Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 04, 1916, Image 7

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" s iviT rtviriri' n i.l
Mrs. Gregory's Big Stock Reducing and Clearance saxc is iww gp w
Reductions in AU Departments, radios' Coats and Suits, One-third Off. Lai
Shoes and Corsets, One-third Off. Sweaters at Half Price. Wool Caps and I
at Greatly Reduced Prices. Silk and Fancy Moray Petticoats, One-third
Big Line of Ladies' Waists, value up to $2, for 63c. Ladies' House Dresses,
ue $2, for 98c. Hose greatly reduced in price; 50c hose for 32c; 35c hosej
23c; 25c hose for 19c. Embroidery at Half Price. Don't miss this Money-S
ing Sale at Mrs. Gregory's Ladies' Toggery, at Dallas, Oregon.
Mr. Crider, Owner of Building, Makes
Highest Offer, and Sheriff Ac
cepts His Bid,
The furniture and fixtures of the
Imperial hotel were sold yesterday
afternoon at sheriff's sale lo J. V.
Crider, owner of the building. There
were three bidders at the sale. Mr.
Crider, J. E. Corsen, owner of the
lease, and C. W. Davis, representing:
J. W. rlousman, a Baker City hoitel-
man. Mr. Crider started the bidding
a.t $2,548.62 .through his attorney,
Lot D. Brown. The amount covered
the judgment Mr. Crider held against
the furniture tuid fixtures. Mr. Davis
offered the second bid, amounting to
$2,575, and Mr. Crider advanced to
$2,700. The question as o whether
the purchaser would have to pay rent
on the hoiuse since it had been vacat
ed was brought up, and this may cut
down the return to the holder of the
second mortgage if it is decided in
Mr. Crider's favor. Mr. Davis ad
vanced the bid to $2,725, and G. E.
Corson, holder of the second mort
gage, raised it to $2,750. The prop
erty was sold to Mr. Crider for $2,800.
There are four mortgages aeainst
the property with Mr. Crider's judg
ment of $2,548.62 first. G. K. Cor
sen holds a second mortgage of $500
and others are held by J. E. White
and J. T. Dickson. Mr. Davis was
the representative of J. W. Housman,
an eastern Oregon hoteltunn who
wanted the furniture and fixtures for
the equipment of a hotel he is es
tablishing at Bend. Tt is probable
that Mr. Crider will lease tlie ho,tel
and it is understood that he is deal
ing with different ones on this mat
ter. .
appears to be a, small demand, but of
fered prices are low, and the few
growers outside of the association
who are Still holding hops are making
no effort to sell ithem.
Bernhard Bing writes from Nurem
burg of the German market:
"Our market shows again a very
firm tendency- for all good-classed
hops of greenish color. There is no
dofiubt that the yield, especially of
these grades, is smaller than estimated
before, so ithe stock of our market is
nearly insufficient to fulfill the daily
jdemand. Buyers of green colored
hops have increased difficulties to find
what they want and prices, therefore,
are in holders ' favor.
"Attention, furthermore, is to be
drawn to the fact that our hops are
continually advancing in their class
meat of qualities, which fact involves
a further increase of value."
Imports of hops into Great Britain,
less exports, for the months of Sep
tember to November last, both inclu
sive, were 35,360 cwt., as against 16,-
449 cwt. tor the corresponding period
one year ago and 141,677 cwt. two
years ago.
No Sunday Holidays This Year Girls
Get Courage for Leap Year.
