THE POLK COUNTY OBBEKVEa. iumw. nmw. -OTr-n nnlTT T A WTT A TV , f ttiio' (inlnmn are vited. Those enter family or informally, , report the event to ; 1 irty On New Year's e inv.tation of the Kloshe c' y a brilliant assemblage w 'n and brave men! ' at Woodman hall for an uf dancinp and Five Hnm ie plac of entertainment was iy and appropriately decor ''' numerous Chinese lanterns , a1 9 the dancers while ori w ere artistically placed . among the evergreen i . Oregon grape and One end of the hall was iam Hart, Lucile Hamilton, Thelma Smith, Marjorie Bennett and Pearl Smith. The Messrs. job wis"" Ernest Hoisington of the Kappa Sig ma Nu House of Eugene, Shalor iA- Li nf IndeixiailniiinB.JBrooke lodd rmn fsurmo. 111 mm n Newman Dennis New Year's Dinner Elvin Cravens ji:i.hi Vincit. Snfirdav even- as u ueiigun-u. .'"Ju , p . w ii flntM'tained a number or fliie 'young friends with a dinner party, V,, ' u: iiio flffoonth hirth- me occasiou rang o - dav and a New Year's party combin ed. A very delicious five-course din ner was served by Ins mniner, h i. Reily Cravens, a red and green color ischeme being carried out throughout khe dinner. The guests of Mr. Cra- irens were: Messrs. arnesi Mm-uiuu, (George Smith, Walter Uravens, i,nas. Siayter, uonum i-aca, , .... iams anl JMWin cravens. TERSE TALES OF TOWN LOCAL NEWS OP DALLAS AND THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. Isrsonal Paragraphs Pertaining People and Their Movements, Gleaned by Observer. to ! t MS . ..1 fnr those who nrefer- aitch tlie dancers or try their at cnrds, comtortame seais ...nncilu nrnviderl for these whk'h idl arrangements. I to make of this affair one of iig pleasure. The punch bowl Piously presided over by Mrs. 'rioe, assisted by members of , who passed among the guests delicious beverage. The hon irds were carried off by Mrs. artin and Mr. Lew. A. Cates. 1 .,,, nroerrom was a very ...ia l-wi-i-stpri! ..,.l.n.ii nvr ithe new danc , much merriment was oceas r an old-time Virsrinia reel. the bast number on the dance irr,at OTJ'6 OTOVKled Wltll senitine paper which they nidst those enjoying the iterps l ant, which resulted in a nf miilri-pnlnrwl ribbons ft il v.t gracefully around the dane forming a truly festive pic- osteses at this charming af e Mrs. L. D. Brown, Mrs. A. Mm. H. H. Belt. Mi-s. Pnuin.iui. Mrs. C. B. Blind- R. K. Piasecki. Mrs. S. B, v , TT T. Price. Mrs. C. L H. TT. Volheim. w'trv is the list of inviti 1 r. and Mrs. Kirkpaltri. Ttnr,inr Partv Miss Muriel Granl -J ) Melisrhtfullr entertained at cams an f lancing during Christmas week-en; pu- A....T.;.1rv was. nirvA.hlv sDent l twins and "500." Mistletoe anil r J il !,. fcvergreen was uispiayea uu-uugnuiy. Bh l-nrtma in ine uvemus buffet supper was served by the hol- Laco 'I' ia invitAfI oniesis were; mini Mo,l Rnmes. Kuith Barrel 'Wwiliu 'Shnw. Munel1 urani Messrs. Floyd Ellis, Herman Ha ins. Jack Eakin, D rank Bant ane fcdward Preston. TTioatjir Partv Miss Muriel Grant k nH wit h n nrw leal s utti uv rni.utona and waltzos lTi',riov ovonine' The evening w After watching the old year out aid iun nur vai in ,1 ip-it, nincneon wwa l.ic - --n - served. The guesis ui tue cvciuas Mica Oporo-in Shaw. Kllth T- Mionil f TlHrnes. Muriel l looch, Harold Miller, leu nerg. r.arA Potv Miss Ruth E. Barrel wna rinstess on Tuesday evening it o ..n-il nnrtv The eveninff was sped ,:ri, miialn ntirl nrds. Late in the evening a delicious luncheon was ser4- w1 Thfl OTiBsts of the evening werra; Misses Hallie Smith, Maud Barnea !1 n 1. Shaw. Barrett, Messrs. Jack Eakin, Herman Hawkins, f rank Barren, warier u lantyne. ia '. I jip 1 ni f.r. Mr. uu t 'rider, Mr. and Mrs. U. v; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crn- & Mrs. F. J. Craven, Mr. uw. A. Cates, Mr. and Mrs. on, Mr. and Mi-s. A. L. r. and Mrs. John UgNnv, Jrs. I). P. Patterson, Mr. W, Ii. Soehren, Mr. and Wom1s. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Mr and Mrs. Harry Woods. rs. Ilany Viers, Mr. and it. Coulter, Mr. and Mis. ;in, Mr. and Mrs. Edward r. and Mrs. Robert Swing. 