- mm polk fcmtg (Mmtr PART I (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, FOLK COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 83 ; ..iSBETTERED . "EN BLOCKS ARE MACAD AMIZED AND CURBED. JLZOR MC ? KEPT AT HOME. ti I irty Owners Benefited i . proximately $16,000 To Issue Bonds. )!? Chief among the works carried on by the municipality of Dallas in the Sear just closing has been the street fenprovement work. The city is at an Jdvantage in owning its own quarry ,nnd rock crusher, and is thus enabled to secure its' materials at a minimum Vst. In spite of this advantage, hard surfacing out of the question, and all tt t was actually demanded tiby traffic o uitions had already been ,taid, By . a construction of macad am streets the city has built up a net work of thoroughfares that would be a decUed credit to a community much grw r in size than is Dallas. The Evm has been , laid properly on a Carefully prepared sub-grade, and is ittot giving way in any manner. It lis slow to collect mud, and summer dust is almost an unknown quantity, the macadam is lasting and in more I han one place in the city can be Ifound to be almost as hard as asphalt Ijmvenient. By being properly built, foroperly drained, and kept in good re pair a macadam street will last for taany years,, thereby giving the city "a street system that is a credit to 'the community and to the men who are responsible for the constructive Hcork, at a comparatively low cost. 'For next year hard surface is not be !jng considered. The city administra tors have tentatively prepared an out line of the work that will probably be (started in the first months of spring, land which will further improve the Street system, increasing, at the same (time, the value of property affected. On the various street works carried tin this year there were employed a large number of men, in addition to twenty who gained a livelihood from their labors at the rock quarry and ici-usher. Under the direction of Street Commissioner Peter Greenwood .jfii'ty men wore employed last summer :nd fall. G. D. Stewart, as superin tendent of the rock quarry, directed the, energies of the force there from February until late in October, when there was enough material on hand to complete all the work that could be done before the rains prevented fur ther progress. The city's expendi tures for labor on streets, exclusive of quarry and crusher, amounted to $4646.77. or labor at the rock quarry and crusher the city spent $5,326.37. The municipality owns the land, and likewise the quarry and crushing euipment, so that the only expenditures necessary in producing jy-ad building materials were those tor luftor. The cost of the rock used in street construction is represented by the cost of crushing and hauling ma terials from the crusher at 70 cents a yard. As 7,!)45 yards of rock were used the total cost of street building materials was $5,561.;0. Not only were street improvements made, but more than 11,000 lineal ieet of cement curbing were placed at a cost or 30 cents a toot, or a total of $3,303.79. The street world as well as that at the quarry and crusher, was done by day labor, but the eement curbs were let under con tract after competitive bids had been received on the work. Combining the best of macadam streets with eement curbings on both sides on over 10 blocks of the city's thoroughfares, it can rendilv be seen that the work done in Dallas in 1015 was of no insignif icant seoiie. The Uglow avenue im provement work has been included in the figures here presented by Auditor Gregory, but in the bond sale and city books this work has been en tered as a separate undertaking. Three and one-half blocks were improved on Fglow avenue bv maradamization. Curbs were also placed over most of this. Jn addition to the I'glow avenue improvement lolA blocks of macadam streets were built by the citv. These blocks are on several streets, includ ing Court, Hayter, AshTLevens, Clay, liobb, Burch, Academy and Church. In tiie latter improvement curbs have been set along most of the streets macadamized. Cost of Improvementi. The cost of the work done is borne in part by the municipality and in part by the property owners benefited iy the improvement. The total amount 1aid by the property owners will be . lit $lrt.0O0, aeeordine to the esti- maile-by City Auditor Gregory. T raise the necessary amonnt the pi is advertising ft bond sale, eov fi t both the Cglow avenue and the a! improvement Approximately ' of the property owners' share .s- j aid in cash at the time of im i.rov - T.ect. The city treasury mast wr I he cost of street intersections ivA hat i-b retentions, but aside from e property owners benefited imre.l under the city charter T ne accounts of the various -mer.ts cannot be closed, and1 exact figures will not be known until the bond sale that is being advertised is completed. For the next year the city council has made no definite plans, although the budget provides