Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 31, 1915, Image 8

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hs Pertaining to
People Whom
I Enow.
3 ALE.
spent an enjoyable
unily pathering at
on Christinas Any
nns dinner. Those
ti Malinda Kimball,
n Miller mid chil
, iiiorval and Boneta;
i .? in Robinson, (i. 1.
r. 1 Mrs. Georpe Rob-
i, Normal and Har
Irs. Ben Thompson.
. G. Miller and Mn.
jt Christmas it the
j and Edith South-.
i spent Christmas nt
. parents, Mr. and Mrs.
e -ster and Jamie Ross.
nding school in Dallits,
mas at home with th.sir
and Mrs. James Koss.
rrs. James Hubbard aii(
ink, Ulay ana Herman,
with Mr. and Mrs.
of Dallas and stopped
y ' ome with Mr. and
". ig-lit of Liberty.
', ewton Guy and little
6 Dallas spent Christ
Mrs. Guy's parents,
. . Hughes. Mrs. Guy
ne until Monday.
& . ig Christmas trea at
t which were present,
uce Miller and their
1 Jack; Mr. and Mrs.
, r. and Mrs. A. Leo
ns, Guy and Lert of
nd Mrs. Lert Miller
i Mrs. Rhoda Green
i Mr. Abe Barthole-
' H. M. D. Miller eri
Idren and grandchil
inner. Her children
t were Mrs. Lee, Mis
Lert: Bruce, and Don
n to nine grandnhil
e, Mrs. Bruce Miller,
and Mrs. Don Miller.
McVey and Mr. and
liring and children
at Bert Illingsworth 's
. was thrown from fier
ough, road a few days
jgy ran over her. It
"serious clamose other
v a little.
Rodgera and ihildven
at the home of Abe
Thomas Card and Mr.
urphy and sons, Ver-
spent Christmas at
Shepherd of Brida
l's mother. Mrs. Mc-
s sisters, Slyvia ana
i, and Mr. and Mrs.
f Snlem, spent Clirist-
me here.
humiller of Sheridan
holidays with her
ma Murphy.
t tree and school pro-
ded success.
and family spent
J J. W. Rogers and
of Nebraska is on a
Roy of this place.
t is spending the hol
d with her parents,
t and wife are spend
Js with relatives and
an City and Portland.
..ntgomeiy is suffering
Dalun is spending the
r bome, which is at Lin-
Pnrvine called on Mrs.
xrers served a wild duck
rtland friends recently.
Martin of Corvallis is
hi rents here.
lings are being hell at
rue by two young men.
ir. went to Salem last
m, was a capital visitor
imtley passed through
for Oak Grove. Charley
it of Oak Grove many
Iton of Oak Foint is
irogress on clearing the
e Walker is able to be
4ft er a severe attack of
a was a Rickreall visit-
? .
Sandersoon, who has
irith her aunt at Taco
at six weeks, returned
Chrisitmasi morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry ValUere Dr. Starbuck was in
attendance, mother and baby are do
ing fine.
F. M. Edgar was a Dallas visitor
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mallicoat and
children of Clackamas county are
spending Christmas week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farmer.
Mr. and Mi's. F. E. Valliere went
to Independence the latter part of
last week to see his brother, who is
ill with appendicitis.
Clarence McCrow of Smithfield was
a caller here one day last week.
Frank Hanna and family of Bethel
and R. J. Williamson and family
spent Christmas at F. M. Edgar's.
Fred Wells spent Christmas in Dal
las. C. H. Farmer shipped hogs from
McCoy Tuesday.
Homer White went to Portland on
business Friday.
Mr. Dennett has been putting out
some prune trees.
Mr. and Mrs. iSen (Jarrol or Ureen-
wood spent Christmas at F. T. Val
liere 's. V
Setb. Smith of Salt Creek spent a
few days here the past week.
Homer White bought a fine young
team of horses of Frank Winslow las.t
C. H. Farmer butchered several nice
hogs the tlrst of the week.
Miss Mella White and Miss Kuth
Starbwk of Portland are spending
the holidays with Mrs. J. C. "White
and sister.
Mr. Valliere was an Independence
caller Monday.
Mr. Blaffus of Portland arrived here
Sunday. Mrs. Blaffus has been here
several weeks. They will make itheir
home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Braden came over from Green
wood to help Hugh Farmer butcher
hogs Monday.