'r W. Ti. Tooze. Mr. and ill Kaerth, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A r. and Mrs. lieorge liernng- I Mi's Maurice Dalton, Mr. . ' ho Williams, Mr. and Mrs. I .Vi Uv nd Mrs. Stoats, Lee Fenton, Miss Vers, rie Vollieim, Miss Pauline and Miss Florence Burton . Henkle of Independence. Hostes Mm Uobins T7i.r T-binilip(l nnrtv was Wonnnfternoon bv Elizabetl T!.,,r. Ao K. Koomson ana Mioa Finance Burton, rink carna .nrl rhriatmiis decorations were quite conspicuous in all rooms which made it very aiiraouve. dence Enterprise. nrnnmniith OanfB Entertains The Monmouth grange entertained invited rla nh a New Year dinner in the l,oll nt tlmr nlace. A Droffram was given lor ine enieriaiiiiucni "i the guests. Grange Master C. E. Spence will preside at the next meet ing of the grange, which will be held January 8. Ney-McArthur T. M. Ney of Grand View, Wash., and Belle E. McArthur of Independence were united in mar riage at the latter place on Friday. The. ceremony was performed by Dr. H. C. Dnnsniore of Independence. illation A joint installa rs was held on Friday y-W. T. Sherman circle, e 'Grand Army of the Re fj S. Grant post, G. A. R. ion was very pleasantly ,rmory, where the instal lonies were held. Joseph . .commander of Sumner f 12 of Portland, acted as fleer. After the exercises, served- a very fine light tain Conrad Stafrin, com ompany L. O. N. G., ad (1 i.. ft members of the two or- i. "s on a timely topic that v interested those who heard The joint meeting was attended persons, members, of the G. A. 1 its affiliated organization. Af reneral New Year's greeting the ice sang "America" in conclnd e meeting. officers installed by W. T. Sher irckv Ladies of the G. A. R.. ("resident Mrs. H. P. Shriver; vu e-president, Mrs. John Stein jiiirior -ice-president, Mrs. Arnold: secretary. Mrs. Ora ; treasurer, Mrs. B. Lovelace; iin, Mrs. Clara Comts; conduc .r. Mildred Ebhe; patriotic in :or, Mrs. David Iarling. and , Mrs. Susan Zentz. Among the ladies of the circle who attend e meeting were Mrs. Catherine v Mrs. E. h. Johnson. Mrs. Jas .uper and Mrs, C. C. Fuqiia. ise wlio will preside over the of the G. A. R. during the corn ear are, commander Peter S. wood ; senior N-ice-comnrawY'r, i1 iirifrer; junior vice-commander, ; Srnntz; chaplain, W. G. Camp-su-eon, Jolin Steinfeldt; quar Arnold : adjutant. vi we; officer of the day, Isaae efftcer of the guard, C. G. ; sergeant major, E. L. John- atermaster sergeant. W. G. 1, and delegate to the state leait, E. H. MeDougal. Mai-riairA License Abram W. Sie- mans of Wheeler, Wash., and Eliza beth Nenfeldt of Dallas secured a li cense to marry yesterday. HAS DEFINITE INFORMATION. Information comes from an authen tic source that the Falls City Lumber company is making preparations to resume operations at its extensive mills at Falls City, and that in all probability that institution will be ae tiv hv the first of February. The mills are now under the management of a practically new company, and the revival in Itne mmoer marKet aim urc bright prospects for the future alons; this line of endeavor are probably responsible for the determination to resniime operations at This item may look a little fishy , people in the frozen regions of the .untry, but 'tis true, nevertheless: iring a snow squall lasn- diiiuimhj - targe red rose sroou oui, in .t.ivii hnds were Hust teady to blossom, along the walk on the west side ot tlie uamegie Uui.ij i i riallaa That was go- UUllUJU ucit in ing some for the first day of Januarj, 1 'mis. 0. T. Vincent of McCoy was a Dallas business visitor yesterday. Mrs Horrv Cosrer is spending the first of the week in Salem. Sanford B. Taylor, C. Hi., will leave tomorrow for Philomath, where he is dmnir some railway work for the Al- sea Lumber company. The tiustees ot itne L,a ireuie ciuu will ihold a meeting tonight for the n,miAu nf ore-anizins. and for the transaction 01 Business. Judge H. H. Belt left for McMinu ville yesterday morning to preside at 1.1 1 li. i.P fliA Ynmhill COUn- ine ics""" Jii" "i- " . . ty circuit