a good sum for street improvement and construction work. That the chief portion of de velopment next year will be centered on the streets in the east and west narts of the city is practically con ceded. Probable improvements are those needed on Clay, Lewis and Lyle. Plans have been made through coun cilmanic action whereby it will be possible for cement sidewalks to be constructed under the terms of the Bancroft bonding act, with property owners enjoying the privilege of bond ing for the improvement they make. Already a number of property owners have declared that they will take ad vantage of this simple way of pre venting a direct outlay of cash capi tal for sidewalk construction. BAND MAKES HEADWAY. Rehearsing for Concert to Be Given in Near Future. An unusually successful year is just closing for the Dallas brass band, which expects to bring its work to a very fitting climax during the holi days with a public concert at which the talents of the members and Hie organization as a whole will be shown. For the past several weeks the mem bers have been practicing diligently on a repertoire of entirely new music, and that their concert will be a suc cess is certain fro mthe keen interest all are displaying and from the musi cal ability that has been brought iut by B. A. Downey, director. The band gave a series of open-air concerts on the court house square that put it prominently before the public atten tion during the summer months, and after a successful summer a re-organization was perfected that has mater ially improved the band. New mem bers, as well as the best of those who played under the old order of things, allied themselves with the new organ ization under a new director. Prof. Downey is proving a popular and cap able leader and his selection .of mu sic, as well as the way those under him present it, is greatly enjoyed by those who have heard .the blind since the reorganization. The Dallas band is a public institu tion in that is supported by the busi ness interests, but after the first of the year the city council will make a monthly appropriation to cover the expenses of the musicians. They have appeared publicly on various occa sions, such as football games, market days and the like, and made one trip to Lebanon with the football team. The members of the band as it has been since reorganized are: Professor B. A. Downey, director; August P. Risser, president; C. B. Williams, vice-president; C. F. Smith, secre tary; W. A. Boydston, treasurer, and J. R. James, Arnel Wilson, Walter L. Young, Roy W. Finseth, Oscar Dom aschofsky, Thomas Magers, Chester J. Siefarth, Richard R. Webster, John W. Orr, Ralph P. Howe, Tobe Nachti gall, A. C. Snyder, Jack Eakin, Ray Boydston, Will Domaschotsky, Har old Rich, G. D. Stewart. Merrill L. Barber, J. Norval Crates, Will R, Howe, Llovd Rice, J. E. Miller, Mel vin Dungan, Will Young and Floyd Luis. In addition to the instrumen tal talent in the organization there is a vocal quartet that is considered ex cellent, and which will appear at the concert that is to be given soon. Among the vocalists who are to be featured are John W. Orr, A. C. Sny der. J. E. Miller and C. B. Williams. At the piano the work of Lloyd Rice is well-known and his offerings will be another interesting part of the pro posed concert. Encampment Elects. At its regular meeting on Monday evening La treole encampment, num ber 20, I. O. O. F., officers for the ensuing year were elected. Those who will preside over the destinies of the lodge during the vear to come are J E. Siblev, chief patriarch; O. P. Chase, senior warden; J. E. Richter, junior warden; A. W. Teats, high priest; J.F. Holman. scribe and An ton Larson, treasurer. The outlook tor l!)lb, as the lodgemen see it, is especially bright. With the induction of the newly elected officers will come renewed activity, although the order has been especially ambitious during the past year. Polk County Han Dead. Hop Citv lodge, No. 1333 of Inde pendence has received a telegram from the police of San Diego that a member of the local lodge, F. Mel gar, was found drowned in the bay at that city. It is feared he met with foul play. During the past few years Melgar had been working for Scott Campbell, south of Independence. He went south to attend the lair. Grange Elects Officers. The Monmouth Grange held it an nual election of officers Saturday. The grange has been organised here for four years and has 65 members. P. O. Powell was re-elected master; J. R. Stockholm, overseer; Miss Maggie Butler, secretary; Mrs. J. R. Stock holm, treasurer. At the next regu lar meeting on the second Saturday January. State Grange Master Spence of Oregon Citv, will have charge of the installment of officers. CHIEF IS OPTIMIST DALLAS HAS ENJOYED UNUSU AL PROSPERITY PAST YEAR. INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS ACTIVE While Stringent Times Have Affected . This Section to Some Extent, Not Seriously Felt. (By Mayor E. C. Kirkpatrick) A