Kaner Trent and family spent
Christmas with his parents in Rick
this neighborhood at--isimas
exercise at Oak
did some chopping last
Dennett baa been ear
ient at the Dallas hos-
imson and family were
re at J. W. Edgar's at
ter of Baker City bas
his sister, Mrs. G. C
it week.
id daughter was born
Ernest Harris and Andrew Ken-
worthy returned home from Eastern
Oregon to spend the holidays.
Lawrence Jiidge, Cassie bears and
Edna Conner, who are attending U,
A. C, are spending the holidays at
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sechrist are visit-
me relnilives in fortland.
Miss Blanche Lamm and Mrs. Maud
Boebent from Nahcotta, Wash., Rob
ert Lamson fromCarhsle, Wash., and
Joe and Ab. Lamm from Black Rock
have been visiting their mother, Mrs
T. A. Lamm.
The Christmas exercises given by
the public school Friday night were
well attended, the W. o. W. nail Be
ing crowded ito its full capacity. At
the conclusion of the program, which
was enjoyed by all, the presents rere
distributed, Carl Uregg acting as San
ta Claus.
C. Ij. Gibson and N. F. Barnett gave
shooting match at Broadmead
Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Coops of Ta-
coma have been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Sears.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson of Sher
idan and Mr. Wilson's mother from
Iowa and Adam Grauer, also of Sher
idan, spent Christmas with. Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Ball.
Mark Sears of Hillsboro has been
spending a few days with his chil
dren and his parents.
Carl Linden, while selling hominy
and horse radish at Independence one
day last week fell on the sidewalk
and was unable to return home vr
several davs, as a result.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Branson and
daughter of Bellvue attended church
here Thursday. "
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson of Sher
idan spent Christmas day at George
Iwis Rose has been quite sick
Frank Kimsey has the contract to
cut sixty cords of ash wood tor Mn.
Withey on his ranch below Broadmead
and will commence as soon as it lie
weather becomes favorable.
Mrs. William Etherton is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ebbie Fisher at
Elmer Birks and family of Har
mony attended the Christmas en3r
tainment here Friday night and spent
Christmas day with S. V. Husum and
Mr.' and Mrs. C. W. Smith and little
son of Carleton visited Mrs. Smith's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Conner
several days during the week.
William Fudge made a trip to Am
ity Thursday afternoon.
Little Carrie Poynter has been
quite sick.
Mrs. J. B. vtilkerson ot Kainier
was visiting her mother, Mrs. E. B.
Woodlev several days during the
Mr. and Mrs. Rice Cook spent
Christmas with Mrs. Cook's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, near Per
rydale. '
The spirit of Christmas was rife in
gay festivity at the Zena church last
Friday evening, with its cheery
Christmas tree and program. There
was a goodly gathering from the com
munity and the affair was marked
with a simplicity of decoration and
numbers that was its charm. Two
trees in the front of the church weie
artistically dressed, and with holly
wreaths and candle-lights were a
gratification to young and old alike.
Despite 'he sudden storm that in
vaded the evening, Santa arrived and
deliabted the children with speech
and distribution of candies with char
aeteristie zeal.
The school children, with Miss El
sie Taylor, furnished a large part of
the program, prominent in which was
an extract from the "Birds' Christ
mas Carol," by Kate Douglas Wig
gins, Eva Newberry sustaining well
her part of the mother. Marie Loon
ey also sang a solo in pleasing voice,
while two other vocal numbers were
given by the Scott young folks.
Christmas exercises were held at
the school house Friday afternoon un
der the direction of the teacher, Miss
Elsie Taylor. A prettily decorated
tree was the chief attraction to the
children. An interesting program by
the children delighted all' present.
Rev.: Stanley Van Winkle of Sa
lem, preached a good sermon to a
small audience last Sunday morning.
Rev. G. A. McKinlay returned the
latter part of the week from several
weeks' visit with relatives and friends
in Seattle, Tacoma, Sumner and Port
land. His daughter, miss Mu;ruell
came with him, from Portland, where
she is a student in Washington high
school to spend the holidays.
James French was elected last Sun
day to serve as superintendent of the
Sunday school for the ensuing year,
to succeed Mr. Ralph Shepherd, who
has served faithfully in that capacity
for two years. Rev. W. T. Scott is
to serve as assistant, while Lee Cat
ton was elected as secretary and treas
urer and Miss Elsie Taylor as or
ganist, i
W. D. Henry and familv were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Worth
Heniy of Salem on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Patrick were
hosts at a Christmits dinner at their
home on Christmas-day. Among other
guess was their daughter, Miss Mabel,
of Salem.