court in session there tins week. , Phil Price spent Mew iear s iiaj with relatives wt Portland and Oregon City. , , it n aiTmni.ii prtuntv school snrer- inteiidenit, 'left for Corvallis yesterday to attend tlie f armers ween. In gram. Mr. Seymour is usieu im talk to county rair woriters uu weu nesday afternoon. m ami Mrs. Hftrrv I. Pnce were guests of Dr. and Mrs. March at For est Grove on New Year's day. n Pnin u'lin tnrmerlv man- aaeA the Imperial hotel, was in Dal las yesterday. I'kni' oa Man,, VTiin WUH 1 III 1111-1 1VW uuai ito uiiiiii - - inii at tiia hntwl. has returned Vi,f liotaln nfltur several months W Vila". uoj spent at Albany hotels, and will be jjfound at Ihe desk during the day (time-. ' . , , - i .1. u.. John Brown got oacK into ine nni ness of toil for at. least 10 minutes yesterday morning and shoveled snow from the walks in front of his Main street buildings. m. ..j MVa T. C Starr will re turn to Portland tomorrow, after hav ing spent the holiday season at tne home of Mrs. Starr's parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank H. Morrison. William Riddell of Monmouth was a business visitor in the city on Fri day afternoon. Misses Helen and (iladys Liougnary spent the New Year's holiday wun relatives at Hood Kiver. County Clerk Asa a. nooinson spent the New lelar wieek-enu in Portland. . tu Wmton'i Foreign Mission society of the Methodist church will meet on Wednesday aiiernuoii wun Mrs. Sam Burch of 408 Levens sfcrest. Ed. Smith, formerly of Dallas, and now at the Oregon Agricultural col lege at Corvallis, was greeting his manv friends in Dallas yesterday. Mr. Smith came to visit his farm near the city. Richard Rieman, who has been con fined at the Dallas hospital for several weeks with a severe attacK or iypuuni fever, has sumcientiy recovereu 10 uc taken ito his home this morning. i.Tiiot .tViA law ia Rnmetimes called a Sunday law," says Judge Wolver- ton, "does not alter tlie question, ana the interpretation must oe naa ay a consideration of the act itself." This was in reference to ine :uu that the law is in contravention ot religious liberty. iiKU, .Lux, tha fact, that the law has been little enforced require its nulli fication now," says uie aecision. Points of the decision are that the law does not violate the fourteenth amendment! of the tederai constitu tion, or the twentieth amendment to the state constitution. Beautiful Snow. Immediately prior to being bed-ridden by that fashionable complaint, the la grippe, the office boy penned t-iin Inllninino. nllpc-pd noetrv which he tenderly laid on the editor's desk, and with the remark, "i guess roar will hold you totil 1 return," disap peared : The beautiful snowflakes fell hard ,ail full fast.. From out of the northwest they came on the blast; They made of the county seat a most beautiful scene, And all its dull, dark spots looked nice and quite clean; For snow as we all know's a beauti ful tilling, It makes all the poets smite their lyres and sing. But there are discomforts in every annivfiflll. Which poets don't sing of, 'twould nut itn at. all For snow, while it's lovely and nice to Me gaze, And worthy of poets who sing in its praise, It's damp and it's wet and it's nasty and cold, As all who get in it don't need to be told. , DEATH OF LYCTXRGTJS HELL. Planter of First Hops in Polk County Passes Away. T.iTrtiitwno n Hill, whn in credited with having planted the first hop yard in Polk county, the date being 1884, passed away last Friday at the age of 82 years. Mr. Hill's health had been poorly tor some time past, ana the end was not unexpected. Deceased was a native of Tennessee, having been born near Knoxville, May 23, 1833. During his thirty years of res idence in Polk county, Mr. Hill ac quired a large acquaintance and many warm personal menus, an oi l,,.,., mill loam nf death with profound regret and with sympathetic feeling tor ttlie bereaved ones, ne is survived by two daughters, Mrs. I. F. Yoakum and Mrs. Scott Campbell, both of his city. Funeral services ov er the remains were held on Sunday. Club's Annual Meeting. Tim matnKora nf t.llft (Commercial club, after dining at Hotel Gail to morrow evening, will hold the annual election of officers at tne clun rooms. The dinner will be served in parties nf sivtuen. the first detail beginning operations at 6 o'clock. The anniuial meeting is probably tne most lmpor tnnt n.otlim.ino- nf th vpar. and hence all members shoi'ld make an effort to be present. DO YOU LIKE HONEY? Twenty-four pound case lots at wholesale prices, cash, or exchange for your grain, and other produce that I can use. Floyd E. Smith,. 