Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 05, 1916, Image 2

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Terse Tales of the Town
Miss Winnie Launer returned Fri
day from a five months' vacation
spent in Leese, Wash. ,
Mrs. W. P. Lewis was operated up
on Saturday morning at the Dallas
hospital by Dr. V. C. Staats for ap
"Grandpa" Haines of Monmouth is
very sick with kidney trouble.
An operation for removal of ton
sils was performed on Miss Nellie
Keyt of Perrydale at the Dallas hos
pital last week.
Dr. Bollman removed tonsils and
adenoids from Leonard Wright, a
north Dallas boy, Thursday.
Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., and Miss
Irene Barrett left Friday to visit
with Miss Ruth Barrett and Frank
Barrett ia Eugene. They returned:
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., and Kev. G.
M. Bennett spent Friday and Satur
day on the south fork of the Siletz.
Mrs. K. N. Woods spent the week
end in Independence.
Mrs. Sadie Bell of Ballston will
probably be released from the Dallas
hospital this week.
Mrs. M. H. Rodgers and Miss H. P.
Brittain, formerly of Philadelphia but
now of Portland, have been recent
gmests of the Misses Edith and Esther
Anderson at the Imperial hotel.
Mrs. S. C. Elliott of Corvallis was
a guest last week of Mrs. Conrad
Stafrin. I
Donald and Lyle Shreeve of Stay- Sunday.
ery for two or three weeks. Miss
Stonley will pick hops in Indepen
dence. Mrs. M. L. Boyd and daughter, Jes
sie, left Saturday morning for a ten
days' visit in Oregon City.
Miss Elva Lucas ret railed Sunday
night from a visit in Colusa, Cal.
Miss Adda Van Nortwick of Cot
tage Grove is visiting with her sister,
Miss Ethel Van Nortwick. Miss Van
Nortwick has spent the summer in
Portland and Carlton, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black and Rev.
and Mrs. Howard McConnell are
guests of the H. A. Van Winkles in
Miss Muriel Simpson has returned
from a short visit in Salem.
Miss Dora Morris returned from
Besverton Monday.
Miss Jessie Brown of Salt Creek is
the guest of Miss Mnttie Morris. Miss
Morris was Miss Brown's guest in the
Brown Salt Creek home a part of last
Miss Nola Coad is substituting for
Miss Maude Robertson, who is confin
ed to her home with a severe case o
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were busy
yesterday moving from their home at
804 Hayter street to their new house
at 788 Church street.
Fred Boydston, now working as ex
tra freight brakeman on the S. P. out
of Portland, visited with his parents
phases of the cannery problem. Thif
was done and Mr. Walker, a cannery,
man, who understands the business
from A to Z, gave some very interest
ing and detailed information regard
ing the manner in which the Cliehalis
cannery was built and operated.
I will not go into further detail al
this time as the matter was fully ex
plained in The Observed' at the time
Mr. Walker was here, but from infor
mation gleaned while in Cliehalis, as
well as from conversation with Mr.
Walker, I am fully convinced, if a
thoroughly competent man could be
obtained to take entire charge of the
proposition, that what this commu
nity most needs at this time is a co-i
operative cannery. i
If Soldier Boys Come Home Imraedi
ately There Will Still Be Mon
ey in the Mess.
ton are visiting in the W. A. Griilin
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Parsons left
last week to make their home in Port
land. Fred Collins, a' man living near In
dependence, has just returned from a
visit at Imperial Beach.
, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker have
taken the Clint Moore home on B
Btreet, Independence.
Lamar and Leslie Tooze are expect
ed by Walter L. and Mrs. Tooze to
visit two or three days this week at
the Tooze home. The young men have
just returned from their annual va
tealion work at Newport and will
leave the middle of the month for
Cambridge, Mass., to enter the Har
vard Law school.
A branch of 4the Hughes Alliance
nas Deen organized at .Newport.
An automobile party of Falls City
people who visited Newport last week
was composed of the following: Col
onel C. W. Mathews, Charles Hartung,
Mrs. William R. Hinshaw and Mrs.
Edith Brown.
Mrs. C. H. Farmer was a recent
guest-at the New Cliff house, Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pugh and son of
Falls City were recent visitors at
Miss Erma Klum was a vacation
guest at Newport last week.
Miss Nellie Keyt of Perrydale and
Miss Bessie Graham of Monmouth are
two of the teachers engaged for the
coming year in the Independence
J. C. Tracy went to Vancouver, Fri
day evening to return home Sunday
with Mrs. Tracy who has been visit
ing there for the past three weeks
with relatives.
