(THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLE COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 85 iC? SUNSHINE :jo, or.-::itle .8 PLAN MAE-HAPPY. ectic r: Chairman Himes . Toys Will Be 1 Today. i consolidation of capital the i of Pythias and the rJlkB in are accomplishing great good ristmas, taking the cheer of ason's greeting and their sup to nearly a hundred homes in and tlw immediate vicinity. Himes. chairman of the com- from the Knights, has been faithfully for several days 3ting the needs of the worthy d hag boi'-ht the Christmas that tod y will gladden the more t a one little tot in whose Christmas outlook was I but -it "Bill's" idea, se of b dge brothers, was y those t...ng that go toward a truly joyous Christmas, for t of the little folk is not made f, even in direct poverty, with wirings and a new cap, as it ling in the childish want for fruit, candies and toys. The g of the more necessary sueh as wearables, has been other organizations in the 'he county court and the ark Guild are. constantly giv h things to the needy, but sure to be a vacancy in the earta if Christmas doesn't ie things that other children fa and candy. b $100 was '. collected from i in Dallas, and what was ided for in that amount was from the K. of P. treasury. r of the exchequer Mr. Himes charge of the assembling of He bought a whole box of sixty pounds or candy, titty if tuite, other f raits, and the ,. collection of toys imagin ing clothing, including stock shoes, for supplying special fere purchased, but for the t the f. eternal participation stributi n of Christmas cheer toys and goodies. Through ibers of the lodges and ar ms knowing of w6rthy cases anen were able to find near persons, mostly little folks, happy this gay Christmas MR. WOODS GIVES WARNING. Motorists Should Be Careful In Cross ing Tracks on Main Street HilL I. N. Woods, of the Southern Pa cifio company, has called timelv at tention to a very dangerous practice among local motorists, and citizens would do well to heed tlie warning in time to save their necks. Topping a lull in North lallas, leading trom Main street, is a railroad track, where a number of trains pass one way and the other eaeh day. Au tomobile drivers usually run from Mam street onto the hill at lull speed, making a turn that obscures the track, just betore they reach the top. At the rate or speed the ma chines travel it would be little short of a miracle if death or serious in jury to the occupants were avoided in case a train came along at that moment. If the community were larger and both train land automobile travel heavier it would be very nec essary to build a viaduct tor the trains to pass over, but under pres ent conditions the only safeguard that can be had is in the warning given, or the establishing there by the company of a signel bell system. An engineer would have no possible chance to avoid a collision with a rapidly moving machine, under exist ing conditions, and it therefore be hooves the motorist to exercise every preeauition to avoid an accident on the Main street hill. ROAD READY BY SPRING -S I .:XESSMAN DIES. Former Dallas Mer ged at Portland. .'es for Harrison E. Dallas merchant, un sr of Salem and Fred jeall, and veteran of ere'conducted on Mon Sunnyside Congrega t Portland. Mr. Kozer Saturday at his home ere he has lived since o business in Dallas c years ago. Sarvices t held under the aus- ton chapter of the d Ben Butler Post, the Republic. The officiated and inter e Fir cemetery. ) was 75 years of age, ' of Dallas for many who have lived here sember him well. He iiisiness with William Faull re now owned by the Craven 5 company. The firm of Kowr was one i-f the best slnblishments in Dallas at i Mr. Kozer bail friends i:i of Polk county, and here my to mourn his death. His Fred Kozer of Rickreall, is most Dallas people, and e acijii-unted with another Sam Kozer, who has held portaut offices in the state nt, F GETS SALOON TAXES. PART OF NEW HIGHWAY IS IN POLE COUNTY. CHILD IS NOW MISSING (MOLLIE BOWERS LEAVES STATE WITH OFFSPRING. Juvenile Court May Bump Against Further Litigation If the Moth er Is Persistent. Yamhill-Tillamook Roadway to Pop ular Ocean Beaches Is Now Ready for Traffic. n r V K rmv i r. s. r in 1 zer, i 'sidon ' 1 peoi time r Made on Tax Roll Not Yet electable. irkera in the sheriff's office t surpr aed on Tuesday when t on ls)15 taxes came in be-a-xonsiment became collect- however, is not the en . -ie payment came from , a Falls City saloon II be torced to retire in that particular line t of the new year. Mr. I the fact that his tax S but be is ambitious year not only by re- business he is in, but Mate. This was the of saloon taxes to be 1915 levy. It will be sheriff and his depu saloon taxes are paid ning of the new year. i iLed payment of Mr. i sure unexpected. t i Water Cm Soon. s i the ease of H. V. e ity of Dallas and the ) commission, will be ' lodge Keller at Salem ' w year. This ease in- nership of the Dal- t County Roadmaster J. Waldo Finn has announced that the Ya.mhill-1 u lamook