619 Washington street, phone 1303. Twlce-a-Week Observer 11.60 a Tear. POLK COUNTY At the annual meeting of the Inde pendence Baptist church the following officers were elected: Wm. Barnett was elected deacon o serve for three years, but the rest of the officers were elected to serve onlv one year and arc nto p,lier as follows: H. J. Rowe, clerk; Mrs. than originally intended. Our infor-JF. 0. Parker hncre ary . nu mant says that, he possesses posurie -r ... Xa Tear's Dinner Miss Pearl Kirhtfully entertained a num e younger set Sat unlay even- New Year's dinner. The . Brtiatii-nllv deeoraCed in yitmas colors, red and green. lrnnwlpHTO it hat arrangements for opening the mill ore now making, and (that within a comparatively short time the plant will receive a Ihoroinrh overhauling, thus putting it iu the best possible condition for continuous operation. Get Certificates in Penmanship. Oregon who have qualified for teach ers' certificates in penmanship. Cer tificates issued by the A. N. Palmer Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa: rjortnide Vennison. Alice!: Mossie Hussong, Lillie Lewis, Nellie Ander son, Eleanor Jenkins, Astoria; no berta Lake, Brownsville; KatheriiK' tv.iniT riritral Pfiint'. Pprcv Wfttkins. Cherryville; - Carrie Livesly, Des chutes; Mrs. E. D. Byers. Anna I.-. Beck, Elmer Jordan, Clarence Ea-rv, Vera G. Albin, Eugene; Mabel Wash- bond. Gearhart; Kathleen Mvett. Huntington; Julius Collins. Kinsrs Vallev; Bert. W Harris. Esther Bon ner. Nellie B. Bullatd. W. V. Connor. S B. Carpv. Eleanor White, Caroline White. A. H. Prince. Edith Wele!.. Nina Kame, Lillian Holroan. Edith Bark, La Grande; Ruby Smith, Carl v rvi.L-ptt M.tinnn le: B. Ira an Oilder. Medford: Ida E. Gamble, North Bend; Mabel Allen. Pnneville; Marsaret Kate-i. DALLAS WOOD CO. scott, pianist; Neil McKensey ami OD'o Hilke, ushers; H. J. Rowe. su perintendent ot the nunoay s-mu..i. Because or an epidemic i s"i't at Independence, the play to have i.OT ivri hv home talent last Satur day has been postponed one week. Independence is now so ur had it not snowed at an opportune time "she" misrht have blown away. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dykstra re turned to their home at Perrydale. af ter having spent the holiday vacation at Buena Vista. Josh Talbott of Falls City has Join ed the Elks. Why he waited until the state had gone dry has not oeen dared, but is being debated. II L' 1 ;. ii k.. mirYhaaed the M. Jir. tiun.-, - - - i.: . -.. M farm npBr West Sa Mil last fall, has sold it again to Mr. Buelkes of Salem, recently from Nebraska. Irving, the five-year-old son ot jura. i.-i T..;.,. nf Snrino' ValleV ! at the Willamette sanitarium. Salem. suffering from abscess ot the stoma. Mildied Spong of Spring alley was presented with a handsome piano by her parent as a noiuiav m. STJNDAT LAW SUSTAINED. Dry 16-in. Slabwood $2.25 Per Load CASH Phone 492 Federal and State Constitution! Up held by Judge wolvenon. Judee Wolvenon in federal eotirt sustained tlie Oregon Sun.lay closmg law as in ancord with both federal and state constitutions. Mis rnnne -.1 1 . ' I e . 