meeting in
rails City September 18.
After several months of negotia
tions a contract between the cities of
Dallas and Falls City for the working
of the quarry was signed in Falls
City Tuesdayevening by Mayor H, J.
Griffin and Police Judge and Auditor
C. K McPherren, for Falls City, and
by Mayor E. C. Kirkpatrick and Po
lice Judge and Auditor Charles Greg
ory, for Dallas. Resolutions endors
ing the acts of the cities' representa
tives will have to be passed by the
respective councils. Men in a posi
tion to know say that the resolution
will pass the Dallas council without
a dissenting vote. Of the three Falls
City councilmen present at the meet
ing with the Dallas officials Tuesday
night, two were enthusiastically in
favor of signing the contract with the
city of Dallas and one was opposed.
Councilman F. K. Hubbard, the op
posing member, has become a member
of the council since the initial steps
were taken and said that he would not
oppose any of the action taken before
he became a member but left the im
pression that he- would oppose the res"
olution upholding the mayor and the
auditor in their action. However, it
is believed that Councilman Hubbard
is ir. the minority.
A contract was signed with Mrs
Esther Montgomery Tuesday night
granting to the city of Dallas a 30
foot "right of way over her property
in Falls City for ten years. The right
of way is necessary to get into the
quarry. .. The consideration was $a0
and the city of Dallas agrees to con
struct a cattle guard where the right
of way crosses the fence now on the
property and further agrees not to
disturb the stream of water now on
the property.
When the Dallas council decided
that the city quairy at Ellendale was
no longer worth operating negotia
tiocs were opened with Falls City for
the right to work the Falls City quar
ry. The Falls City council offered to
sell an undivided half interest in the
quarry to Dallas for $500 and the of
fer was accepted by the Dallas coun
cil. A resolution upholding the action
of Mayor Kirkpatrick and City Audi
tor Gregory will be introduced at tue
September 18 meeting of the Dallas
Polk Gains From Bad Bridge.
One benefit accruing to Polk coun
ty from the bad condition of the
Polk-Marion bridge is being felt bj
the warehousemen at Airlie and Mc
Coy. Farmers from the top or the
hill and the east side of the moun
tain are hauling their grain this year
to McCoy and Airlie instead of across
the bridge to Salem.
Local Mill Doesn't Seek Orders Be
cause They Can't Be Filled.
! Permanent Damage Feared.
Some one once, long, long ago,
would trade a kingdom for a horsa
but right now Willamette valley lum
bermen, dependent on the Southern
Pacific company for CARS are offer
ing lumber business, Oregon's indus
trial life blood, for CARS and there
are no CARS.
! The car shortage along the South
ern Pacific lines in Oregon fluctuate
day by day between 1000 and 1500.
The Public Service commission, Cham
ber of Commerce organizations
throughout the valley, lumbermen,
city officials and citizens have taken
up the shortage situation, with South
ern Pacific officials in California. They
pray for CARS. The Oregon officials
of the railroad company are doing all
in their power to get equipment but
all they can do is to ask the higher
officials in San Francisco.
Not for the purpose of punishing
the railroad company but because
they wish to teach a needed lesson
steps are being taken by Counsel J.
N. Teal for the Willamette Valley
Lumbermen's association to institute
suit against the Southern Pacific for
damages. Whatever the damages gain
ed the intrinsic loss of diverted busi
ness can not be repaid, lumbermen
The Sheridan Lumber mill has clos
ed because of loss of cars and its 100
employes are in enforced idleness.
Lumber is piled around the mill yard
awaiting CARS. It is just a question
of days before other mills will have
to follow the Sheridan mill's lead,
manufacturers say, unless relief is giv
en. Three thousand new cars are un
der contract from eastern manufac
turers for delivery within 30 days to
the Southern Pacific company but 30
days is a long time for-mill to wait.
It would appear that the Willam
ette Valley Lumber company s mill
here is suffering less than many other
mills from the car shortage. Wil
lamette Valley officials say this is be
cause the company has adopted a pol
icy of not seeking orders when the
orders can not be filled promptly. It
is better to have no customers than
to have dissatisfied customers waiting
for lumber, say the local mill men and,
consistent with this policy, nearly all
new business the past few days has
been refused. During August the lum
ber production at the local mill has
been 575,000 feet below production,
or about 28 cars short.
