Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 31, 1915, Image 6

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I--:.'-. ,-
nn.l ParacraDha Pertaining to
lople and Their Movements,
f Gleaned by Observer.
.J O Weat of Seattle, a promi-
. laboratory man, was in Dallas
st of the week to see his sister,
Marcus of North Dallas, who is
f isly ill ab the Dallas hospital,
who will undergo a surgical op
U as soon as she recovers suffic
trength. Dr. West is a pioneer
L a- Willamette valley, but it had
i a quarter century since he had
v Dallas.
jj. F, Kogers, who last October mov
ed o'lto the old Walter Toosse, SrM
1. ; on the hill road .to Falls City,
a r :ing a number of improvements
ranch. He is a breeder of
sred horses and has several
"l I ones" on the farm.
. . Jrt. Patterson, Jr., who has been
i t in the family of his father
a it, Eugene Hayter, for several
- is, will leave tomorrow for his
oms alt Grays River, Washington.
i'rs. Patterson will remain here until
. V,bruarv 1.
: Mrs Theo Farrington this week
'ntertained her sister, Mrs. Frank
inches, of Portland.
Miss" Mary L. Irwin has gone to
oint Richmond, Cal., to visit rela
tives. After a stay at Point Rich
nond, Miss Irwin will visit an aunt
n tU Santa Clara valley, remaining
ihere most of ithe winter.
J. Wi Caldwell of Perrydale was a
Jallne business visitor on Wednesday.
D. Ci Shleid and family of Fair
dew, I1L, have arrived in Dallas and
pill v ke their home somewhere nean
he city. A carload of household
foods proceeded them by a few days.
At. E deid had contracted for a farm
lere, but did not cairry the dei
Jiroi h and is looking for another Io
itation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Marshall of
jyle, Wash., who have been here with
I ;arshall 's mother, Mrs. H..
. since tllie death recently of
jwes, have returned to their
Mrs. Howes accompanied them
land and may go on to Lyle
A some time there,
uid Mrs. Sol. Blessing on Tues-
wved news of the death of a
i Indiana.
county court will convene in
' monthly session next W ecl
, when several matters of vital
anc to the tax-payers of the
will be discussed. The meet
ill probably be of unusual
o 1
o c
of Portland spent Christmas with
their parents in this city.
I. V. Lynch will reopen the garage
on Oak ata-eet tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starr of Port
land are guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. F. H. Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. K. Piasecki spent
Christinas with oalem relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Compton are
guests of friends at Eugene this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice JJaloou en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Spong
of Lincoln last Sunday.
Mrs. M. M. Ellis spent Christmas
with inends at Independence.
Miss Florence Kopan is spending
Hie Hew Year's week-end with lier
sister. Miss Lucy Kopan, at Hood
ftiver. Miss Lucy was formerly
teacher in the Dallas schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Price will
spend New Year's day with friends at
Horest Urove.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goode of Sa
lem were guests at the F. H. Morrison
home last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Sadie Lynn, Miss Veva Burns
and Miss Ella Carpenter, teachers in
the Portland schools, are spending the
holidays at the home of their parents
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Lot 1). Brown return
ed on Wednesday from a visit of sev
eral days with Mrs. Brown'si parents
at Baker City.
Miss Gladys Cartwnght of the high
school faculty is spending the holidays
wiith her parents, Dr. and Mrs. it.
Cartwright, at Salem.
(a t.y Judge John B. Ten! is not
eMv ng as rapidly as his friends
rig'-t pe for from his recent illness,
ad v. .Je his condition is in no wise
onskL red serious it is, according ito
hat authority himself, "mighty in
onvenent." iJac t Eakin attended the 0. A. C.
ace at Salem on Wednesday
Bib c
Ity 1
. Nichols, cashier of the Falls
ik, was a business visitor in
a Tuesday.
raves, former tax assessor of
county and now living near
ij was a visitor in Dallas on
iflsie of Silverton was in Dal
uesday. Mr. Brassie, former
?k Rock, has purchased prop
tellas and it may be his in
? move here some time soon.