For two weeks Dallas merchants
hove been besieged by school children
in search of calendars for tin? new
year, and there are many depleated
stocks of these works of art as a re
sult. There is a popular diversion
among the children, and even among
older persons to whom the few legal
holidays of the year are tlie only rest
days, ithat has for its object the dis
covery of the days on which holidays
will fall in 1016. First of importance
to school children conies Washington's
birthday, February 22, which fortu
nately falls on Tuesday. Of course,
to be of interest to die little folks
the holiday must come on a school
day how else could it be a real holi
day f Maybe the school . authorities
won't grant days of rest on all the
iionuays, dui usuauy one work s
lighter on such days or there are
special exercises to vary the monotony
of school life. St. Patrick's day,
March 17, whose sole interest lies in
the fact that green ties and erven
socks are justified at that time, comes
on Friday. Memorial day, May 31,
on Wednesday this year. That near
ly sums up the 1016 season's holidays.
but (luring the vacation tliere are oth
ers of -equal interest to the normal
child or adult. July 4 cornea this year
on Tuesday, Labor day, which is not
especially observed here, falls on Mon
day, September 24. And Thanksgiv
ing has been scheduled aa usual for
Thursday, this particular Thursday
being November 30. Christmas and
New Year's day come on Monday,
making double holiday similar to
that enjoyed this year. Then of
course, this is leap .year, but that
won't mean holidays. February has
pernicious habit of ringing another
day in on us every four rears, to the
satisfaction of ambitious swains mnd
the discomfiture of bashful maidens,
and this is the year.
Ruakin In th Kitchen.
In her book of reminiscences, "Thir
teen Years of a Busy Woman's Life,"
Mrs. Alec Tweedle says that ber fa
ther, Dr. Harley, a well known Lon
don physician, was a great friend of
Buskin and often stayed at Brantwood.
One night Ruskln asked Dr. Harley
thether he liked tea or coffee before
he got up.
"A cup of tea," be replied.
"Why don't you choose coffee?"
"Well, to tell the truth, I have lived
so much abroad that I don't fancy
English coffee. It Is generally so bad
ly made."
His host said nothing. The next
morning Dr. Harley was awakened,
and a strong smell of coffee permeated
the room. Turning to a servant, he
asked, "Is that my cup of tea?"
"No. sir; tt is Mr. Buskin's coffee."
"Mr. Ruskln's coffee! What do yon
"The master was up early. He roast
ed the coffee himself, he ground the
coffee himself, and be made the coffee
himself, and be hopes you will like It"
One or Two Dealers Are Making Of
fers, but Sellers Are Indifferent.
- The coast hop markets have not yet
opened up after the holidays. There
Growth of Wealth.
The wealth of the world grows very
slowly, aud tbe amount of real saving
is amazingly small. If, for example,
tbe wealth of the United States when
George Washington became president
was equivalent to a billion dollars
and that perhaps Is not a bad guess
and this amount could have steadily
earned a little over 6 per cent every
year since, this gnlu. compounded,
would exceed the present estimated
wealth of this country. This means
that all the rest of the saving aud the
gains from new enterprises and a rap
Idly increasing population have only
Just about balanced the annual waste
aud loss. True, more than two-thirds
of the wealtb of nations Is still the hu
man machine and not tbe visible tax
able property, but the fact serves to
show bow slight Is the annual gain
even In the premier get rich quick
country of the world, tbe United States.
Carl Snyder in Collier's Weekly.
It Was a Cosmopolitan Crowd That
Flocked to His 8hrine.
Dumas sat like some bronze of a
Buddhist temple, while his guests
stood or moved about, conversing with
him or among themselves, writes Fran
cis Grlerson In the Century, describing
an evening with the great novelist A
famous comedian from tbe Gymnase
exchanged jokes with a tragedian from
the Theatre Francois, a witty Journal.
1st was conversing with a gifted singer
from the Theatre Lyric, an artist with
flowing hair and a huge plnce nez was
begging a professional beauty to give
him a series of sittings for her por
trait, a novelist on the qui vive for
copy seemed to see, hear and appropri
ate everything and everybody all at
A young poetess and an aged drama.
tlst were discussing the latest plays. A
Russian countess, tall, slender, Insinu
ating, clad all In black, made me think
of a character I had seen In a fantastic
pantomime. She glided about mysteri
ously and, stopping at Dumas' chair,
placed her long, thin band on his shoul
der for some moments, like a ghostly
visitor with a fntal message, and then
gilded away. Anstrlans, Italians, Ger
mans, mingled their accent with the
accent of the true Parisian. But Du
mas was more than a Parisian; he was
a cosmopolitan at a time when there
were no cosmopolitan Frenchmen, and
He gave me the impression of a man
who had seen life in every aspect
Ue might as well have said In so
many wordsi "My mind Is made up.
