1 i f mik ' kit (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1916 (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 64 TllTD IS KIGH ;rS COUNTY STUDENTS TO E2 ASSESSED $72.57 1 Not Stand Court Test" Says .t. Reyno" Polk Students Hani Eit By Ruling. he tuition of pupils attending So ts i high school Irom districts out 1 3 of Salem will be $72.57 for the i 'tig year. Pupils from other eoun J will be assessed the difference be- n $72.57 and $40, the latter S unt being paid by the eounty in J h the student has residence. Half .iis difference, or $16.29, is pay- p at the beginning of each semes :. The tuition as fixed is $2.43 un- i r the $75 proposed at a recent meet' t . Perhaps the people most affect- ' . by the ruling of the Salem school ird, are the parents of the 31 Polk uty students living in Eola, West m, Brush College and Mountain .ew who sent their children to Salem h school last year and the still jer number that are oontemplating e same action this year, "It seems strange," said County '.ool Superintendent Reynolds when 8 heard of the Salem board's action. "We do not charge more than the 10 allowed us by the state law under thidh we are working,! and under which Marion county is working, and we ore glad to get the students from 1e outside counties. I do not be- ve the high tuition charged by the .em school board would stand the t of a court action. " 'he following resolution, passed bv 3 Salem board, when submitted by wtor H. O. White, explains the J action: "...solved, That the tuition of stu- s attending the high school from ; county and other counties oper- under the old county high l law be placed at $72.57. This .th the understanding that Polk y and other counties under the i school law pay $40 of this t for each student and that the iy the balance, half at the muerence as to what it .j e .ucate a student. The Sa- ard of directors figured inter- a investment and depreciation, the state department of educa- wntends that the investment in 's, buildings and depreciation . J not be considered in figuring c t of doing business. Chairman . e r ported that the board's attor- ey. eo. G. Bingham, was working on rublem. " e injustice to this county of the a board's tuition charge may be nd.rstood when the following clip inf from the Salem Capital Journal f (September 2 is read : Pupils living in Marion county in liich there is no high school will be emutted to attend the Salem high ;hool for the first semester without eying tuition. This was decided at re meeting of the board of education ist evening, pending a decision of le court to the amount the board may igally charge. Those in other coum cs coming under the old high school iw will be obliged to pay $16.29 a ?mester. For the grades below that re taught in the three junior hign :liools, the annual tuition was fixed t $30 end for students in the junior igh schools, $40 a year. Anyhow, pupils in Marion county ith no liigh school in their district ill not pay tuition for the first se icster as their tuition will be paid by le districts in which they live. Marries Independence Conple. Justice of the Peace Hardy Holman arried Thomas F. Churchill and Eva ri!rs of Independence in the coun r judge's chambers Saturday morn- Labor Day Celebrated. c ?nurt house officers and both s were losed the entire day, jr.day, Labor day. : : :y oats yield is big. Bnshela to the Acre on the - T sines Place Wheat Poor "..'.i Rowing reports of the oats : m ihe McCoy territory J. K. iiuie to Dallas Saturday. On rv Domes place the averaire. r ncreage, is 70 bushels to the The price, also, is holding up W&t is not doing as well as Wheat in this territory, Mr. says, is mixed with vetch and ci -si. but the fart that vetch is r.h f.uir cnts a pound, eonsiderab-n-ve t!i an even the dollar wheat, t y the farmers to have the ff mi rated. A good deal of the wheat is going out of the county. Clover, Mr. Sears says, is consider ably fouled with honey dew, but wash ing and cleaning the clover is prac ticable. Mr. Sears had some of his clover washed a year ago and says the result was good. Among the threshing crews that are operating in the McCoy territory are those of S. L. Stewart, Martin and Blodgett, Roy Allen, and Henry Gil liam. "When the war is over it is my prediction that valley farmers will not sow wheat. Wheat does not do as well here as it does in the up lands and when the prosperity after the war, comes other crops will pay the Willamette valley farmers, bet ter," says Mr. Sears. R. C. DYESTRA GOES TO SALEM. Perrydale Teacher Accepts Principal ship of Heights School This Year. B. G. Dykstra has tendered his res ignation as principal of the PeiTydale high school and has accepted the prin cipalship of the Salem Heights school. The Perrydale high school has grown under Mr. Dykstra's principalship anil the Perrydale industrial club work has been praised by overseers Mr. Dykstra also coached the champ ionship Perrydale high school base ball team. Another record of the Per rydale high is that all eight members of the 1916 graduating class have sig nified their intention of taking work in some higher institution. Bright Girl Enters High. Miss Grace Forrette, 14, and just about as big as a minute, will enter the Dallas high school tins semester. Miss Forrette last June was the fourth highest in grades of any student in the grammar grades