TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 19 denier ' Published Each Tuesday and Friday. 5ice 617-518 Court Street Telephone Maln 19 BY LEW A. CATES. Subscription Kates. One Tear J Six Months Three Months No subscription taken unless paid for In advance. This Is Imperative. Entered as seconfl-class matter in the Postofflce at Dallas, uiis BRITISH CHANGE PLANS. The withdrawal of British troops from the Sulvia bay and Anzac dis tricts of Gallipoli peninsula indicates an important change of policy in con ncctioV with the Dardanelles cam paign. The hopelessness of carrying this campaign to a successful conclus ion, at least along in i u..- -Wen followed, has been apparent for some time. It now is conceded, in fact, that the attempt to gain control of Gallipili peninsula by ft land all tack from the west was a grievous mistake, a blunder that has cost the British dearly, without anything to show for it. Moreover, it is further held by military experts that the sit uation of the large British forces in the Snvia and Anzac districts was f li.rvt neril and likely at VlitJ I , any time to develop into a genuine Ainaeter. Therefore, tne wivuu. i. ; nttiintr less than n .i . ,oo nnrl the successful accomp!iBhmnt of this difficulty feat ..will doubtless- cause no little satisiac tion to the people of England, among whom there has been much outspoken Briticism of operations at he Darda nelles and of those res pons ible for the 'repeated failures that have bgejl wet in that quarter, u;i- MttAM nP flip intended aes tinatW of the foces which have : been 'i, withdrawn from uainpou, . general and reasonable suppos itvott r, , .:n -itw Via used rd rem- tnat inev win force and strengthen the ally forces now at Saloniki, or be sent to increase the British contingent which is pre paring to defend the Suez canal trom T threatened attack by the Turks. Apparently there is need of addition al troops at both these points, and it is even possible the forces taken from n-n:i: v lw divided between tv,m Tn anv event it is clear that the change in British plans ioresiii- mnva nt imrjortance and interest in connection with the great ht bo manv "fronts that the public finds difficulty in keep ing track of them all. For a time, i. :woot will center at ha- ,' loniki and Suez, for developments ot , high importance may speecny wui at either of these poims. nntrv. where he has been promised a refuge such as would be afforded to any political -it pointed out that this will not fore stall legal actions against Villa lor alleged cattle transactions, uu - understood that certain claimants are anxiously waiting for Villa to come under the jurisdiction of American courts and law. As a choice between two evils, however, villa piooa'j ii fnne civil claimants. Will UUWWDD - rather than a Mexican courtmartial and the prospect of a nnng squa, it ; tWnfore likely that the mm - . erstwhile Mexican leader will soon be n j tiio aiHp or tne Doruer, ij- IUUUU vil fiiio ing to get his private affairs in shape to lead a peaceiui, quiet auu iw-" With the elimination or v ma w Mican affairs, the prospeot for the f neace and order in rewtuittii"" i T. .Mexico will materially brighten. For a long time in fact Villa was oeen u. chief stumbling-block in the path of Carranza, who now should nave iiw j;inu in cmnthfirinff other faction- al opponents and bringing about con ditions ot general peace. jm i -or, .niiniilish this and set up ' . . v a stable government in Mexico, i. ;n rm for toward iustifying the policy which lias been pursueu President Wilson, who always has m :,j tv.t tdo Mpxicnns should be al- B1WH VHWV "" . lowed to work out of their troubles in their own way. Vet one can read ily imagine that old General Huerta will be ready to say that he could the same thing, and much sooner, if he had been given me same chance that has been extended to Car ranza. And possibly he could. mircliased. In this manner, at the end of twenty-seven years, the invesi will own $17,000 in six per mort gages, and a bank account oi ''-- from which an annual income of $1,- 051.17 will accrue. Obviously this plan has mer ih i to make it attractive to many who may have the desire to save, V" . . i j- l.r tft crn atlOUt It I" not know jusi u - o- - , a systematic manner. . 