Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 28, 1915, Image 5

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-aphs Pertaining to
1 Their Movements,
1 by Observer.
e A. V. R. Snyder home fif-
tliered around the table and
the excellent dinner prepar-
Mother Snyder." Those who
of itliia annual repast were:
Snyder, wife and son, Curtis,
n; Mr. stid Mrs. T. J. War
Paul and daughter Dorothy,
and I W. C. Cook, daugh
iys p 'd son Chester of Me
e: ill Snyder of Eugene,
Krs. Snyder and son Claim
id Mrs. Samuel Orr, Mr. and
i. Nesmith and Glenn A. Orr
and, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wait,
Mrs. E. A, Stenson, Mr. and
sine Southwick, Afc Boot,
I and Mr. Ed. Rowin of Kick
re Christinas dinner guests of
Mrs. John Orr.
Todd. Jr., of Corviallis,
f Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cary, is
t truest at the Lary home.
nd Aire. Rae Craven spen
is at Bollstoh with Mrs. Cra-
Iks. 1
Bethel spent Christmas with
it SsaJem. ...
rerner was guest of friends
i over Christmas day.
Inboard was a guest of his
at Portland on Christmas
West Rpent Christmas with
ly at iayton.
toe. P. Patterson and daugh
t Christmas with her parents
ore. .
1 Mrs. F. L. Marsh and fam-
irest Grove spent Sunday at
of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Price.
e returned as far as Salem
guests on Monday,
ice spent the Christmas hoi-Portland.
d M' s. Harry I. Price spent
9 w l Mrs. Price's parents
.... '. . Vassal! was a visitor
ime of Mrs. Ada Chapin of
y on Sunday.
rr f ent Sundav in Portland.
. K; , McConnell of Dodge
was, father of Rev. McCon-
;or of the Dallas Christian
as t."n called to the pastor-
the McMinnville Christian
ally inspect the organization and ex
pects to have a record attendance on
the floor. The company has been im
proving rapidly of late, and the in
spection tonight should be of interest
to the public which is invited to be
d Vrs. B. Casey, Mr. Von
Helen asey spent Llirist
Rosehmrg friends.
1 lUs. C. L. Starr of Port-
s guestg. ot friends in Dal
nday. i
ertnwle and Miss Alice AVn
'ort' dj' were guests at the
Vfr, . t Mrs. H. H. Parsons
mas i ening.
jiv tan ot halem was a
isit - in Dallas vesterdav.
W. ( afield, nee Delia Hub
U i I er home in Portland.
e loor, a sister, went
rs dler and Holmes of
1 ay engineer's office
E yesterday to confer
'o..f i mty court relative to
sed i T-county bridge. The
di jed with the court
matk s in connection with
ilTB. ?-
1 Mrs. H. H. Parsons spent
i Fall City with Mr. and
. Pugh. .
r Local Merchant Delayed
in Panama Canal.
ampbell and his clerks were
Prday unloading two huge
blankets that have had an
r and varied journey since
nr York, consigned to Dal
iiipment was routed through
la canal and was due to ar
ibout Oetober 1. When the
itch tltey.weie loaded reach
atiai, however, slides pre
s ljass,,Pe- The ManVpts
ied there for some time in
lat Jrtie boat would finally
make its way through to
'. iftfter several weeks the
was reloaded onto another
nick to get out of the canal
carrier came round Cape
an ived only a few days ago
ist. Therefore, nearly three
ter they were expected, taie
vere being unpacked here
u i Elect Officers.
a L-!-a Xo. 9. A. F. A
tneoM jf held last evening,
i in illed the following of
rve 1 r the ensuing masonic
Miss Kleim Oxford, a graduate of
a Texas school of music, and an ad
vanced student of 0. A. C, will teach
piano at 309 Court street. For terms
phone 852. 85-tf.
say, you enthusiastic "Made in
Oregon," "Support Home Institu
tions" shouters and boosters, have
you stopped to think that the Oregon
Fire Relief association of McMinn
ville is an Oregon concern and that
all the money put into it for vour
safe protection against fine is kept
right here in Oregon instead of being
sent out to enrich some corporation.