highway, from McMiunville to the coast, will be completed and ready tor tiiavel by spring. Almost nine miles of this roadway are within the boundaries of Polk county, The Yamhill-Tillamook highway is the work of the county courts of Polk Yamhill and Tillamook counties, this county building that part or the road within its limits, and the other coun ties appropriating- $120,000 for the work. Or the appropriations or the two counties one-half, or $60,000, be came available this yeajr, and the bal ance will be available next year. The state government appropriated $9,000 to assist in the project. The highway leaves the west side highway at Mc- Minnville, passes through Bellevue, Sheridan, Willamina and Grand Ronde, having its western terminus at the ocean. After tearing Willamina the highway enters Polk county and is within the county until it gets some distance beyond the Butler store, nine miles from Willamina. The entire distance is about 100 miles from Port land, and Portland motorists can eas ily travel between the metropolis and the ocean between noon and nightfall on a summer day. Polk county's share of the improv ed roadway is ready tor the heavy trathc that it will be torced to bear during the coming summer. The en tire distance has been macadamized. The most admirable of the many scenic attractions along the road are tound within this county, and they are ot such a nature and extent as to make the road famous as soon as it becomes better known to travelers. It will make an important side line to the west side highwav. which will re ceive the major share of the Willam ette valley travel next summer, just as it has betore. Polk county's pride in her stretch of the Yamhill-Tilla mook highway is none the less because her name is not linked with the titles of the sister counties. Where are Mrs. Mollie Bowers and her four-year-old daughter? That is a auestion that is now interesting the juvenile court of Multnomah county and also one in which Mr. and Mrs. Milt Grant of this city are vitally in terested in. When Mrs. Bowers, act ing upon an order from the supreme court of the state, came to Dallas last Sunday and gained possession or her daughter alter it had been under the care of tihe Grants for approxi mately two years, during the latter half of which period the mother was engaged in a legal battle to recover her offspring, she was supposed to haw returned to Portland, where the child would remain under tihe juris diction of the juvenile court of that countv, but the court is unable to lo cate either. , On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Grant went to the metropolis with a view to inducing Judge Cleeton to give back to them the custody of their ward of two years, but were disap pointed in finding that both the moth er and the child had disappeared.: Their whereabouts could not be ascer tained, but an investigation is under way and the matter will doubtless be terreted out wit'lun a tew days. There is a strong probability that Mrs. Bow era and the child are secreted in Washington, in which case further litigation may follow if the juvenile court would continue to insistl upon its rights in the premises. Mr. and Mrs. Grant went to Portland to con test before the juvenile court for pos session ot little Marion, on the ground that they had cared for her during the past two years, providing her with all the comforts of a home, thus mak ing her happy and contented. Dogs Must Be Leashed. The practice of permitting dogs to run at large in Dallas after nighh- fall must be stopped, says Marshal Chase, who purposes to see that the city ordinance pertaining thereto is rigidly enforced. Dogs that are tied up during the daytime are, in some cases, permitted their freedom after it becomes dark, and ttiose citizens who follow this practice henceforth are liable to prosecution. WATER FORCES 00T DAM FALLS CITY LIGHT PLANT SERIOUSLY CRIPPLED. IS Heavy Rainfall Causes Overflow of Several Streams, Damaging Prop erty in Some Instances. BIG TEAMS COME TO DALLAS. Local Basket Shooters Will Flay Many Important Games. The Dallas basketball team is pre paring for a strenuous isjeason of playing in which it will meet some of the best (earns in the northwest, and perhaps several very good eastern teams. The big games scheduled al ready are those with the Washington State college team, sometime in the latter part of January, and the Uni versity of Idaho on February 10. Oth er games tentatively agreed upon are with the university of Washington and a crack organization from Oswe go, New lork. which will tour through the west during the playing season. As tie University of Oregon has drop ped basketball from its sportin? cal endar for the present at least, there will be no game here with that insti tution, and it is not very probable that the O. A. C. team will invade this ter ritory this year. Monmouth Clnb Active. The Ladies' Civie club of Mon mouth is one of the prime movers for civie betterment in that community. Only recently toe ladies successfully conducted a movement to provide