of Polk county. She had to take but one final examina tion. GUARDSMEN ARE BACK COMPANY L WENT THROUGH SALEM THIS MORNING. Troops Are Happy to Get Back Vis itors Not Welcome at Camp Withycombe. Home again! Oregon boys, mem bers of the United States army in camps in southern California the past ten weeks, are at Clackamas today. They are home, probably for good. Whether they will be discharged or kept in camp at Clackamas for some time has not been announced. It is likely they will not be kept longer at the state concentration camp than necessary to complete the mustering out as the daily expense of main taining the troops is enormous. The Third Battalion passed through Ashland last night, at 7:30, and tlirough Salem early this morning. The boys of this battalion were sched uled to arrive at Clackamas this mora ine at 8:30. The First Battalion was at Roseburg at 8:4o last night. According to the officers in com mand the troops are in the best of condition. The sanitary troops are given a good aeai or. crenii ior me . , 1 O fL cleanliness of the camps and the lack of any disease epidemics- is largely the result of their work. Governor Withy combe met the troops of the First Battalion at 'Grants Pass yesterday and thanked the men for the splendid ehowinff thev have made for the state. Everv town along the fcoutharn ra cific turned out to greet the boys. Colonel McLaughlin has announced that visitors will not be welcome at Camp Withvcombe until after Friday of this week as it will take the troops that long to become settled. After Fridav the relatives of the troops and the public in general will be welcom ed. An announcement will be made when the camp is in readiness. Thompson Trial Begins. The trial of Bennett Thompson i-hinvJ with the murder of ired Rrftman. a Portland jitneur, and Mrs. TTolon .fennintrs near Tualatin, last Mav. besrins todav at Hillsboro. Pis- ri-t Attornev Tonsrue says he has weaved a convincing net or circum stantial evidence around Thompson. HOLD UNION MEETING INDOORS Weather Prevents Lawn Service Sun day and Worshippers Go Inside. The threatening weather Sunday night prevented the outdoor meeting scheduled for the court house lawn and the worshippers went to the Christian ehureh. Rev. W. T. Tap- seott delivered the sermon. Weathes permitting, the services will be hel.i outdoors next Snnday evenine. An effort is being made to obtain Dr. Clarence True Wilson to preach. ENTHUSIASM IS LACKING 1 RECALL MEETING FAILS TO A' TRACT AN ATTENDANCE. Charge of Extravagance and Irregu larities Evidently Not Endorsed by Taxpayers of County. The meeting of the Polk County Taxpayers' league called for the court house last Saturday afternoon to fur ther consider the recall of the county judge and county commissioners was postponed indefinitely when an ad journment was taken because of want of a quorum, there being less than a half dozen members of that organiza tion present. The purpose of the meeting was to provide funds for car rying the movement to successful con" summation, and to consider the ques tion of eliminating the name of Judge Teal from the petitions, leaving Com missioners G. A. Wells and Clyde Beckett, there being serious doubt in the minds of the promoters pf winning a victory at the polls in No vember with his name included. !? . When the houlr for the meeting ar rived Messrs. J. K. Sears and F. !?, Rogers, the latter president of the County Farmers union, were practi cally the only interested ones pres ent, and after waiting a limited time the little party separated with the remark that the farmers were too busy at this time to give the matfer the consideration that it otherwise would have had. It was steadfastly maintained, however, that the under taking would still be prosecuted; that the petitions would be in circulation within a short time, and that the question of recalling at least two mem. bers of the county court would be be fore the people at the fall election. The charges against the court are extravagance and irregularities in the expenditure of the people's money. The Independence improvement, which includes the removal of a steel bridge and its replacement with a reinforced concrete structure, the changing op a fill which required the moving of ap proximately 30,000 yards of earth. ue -hard -smfaaiHg of -tlw ami.: of highway on the Salem-Indepert; dence road already macadamized, is one of the petitions' important fea tures, the promoters holding that the betterment was a useless one at this time, besides having irregularities connected therewith. The weight' of the movement rests upon Commission er Beckett, and there are those who arc. inclined to the belief that with the elimination of Judge Teal and the further fact that Commissioner Wells ' terra of office expires January 1, he would become an easy victim. On the other hand Mr. Beckett has many sup porters, even aside from those who are against the recall on general prin ciples, and he is not worrying to any extent regarding the undertaking. From an unbiased standpoint, other than being opposed to recalls general ly, The Observer cannot believe that the movement will meet with sufficient support to enable those behind it to secure the required number of names to place the measure on the ballot in November. Thus far it has met with a cold reception from all except a comparatively