No company is on a more solid basis,
none is as prompt in settlement of
losses and none writes as cheaply.
Therefore it is entitled to your consid
eration. Be consistent and lend it
your aid. Al. Snyder will explain it
to you. 84- f.
The Sterling Furniture company
trames pictures. 64-tf.
For Fire and automobile Insurance
see Chas. Gregory, city Hall 32-tf
Dr. C. Im Foster, dentist. City Bank
building. Dallas. 78-F.
The Sterling Furniture company
frames pictures. 64-tf.
Remember that boy or girl with an
Ansco camera for Xmas at Manock's
Drag store. 81-14
Dr. Rempel, Chiropractor, 513 Church
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1, (or sale by all drug
gists. Adv. 78-tf. I
The Dallas Wood company Is ready
to furnish you with mill wood. Good
loads and good service. All wood cash
on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf.
There is no better Xmas srift than
a Sheaffer self-filling fountain pen,
tor sale only at Manock's Drug store.
The Sterling Furniture company
rrames pictures. 64-tf.
Lessons in voice. K. Gertrude Ir
win, 321 Washington street. Phonff
1S33. 7-tf.
Hair switches made and sold, 709
Clay street. Call Thursday. Dec,J-31
Homing Instinct of Crabs
Who would believe that among crea
tures having well developed domestic
Instincts we must Include the humble
crabs, the "spiders of the sea," as Vic-
Tin Wedding As a wedding anni- Bea to be as homelike as another, but
versary celebration, and as a com- w only snows bow little the average
uuimiu ueiuK uiiueraLuuus a ciuu
point of view. Some one, however,
suspected them of the homing Instinct
and so tried the experiment of catch
ing a pair of them on the Yorkshire
coast. In Ensland, and, after marking
them, carrying them south fifty miles
or more, returning first one and then
the other to the water at different
points on the shore. Then the York
shire crabbers carefully searched their
traps as they made each haul, on the
lookout for the possible return of the
wanderers. Strange to relate, one day
not one, but both of the crabs were
caught a second time, bavlng made
their way back across the intervening
miles of sea bottom to their Yorkshire
home. St Nicholas.
plete surprise to Mrs. Fred J. Hoi
man, wife of County Treasurer Hol-
man, the Christmas dinner Saturday
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Rliskwasia decided success. The Christ
mas feast was in honor of the tenth
anniversary of the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Holman, and its plans were
kept secret from Mrs. Holman until
she was seated at the dinner table
at two o'clock Saturday with a great
Christmas feast before her on tin
plates, plmttcrs and bowls. The entire
meal was served on tin, and even the
sugar spoon commemorated the hap
py event. Mr. and Mrs. Holman re
ceived a number of peculiar gifts in
tin, and some that were very pretty.
The guests who enjoyied dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Holman in their hap
piness were, in addition to the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Tetherow of Falls
City, Mr. Holmian'g mother and step
father; Mrs. Nita Gilbert, Mr. Hol
man 's sister of Washington, and her
little daughter, Barbara; Mrs. Vern
Ferguson, Mi's. Holman 's sister of
Sydney, Mont., and her son, Samuel;
J. C. Schough of Roseburg, William
McAdams of Independence and Irviii
Thompson of Black Rock. ,
(By J. F. priscoll)
There was an old geezer and he had
a lot of sense. t
He started up business on a dollar
eighty cents.
The dollar for stock and the eighty-
tor an ad.
Brought him three lovely dullars in a
day, by dad;
Well, he bought more goobs and a
little more space
And he played that system with a
smile upon his lace.
The customers flocked to him two by
And soon he had to hustle for a reg
ular store.
Upon the square where the people
He gobbled up a corner that was all
plate glass;
He fixed up the windows with ! he
best that he had
And he told them all about it iu a
half-page ad.
He soon had 'em coming and he never,
never quit,
And he wouldn't cut down on his ads.
one bit.
Well, he's kept things humming in
the town ever since
And everybody calls him the Mer
chant Prince.
Some say its luck, but tliaO's all
Why, he was doing business when the
times were bunk.
People have to purchase and Ithe
geezer was wise '
For he knew the way to get 'em was
to advertise.