Do not give yourself tbe trouble to tell
me what Is going on in England or
America or In the country of tbe Grand
Turk or among the nabobs of India. 1
know as much as they know. You see
me sitting here contented enough as
things are. AH these charming women
or talent are my friends" (as a matter
of fact, there was not an old woman in
the room). "A man is not the author
of books like 'Monte Crlsto' without
some recompense."
No one would have taken him for a
celebrated author. He had the air of a
man who bad done nothing all his life
but invent, taste and prepare luxurious
dishes at a restaurant patronized by
wealthy gourmets.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the Polk County
Fruit Growers' association will be
held in the Commercial club rooms
at Dallas on Saturday, January 8,
1910, at 1 :30 p. m. You are urged to
be present. .
86-4t. H. C. EAKIN, Pres.
No Simple Life at Ayr.
Tbe "simple life" finds no sympa
thetic atmosphere in Scotland and.
above all. not in the "Auld Ayr" of
Robert Burns
Auld Ayr. wham ne'or a town surpasses
For honest men and bonnte lasses.
George Ferguson Munrn Is a news
paper person who writes articles for a
Scottish newspaper. Uunro wanted to
live a free, untrammeled, outdoor life.
He began last spring. He wandered
over hill and dale, doing nothing, find
ing enough to eat and drink, lying on
shaded hillside reading a good book.
He interfered with no one. Tbe earth
was his bed, the starry sky bis roof.
When tt rained be went Into ban.
Yet for leading this simple life be was
taken by tbe rough band of tbe law
as a Tagabond and sentenced by the
magistrate of Ayr to three months'
hard labor. Indianapolis News.
That this Is to be a season of veils is
very evident from the number appear
ing in sbop displays, some of tbem ac
tually built into tlie new millinery.
Many of the veils are fur edged and
spring from a band of fur at the top
of the crown. Fur balls dangle from
the back points of one fine lace veil.
Another veil in fish net effect Is of very
heavy weaves, but of very large hexa
gons. Circular veils are quite new and
very effective, as they hang In grace
ful folds from the bat and are some
times quite short. A short nose veil.
called the flirtation veil. Is combined
with another veil falling In long rip
ples at the back. Tbe square veil is
another Innovation, its four corners
falling as the wearer wishes to arrange
the veil. One veil Is shirred Into a
black moire ribbon ruff and held close
to the face In this way. If you want
a stunning naw veil there Is no scarci
ty of models from which to tak your
A. J. Barnaul has purchased the
James I. Hoopes property at the cor
ner of Maple and Shelton streets. The
property consists of a house and lot.
Mr. Hoopes, the former owner, is a
resident of Beaverton.
Save money by providing for the
future. Buy cocoa during the special
sale at Vote's Variety store.
Miss Kleim Oxford, a graduate of
a Texa9 school of music, and an ad
vanced student of 0. A. C., will teach
piano at 309 Court street. For terms
phone 852. 85-tf.
Say, you enthusiastic "Made in
Oregon," "Support Home Institu
tions" shouters land boosters, have
yon stopped to think that the Oregon
Fire Relief association of McMinn
ville is an Oregon concern and that
all the money put into it for your
safe protection against fire is kept
right here in Oregon instead of being
sent out to enrich some corporation.
No company is on a more solid basis,
none is as prompt in settlement of
losses and none writes as ehmnlv.
Therefore it is entitled to your consid
eration. Be consistent and lend it
your aid. Al. Snyder will explain it
J- 84-tl.