Mrs. J. F. Purvine is entertaining
this week her sister? Mrs. Calvin De
Hairport and children of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott and chil
dren of Portland are spending the
holidays with relatives here.
Miss Helen Baker of Portland is
visiting in the family of W. S. Catton.
Thad Stevens was a Dallas caller
Friday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farmer were
visitors here one day lost week.
Mrs. J. W. Edgar has been quite
noorlv Ithe pas week.
Our Christmas exercises were quite
well attended,
Pete Hansen was ft Rickreall caller
Mr. Vincent took a load of hogs to
Mc.Oov Monday,
Mr. Gardner sold some hogs last
R. J. Williamson and family visit
ed at J. W. Edgar's one day last week,
Mrs. M. F. White has been visiting
bier sister, Mrs. Chas. Warren for a
few days. . . '
Rev. and Mrs. L. 0. Yarnes and
children are spending the holidays
with relatives in Newberg.
The J. K. Eaton family spent
Christmas with the Mark biddal tarn
ily, east of Salem.
"Grandma" Williamson is spend
ing the holiday week with her daugh
ter and husband, the J. A. Carters of
Wells, Oregon.
Miss Opal Rhodes went to Canbv
r.hriatmns morninff ann win visn
amone friends for several days,
Mrs. W. W. Bales is convalescing
after a serious illness.
Mrs. Jane Wilson of Portland is the
house guest of her daughter, Mrs.
r reu inimui. ino. j,uiu o .....-..
have all been ill with whooping cough
hut are recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eaton have as
house enests Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Har
per and three sons, trom lowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Eel. Becker and fam
ily spent Christmas with their friends,
the Williams, in North Salem.
The D. K. Brannon home was Wie
scene of a happy gathering on Christ
mas da when children, grandchil
dren and other relatives to the num
ber of 35 eathered around the well
laden dinner tables. Among those
present from a di'ance were the
Warren Burchs of Rickreall, Wm.
Souires of Zena, Joe McLeans of
Kingwood, Newton Smith and wife of
Mrs. Geo. Nichols and Mrs. hd.
Brock were hostesses at a nicely ap
pointed Christmas diitner.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nicols of
Dayton were Christmas day and night
guests at the Nicols-Brock home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore went
(to Buena Vista to spend Christmas
with Mrs. Moore s parents, tlie Hustons.
I Mr. Lawrence imlali ana. sster
Miss Mildred Imlnh. are snending the
holidays with friends in Astoria,
Mr. and Mrs. lwis W allure and
baby Violet of Portland are sruests at
the E. Rhodes home. Mr. W allace is
a on of Mrs. Rhodes. j
Mr. Ernest Moore has returned
Just Breathe Hyomei Four Times a
Say and Be Relieved.
If a few years ago some one had
said you could treat catarrh by
breathing air charged with a healing
from a itwo weeks' visit with Henry balsam, Hie idea would have been rid-
wife here this week. They moved here
because of the Normal school.
Beginning the first of the year the
Evangelical and the Christian church
will begin a series of meetings, and
Friday night they will hold a union
watch night meeting at the Christian
Charles L. Shuster of Corvallis will
have charge of the meeting in the
liiVangelical church next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Graham of Sa
lem are visiting relatives in town this
week. Ihcy formerly lived m Mon
mouth and have many friends here.
James Stoley and wife and chil
dren of Salem were guests of the J.
Graham and son's families on Christ
mas day.
F. Acker of Corvallis was in town
on business Tuesday.
John YV hite of Dallas made our city
a business visit Tuesday.
Tuesday night was the coldest night
of the present winter in this district.
Phillip Boche and wite and son of
Portland are spending the holidays
with his mother, Mrs. Nettie Boche.
Mr. Boohe is studying law, and teach
ing in the Y. M. C. A. He is a Nor
mal school graduate and is making
Mrs. J. W. Ridgeway has been in
bed the past few days with heart
Mr. C. N. Ridgeway is suffering a
great deal wi!h rheumatism in his left
Mr. Rolley and Edwin Phillips are
spending the week at Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Meador of Portland
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Dave Meador.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Fletcher of
Willamina sp-mt Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. A W. Fletcher.
The Buell school is' closed for the
holidays and 'he teacher, Mrs. Audio
Stone, is visiting in Portland ail Se
attle, v.