Family Dinner The OliSi-fttm'as
dinner on Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Muscott was a
most enjoyable one, for there were
gathered there nineteen members of
the family and friends. The finely
appointed dinner was the occasion for
a real family reunion in which all
toresenfc most heartily partifeipate'd
All those delightful edibles that) go
to make a Christmas dinner one of
good cheer were in evidence at the
garnering ar. xne muscott home. Those
at the dinner table with Mr. and
Mi's. Muscott' were Mrs. Mary Reed
and daughter Elizabeth of Moil
mouth; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chapm,
and lamily of Salem: Mr. and Mrs.
John Luce of Ballston; Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Carpenter and daughter Elbk
Walter Baker and Laura Bakeif'of
Dallas and Miss Jennie aiiqT Robert
H. Muscott.
Dime Social The Epworii. league
or the Dallas Methodist- Episcopal
ehuireu will hold a dime .social on New
Year's evening for the members and
friends who wish to (attend. The
event will be a "watch party" and a
good time is assured to those who attend.-,
provided with the necessary ten
cent piece, f Plans are being laid for
an entertainment or merit and its
sponsors anticipate a veTy successful
evening of fun.
Dinner Party Dr. D. L. Foster and
wife gave a dinner Christmas to a
number of town and out of town
friends. Those partakinsr of their
hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
McKinney and son Hallie of Portland,
Griffin McKinney of Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Kobhie, JUrs. Coffin and
Frank Bohn. Mr. and Mi's. Clyde
McKinney will leave shortly for a
two-months' visit with relatives in
. IV
S. Muir.
' Ballantyne.
K Berth.
O. Vassall.
ge Bicknell.
appointed officers
4 :
. i svDor. ,
' Hayter.
' eDonald.
i acted at insUilliue
paction Tonight.
arterly inspection of
nn National Guard.
iw armory here this
i Stafrin will person-
Ceylon in 1915 exported to the
T'nited States goods valued at $5,
837,265. Italy is inumrting coal from Japan.
houth lyrol has one electric rail
way. Coal is more than $30 a ton in
Siberia now has a 500-mile railway
system. .
Pittsburgh is to have a great con
vention hall.
Baseball is said to have originated
in Xew York.
Australia has apparently nnexhaus
tible marble quarries.
Phosphate of lime has been discov
ered in Canadian Rockies.
British Columbia reports apjiear
ance of quail in large numbers.
Isle of Man suffers severe depres
sion because of stoppage of tourist
About 300 species of turtle and tor
toises are known.
The jarkal follows in the wake of
lions and liters and feeds from the
remains of the marauding expeditions
of the lanrer animals.
New Year's Party The reception
at Wooilman hall on New Year's eve,
by the Kloshe Tilakum club, promises
to be one ot the most delightful so
cial events ot the season. The ad
vent of the new year will find those
who enjoy participation in the ten)-
sichorean art "tripping the light fan
tastic to fascinating music, while
others will indulge their liking at
The waterspout at sea and the tor
nado on land are manifestations of
great instability of the atmosphere in
a vertical direction, caused either by
an abnormally warm surface layer of
air or an abnormally cold layer at the
cloud level, says Nature. The former
cause is common In summer; the lat
ter occurs both in summer and winter
and is usually associated with a "line
squall" or V shaped barometric de
pression. The waterspout shows the
track along which surface air passes
spirally upward to restore equilibrium.
ThOj commotion of the sea Is due to
the exceedingly violent character of
the phenomenon.'-" The funnel Itself is
probably composed partly of moisture
condensed out of air by the sudden
diminution of pressure which occurs
and partly of sea water in the form of
spray. Sometimes the middle portion
of the" -visible funnel is absent, but
there must In that case be a corre
sponding complete funnel of rotating
sic from the surface of the cloud.