The Oregon mills are unfortunately
situated on the tail end of a large
riilroad system and the state's indus
tries are relatively unimportant to
the railroad company as compared
with the great state of California.
To reach Oregon cars have to filter
through California and the filtering
process is slow. A shortage of about
1800 in California is mentioned by
the Southern Pacific officials as indi
eating that Oregon is not the only
territory suffering from a car short
age but approximately the same num
ber of cars in both states means noth
ing when the contrast in the size of
Carter is Kew Tork Evening Boh.
imWU Wwnpat
the states and the business handled is
The situation is very critical at
present for the Hammond Lumber
company's mill at Mill City and the
300 men employed there may be out
of employment at any time. The
Coast Range Lumber company last
week received a cancellation of an
order for ten carloads of lumber.
"If the Southern Pacific company
would only rush 500 cars here imme
diately," Secretary Jay Hamilton of
the Willamette Valley Lumbermen's'
association is quoted as saying, "it
would allay the seriousness of the
Here is the list showing the car
shortage of 12 mils reporting to Mr.
Hamilton; Hammond Lumber com
pany, Mill City, 213; Coast Range
Lumber company, Hyland, 84; Eagle
Lumber company, West Timber, 75;
Silverton Lumber company, Silverton,
34; Buxton Lumber company, Bux
ton, 25; Willamette Valley Lumbe
company, Dallas, 13; C. K. Spaulding
Uumber company, Newberg, 11, at Sa
lens, 41; Booth-Kelly Lumber com
pany, Springfield and Wendling, 126 ;
Sheridan Lumber company, Sheridan,
30; Standard Box & Lumber com
pany, Schofield, 20; Brown Lumber
company, Cottage Grove, 16; total,
688 cars.
Riley Matheny Has Son.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Riley MJatheny of Airlie on Tuesday.
Imperial Dining Room Discontinued
and Effort Will Be Centered on
Gail as Commercial Hostelry.
Under a five-year lease Charles Bil
yeu, manager of The Imperial hotel,
Tuesday morning assumed control of
The Gail hotel and annex. The Im
perial hotel dining room has been
discontinued and The Imperial will be
featured-as s, rooming, hong, parUaug
larly for permanent guests. Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Thompson, owners of the
Gail, who have had personal control
of the property since September 1
when K. N. Woods and Lew. A. Cates
relinquished the management, have
left the city for Portland.
"By the combination," said Mr.
Bilyeu yesterday morning, "I hope
to improve both hotels. The Imper
ial as a home for permanent guests
and those objecting to the necessary
accompaniments of a commercial ho
tel and The Gail as the stopping place
of traveling men, particularly. I
realize the name The Gail has over
the state as a hostelry and I shall
endeavor to keep the standard as
high. If there is any variation I hope
to make it for the better."
Polk Sportsmen Ask Commission to
Close 1916 Season on Chinas.
Because of the scarcity of China
pheasants in Polk county this year,
Fred Toner has been engaged this
week in circulating a petition among
business men, farmers and sportsmen
of the county, requesting the state
game commission to make closed
season on these game birds in this
county for the present year. The sea
son ordinarily opens on the first of
October, and the pheasant has afford
ed local nimrods a great deal of sport
during the open season of past fall
months. The petition is being quite
generally signed and will be forward
ed to the state game commission in
Portland within a few days. Accord
ing to law the commission has author
ity to declare closed seasons in coun
ties of the state or within prescribed
districts, and it is believed that it
will give favorable attention to Mr.
Toner's petition.
Pioneer Couple Married.
I.lovd H. Schneider and Miss Bessie
M. Keller of Pioneer were married in
this city last Friday by Bev. George
1L Bennett.
Leave Money With Company L.