few. "Great Scott, Woodrow! WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN RAILROAD STRIKE WOULD NEC ESSITATE OLD CONDITIONS. John G. Brown From The Past Draws Picture of Dallas If Trainmen Walked Out. Not, indeed, in this case, "the sad dest of words, 'it might have been,' " but the possible state of Dallas condi tions if the railroad operating employ es had struck, were described by John G. Brown yesterday. Back, back, over half a century, local history was ex amined for the picture. Of the time when Dallas consisted of buildings, easily counted on the fingers of both hands, Mr. Brown spoke. In those days had roads connected Dallas with Portland in the summer 'and no roads were passable very far in the winter; merchandise was freighted from Port land in summer and shipped to Eola or Independence in the winter and thence transferred to Dallas; trans portation figured in at the rate of a cent a pound on all goods. W. C. Brown, father of John G. Brown, own- ed a general store and John Brown drove the team or double team to Portland for his father. J. W. Nes mith had the postoffice, was county clerk and ran a store. Postage was charged if one couldn't pay for it on receipt of letters or packages. Though it was 53 years ago since Mr. Brown freighted his last "twenty hundred" from Portland, modern freighting conditions with automobiles and fine roads were not so very far away with the prospect of a railroad tie-up in evidence last week. And the old freighters would have delighted to have hitched up their span and gee and hawed their way to Portland again. Happily for the consumer it probably would not have averaged a cent a pound for transportation, but here are some of the prices the folk of a generation ago had to r y v high. . From an account bc k 3Tr. I read these- prices, in i1 " 't in 1850's and 1860's:' r.,r :li"'li (there was no finis)-"' -lo), .1: "rcr-thnttsjmdrvtwriisftergi& 90c. each; salt, $5 ft hundred; raw linseed oil, $2.25 a hundred; syrup, $7.50 five gallon keg; nails, 10c. a pound; sugar, 20c. a pound; tooth brush, 50c; paper of pins,. 12c; spelling book (this came 'round the Horn) 25c. "The spelling books to day cost more than those of 50 years ago notwithstanding the very much greater cost of printing, paper, ink and transportation then," said Mr. Brown. In the yellowed book an entry for one coat, $15, purchased by J. S. Hol man, father of Justice of the Peace Hardy Holman, for Hardy was found, "ft was Hardy's first fine coat," said Mr. Brown, "and he certainly was proud of it." REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE BUSY. Old Fashioned Campaign to be Waged With Women Taking Fart With a complete organization effect ed active campaigning by the Polk county republican central committee will begin this month. The old fash ioned meeting will be the plans of the S3? Carter In Nw York Sun. I've Been Up In the Air Almost Four Yeanr 15 get-togethers planned for the coun tywith an added new feature, the women. Good speakers and music will be on every program. The per sonnel of the county committee is: D. M.' Hampton of Monmouth, C. L. Bratcher of Perrydale, D. E. Fletcher of Independence, J. J. ThuiiBton of Suver and C. A. Parks of Brush Col lege. L. V. Macken of Monmouth was chosen as secretary. J. C. Talbott of Falls City,' chair man or the executive committee plans to devote a good deal of time to the campaign and will be ably assisted by Walter L. Tooze, Jr., state committee man and E. E. Paddock of Indepen dence, congressional committeeman and Secretary Macken. HARVEST GIVES BIG YIELDS. Polk County and Nearby Territory Showing Good Threshing Results The harvest reports are bearing out the pre-season optimistic feeling about the crops, particularly the oats. The late trains have helped the spring oats and the winter oats sown in the spring. Wheat is averaging about the same as other years. Some of the yields so far show high averages. Pric es are holding up, wheat contracting at $1.11 'and oats at 48 cents. Seven threshing outfits are at work around this neighborhood. W. E. Martin is in Salt Creek; Russell and Monday are operating in Gopher Val ley and Bellevue; Earl Conner is in the Ballston district; Thomas Mer rick is around Harmony and Mill Creek; T. J. Werth is at Grand Ronde; Leslie, at Willamina; Brown and Heider are close to Sheridan ; Duerst Brothers are at Bellevue; Schuman, Russell and McKinley are in Gopher Valley; Adam Gutbrod is near Sheridan; Casey Brothers in Go pher Valley; and Pettyjohn and Wooden are at Butler. RAIN DETERS PICK!"' rr? ! VL the rain will only make itself conspicuous by its absence hop pick ing in Polk county and vicinity will begin today or tomorrow. Sunday was a real day of prayer for the grow ers and the thousands of pickers al ready in camps around Dallas, Inde pendence and other county towns. Sunshine is what the grower and pick er alike crave. So far the rain has not damaged the crop but it makes the picking and liv ing conditions of the pickers very dis agreeable . Overhead expense is high for the grower or contractor and ev ery day in which the vines are not stripped represents an actual loss to the management of the yards. The price around Dallas is 40 cents a box with one or two Kickreall yards offering 50 cents. Most of the yards here have more pickers than they need though a few are still