The snrprise party on Mrs. Cyrus
Blair, December 25, was quite well
attended, the evening was spent in
dancing, playing cards and other
games after which a delightful lunch
was served, the occasion being her
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Osburn spent
Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. V.
E. Rnndcll.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rowell and
daughter Inez spent Christmas day
with Mrs. Kowell s sister, Mrs. bam
Lackey of Harmony.
G. O. Irish is spending the week
with his wife in Dallas.
Mr. G. M. Ranfey 'took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Osburn Sunday.
Mr. Peter Berzel and Mr. McGuire
and family took dinner Christmas
with Mr. Rhode's family at Goose
neck. Mr. J. H. Davis and family took
Chrisitmas dinner with Mr. Bartlett
and family.
Nather Blair spent Christmas with
Mrs. Wm. Ridgeway and family.
Miss Fern Boynton has come to
make her home with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. McReynolds.
Miss Helen Fletcher is home from
school for the holidays.
The basketball boys played at
Clearview Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Nagle spent Christ
mas in Sheridan.
Mrs. J. H. Sweeney and Miss Edna
Sweeney made Mrs. Osburn a very
pleasant call on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Waite spent
Christmas in Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dykstra are
visiting relatives in Buena Vista dur
ing the holidays.
Mrs. Fred Hebding went to Port
land Sunday to visit his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland went to Sa
lem Tuesday to visit their daughter.
Mrs. Duignan of Bridgeport is visit
ing here.
Miss Kantz, Miss Bryant and Miss
Winters left here Friday to visit their
parents during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolly s grandchildren
are visiting them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam took their
daughter to Portland Sunday to have
her arm straightened.
Mrs. Essing is visiting her brother.
Mr. Gilliam, for a few days.
Mr. Max Flannery went to Mon
mouth Saturday.
Mrs. A. B. Adams is visiting her
relaKives in Rickreall for a few day.
Mrs. Jones of Rickreall visited her
son, Mr. Charles Bratcher this week.
The Perrydale school Christmas
tree, given here 'in the auditorium
was largely attended by the parents,
A program was given and everybody
bad a good time.
Mrs. Boyer returned from a visit in
McMmnville luesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of McMinnville
were visitors here Saturday and Sun
Mr. J. C. Yoakum and sister, Mrs.
Bratcher and little daughter were
Dallas visitors Sunday.
Miss Lucile Keyt was a McMinn
ville visitor Monday, , . '
Mrs. Will Hattield of Here left last
week for a few weeks' visit with her
parents in Roseburg. '
Joe Jennings is visiting relatives
near Amity. , ; -
Mr. Will Caldwell of Dallas i visit
ing relatives here during the holidays.
There were six new members that
joined the Christian church Sunday.
Mr. Ghost and Mr. Buckner were
visiting wiCh Mr. and Mrs. Bratcher
Sunday. .
Mr. Hoy from Buena Vista was vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra Isnt
Herman Hawkins and C. B. Wil
Hams will spend New Year's eve in
Carl Gerlinger, general foreman of
the Southern Pacific shops here, spent
yesterday in Portland transacting bus
Special sale of cocoa at Voth's
Variety store tor a lew days only.
Don't forget the cocoa sale at
Voth's Variety store.
Miss Kleim Oxford, a graduate of
a Texas school of music, and an ad
vanced student of O. A. C, will teach
piano at 309 Court street. For terms
phone 852. 85-tf.
Save money by providing for the
future. Buy cocoa during the special
sale at vota s Variety store.
Say, you enthusiastic "Made in
Oregon," "Support Home Institu
tions" sbouters and boosters, have
you stopped to think that the Oregon
Fire Relief association of McMinn
ville is an Oregon concern and that
all the money put into it for your
safe protection against tire is kept
right here in Oregon instead of being
sent out to enrich some corporation,
No company is on a more solid basis,
none is as prompt in settlement of
losses and none wntes as cheaply.
Therefore it is entitled to your consid
eration. Be consistent and lend it
your aid. Al. Snyder will-explain it
to you. 8441.
iocoa-cocoa-cocoa. special prices
at voth's Variety store.
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. b4-tf.
For Fire and automobile Insurance
Chas. Gregory, city hall 82-tf
Dr. C, L. Foster, dentist. City Bank
building. Dallas. 78-F,
The Sterling Furniture company
rrames pictures. b4-tf.
. Dr. Rempel, Chiropractor, 618 Church
Dr. stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1, for sale by all drug
gists. Adv. 79-tf.