conservative statement at a con servative time! And why notf Dal las is not enjoying a boom; the great war has little effect upon the activi ties of the community, either one way or another, so that the things that concern us at the year-end are only the condition within the boundaries of the city proper and the country tributary, that plays a most important part in maintaining the welfare of the city. Generally speaking, business in Dallas is good, and it has been good throughout the year. The volume ot business is not unprecedented, but I believe I can say that it is somewhat better than it was during the previous year. In the face of conditions that exist elsewhere that statement is a weighty one. Dallas is in better con dition, as far as the prosperity of the community is concerned, than perhaps any other city of its size in the state. Nothing has entered into the year s 'activity to greatly enliven things. Nevertheless, that business, both mer cantile and industrial, has maintained a reasonable degree of stability is in deed a great satisfaction and a credit to the people of the city, when we turn to consider other sections of the country and other cities of the land. The industrial interests of the city have even been better off than those in other valley towns. The lumber mill has continued to operate and all others kept busy, employing the regu lar quota of hands. Unemployment is practically unknown, and those who desire work here may hnd it at a liv ing wage. The diversity of the in dustnal lite here represented is a point decidedly in favor of the city. We could suspend the activity of one or more of these important industries without any serious effect, whereas, if we hnd only one industry operating here the success of that one would spell prosperity or poverty for the citv. The most apt comparison at this time would be with the season pre vious. The past year has seen prac tically as much business transacted in the city, has seen the maintenance of the payrolls of the year before, and in many ways has been maiked by an increase in the volume of trade. I cannot say that the outlook is painted in extraordinarily rosy hues. I torsee, in view of what has gone before, reasonable prosperity for the community, but as long as present conditions prevail in other parts of the nation and world there is little hope for any astounding increase in business activity or trade volume. On all sides there is hope and there is work. Those circumstances over which the people of this city have no means of control have had no effect upon us, in spite of the cry of hard times that has swept the country clean of prom ise and almost clean of ambition. The talk of hard times, it cannot be de nied, is damaging, and its acidy in fluence has eaten at the heart strings of this city. Though, as I say, I feel that its effect on Dalias has been less than on other cities. Wrhile commer cial and industrial supremacy is not all that is to be desired and for the city, it goes far toward making more perfect conditions and toward making thereby a better city and better homes. Really as things are in Dal las, and with the sterling citizenship which the city en.iovs. there is no reason why the next year and every next year cannot be the best that Dai las has known. The prosperity of the farmer in Polk county has a very direct and telling effect upon the prosperity of the city. The city and the city's in terests have combined to help the farmer, not only through sales days. tfairs and exhibitions, but through good roads that they may travel to ana Trom the city year in and year out. The trade during winter months (Concluded on last page) 1 Special Offer for December The Polk County Observer is its subscribers for next Saturday Sales Day only. Briefly it is this: For every year's subscription paid to The Observer, whether for arrearages or advance, a coupon rood for fifty cents in merchandise at any store advertising in The Observer will be given. These coupons are just as good as gold, and will be received as cash at any store whose advertisement annears in The By taking these coupons to the stores Christmas purchases without additional outlay for The Observer is fully worth the regular subscription price, and any reduction is pure velvet. Pay your subscription Saturday and take advantage of this exceptional offer. THE COUNTY ROADS LARGE SUMS SPENT ON HIGH WAYS AND BRIDGES. COUNTY BRIDGE THIS YEAR. Road Commissioner Firm Tells The Observer Whereas How 1915 Mon ey Was Expended. Polk county is engaged in road con struction work that is destined to put it in rank with the first counties of the state in point of good road mileage, and 'to make the county the most at tractive in the Willamette valley to the thousands of tourists who will travel through this great wonderland during the years to come, when its beauties will be heralded to the world to an even greater extent than they have been. In saying great work, it