gar bage cans to catch the refuge along tbe main streets. The cans have been purchased and set about town, and are doing a great deal of good in keeping tbe streets free from ordi nary trash. Planning Next Sales Day. The next public Sales day, which will be held on the last Saturday in January, will be made the most con spicuous of any of these events yet held. Manager Loughary will com mence the promotion of the January Sales day with the opening of the month, and that he will be able to create much greater enthusiasm among the farmers of the county is a foregone conclusion. High water caused consternation among travelers on the roads about the county the first of the week, and property damage resulted from the overflow trom rivers iand streams in Jditterent parts. The most serious property damage done by the heavy rains was when the Falls City dam bursted on Tuesday, resulting in a heavy loss for its owner, Claud Elli son, formerly of Dallas. The dam holds back a water supply for the operation of the electrical power ma chinery that lights Falls City, and its breaking will be heavily felt bv resi dents there as soon as the high waiter lias subsided. The dam was torn out when a heavy log rammed' uhrousrh it, and it will hardly be possible to reconstruct the affair until the water reaches its low level sometime next summer. It may be that Mr. Elli son will arrange to install an engine to continue the sen-ice of electrical energy. While the water remains at the" persent high mark the electric light and power plant will not be handicapped. Wear Rickreall the banks of the Rickreall overflowed and inundated the roadway for a distance of one half mile. The water was hub high on a large automobile on Tuesday in the vicinity of the Mouslon hop yard below Rickreall. Within a short dis tance of Monmouth the slough filled and overflowed, covering the road over two or three hundred feet. Travel was extremely difficult through this water, but it did nob remain long on the roads. In the McCoy neighbor hood, and in several other parts of the county where there are streams, the roads were covered, knee deep in many places, after the heavy rains. It is reported from the Lewisville neighborhood that the Big Luckia- mute is on a rampage and that its torrents are tearing through and over much valuable property. The water of the Big Luckiamute is said to be higher at the present time than it has been since 1908. At I alls City red lanterns were placed on a bridge to warn travelers of the danger from the high water and swift current that threatened the bridge with destruc tion at any moment. . PAPPAS DECLARES INTENTION. The United States Will Have Anoth er Citizen in Near Future. With the assistance of County Clerk Robinson The Observer was able to learn on Tuesday that Pana giotus Papagcou goopof os of Mideas, Geibesi county, Greece, had declared his intention of allying himself with hosts of his countrymen under the stary banner and imposing protec torate of the United States of Ameri ca. That name is spoken in Dallas, where the gentleman makes his home, as Peter Pappas, which for obvious reasons, including sympathy for the reader, we prefer to use. Peter Pap pas, employed as a laborer in Dallas, came to the United States from Nav- plion, Greece, and has lived in Polk county for some time. The fact that many friends with whom he has here been associated have become citizens of the United States caused him to appear at the office of the county clerk to declare his intention of be coming one of us. Pappas is the Americanization tor the man's real name. E SUDDENLY ENSIGN HOWES DIES IN PORT LAND EARLY THIS MORNING PTOMAINE POISON THE CAUSE. Was But Recently United in Marriage to Mrs. Christiana Fellows Par ticulars Concerning Sad De mise Are Meager. Pastor Will Resign. Rev. Mr. Berchitt of the Indepen dence Presbyterian ohurch, has an nounced that he will soon resign his local pastorate to take up missionary work in South America. He has been pastor there for one year, his efforts being very successtul. Ensign E. Howes of Dallas, vice president of the Union Pacific Life Insurance company, passed away sud denly at the Imperial hotel in Port land at 4 o'clock this morning. STEEL TRUST IN GAME ATTEMPT TO STIFLE COMPETI TION IN BIDS ON BRIDGE. Series of Stories in Seattle Building Record Said to Originate in Portland. Dramatic Club at Work. The Dallas Dramatic club will start earnest work on the preparation of the play with which to open the new Orpheum theater in the near future. The east has been assembled several times to assign remaining parts and to read over the manuscript One evening next week the cast will get together again with the idea of com pleting study and practice as soon os possible, and rehearsals may be start ed within another week. Great Money Spending Contest Nears Close Christmas shopping is in full blast in Dallas today, and the idle man can find plenty of entertainment in just watching it as it goes on. There is the shy young man who hopes for something before the next