In answering The Observer's ques
tion as to the disposition of the ' Ex
tras" fund Mavor E. C. Kirkpatrick
hps suggested that any surplus be left
with the company for tb better fur
nishing of the company's elub rooms
at the armory or for sny other pur
pose the boys decide it should be used.
The mavor believes that the money
could brat be used to make the life of
the soldier boys in the armory more
pleasant. "I gave my share for the
boys and would like to see them have
it all, for their own ns and ia their
own way," said Mayor Kick pat rick.
Order For Discharge of 15,000 Sold
iers Issued Yesterday Company
L Home Within Month.
Orders were issued yesterday by
the war department for the discharge , '
of 12 National Guard regiments, in
cluding the hird Oregon, and a num
ber of smaller organizations of some
1500 college and university studentB. ,
In all about 16,500 soldiers will be
released as soon as the mustering out
can be accomplished. According to
the number of soldiers in the con
centration camps, this will take from
two weeks to a month, military men
Mustering out will mean that the
troops will be returned by the feder
al government to state control and
then the governors of the states may
release soldiers at once or hold them
at the concentration camps.
Before going out of service Colonel v
O'lcnard McLaughlin, commanding the
Third Oregon, wants a final dress
parade. The Oregon soldiers are now
real military men, arms and accou
trements are in the best shape and
the men are fit. Colonel McLaughlin
wants Oregonians to see tlreir troops
under the best circumstances. Ar
rangements are now being made, if
possible, to hold the parade with Gov
ernor Withycombe reviewing, next
Sunday at Clackamas.
The following are the regiment
which will be mustered out under the
new orders: Kecond and Seventh,
First New York; First and Fourth,
New Jersey; Fourth Maryland; First
and Second Illinois; First and Third 1
Missouri; Fifth California; Third
Oregon; Second Washington; First
Louisiana. These are all infantry reg
iments. The order involves about 15,
000 men. '
The order releasing the college men
requires them to go to their home mo- ......
bilization camps for mustering out
j4 nntfTesuming their status in the eit---
August Babies Just Nose Out Reap
er's Victims By Two.
There were eight births and six
deaths reported to Health Officer Mc
Callon during August. The girls out
numbered the boys, five to three;
Miss Let ha Bernice Harrington arriv
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vil Harrington on August 4. The next
day Enos Harold, a girl, was born to
Mr', and Mrs. Everett Gwinn. On
August 6 Will Emery came to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Hobbs,
Salem, R. F. D. Dr. and Mrs. W. C.
Sehaeffer have been the parents of
girl since August 10. The farm home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Domhcck
er was gladdened August 16 when
Clifford L. smiled for the first time.
Then two girls came, one to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Price just before
midnight on August 17 and four
hours later the nurse told Lot D.
Brown it was a girl. The boys finish
ed strong when Ivan Le Roy took up
his residence at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank S. Webster on August 21.
Oregon Power Heads Visit
IT. M. Bvllesbv of the H. M. Bylles-
by company, one of the largest publia
utility concerns of the country and
parent company for the Oregon row-
of mmrainv. Mr. BVIiesOV.
Lynch, vice-president and treasurer
of the company, W. R. Thompson,
chief engineer, and Elmer Dover, Pa
cific coast manager of the Byllesby
companies, inspected the Dallas office
and plant Wednesday. Besides being
the bead of one of the biggest utili
ty nunii Mr. Bvllesbv is one of
the most heavily insured men in the
country. The Bylletby company car
ries $i,000,000 on Mr. Byllesby and
$lrr.00,000 is earned by Mr. Byllesby
Sunday is E. L. Rally Day.
Sunday, Rally day of the Epworth
leaeue. will be lead by Miss Kleme
Oxford at the Methodist church. The
scripture references for the day are:
Isa. 2:2-5; Zech. 8:30, 21; Pa. 2):5.
Buys Thoroughbred Angora.
W. D. Gilliam on Wednesday pur
chased a thoroughbred Angora buck
from C. Grant sad will place the
animal with flock on the Gilliam
place near Gilliam station.
Seasom Begins Jforember L
The open season for fur bearing
animals, otter, mink, fisher, martea
and mnskrat, begins November 1 and
ends February 28, 1917.