Mslanoholia. '
Melancholia does not mean depres
sion of spirits. A man may be as de
pressed as It Is possible to be and still
not bave melancholia. Melancholia is
despondency on account of painful de
lusions. One of the two typical delu
sions of melancholia is that the unpar
donable sin has been committed, that
God has been offended beyond redemp
tion and that hell fs to be the ultimate
goal; the other Is that of Impending
poverty. Everything Is lost or is about
to be. The patient and bis family are
going to end up In the poorbouse. His
acts alone have brought about this ter
rlble calamity from which there is no
escape. It can be readily seen that a
person bavlng delusions of this type
must be necessarily depressed. There
is probably no form of insanity in
which the anguish of the patient equals
tbnt of the melancbollac. Life is one
continuous horror. Exchange.
Dallas Citizens Testify for the Pub
lic Benefit.
A truthful statement of a Dallas
citizen, given in his own words, should
convince the most skeptical about the
merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If
you suffer from backache, nervous
ness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders
or any lorm ot kidney ills, use a
tested kidney medicine.
A Dallas citizen tells of Doan
Kidney Pills.
Could you demand more convincing
proof of merit I
Mrs. A. Sieferth, 509 Washington
street, Dallas, says: "Doan's Kid
ney Pills have proven to be a fine rem
edy in our home and I have recom
mended them many times. They have
given me good relief from backache
and kidney trouble on several occa
sions. They have also neipea otners
of my family."
Price 50e. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Sieferth had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Your money back it you want it is
the way in which Conrad Stafrin, the
popular druggist is selling Mi-o-na,
the gretat dyspepsia remedy.
This is an unusual plan, but Mi-o-na
has so much merit and is so al
most invariably successful in reliev
ing all forms of indigestion that he
runs, but little risk in selling under a
guarantee of this kind.
Do not be miserable or make your
friends miserable with your dyspep
sia!. Mi-o-na will help yon. If it
doesn't, tell Conrad Stafrin that you
want your money back and he will
cheerfully refund it.
A change for the better will be seen
from the first few doses of Mi-o-na
and its continued nse will soon start
you on the road to perfect digestion
and enjoyment of food.
Mi-o-na has been so uniformly suc
cessful that every box is sold under
a positive guarantee to refund the
money if it does not relieve. What
fairer proposition could be madef
Conrad Stafrin gives his persanal
guarantee of "money back if you
want it" with every box of Mi-o-na
that he sell. A guarantee like this
speaks volumes for the merit of the
remedy. D28-J4
Professional Cards
Dallas National Bank Buiulding
Dallas Oregon
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
OfSce, City Hall
Phone 791 or 542, Dallas, Oregon
610 Mill street, Dallas.
Only up-to-date set of abstracts ofl
Polk county. Posted every morning
from county records.
Rooms S and 6 TJglow Building
Olive Smitb-Bicknell
Teacher of
Studio 401 Court St.
Dallas National Bank Building
Dallas OregoD
Dallas City Bank Building.
Dallas Oregon
Attorney and Abstractors,
The only reliable set of Abstracts la
Polk County. Office on Court street.
Dallas, - Oregon
Office over Fuller Pharmacy.
Office hours trom t to II a. m.; F
to i p. n.
Dallas Orefo.
Married Ravena Sperling and
Walter Gilbert of Independence were
united in marriage at the home of
ithe bride's parents kiear llndeti
dence on Sunday evening. The Rev.
Sir. Dunsmore officiated at the cre-nionv.
Clnb Meeting The music section of
the Woman's club will convene with
Mrs. A. B. Starbuck tomorrow after
noon, it being the first session of the
season. A splendid program has been
arranged for the occasion.
Harriags Licenses.
Daniel E. Roth of McCoy and An
na Faweet MeCarter secured a li-
o?ne to marrv resterdsv afternoon.
Walter T. Loonev and Elsie L. Hol
land secured a marriage license yes
terday. Mr. Loonev rame from Esta
rada, Clarkamas county, to claim a
Polk eonntv bride.
Plans Watch Meeting.
The Christian Endeavor societv of
the Christian church expects to have
a joyous time New Year's eve. The
members will give a watch party in
the basement of the rhnirh. The
room will be tastefully arranged and
a fine ptogram ot games, music, read
ings and other more unique things ire
in store for those who attend. A
few minutes before midnight a devo
tional sen-ice and a Christian En
deavor rally will be held. All the
young folks of the town are invited
to attend and enjoy themselves.