Christmas. He is entering a jewelry store be cause he thinks it would be almost sacrilege on his part to dare to pur chase anv article of clothing such as might suit his divinity. He is break ing himself, but he is meditating all the time that when he makes the gift he will do it in a careless way just as though he was in the habit of doing such things every day. There is the young lady. She is in tent on something; she is hesitating between neckties and fine linen hand kerchiefs; she is looking furtively at pins that would fit a scarf and she is saving to nerselr, ir Clarence will only keep his word I will be out of this trouble a year hence. There is the old man and woman fixing up to fill a whole row of stock ings on Christmas eve, and they are as mvstenous about it when around borne as ever a banker is when once in a great while he loans some impe cunious citizen $7.25 without ortho dox collateral. There are tbe boys in the family that behind a warehouse somewhere are counting their money and trying to estimate how many million dollars worth of goody-goodies they ean pur chase for mamma for that amount of money. There are brother and sis ter gifts being purchased. There is the anxious looking lady doing her shopping with the thought in mind that she has one hundred and seven outside friends tbat are not worth a dollar apiece to whom she most send presents ranging all tbe way from three dollars to fourteen dollars, and she is in perfect humor when she reaches home to denounce to her hus band the high cost of living. There is another class who hold that Christmas gifts must not depend upon the cost but in the taste dis played in securing them, knowing lull well that some man would preier small gift or a flower together with a smile rather than an expensive gilt, There are wt.vs, good nnd line, who. to show their own selt-sacnnce, are buying each a box of cigars for the lord and master at home. They be lieve thev are buying the best in the market and do not know that if the husband smokes them the next thing needed in the house will be a eaak-t, full size. And so they go. All intent on n holv purpose, all wishing it was over; all except a few. There are a few that wish it would eome every day. especially the demure young lady who is hesitating whether to buy a neck tie or a pin for it, or both. Or the young man who has ignored cigars for a month and smoked a loud old pipe just to have the currency ready to buy the Christmas present, and he is all the time wondering if there ever was just such another girl in all the world as the one who ha3 taken pity on him. It is a great custom. It has been going on many and many a year. We suspect it will keep going on so lonT as fathers and mothers love their children, so long as children love their fathers and mothers, so long as brothers love their sisters or the tit ters of some other brothers, and so long as sisters have beans so targe that they can take in tbe whole far.v ilv and still hate enough left for the young man who waits until just after dusk before he skulks in with a hope in his heart very much like that in the heart of the genuine L V. W, that he will get something priocUw for next to nothing. That interests opposed to the build ing of a concrete bridge across the Willamette river at Salem, doubtless representatives of coast steel compan ies, are originating in Portland and sending to Seattle for publication in the Seattle Building Record a series of stories criticizing the Marion and Polk county courts for the method used in calling for bids on the bridge. is the opinion of a Salem man, who has been closely associated with the two courts in the preliminary ar rangements. "The stories in the Seattle publi cation," said this man, "have been published with the apparent) purpose of stifling competition. The . result has been that both concrete and steel builders have been cornmunicatuig with Salem asking if there is any thing in the reports that tbe counties are going to give up the competitive idea. "The stories that have been given publication claim that the time limit allowed for submitting bids is too short and that the $1000 fee for the plans selected is too small. The reg ulation rate is 2Va per cent of the cost of the structure with an addi tional 2 per cent if field supervis ion is to be handled by the engineer. "Representatives of coast steel companies met the Polk county court at Dallas and argued in tavor or a smaller roadway than has been plan ned, a lighter loading and a highel structure. Should one of these com panies be given the contract it would insist upon the engineering bids com plying with its own plans and speci fications and would cause all other bids to be thrown out. It would give the company control of the whole sit uation, including the financial. The people of the two counties are willing to spend money for the bridge, but they want every dollar to go into the bridge itself. This policy, however, meets the opposition of the steel trust. statesman. PRECINCTS TO BE CHANGED. Rock Creek Voters