1. arailil-atlOII N. rox. Msnnsli jcame wua a aenrai i -it -n; Michaelson. Union: of tl Buswick-Balkeollendar eom- ; 3 tirZtThce'nln'g Mo.lie"p,er. Georgia Fountain. VV.I-; pany foT: an inmncUon .u - ,7a ii in the snow ten-ille; Mary Dahleren, warren; n. vneB.n uir. r- prlt weXth. MlMir- g. Dykstra, Pern dak. then, from enforcing the Uw. TT Tlsivia- Vida Dun " . . , ..1 .1.. lion Xlinnio CorUllllS. MrS. N. L. f Ul- Kl pointsetias oecomieu - k. - . . - ek Misi Smith very gracefully kerson. Salen,: Susie Barton . Shen- he dinner. After the dinner dan: Theda PeAinw. SjMTnsfieliJ . . g folks donned warm wraps W. Aser, Talent ; Nellie Conlon. Fred 1 1 .1 . nn IW "V POX. I 1. - iiiiiff ineir sitiss "r i r FOR LIVESTOCK DR. KORINECK'S REMEDIES ARE THE BEST HEALING AGENTS KNOWN TOR DISEASES OP HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, 8HEEP AND POULTRY Dr. Korineck's Tonics MAKE BETTER LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BT THE FULLER PHARMACY MAIN STREET, CORNER IULL (THgooop oupae finds a merchant who knowsT), ! that little erfoU. ( VES. "f.0"1.. LrrTSrTL rw-BCUT6IVEStFULL I 1 JUST FILL T HE1"S ruhtH TOBACCO SW.SFACT.OM. j fMll '""""I0" "VS J 1 i JrV.inTnrrtn "' t" f 'Ttkeasmailchew p OBSERVE the way W-B CUT users handle their tobacco; notice how small a chew they take; how little they spit-that's because W-B CUT chewing is rYourd.d UU. It. Tell him you wan. W-B CUT Chewing-the Real Tobaooo Chew, um cut. Umt r 10 eentt a pouch. w "Nolic how th. lt brtaw oot lk rick loUcco UU" BUa If WEfMAH-BRUTOH C0MPAHT. 50 Prfi Si , Kw To Ctf Why We Wish You a Happy and Pros perous New Year We wish you happiness and prosperity during the coming year, first, be " . .. ..v. nf Mm cornnratlon desire to ex- canso the men wno uirot-s ut unp - - . tie feeling of good wiU toward their neighbors natural in mankind, The prosperity of our company depends upon your ProPy- . No utUity company can rise above the level of the community which serves. Wishing you a prosperity in which we want to share may seem to be a sel fish Sde, unless it is remembered that the relations between the pub lic and our company are reciprocal. Service companies do vital work in the modern municipamy-WORK CONTRIBUTING IN NO SMALL MEASURE TO THE PROGRESS AND WELFARE OP EVERY INHABITANT. Utility organizations perform a large share of the co-operative effort es sential to civic advancement-toward the success of Wustnes-to tha reduction of physical labor and increased safety of life and Ppf toward domestic economy and commercial vitality-in the promotion of better living and working conditions. The prosperity of the utility companies and the people are interdepen dent. A UTILITY ORGANIZATION MUST BE REASONABLY PROSPER OUS TO DO ITS WORK EFFICIENTLY AND THUS CONTRIBUTE FULLY TO THE PROSPERITY OF THE PUBLIC. We ask the same good will from citizens which we feel and express to wards them. OREGON POWER CO. By A L. Martin, Local Manager. Star Transfer Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING THAT IS MOVEABLE PROMPT SERVICE G. A. & L C. MUSCOTT & A. P. STARR, Props. Ellis' Confectionery 1062 Phone Stands: Webster's Confectionery 511 The Observer, a Twlce-a-Week pa per, costa no mora than a weekly. THE CELEBRATED BERG MANN SHOE 2 World-Famous Brands "8 Awarded Gold Medal PPT V. San Francisco. 1915. The Strongest and nearest water-proof snoea maae. For Loggers, Cruisers. Miners, Sportsmen ana worsen. Men's Comfort Dress Shoes Strong Shoe for Boys Manufactured by THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MANU FACTTJRINO COMPANY 621 Thurmaa St. Portland, Oregon Ask for THE BERGMANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OUm Each Ik kett of it clan. 3 ipltndid gradtm at 2 diffmat pricm. Old Master) y and 1 San Marto Coffee -Thm KlmJ Will, Ito J SOLO BY DALLAS MEAT COMPANY. Send It By Parcel Post Sen4 as ronr UBndry fe parcel pot The ra.el carrier la jd uthortd to XrmimmjA thi. baetnedt. It costs but frw ccata. Writ rctora it promptly DALLAS STEAM LAUSDRT. Wesr Side Marble V WorRs O. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor. MONUMENTS HEADSTONES AND cuKBnra Leter Rain! I SitolM llnm Cmm V you've a man's work to do, wear Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker i $3.00 The coat that keeps out oil the rain, fit flexEdgamiovenrj drop from running in at the front. Prauoar Hau 75 ontt A I TOWER CO. s"T' BOSTON