3 .. oinn the system pro- tentterm suesrested tne saving i""- - Bb. . of thousands tlxed WHiiiu. , f , who hitherto have neglected to tol low the old rule to pun aJay for a rainy day. It is a phm B. V. . .iv ond easv of exe- that is uuui - ,-.. . . i ainvrori il win cution ana oiiuo - , , -f nf courage and develop th. . habit of thrift. It snouiu ea-'j -r. a , mm and young women who are making their own way m life, although the same Dene.. - advantages are ui -r- ers. Many might adopt an .yen smaU- er unit of savings, ouu or small the idea is calculated to be regular and persistent in savins ttfng each week and putting it to work as soon as possible earning in terest. And New Year's is IP good time to adopt a system of tins kind. , ..rwvn n.n.l at the is to conduct a iient.1; - . rametime -tain.ahS P the clun-ch, yet that is ewJ t sition of our esteemed - -Newberg Graphic,, according to ms own statement. " " . ZfTTn Portland School of Practical The plight f the P601'10 1 " estry, 817-20 Dekum building, tw, Serbia is said to be v Jg' k that of thJ!el-t0 4e another WANTED Machine, cast ana is up to Uncle nam , braBB Bnd c(,pp6 "oi-phan" nation underlie, mnfe p rubber ftnfl rags o - , , - ' '" ln fact, junk of alt klndi. a, s Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon, , Rill I I" I III FOR SALE Sixty-acre dairy tie IVliba in coos county; bottom landjta mile from postofflce; mile h, kV r-NT A WORD, -PHONE 19. chooi; 0n milk route; goaimk ONE CEKi r roaa; good improvements. Ki FOB SALE-Choice building lots, or give terms. B. Folsom, Gail M rade Bollman and Staats. 73-tf. Dallas. ft , nmrPiHV POSITION WANTED Married in, W. L. ALEXANDER & CO"1 wants position on ranch in M offers every young man fli trict Underatands stock, fe who is interested in a"-0"00 a" d pou!try. References fur opportunity to perfec hims in r conai9ta of wife and tLP splendid and profi abk scien e 1 Mobey( Box fc( of Tree Repair. We guarantee eon nections with this company upon Jom completion of course t ha t wU es- ALE-Studebaker "f. tablish you ".VwSw seven passenger; bought new 1, business that will g iow a i we grow y m Your opportunity is our oppwtnni seas f ty. We solicit your cb; seen at Shrefve's w. Tree surgery pays. Learn it. write way MILLION TRAINED MEN. There are a million men in the Uni- HELPING RTJBAL SCHOOLS, v. mUIm of strengthening the i ..ii. nf t.hia counti-y ne 4mnnrtAiie. and is is an nually attracting more attention from those who sincerely have the welfare lf the nation, at heart, it is, tu forei gratifying to note tnat oeu.c tary Lane of the interior department, in Ms recent annual report makes a strong argument in lavor oi aid lor euui-ntw" " b - . peeially for the country schools, in T. , a v DUntihnh calls 1118 airuiJ3ia v. attention to the tact mat, " standing the hundreds oi large civ. : 4U. .mmim ond the thousands ot 111 hit: u..v.j - prosperous towns, a large majority ot the aa,uw,u Bcnuui in rural schools and are AUICULU " not receiving training which will com pare favorably with tnat receiveu the pupils of the towns and cities. In the veiy nature 01 nnngo, w... W q wifl disnariitv in the fa- liillDI lv ' cilities possible for these two classes of students, nut mere is u reason for such a discrepancy between the quality of the instruction offeid to them. The meager sainnrs .!. .. are paid rural teachers are, of course, at the bottom of the untoward condi nrhinli nntvail. Doubtless it is true that in many districts the sup porters of the rural schools pay un that they can afford to pay, and even make sacrifices in order to ma'ntain rrnv anrp. Our old friend, the grip, is with us airain Before we got so well a..- Zp." bTbo, ft.t we know him his methods, tactics anu ' ' 1, respectful arm nonr - Ave- but tail imuft- f , , day term which denote., among oth flft teii" j .fanrihanty er things, tnat, ... . which breeds contempt. But while we may tertan a feel . c t nd disappiwal of he knocks ai a.tlv a visit of the gnp r""" !..iD ,.n cilitorial re An exenange " - ferring to the wealth of the member. 