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. 64-tf.
For Fire and automobile Imuran
see Chas. Gregory, city hall 82-tf
Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist. Citv Bank
building. Dallas. 75.F
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. b4-tf.
Dr. Rempel, Chiropractor, 513 Church
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price II, for sale by all drug
gists. Adv. 79-tf.
The Dallas Wood company Is ready
to furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf.
There is no better Xmas gift than
a Sheaffer self-filling fountain pen,
for sale only at Manock 's Drug store.
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. b4-tf.
Lessons in voice. K. Gertrude Ir
win, 321 Washington street. Phone
1533. 79-tf.
Hair switches made and sold, 709
Clay street. Call Thursday. Dec.7-31
The charge ior advertise
ments under this head is one
cent per word for each in
sertion. No discount for suc
cessive Issues. If you have
anything for sale or ex
change; If you want to rent
or lease a house or business building;
If you want help or a Job of work; if
you have lost or found anything; If
you want publicity of any kind, try
this column. Tou are sure to get
results others do, why not you. Tel
ephone your "want ads." or address
all communications to The Observer,
Dallas, Oregon. Count the number of
words to remit with order. Telephone
No. 1.
me spienam and pto!
of T ree Repair. We J
ueciions who um ,
completion of count
tabhsh you in 1
business that sill m,.
Your opportunity ii J
tv. We solicit i
Tree sureerv navi 1.1
Portland Schnnl rf l3
estry, 817-20 DekumJ
land, Oregon.
WANTED Machine, a
plate Iron, bran 111
and rubber, and rati
in fact, junk ot all 1
Halleck, Monmouth, M
FOB SALE Sixty-Hen
in Coos county; bottw
mile from posMte;
school; on milk rout
road ; good improves
give terms. B. f olia,
offers every young man in Dallas
who is interested in out-of-doors an
opportunity .to perfect himself in
wants position on me
district. Understand!
and poultry. Referent:
Family consists of wifi
Address Mobley, Boi
Notice Until further
Derrv warehouse will bt
Thursday, Friday and St
of each week.
FOR SALE Hav and Oil
and oat hay, grey m
U. S. tirant, Pallas.
Reason : run only aW
eost $1,600. Will sell 6;
May be seen at Shrem'
Frank Barrett spent H
evening at Albany, wbere w
a dance given by his old fcj
former associates.
Write to ns about terms, statins
value of farm, looation, etc.
Temporary address 103 Fourth St
FEAR GRAY. Portland. Om
The box coat for misses Is very
youthful and becoming. Another style
for misses Is the flare coat, tbe fullness
starting from the shoulders and occa
sionally from a small yoke This Is
also made quite short and Jaunty.
Sometimes these coats are made with
flare back and more fitted front
Russian styles are well liked for young
people. Some of them fasten at the
side, while others button up the front
Belted coats will also be worn to a
great extent Sometime the belt ap
pears only at the sides, while In others
tt appears only In back end front
Many times belts are placed at low
waist line. High collars are worn with
almost all suits, frequently arranged se
as to be wore either open or closed.
Coat sleeve are In regulation style, set
ea at a low shoulder or In saodifled
ragtan effect Flare and gi unlet cuffs
re oftes. ed finishing tones.
Cocoo -cocoa -cocoa. Special nieea
sjt Voth's Variety store.
"I Feel Like
A Real Day's Work"
Most men do have good digestion,
steady nerves and a clear brain. Right
living particularlyrighteating-makes
for energy and ambition.
The sound nourishment that gives
"punch" to wade right into work, is
richly supplied by the field grains. But
some grain foods are lacking in certain
mineral elements which are all-important
for physical and mental vigor.
- ' V.4. T VOs y
SUS diJ has a delicious m. n' . u r&1
-e- m pacKage; and with cream or good miik is a splenmy bala
"There's a Reason" for GRAPE-NUTS
Sold by Grocers everywhere