Mrs. Charles Mann of Albany was
the guest of Mrs. J. B. Thompson Sat
Miss Maude Robertson was confined
to her home Friday and Saturday with
a severe case of tonsilitis
Mrs. Eugene Hayter and Charley
Hayter returned Friday evening from
Blind Slough, Oregon, near Astoria,
where Charley has been employed dur
ing the summer. Mrs. Hayter spent
a six weeks' vacation at Blind Slough.
Charley Hayter will assist in J. C.
. Hayter 's book store temporarily.
Miss Edith Catherwood returned
yesterday from a two week's visit
with Portland friends,
Miss Ruth Miller has left the city
for Ellensburg, Wash, where she wiil
attend high school this winter.
Miss Una Campbell was a Falls City
visitor Sunday,
Mrs. E. E. De Armond of Suver and
Mrs. M. E. Cumtnings and daughter,
rneda, or Dayton, guests at the W.
A. Griffin home over the week-end,
left Sunday night for their homes.
Mrs. William Tatom is at Newiort
for a short stay.
Miss Dilla B. Viera returned yes
terday from a vacation at Newport
Mrs. Everett Gwinn is in Portland
on a two or three weeks' visit. I
Ed. Campbell is in Portland on a
short visit.
J. T. Brnmfield of Portland, dried
fruit man for Mason. Ehrman and
Company, was a visitor in Dull
prune orchards Sundav. With Mr.
Brnmfield was C. L. Dick of Salem.
Miss Ruth Campbell was an Inde
pendence visitor yesterday,
Lloyd Propst of Albany visited in
Dallas Sunday.
Hugh Conlson and Ilirschel Fidlei
returned Sunday evening from a two
days' motorcycle trip up the Colum
bia highway.
Mrs. Leona R. Lady of Willamina
was a Saturday visitor.
Mis Winnie Launer will take Miss
Iva Stanley'a place in Winter's bak-j
0. C. Ramsdell and family returned
unday from a visit of several days on
the Siletz.
Lewis V. Macken, secretary of the
county republican central committee,
was a business visitor here yesterday.
Mrs. H. W. Brune and little son,
Stanley, arrived yesterday morning
from Genesee, Idaho, and with Mr.
Brune are now domiciled in the Mrs.
Howies' place on Main street, former
ly occupied by E. K. Piasecki.
Large niimbors of hop pickers with
their camping outfits have been pass
ing through the city on the wav to
the hop fields in the past few days.
,Mrs. George T. Gerlinger and
daughters left yesterday morning to
take up a six mouths' residence in
Carl Fenton was in Portland yes
terday on a business visit.
Miss Arlene Bennett will teach
again the coming year in the West Sa
lem school. The eight months term
opens October 1. .
Miss L. A. Rourke, nurse, returned
Sunday night to Portland after a sev
en weeks' stay at the Harry Price
' Another one Judge Belt is now the
possessor of an automobile, a Saxon.
An eight and three-quarters-pound
boy was bonn to Mr. and Mrs. Her-,
man Laher Sunday morning.
J. E, Nelson of Black Rock was in
Dallas Saturday morning. Mr. Nel
son plans to move to Goble, Oreeon.
atter a ten years' residence in the
Polk county town.
Ed. Sampson, Charles Hai-tuns- and
Robert Wunderli of Falls City, were
unllas visitors Friday.
David M. Smutz, junior vice com
mander of the Dallas grand army post,
has returned home from a three
months' visit with relatives and old
time friends in the middle west states.
Mr. Smuts' trip included stops in
Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Idaho.
The two small sons of Tillman
Crooks, resident near the iunettnn of
the Big and Little Luckiamutes. arc
sick with the measles.
the Jlouck threshing crew shut
down Saturday on account of rain but
Will resume Monday niorninc
.Miss (trace Mathews and Rav Mat
hews of San Francisco are visiting
their father, W. A. Mathews. Ray
Mathews has accepted a position with
the Willamette Valley Lumbar com
pany. Miss Mathews will return to
San Francisco after a short visit.
McArthur and Stauff Consign Twelve
To Independence Show, October 10
Twelve of their best register of
merit cows have been consigned by
McArthuir and Stauff to the Polk
County Jersey Cattle club sale, Octo
ber 10, in Independence. Among the
animals is the dam of the champion
senior four-year-old milker of the
breed, and a half brother of this
champion cow and two fine young
bulls. The cows' records range from
433 to 670 pounds butter, and every
one is free from disease or blemish.