1LTr.:i.j atoroa pnate with No oi me umicu ----- Longer a Rich Man 'sChib. A num ber of newspaper me.i n. edged their way into the senate dm inlthe past few years wbta-h rich senators wno i.bt. r -ed newspapers have become poor through it, so the number oi rich men in the senate is getting very small. . hi;.ffl nartv will come back into power in 1918 not because political leaders wain ... -because the rank and file ot the Amei ican people are convinced that le- puoiiraui (iu"i'-" - . . tion are best for the industrial wel fare and public service of the country. It will be a victory of the people and At4Pm not a victory of the leaders. (M3kS4WM mm. vn, tlio "biir" national tiek- ets placed in nomination before next fourth of July, tne cereumw"" - - holiday nest year probably will be one of the liveliest this country lias wit nessed in a long time. Visit 01 me S"f . i pleasant or desirable experience, al ff6. i no way to wroid it mere a. - --- . ' " " . . .. lt! ,,. ted States who couia -.ine sysirm. eolora in some form of military use- fortunately that there are many rur- fulness if the call came. These area) 8(.hooi districts which pay only mg- nutiomu gnamsmeii u sunny n.iini. - guardsmen still of military age, ex-,, to Ueep (1own expenses, and that . . : ivil life. A.nmir hrinm lnmentablfl this false economy brings lamentable results in inferior service. Secretary Lane protests sharply against conditions which require teachers in many rural schools to ac cept the pay of day laborers, or even w nnrl it !s to wuialize these inex cusable inequities that) the secretary mges systematic government am mm fostering supenision, without in fringing upon any of the preroga- i.; ivn .fUc It la pnsv fao ill- highiy convenient j lines oi hk time of emergency, but the govern-1 j,, ;n gm0oth platitudes about ev- ment doesn't know where any of these ery aml prf being able to get an , employes. In fact, men are except the national guards- eilll.atin, but it .s another thinff H sJ"e averj serious matter, . jJ iIiiim nrp 1 n i in..Kla .Aini.tiiiiilv to . 11 lias ufiuure; . . men. nims.n.y "'i,uB"u . ji.uiu . . . i ,1 1 1 . tl.A K.t 600,000 national guarusmru ou .receive as " toi. aituntprl 1WV SHU Ein. 1 "f lumi regular army men now in civil life, the majoitv now in civil lire, t "'" jority of the Spanish war veterans and men who have received training under authorized army officers in uni versities. , There also are young men drilled under military men in high and private schools and ex-lnite(1 States marines who have had land trftinimr. Officers of the United o.im;t this would be a highly convenient army nucleus in though tnere ra " -j . , iihuBu -j v., nresented after our oiu h fcard, in the-shape of afew httle gems that surrepititiously gain lodgo- . v lw,,lv and lmmedi- rment in me uuuroi. . Xly proceed to make themselves at tome and get in their wort Very soon thereafter one commences to ap preciate the real significance of the 1" ... 1 .rlvPIl to this in -iwwe ."i: to he truly sutious iruuui"-'"--' - . takes a grip on his 7 noroomfordouo conc..,. evolent inieniiuu ,if add a somber ting w Thereafter it a est re nh and staying Pow rs to se wfii win in this minuumo . .s - - vou feel fortunate, indeed, if you n Lily manage, to thP throat and eject mm - .. v:. t Ko on his way anil Slo:t;er and recuperate; from the struggle. - i , . . it is churned the just as pic"- - .,,1 entire country is in the throes of the , woist epidemic ot tne gnp umv -r been known for many year Bus, ness, industries and schools are being seriously handicapped and impeded h . . ... '....i i,ilo the doctors are tins visi'iaiit'ii, " .. . being worked to death to take care cf the many victims. Thousands of schol ars have been detaineu schools on account of the grip, while the percentage of cases among otlwr 1 f .... . ..... ,, alnrm- elasses ot citizens is ....u - ing. tjuite a numoer u. - - cited where the grip im - cling down ot punnc sc .ou. w. leges and universities, while man, business concerns and industrial .... i,ovinr their troubles m plains , . , account of the same ailment spread hir m-A Rtrrfled that til -tv- ,.o fMa vpitf was betrer UUOSUJiws , , knan for many years past. 1 ns 19 but . - n o iv. 1 iV.,t, Trna- furth&r prooi oi iae iuui. "i' r perity prevails throughout this great republic of ours. ' : ! t.. i .,.u.ri. n1o. tlltre is a xn some uii. , . tendency to wonder way .-iu peac makers did not make some at tempt to end the Mexican war before tackliig the European muss. " . ... Ex-Pfesiilent Taft says he nag no name infmind "that he carw to men- tion" for the next republican nomi nation. MrTaft always was a mou est man. rS ' I v. ...... L th wlvife orld ISO OlUCl llVlvJif." . enjoyed a menier CluiWnas this yeair, . J ,, .i 1.1,1 TTnltoJ St.nttS. than did tne guuu v....