pinched for the necessary labor. Among the local yards which have scheduled their op ening for tomorrow are Coad and Grant's, Ah Coe's, and Brown's. FRIENDS SHOWER WITH SHEARS Orville Bntler of Monmouth Already Hag Received Fifteen Fain. Portland friends of Orville Butler, prominent pioneer of Monmouth, Ore., think they have a good joke on him. A few weeks ago Mr. Butler visited his son, Dean, at Oak Orove, and as sisted in clipping the wings of some obstreperous chickens. When the task was finished he pocketed the family shears and carried them home to Mon mouth. He was the target of many a good natured jest as a result of his absent mindedness, and on his birthday which just passed Mr. Butler received 15 pairs of shears. The packages are still coming in and each new one brings a bright new pair of shears, he wrote to Portland friends. Thomas N. Bostwick Buried. The funeral of Thomas Newton Bostwick, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Bostwick of north Dallas, was held from Chap man's undertaking parlors Saturday afternoon. Burial was in the Dall&f eemeteiy. Timber FaHer Injured. Oliver Baker, a timber faller for Scott Brothers of Blaek Rock, had his foot badly erushe4 Wednesday at the Scott Brothers' camp. No bones were broken. Mr. Baker is at the Dallas hospital. j GGUNGIL TALKS QUARRY FALLS CITY FATHERS TO DE CIDE QUESTION TONIGHT. Ordinance Prohibiting Card Playing Read First Time Aseptic Tank Nnimce Discussed. The rock quarry question again took most of the time of the council last night. Tke report of City At torney Coad of his discussions with Falls City councilmen and with Mrs. Esther Montgomery, over whose prop erty the proposed right of way to the quarry must go, formed the basis of councilmanie comment. . A .contract, drawn up by City Attorney Coad in connection with the Falls City city attorney, Walter L. Tooze, Jr., was read by Mr. Coad. The contract was considered a fair one by the council men. It is understood that the Falls City aldermen, unofficially, have said the contract is fair and it is believed, in meeting tonight, they will sign the contract. The contract is an agree ment to work the quarry together and not to wilfully interfere with one another, to permit the selling of rock to a third party by either of the par ties to the contract to a third party, but at a ptrioe satisfactory to both and the division of the profits of the sale, and to provide for the opening by either party, of a ledge of rock, the expense of such opening to be borne by the initiator but if the other pany ro me agreement; ihkos advan tage of the cleaning to get out rock, the second party is to stand half of the expense. The contract further calls for the arbitration of any dis putes which may arise in the joint working of the quarry. The contract, and the lease which Mrs, Montgomery to the epeei.d committee havir-j the o, i----'- - qm fn in hi- 1. ' t 'nsL.' .? of Cc .i'iltticn . y aim vtuu. iwe jwwr il 1 '.- ,. -. 'I 'I l. ! . 'viintii'.'e of her woman's . i , ft.'rs -Kttier .M(mh;-nu:ry y cl her.ibir.d ti'urtit giving !f 4 t tif- tii U; of way and '!, years ' lease. The consideration is $50 and for this sum Mrs, Montgom ery has signed an agreement to grant a lease to a right of way 30 feet wide over the northeast corner ot Block "D," Montgomery's Falls City, provided the city of Dallas will construct a cattle guard where the right of way crosses the fence now on the property and also promises not to endanger the spring of water on the premises. The opinion of the council is favorable to the lease, J. C. Hayter was reappointed a member of the Library board for a term of six years and Mrs. D. P. Pat terson was named by the mayor to succeed Conrad Stafrin on the board. The council concurred in both ap pointments. An ordinance to prohib it the playing of cards in pool and billiard rooms was read for the first time. An ordinance - granting the request of F. L. Shaw to clear title to property bought from the town of Dallas a number of years ago was passed. In a verbal communication to the councilmen Messrs. Butz and Vol heim complained of the nuisance the aseptio tank was causing. The ques. tion was referred to City Engineel Taylor for a report at the next meet-ting. I FAIR PLANS ARE MATURING. Secretary Says Great Interest is E ing Shown This Years. : Plans for the county fair, Scut. tn- i ber 19 to 21, are rapidly nut "ring and the secretary says greater jnvHt is being shown this year than e r le- fore. Perrydale merchants have offered special prizes for boys' and gitis' cat- ' tie indeing contests. The firs' n;t will be a trip to the state fair will' all expenses paid and $2 in cash; the second prize is $2.50; the third, fl-m; the fourth, $1; and the fifth, 50c. This contest will be held the last day or tae fair. September 21. The pavilion is being improved. A balcony has been put in at the west end and alterations to make the shelving and booths on the lower floor uniform are being made. Tbe home economics and the domestic sci ence departments will be put in the balcony. Interest is keen in the Bet ter Babies contest. Tbe fair board desires exhibits of flax hemp, sorghum and broom corn for the county fair and also for exhi bition at the state fair and the North west Land Products show, this year to be held in Seattle. Independence September 25. schools will open