Ithel Van Nortwick spent
1 with her parents, Mr. and
j. Van Nortwick of Cottage
t Mrs. E. E. Ellsworth spent
ve' iys of this week in Portland.
V L E. Hinman is enjoying a
sit B her ' mother, Mrs. A. f.
ir t Dilly.
lir. l (f Mrs. Roy James are in Cal
rnia, where they will spend several
Vks with friends and relatives.
W. W. Haynes of Eugene, who en
is the distinction of being one of
e oldest twins in Oregon, was d he
jest of Ir. Staats yesterday. Mr.
ynes' twin brother resides at Mon
Mttli. They are 88 years of age.
jilessrs. Patterson, Parks and Gill
pi of Kola were Dallas visitors ves
feay. 1
The Hon. C. L. Hawloy of McCoy
to in 1own yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Palmer of Diil-
nmstpred at the Nortonia. Port
id, tin Wednesday,
fin water in the Little Luekiiimute
!)! liiih enough to furnish power
the Falls City light plant. The
Jm which recently went out under
I li"avy pressure of-bigh water must
Prof. Haley of Falls City was a
,11ns business visitor yesterday.
John Orr made a trip about the
ft h pant of the county yesterday to
to a jurors' for the session of cir-
t which will be held here be
J f " ' Monday, January 10.
npson of the Lirckiamute dis
one of an interested audi
e public budget hearing yes-
District Attorney Will Enforce Law
After Tonight.
The punch-board brigade lias been
ordered to disband by District Attor
ney Sibley, who has given it this even
ing to muster its members together,
and to complete an inspection of its
various tickets and chances. During
the year pjjnch-board operators have
grown rich in Dallas, and likewise the
players have grown poor. The sim
ple looking punch board is the cause
of many broken dollars and dozeim
of broken pledges, Ib might also be
responsible for a broken heart or two
in the cases of wives who have been
promised a fine cut glass water set
or a ten-pound box of candy if hubby
won at .the game. The harmless look
ing punch-board, into which one puts
a peg and gets a numDer eniuiin
him to a chance on some beautiful
nrize. is barred from the circle ct
snorts in this city. And those nd-
dicted to the habit of punching the
numbers will regret to observe its
demise. There are countless changes
out now on guns, waitches, water sets
and what not, that are to be called in
where the winner will be announced
this evening. In many cases all
chances have not been taken and the
merchants who own the boards will be
the loosers. Orders are commands,
however, and prosecution is in store
for any who evade or neglect to ob
serve the law.
Luckiamute Residents Expect Large
Crew to Appear Soon.
People living in the Luckiamute
country are enthusiastic and see great
prosperity in store for them as a re
sult of the activities of the Valley &
Siletz railroad company. Within the
last ten days or so the company has
delivered about forty carloads of
steel alone its route, and it is the
opinion of those who have been watch
ing the activities that a crew of near
ly 200 men will be put to work in a
very short (time. In tact, it is tlie
word-given by officials of the company
that work will be under way before
the end of January. Settlers arc con
stantly coming into the district, along
the new railroad, and their coming is
rapidly increasing the population of
that section of the county. Yesterday
steel was unloaded along the railroad
right-of-way and I. M. Simpson is one
authority tor the intorntation that
the construction gang will be at it
with pick and shovel within a fort
Holiday Party Mre. E. V. Dalton
and Miss Edna Holmes were hostess
es at a delightful holiday party at
the Dalton home on Wednesday even
ing. The rooms were tastefully dec
orated in keeping with the season and
the occasion, and iter a very pleas
ant evening the guests enjoyed ia
beautifully appointed two-course
luncheon. The evening was spent in
holiday games, many of them novel
and all interesting, and in enjoying
the musical numbers. Mrs. Dodge
Bicknell played at the piano and Ed
na Morrison rendered very pleasing
vocal numbers. The prizes ill the
principal games of the evening were
won bv Mrs. W. L. Soehren and Miss
Georgiana Fiske. Though Christmas
day had passed the party was one at
which all enjoyed the Christmas spir
it. The games especially were of the
Christmas season and gift packages
of all kinds figured in the contests.