E. C. Johnson Pleads Guilty to Sim
pie Assault Against Eglund Family
F. C. Johnson, the "dangerous lu
natic" of the telegraph message that
sent Sheriff Orr and deputies out to
the Nashville countrv post haste a
week ago yesterday to save a family
and perhaps a countryside from ter-
rorization at the hands of an armed
insane man, was arrested Thursday
by Sheriff Geers of Lincoln county
and turned over to Sheriff Orr. Be
fore Justice of the Peace Frank Hub
bard in Dallas Friday morning John
son was fined $25 and costs, totalling
about $60. Johnson remained in the
county jail until Saturday morning
when his draft on the Corvallis bank
was honored. Johnson denied threat
ening the Eglunds with a gun but ad
mitted that he had threatened Arthur
Eglund with physical violence. Con
sidering this the officers permitted
Johnson to plead to a charge of simple
The gun part of the episode is ex
plained by Johnson by saying that he
and a companion had been hunting
and in passing went into the Eglund
place to thrash Eglund for "lies he
had been circulating about me." In
trying to get at Eglund Johnson broke
a window pane and started to kick in
a door. Johnson says he laid his gun
aside when he called for Eglund to
come out.
The Observer has a perplexing ques
tion on its hands and the aid of Dal
las people is sought. The Observci
knows of some money that will prob
ably await spending in a few days.
How shall it be need 1
With the return of Company L from
the border there is still $000.00 in
the "extras fund." The money will
have to be spent and a novel prob
lem awaits solution. Already sugges
tions have been received. Some be
lieve a big homecoming welcome to
the boys is the best plan whereus oth
ers think this would be a waste of
money. One suggestion is that the
money be turned over to the band.
Another man said no better use of tho
remaining fund could be made than
cleaning up the city park or arrang
ing for the beautification of the court.
house lawn.
- The Observer has an idea that the
money might be a good nest egg for
the enterprise the people decide Dal
las "Most Needs." Let's have voui
opinion How shall the extra "ex
tras" fund be spent?
Willamette Valley Master Mechanic
Takes Same Position at Linnton.
AV. A. Kirkpatrick, master mechan
ic at the Willamette Valley Lumber
company '8 mill, has resigned his no
sition and with his family has left
lor Linnton, Oregon, where he will
take the same position with the West
Coast Lumber company. No success
or has as yet been appointed to Mr.
Kirkpatrick 's place.
Monmouth Woman Died in Portland
of Bursted Blood Vessel.
The funeral of Mrs. J. H. Reming
ton, pioneer Monmouth woman who
died in Portland last week of a burst
ed blood vessel in the bruin, was held
from Chapman's undci Mking parlors
Sunday afternoon. Rev. Edward H.
Chirk of St. Barnabas Episcopal
church of Salem read the funeral ser
vice. Interment was in the I. 0. O.
F. cemetery. At the time of death
Mrs. Remington was 58 years, two
months and 12 days of age. J. H.
Remington is a retired fanner now
living in Monmouth and has been
resident of this county for a numhei
of years. A large number of Mon
mouth people", including Mr. and Mrs.
P. 0, Powell and Mr. .and Mrs. Wil
liam Riddell, Sr., attended the funeral.
Elects Another Teacher.
Miss Vera Grant of Portland last
night was elected to a high school po
sition by the school board.
"What Dallas Most Needs."
I am very glad to see this ouestion
claiming the attention of some of our
leaning citizens, as it is a question
worthy of the serious consideration of
every person in this community. The
active members of the Dallas Commer
cial club have been earnestly trying to
solve this problem for many months
nd havinsr this verv miration in view.
this club sent two of its members in
to Washington, to investiirate several
merent propositions.
At Ihehalis this committee visited
the cannery of the Lewis County Can
ning Association. This cannery had
only been in business one year, but in
that time they had bought from the
producer and canned 312.783 pounds
of fruits and vegetables which includ
ed 55.000 pounds of evergreen black
berries, a berry which is ordinarily
considered of no value. All of this
pack had been disposed of with the
exception of about half a ear of
squash and pumpkins.
The committee was very favorably
impressed and upon their recommen
dation the Dallas Commercial club ar
ranged with Mr. Geo. H. Walker, su
perintendent of tbe Cbehalis tannery,
to come to Dallas and disews in an
address before our people, the virions
Woman Committed To Asylum.