- Trustingthatour friends enjoyed a Merry Christmas, we wish one and all A Happy New Year t.. eTvi it. wifl be some little time before you will notice that the days are growing longer Comparatively few conflagatjons resulted from cotton whiskers. Cologne, Germany, brfnre the war had a population oi ouox. Tkm Vvio are not our customers should start the approaching New Year right by patronizing this store. Green trading stamps '- with purchases. Dallas Grocery Co. Successors to Simonton & Scott. New South Wales devotes 5,138,000 acres to wheat, growing mmmmmml M "S XNAS I cimvlsmcn: more than 17S 000 armv and na-y "alumni, be tween 180,000 and 200.000 Spanish war veterans and 75,000 college ca dets. War department figures show there are now 8705 officers and l'-0,fift3 en I.. th national lrunrd. in the Spanish war, 223,235 volunteer of the college! last year, there were 32. 000 who had drill, and in the last 10 years 30.000 men have been graduat ed who had beer, trained two years. Figures for 10 years behind that eas ily make up the estimated total of 75.000 army ofiiews say. Aa to the regular army alumni, an average of 13.000 fails to re-enlist each year. .v. f.,r 1014 was 14.349. Even X no i."' " ----- pupils cannot exct the educational "palaces" of the big cilies, out nicy should not lie required u picpuiT themselves for the active battle of life in educational "hovels." Secretary Lane is giving impe'-us to a movement which ha been 4.n- tated for a good many years, and he is rendering valuable service in help ing to solve a problem to wlncn tne date re irivinsr more and more con sideration from year to year. ETery child is the ward ot the nation, in the broadest sense of educational .vjv portunities, and it i or prime impor tance that be should receive, aa nearly las possible, the same chance as all others in the corresponding eiasMnc-i- ith lt av- discharge, incapacitations, removal to other countries ana ma -for 20 vears should be 175,000 to 200, 000 men. Recent plana of enlistment in the war department call for three veart with the colon and four in re ". tt,,fnr ; tt.it. once a mane which already has gone far beyona .... i;it nf . ioke. And tlie public is commencing to believe there aie other things besides war wiuc. .v, ul Sherman said in other wonts, they are beginning to place the grip in the same categr There are two conclusive reasons why the very best man available, who ever he may be, should be chosen by the republicans, ine nrsi is, i the country needs it strongest man at the head of the government, ine secona re " " will take the strongest man the repub licans can put forth to beat the dem ocratic nominee. The rural mail delivery is the one law passed by congress that has brought more general satisfaction and relief to toe great farming eommuru- i . - . . .i i-.. fiiaiM than anv WUKTn iaiinu. I Ufe x "." WHY NOT BUY A FORD M (IMMEDIATE DELIVERY) THE UNIVERSAL CAR otal for l!i wa it..ti-. others in me rorrrsMiuiuii . tlie loss through deaths sincely,,,, ito which it is necessary to di vide the school population. .huh hu interested itself in the pro motion of thrift among the people cf this country, has promuigarea pian .. . . ,.n !l imi'. J . Y.L jnrtmnt term of enlisimem "i- I tor saviuit uu ernroent gave no more attention tol hifh douhtW- miH appeal to many vja. pcrwna. Briefly stated, the formula . 'calls for a wing of 5 every week VILLA GIVES TIP. in a savings bank for four year. And the farmers jealously guard their rights in this matter, having once re ceived the seme and knowing iun well its great value to them. It Maimed thai the German kais er has not smiled in a yean. For that matter, however, during the same iv. hr has Wen no sound of ri bald mirth from I-ondon, Paris. Pe- trograd, or any of the other war capital. MORE EXTENSIVE SERVICE FOR FORD OWNERS IS ASSURED BY THE ADDITION OF NEW BRANCHES AND MORE AGENTS. OVER . 900,000 FORDS NOW IN DAILY USE 7,000 FORD AGENTS TO GIVE SERVICE SHOULD BE EVIDENCE ENOUGH TO AMY PROSPEC TIVE BUYER OF THE STABILITY, QUALITY AND GENERAL POPU5 LARITY OF THIS UNIVERSAL CAR, AND THE PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. RUNABOUT $390; TOURING CAB. 440; TOWN CAB, $640, F. 0. B, DETROIT. WHY PAY MORE? ON SALE AT Slireeve's Gara NORTH MAIN STREET; DALLAS 't: r.! -tina. antil J It most be what Shermaa said war srl Villa is plain"1 aw.e mer utiles .cir4ju,:-:'i