One of these was a search throughout
the house for little packages, hidden
in every conceivable place. The lady
whose Christmas stocking held Due
greater number of packages was
awarded the prize.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality
of Mrs. Dalton and Miss Holmes
were: Mesdames Conrad Stnfrin,
John Orr, W. J. Kaerth, Herman
Tayher, Maurice Dalton, Pauline Aul
en, Dodge Bicknell, Ross Ellis, W.
L. Soehren, N. L. Guy, Ida Manston,
Harold Rich, Lydra Evans, John
Sweeney, George Hawkins, Misses
Frances Dempsey, Effle Brown, Maude
Robertson, JNora Robertson, Dora 1U
kins, Winnifred Launer, Mae Fur
lotte, Flora McCallon, Roberta Me-
Callon, Rorana Fiske, Georgiana
Jnske, Buena fiske, tdna Morrison
and Cleo Guy.
Pleasant Gathering The Young
Woman's section of the Woman's
club held the last meeting for 1915
at the home of Mrs. Maurice Dalton
Monday evening, December 27. The
occasion was a Christmas exchange
party. An exchange, not as someone
suggested, oi the unwelcome pit 6 tor
something really desired, but exchange
of bright ideas tor dett fingers to
work into material torm. Each girl
brought from among her store one or
two gifts which embodied especially
attractive features, and carried away
from the display a goodly number ot
clever ideas for future use. The
crackling logs in the grate sent a jol
ly invitation to the corn-popper and
the evening passed merrily, for the
hearts of the company were as light
as the white dancing over the glowing
coals. The first meeting of the new
year will occur January 10. The
membership of the club is growing and
they are planning some interesting
events for 1016. . .
connected with the Mansion hotel.
The bride is a daughter of Judge and
Mrs. J. L. Collins of this city and is
iwell-known ythroughout the county,
having been born and reared in Dal
las. She is a very successful teacher
and has been employed during the
past six years in the schools of Tomb
stone and Benson, Arizona. The young
couple will be at home in Benson.
They ere planning a trip to Oregon
in the spring to visit Mrs. Nanney's
parents in Dallas.
Entertain Pleasingly One of the
holiday festivities was an afternoon
gathering on Tuesday at the home of
the Misses Beulah and Echo Baldaree.
The afternoon's entertainment con
sisted of needlework, conversation
and music. Three-course refresh
ments were served, after which the
guests departed to their respective
homes. The invitational list includ
ed the following: Misses Arlene Ben
nett, Dora Hayes, Abbie Walker,
Gertrude Pollow, Vera Wagner,
Kleine Oxford, Florence Walker,
Elona Clanfield, Beth Wilson, Helen
Syron, Dollie Burke, Retta Wilson,
Pearl Smith, Myrtle Hayes, Goldic
Vaughn, Dorothy Bennett, Ada Syron,
Clarissa Vashall, Thelma Smith. Mar-
jorie Bennett, Gertrude Wilson, Edith
bouthworfch, Fay Barber, Elsie For
rette, Nell Southworth, Helen Fletch
er, Mrs. Blanche Odom and Mrs. Wava
in attendance. A splendid program
will be followed by a luncheon.
Visit Home Folk A very
ant evening was spent at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Conkey Friday of
last week when their children, Mr.
and Mrs. D. R. Webster of Dallas,
Mr. Elmer Conkey and wife of Dallas,
and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grimes of
Salem, gathered home to enjoy a
Christmas tree and good time. Mon
mouth Herald. '
, .
DHnrrm i
pleas.-! I 1111 I IT I II J I
Dime Social The Epworth league
of the M. E. church will give a Dime
social at the church this evening.
Nanney-Oollins Friends in Dallas
have recently received announcements
of the marriage on December 18 of
Miss Ona Collins to Mr. James U.