Mrs. J. L. Simpson, formerly of Al
bany but recently living here, was
taken to the state hospital for the in
sane Friday afternoon. Mrs. Simp
son is surtering trom a nervous break
down. This is the third time she has
been treated at the hospital and on
the other two occasions she was dis
charged as cured. Mrs. Simpson is
tne loster daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Pillar. The re-appearance of
tne woman s illness showed several
weeks ago and at the street dance
recently held here she kept insistim
that a certain young man dance with
her. Dr. B. H. McCallon. health of
ficer, made the examination and com
mitted the woman.
Wants Married Men.
President George T. Gerlinsrer of
the Willamette Valley Lumber com
pany has announced that his comnanv
will make an effort this winter to re
place all the single men, who quit
tne company's employment, with
married men. Upwards of twontv
places will have to be filled when the
itinerant workers and the usual num
ber of men change employment for
other reasons, this fall, and it is Mr.
Gerlinger 's desire to fill their posi
tions with family men. "Family men
are the kind of men a town needs,"
said Mr. Gerlinger in commenting on
the policy annouced Ay the company.
Freight Rash It On.
With the cancellation of the strike
order and the previous lifting of the
freight embarcoes placed bv the roa.L
Polk county merchants and shippers
are crowding the railroad
orders. Over 100 freieht bills weir
received yesterday at the local South
ern Pacific fteicht depot. Trulr if
was Labor day for the emploves. Per
ishables and inflammables, refused bj
the railroad until assurance was hai
that there wooid be no strike, consti
tute the main shipment.
Son Born Friday Morninir.
A ten-pound son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Grover McDonald Friday
W. W. Ganbutt has contracted to
sell to Hie Wolf Hop company 15.000
pounds, net weight, of 1916 hops from
the Farley farm near Dallas. The sum
or .t-iuou will be advanced by the buy
er for picking expenses.
Papers filed with the county clerk
recently nave Deen :
Chas. 0. Walker to Eliz.ih.tl, v
Long, partial satisfaction of mort
gage on lots 7 and 8, Henry Hill's
town of Independence.
atistaction of mortracf. nW!fi
William Thurston et al to John v!
Johnson, 343.89 acres of Tt t. r f
Jesse L. Bounds.
utriise, uoya a. Schnei
der of Dallas to Bessie M. Keller.
Marriage license, Thomas F. Chiirch-
lu. .va Bridges.
Suit, G. D. Simmons vs. J. B. Het
rick, money.
Agreement, Lew A. Cates to H W
Brune, bill of sale of "The Obsoiv
er." Letters of guardianship to Jno R
Sibley over three minor Hjllman chil
drit, Frances. Don, E Ri.,....i.
Letters of administration t p,.-;.
Kopper to handle Marv A. Ar,.i--,
If you need anything
while picking hops,
such as Lotions,
Witch Hazel for cuts
and bruises,
Tape or anything in the
Drug Line,
call on us.
For Your Arm of Whatever Make
MANY ft man never discovered the eport In pie
olver practice till he i topped aliootintf bip-au
pirtol and re-
D-hutrd minus
-f.: ...,! mmnA that hfl tumid really Art eraetbintf with hi fun.
A jrt revival of the port it eweepintf ncroee the country
hymen ere tokinjj ft tip from the crack .hote-and the tale of
Remington UMC Ammunition lor all tandard make of pistole
ad revolvers it topping all previous high
I Get your irmi and ammunition from the reliable dealer
' look for the Rtd Bali Mark f Rtmingtom UMCtU Siga of
Sportimcn'e Headquarter in every town.
Sold by your horn dealer and 679 other leading
merchants In Oregon
; CUan and oil your gun with REM OIL, tfis eomhina
i tian Powdtr Sohtnt, Lubricant and Jiuet Prtvtntatiua
Largitt Manufacture of Firtamt and AmmumhaH
m th World
Woolworth Building New York
w mm
We repair all makes of Stoves
and Heaters and replace brok
en or burned parts and linings I
RICH & ELLIS, Dallas, Ore
Dallas, Oregon, September 5, Hi
Dear Friends :
By use of our large, standard-size pages, not Mi
ously in use in this county, yon save 20 per cent to SO per until
cost of your abstract.
With the aid of our plats and tract indexes, your iWn
are made direct from the county records the most reliable
known and are much more accurate than is possible for
searcher of the records or by the old system of hutilT
"take-off" books containing many errors, for the more w W
ment is copied the more chance is there for error.
In purchasing land yon should demand an abstract mMf
a responsible firm. Our modern methods save you money.
Managed by M. G. Ellis,
Yours for business,
Infantile Paralysis is a I
. 8