The Dallas Wood company Is ready
to furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 491. 108-tf.
There is no better Xmas gift than
a SheafTer self-filling fountain pen,
for sale only at Manock's Drug store.
. 81-lt
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. 64-4f.
Lessons in voice. K. Gertrude Ir
win, 321 Washington street. Phone
1533. 79-tf.
Hair switches made and sold, 709
Clay street. Call Thursday. - Dec.7-31
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the Polk County
Fruit Growers' association will be
held in the Cofimercial club rooms
at Dallas on Saturday, January 8,
1916, at 1:30 p.vralXYbu are urged to
be present. X
86-4t. H.CEAKIN, Pres.
Twenty-four pound case lots at
wholesale prices, cash, or exchange
for your grain, and other pioduce
that I can use. , Floyd E. Smith, 619
Washington street, phone 1.103.
FOR SALE Hay and Oats. Cheat
and oat hav, grey and white oats.
U. S. Grant, Dallas. . 80-tf.
Moore of Maxburg, Ore eon.
Mrs. Sim White is visiting at her
daughter Ruth . in hidney.
Miss Orpha Bell, the very success
ful teacher of the primary department
of West Salem school, has been grant
ed a leave of absence to finish tlie
school year's work at ithe Monmouth
Mr. and Mrs. East and family of
Eastern Washington are guests at the
De Masters home.
Principal Burkhead of the West Sa
lem school spent Christmas with his
mother and brother in St. Helens,
returning Tuesday and going to Mon
mouth for the remainder of the holi
C. O. Griffa and wife went to Jef
ferson last Friday to visit their
Bert Gain and wife of the American
Bottom were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Mason over Sunday.
Mr. Cooper, section hand on the C.
& E. railroad at Chitwood, visited his
icnled and it remained for that emi
nent investigator, R. T. Booth, to dis-
cover in Hyomei this wonderful meth- j
od of treatment. '
Hyomei has performed almost mir-1
teutons results in treating catarrh and :
is today recognized by thousands ot
people as the only advertised remedy
for catarrh that ean be relied upon
to do just what it claims. The com
plete outfit of Hyomei is inexpensive
and consists of en inhaler, a medicine
dropper and a bottle of Hyomei.
Breathe the air of Hyomei through
the little inhaler druegista furnish
with it for a few minutes fonr times
a day and it will help the worst ease
of catarrh. It soothes and heals the
mucous membrane of the air passages,
prevents irritation, and effects com
plete and lasting relief.
In Dallas there are scores of well
known people who have been relieved j
of catarrh by Hyomei. It it does not
help too Conrad Ktafrin will return
the money yoa paid for Hyomei This
is the strongest evidence that ean be
offered as to his faith in this remedy, j
HEN in need of
Athletic Sup
plies, Flash
lights and Batteries, Pock
et Cutlery, Bicycles, . Mo
torcycles, Sundries, Blast
ing Powder, Gun Repair
ing, Umbrella Repairing,
Bicycle and Motorcycle Re
pairing, orb fact any light
Mechanical Repairing, call
L B. liiXSOIl Jr.,
PHONE 107.
Professional Cards
Dallas National Bank Buiulding
Dallas . Oregon
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Office, City Hall
Phone 791 or 512, Dallas, Oregon
610 Mill street, Dallas.
Only up-to-date set of abstracts of
Polk county. Posted every morning
from county records.
Rooms ft and 6 Cglow Building
Olive Smlth-Blcknell
Teacher of
Studio 401- Court St. '
Dallas National Bank Building
Dallas Oregon
Dallas City Bank Building.
Dallas Oregon
Attorneys and Abstractors.
The only reliable set of Abstraots la
Polk County. Office on Court street.
Dallas, ... Oregoa
Office over Fuller Pharmacy.
Office hours trom I to 11 a. m.; 1
to C p. m. ,
Dallas i Oregxv
Office, 619 Washington street,
one-half block east of the S. P. deot,
from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m.,
7 to 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to 1 p. m.
Telephone 1303. :
. Specialties: !
AND - ' -" t,r 'I ", f
No knife and loss ofv Mood. No ' " '.Q ' -'
plasters and pain for hours or days.
Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate, .
Liver, Stomach, Bowels,
Nervous Diseases,
Gout, Rheumatism.
tCtal 500.00
' Ofioib
...... 200.0
j ...
pery 18(52
-aed last page)