Nanney of Benson, Arizona. The mar
riage was solemnized in Benson at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bard,
Rev, James E. Ferris of the Methodist
church officiating. Mr. Nanney is a
prominent business man of Benson.
He is a member of the automobile
firm of Bennett & Nannev and is also
Will. Be Married Samuel J. Gib
son and Mrs. Jennie C. Wheeler se
cured a marriage license at the county
court house yesterday, but missed the
Rev. Mr. McConnell of the Christian
church by a few moments and the
ceremony had to be postponed until
that gentleman returns from The
Dalles. Mrs. Wheeler has been prom
inently identified with Christian
church wrk here during the past
year, and in the interval between the
departure of the Rev, Mr. Curtis and
the arrival of the Rev. Mr. McConnell,
she occupied the pulpit with great
success. ;
Holiday Dinner A holiday family
reunion was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. D. Miller of Oakdale,
when their three sons and one daugh
ter and family were at the old home
for Christmas dinner. One daughter
in Portland and one daughter and
family in Missouri were unable to be
present. Nine grandchildren were
present, Guy and Lert Lee of Perry
dale; Bernard Babe, Douglas, Lovelli,
Melborne, Thorval and Bonita Miller
of Oakdale.
Have a Tree On Saturday evening a
large Christmas tree and program was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Miller, Oakdale. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, recently of Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs. Lert Miller and
children, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee and
sons of Perrydale, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Miller and sons, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Miller, Mr. Abe' Bartholomew, and
Mrs. Green and son.
Married Ivan Dell Miller and
Mary Alice Plummer were united in
marriage at the Christian church at
Independence on Christmas day by
the Rev. Mr. Stephens. Both princi
pals are residents of Marion county.
Plan Social Evening The United
Artisans of Dallas are making exten
sive arrangements for a home-coming
event next Wednesday evening, when
the full membership is expected to he
Coldest Weather of Year Now Being
Why haven't Dallas people a per
fect right to shiver and hug the fire
these daysT The mercury has gone
racing down the thermometer tube
twice this week until it reached the
year's lowest temperafure at 20 de
grees above zero. That much cold is
unusual in this particular pant of the
earth, and those who bundle up have
a perfectly legitimate alibi. In other
parte of the state the thermometer is
breaking records for cold weather,
for instance at Portland, where, in
going down to 24 degrees it was colder
than at any time in the past several
years. This morning Dallas temrtera
ture signals registered about 24 de
grees at 8 o'clock and yesterday
morning the thermometer was at 20
degrees exactly. , ,
Dallas Police Are Notified.
Dallas police were notified Tuesday
night by Sheriff Hurlburt of Multno
mah codntyi to be on the lookout for
one, Evan B. Kemp, who assaulted a
young married woman at Gresham
Tuesday afternoon and shot her when
she resisted his advances. Kemp is
described as being 21 years old but
appears to be a few years older, and
is 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall. He has
light brown hair and light blue eyes
wnd wore a dark colored suit, a light
hat and a blue shirt. He has the ap
pearance of a workman but formerly
was a sailor.
FOR SALE: Choice building lots, or
trade. Bollman and Staats. 73-tf.
Supply Practically Exhausted.
There was a wine end beer famine
in Falls City yesterday, and several
Dallas orders were necessarily turned
down by traffickers in liquid refresh
ments at that heretofore popular
oasis. Whiskies of the better grades
were fast disappearing into the pos
session of the procrastinating ones,
who had awaited the arrival of the
eleventh hour to lay in a supply. By
tonight practically all the intoxicants
within the county will have gone in
to the hands of individuals.
The Dallas drug store will observe
the following hours, beginning Jan
uary 1: Sundays, 9:30 to 12 noon.
Weekdays, 7:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m.
Write to us about terms, stating
value of farm, location, etc.
Temporary address 102 Fourth St.
FEAR & GRAY, Portland, Ore.