Notu-e is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of ihe Polk County
Fruit Growers' association will be
held in the Commercial club rooms
at Dallas on Saturday, Januaiv 8,
litlti. at 1 :30 p. m. You are urged to
be present
86-4t. H. C. EAKIN, Pres.
Twentv-fonr ponnd ease lots at
wholesale prices, cash, or exchange
for vonr grain, and other produce
that I can nse. Floyd E. Smith, 619
Washington street, phone 1303.
FOR SALE Hav and Oats. Cheat
and oat hav, grrv and white oats.
U. S. Grant. Dallas. 8o-tf.
The' combined area of pan-America.
exclusive of Canada. Is 12.000.000
square miles, of which the Latin
American countries occupy approxi
mately 9.000.000 and the United States
3.000.000, This physical extent of pan-
America Is better realized when it
is compared with that of Europe.
which has 3.750.000 square miles, with
Africa, which has 11,500.000. and with
Asia, which bas 17.000.000.
Pan-America's real greatness, sig
nificance and power In world relation-
ship are emphasized by appreciation of
Its present population and tbe future
possibilities for a vast Increase. Its
twenty-one nations can now boast of
a population of 180.000.000. of which
100.000.000 are living in United States
territory and 80.000,000 In Latin Amer
ica. John Barrett in North American
Defining an Art Patron.
"is your husband so very fond of
"Art! Be doesn't know a Raphael
from a hair cut."
"Wby. I understood btm to say that
be was an art patron.
"Patron! That man wouldn't trade
a club sandwich for a Bouguereau!
What does be mean by calling himself
an art patron?"
"Wby. he says It costs him ten
thousand a year to pay for tbe bogus
masters the smooth dealers coax you
to buy and tbat makes him an art
patron." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Obeying Directions.
"Good heavens, John, what made
yon pick out such an agly woman to
send home? Sbe scared the baby al
most Into fits."
"Just did what you told me. Maria.
You said you wanted a plain cook, and
I got tbe plainest one to be bad." Bal
timore Amerk-aa.
A StrsnuMS Singer.
It is possible for a singer to be too
strenuous. All students of musical his
tory know tbat the famous tenor. Ro
btnl. actually fractured his collarbone
whUs singing a double forte on B flat.
Proud Father Tbat la a amnet my
daughter painted. Sb studied paint
ing abroad, yon know. Friend Ah,
tbat explains ft. I sever saw a sonsel
like that la this roan try. Rock.
Thaw Girls Again.
Edits kf Isa OMdrt say sbe has Jast
reached tbe marriageable age. Marts
Yoa don't say! I wonder what delayed
bcii Boatoa Tnoarript.
Thrift is not a virtue of tomorrow,
feat of today.
Many in Dallas praise the simple
mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., known as Adler-ika. This reme
dy is the most THOROUGH bowel
cleanser ever sold being even used
successful ly in appendicitis. ONTO
SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY
CASE of constipation, sour or gassy
stomach. ONE MINUTE after you
take it the gasses rumble and pass
out. Adleri-ka cannot gripe and the
INSTANT action is surprising. Con
rad Stafrin, druggist ' 6-Tues.
When We Hand
You Our Estimates
of the cost of the lumber yon requiri
yon can depend npon it that the fig
ores will be aa low as first-class, well
seasoned lumber can be sold for hon
estly. If yon pay more yon pay toe
much. If yon pay less yon get lest
either in quality or quantity.
Willamette Valley
Lumber Co.
HEN in need of
Athletic Sup
plies, Flash
lights and Batteries, Pock
et JCutlery, Bicycles, Mo
torcycles, Sundries, Blast
ing Powder, Gun Repair
ing, Umbrella Repairing,
Bicycle and Motorcycle Re
pairing, or in fact any light
Mechanical Repairing, call
FH05T 1071
315 MAIX ST.
Office, 619 Washington street,
one-half block east of the S. P. depot,
from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m.,
7 to 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to 1 p. m.
Telephone 1303.
No knife and loss of blood. Ko
plasters and pain for hours or days.
Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate,
Liver, Stomach, Bowels,
Nervous Diseases,
Gout, Khenmatism.