Asks For Polling Place There. The matter of changing the boun daries of several of the voting pre cincts in Polk county will eome be fore the county court at its next meet ing, to be held January 5. No action was taken on this at the December term of court. The West Salem pre cinct is too extensive, according to some who live too distant from the polling place to take an interest in voting. There sire more than the lim it of voters in this precinct, and it is one of the several that will probably be changed. The Bridgeport precinct is another of those whose boundaries are too far apart for the convenience of the majority. Tbe Bridgeport pre cinct will probably be divided so that part of the voters in the Bridgeport district will be able to east their votes in one of the Monmouth pre cincts. A petition has been received by the county court asking for the creation of a precinct in tbe vicinity of Rock Creek, in the extreme south western part of the county, where there are a number of voter who cannot exercise their right of fran chise because of the distance to the polls. The petition will be aeted np- at tbe January meeting of the county court The orchestra of Independence will give a Christmas ball at that place tomorrow night Mr. Howes and his wife, who was formerly Mrs. Christena E. Fellows, wentl to Portland early Wednesday to do Christmas shopping, and on Thurs day, Mrs. Howes telephoned the in formation to friends here that her husband had taken suddenly ill and was confined to his room in the hotel, with a trained nurse in attendance. Shortly after four o'clock this morn ing the nurse called friends here to say that he had died. She did not state the cause of death. When Mr. Howes left Dallas on Wednesday ho was apparently in perfect health, and the only cause of death that would seem reasonable in the absence of bet ter information is that he had ptomaine poisoning. It is said that he had been subject to slight attacks of Btomach trouble for several years. Mr. Howes was a native or Massa chusetts and was fifty years of age. He had been well known in Dallas for five years, as he was a frequent visit or at the home of Mrs. Fellows, Whom he married at Portland on November 9 of this i year. The couple had re turned only a week or two ago from an extended wedding journey through California and southern states and were making their home in Dallas. Mr. Howes attended to his duties as vice-president of the Union Pacific Life Insurance company by making frequent trips to Portland, and on Wednesday combined a business and pleasure trip in going to his Port land offices. Mi", i and Mrs. Howes were to return to Dallas last even ing, and called friends in the after noon to say that their return would be delayed until tonight because of Mr. Howes' sickness. Mrs; Howes has sCnt for her only child, Mrs. Marshall of Lyle, Wash., and she is to arrive in Portland today to bring any possible comfort to her bereaved mother. Mrs. Marshall accompanied her mother and Mr. Howes on their recent wedding trip. Pension for ex-Slave Sought. - Representative Hawley of the first district of Oregon, has introduced a bill in congress to pension Lou Southworth, an old negro ex-slave, who fought in the Rogue River nnd other Indian wars in the pioneer days of this state. ' He was purchasing his freedom from his master when the Civil war gave him his freedom and he never received a receipt for the money paid. The bill introduced by Mr. Hawley would pay him a pension of $20 a month. Milt Grant Cuts Hand. Milt Grant, rural mail carrier, near ly lost a little finger on Wednesday, when his hand slipped and struck the edge of an axel greese can. The lit tle linger hung only by the skin, but will probably be saved es a result of prompt surgical attention. The pain fully injury did not keep Mr. Grant from bis duties. Mrs. Coad's Niece Dead. Mrs. Julian Byrd of Burns, Oregon, a former Dallas resident and a niece of Mrs. F. J. Coad, died on Monday at her eastern Oregon home. Mrs. Byrd had been under treatment at Portland hospitals for several weeks. but failed to recover from the attack. Mr. Byrd, who survives his wife, is the editor of one of the papers at Burns. Expense Money Cot Off. Delegates who may be elected to the different national party conven tions for the nomination of presiden tial candidates must pay their own expenses in attending the conventions next year, es the old law allowing them f-'"0 each was repealed bv the last legislature. Epidemic of La Grippe. , An epidemic of la grippe is preva lent throughout Western Oregon and several deaths from that cause are reported from Portland and Salem. The general health condition in Dallas is good. The "grip" has not invad ed this city to any extent. K. of P. Plar Soon. Fred West informs The Observer that the Knights of Pythias will stage a play yet to be selected soon after the presentation of tbe one to be giv en by the Dallas Dramatis company next month. The committee in charge of the arrangements consists of Fred West, Lew. A. Cates and John. Sibley.