The annual stockholders' meeting
of the Dallas hospital will be held
next Monday.
offers every young man in Dallas
who is interested in out-of-doors an.
opportunity to perfect himself in
the splendid and profitable science
of Tree Repair. . We guarantee con
nections with this company upon
completion of course that will es
tablish you in a solid successful
business that will grow as we grow. '
Your opportunity is our opportuni
ty. We solicit your investigation. :
Tree Burgery pays. Learn it. Write
Portland School of Practical For
estry, 817-20 Dekum building, Port
land, Oregon. 82-tf.
WANTED Machine, east and Move
plate iron, brass and copper, zinc .
and, rubber, and rags of all kinds;
in (act, Junk ot all kinds. A. N.
' Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. 8tf.
FOR SALE Sixty-acre dairy farm
in Coos county; bottom land; half
mile from postoffioej mile from
school; on milk route; good winter
road; good improvements. Will
give terms. B. Folsom, Gail Hotel,
Dallas. 52-tf.
wants position on ranch in Dallas '
district. Understands stock, fruit
and poultiy. References furnished.
Family consists of wife and baby. '
Address Mobley, Box 58, Mosier,
Notice Until further notice tha
Derry warehouse will be operated on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday only
of each week. 83-5t.
JUK iSAOjiu nay ana vaws. vuonu, i--
and nflt. liaV. OTPV fltld white Oats, j V
U. S. Grant, Dallas. . 86-tf. (
AUTO FOR SALE Studebaker "6,"
seven-passenger; bought new last
season; run only about 4000 miles;
cost $1,600. - Will sell for $850 cash.
May be seen at Shreeve'g garage.
Frank Barrett spent Wlednesday
evening at Albany, where he attended
a dance given by his old friends amt
former associates.
Leter Rain!
If you've a man's
work to do, wear
Tower's Fish Brand
Slicker '
The coat that keeps
out all the rain, ife
flexEdgesstop every
drop from funning
in at the fiQit.
Protector Hat, 75 cents
Satisfaction Guaranteed 0WEfi
Smd far fin catalog "r , .
eElmurray of Independence
Jas yesterday..
Howard McConnell of the
istian church left yesterday
lles, where he will attend
meeting. He will ret. urn
afternoon or evening,
i Mrs. W. R. Howe retjiiwd
flay from Portland, wherf I
:ed relatives for several
ill be a dance at Falls City
"watch the old vear out
Southern Pacific Company Will Rock
Its Right of Way.
The Southern Pacific company will
forthwith improve either side anil be
tween the rails of its track on Church
street between Washington and Oak
streets, the material for whieh ha
been otilered for delivery within the
ensuing few days. At present there
are several places on this thorough
fare where it is practically imxs
sible for a vehicle to cross the rail
road track by reason of the iron bands
being far aliove it lie grade. .It is the
purpose of the company to eliminate
this difficulty bv placing crushed rm-k
upon the street and between the rails. I
thus making it possible to traverse
any part thereof without difficulty.
Open Year With Near Beer.
Fixtures are being installed in a
Main street room of the City hank
building by Robert Cofelt and Har
vey Greenwood; who will open a soft
brinks parlor, and probably a near
beer saloon, shortly after the first of
the year. The owners will fit up a
first-elass place that will have many
of the earmarks of the ordinary sa
loon, and if the liquid can be secured
will serve near beer in place of the
amber fluid of the saloons of 1015.
The owners say that the beveraee tiiey
plan to serve is so nearly like real
beer that only those of the most epi
curean tastes can distinguish the dif
Commencing Monday, January 3,
1916, we offer our entire stock of
ien's, Young
ien's and
w year in.
Ada and
Anna Lor
Henry Tillery P
Henry Tillery. a pioneer of Oregon. 1
passed iir at the home of his son, !
A. M. Tillery of Ballston, Wed lies-.
day night at the ripe old age of 90 I
Boys Suits
Our Entire Line
and Dresses to
of Ladies' Coats. Suits, Skirts
be Offered at Less than Cost
This is the Opportunity to Receive the Best Bargains Ever Offered by Any House in Polk County
Sale commences Monday, January 3, and ends Saturday. January 15, 1916
I (L if 1 ilil OREQOH