must be borne in mind that the work of such more wealthy counties as Multnomah, or the southern Oregon counties, where larger cities make r tax rolls and therefore more money for the work at hand, is more perfect and far reaching, but at that Polk county has built and purposes building roads that many counties in the same financial standing cannot, or do not try to equal. The building of such famous roadways as the Co lumbia river highway and the Pacific highway, ithough the latter will very possibly be routed through Polk coun ty before many years, does not detract from the work done here, but it, rath er, a means of enhancing the value of and the interest in the local roads. With her immense resources and her scenio wonders Multnomah county is in a better position to advertise her work to the world. By that means will tourists and travelers be attract ed to Oregon, ithence to Polk county, where good rural highways will have become famed. Most of the tourist travel in years to come will be by motorcar, and the constantly increas ing number of motor-driven vehicles makes that statement bear double sig nificance. The roads of Polk county will be tributary to the great high ways built by Multnomah county and by the state, and, indeed, may be de veloped to such perfection that roads leading from other counties will be come tributary to these. At any rate such is the glowing possibility if Polk county is successful in a campaign to re-route the Pacific highway through its boundaries. The beauties of nature reign su preme along the highways and by ways of the county and extend a charming invitation to the county's citizens, as well as those of other parts of the country, to spend joyous idle hours in 'touring them. Grain fields, orchard lands, hop fields and veritable forests primeval extend on Polk county roads in a riot of gay colors and rich tints that the best of landscape would have difficulty in picturing. Slow running streams, rushing mountain creeks, plains, for ests and fields combine to give one a choice of any environment, or scenic change that may be in mind. Hunt ing and fishing grounds that are not excelled in the northwest send out a call for visitors, for sportsmen and for nature lovers that has proved ir resistible to those wno nave tneu them. Portland and other well-popu lated centers are within delightful motoring distance from these Polk county attractions, and with the lm Drovement that is being made in roads throughout the valley a three-hour trip from Portland will be an actuali ty, rather than a hope, within a very short time. Where the Money Went. That Polk county's boast to good roads is not an idle one is evident from the report of Roadmaster J. Waldo Finn for the year that is just closing, showing where and how $78, 000 were spent on the improvement of the rural highways of the county. This amount was divided proportion ately to many protects and to several different classes of work. To road oil ing, grading, bridge construction, and various other divisions of the general head of road work, this $78,000 was credited. First, to repair and main tain the roads that have been in use $15.000 was required. In this is in- Saturday Eighteen Only makinf a special Christmas offer to Observer today or last Tuesday. yon will be able to pay for your clucled the cost of 2G00 yards of gravel and rock used in repair work. The oiling of fifty-two miles of highway in different parts of tile county cost $3,000. As a testimonial of the value of this work from the viewpoint of the farmer, or the motorist, ask one of them and you will leflrn that the good taken from the use of oiled roads was easily worth the expenditure. Sprink lers were at work throughout the spring and early summer months in permanently laying the dust with crude oil, and, in contrast to other roads in the valley, tourists trom out of the county were free to say that the main traveled highways or Polk county were the best in the valley. Several bridges were constructed dur ing the season just past and many others were repaired or rebuilt, cost ing the county $9,000. The cost of machinery, tile and culvert pipe used in the past season was $4,800, accord ing to Koadmaster linn's report, and tor the payment of engineering and supervising skill the county treasury was called upon for $5,800. trom these figures it is to be seen that the total cost of roads and bridges in 1915 was $38,500. For actual constructive work, how ever, the greater amount was expend ed. Eighteen miles of standard grade roadway were built, necessitating the moving of approximately 60,000 yards of earth. This work cost $9,000. Ten thousand dollars were spent in crush ing 6500 yards of rock, which was placed on six miles of the grade con structed. Twenty-four miles of grade were graveled in the year of 1915, and thus were 17,000 yards of rock used, costing, for rock, labor and all, $17, 500. The approximate cost of regrad ing 22 miles of roadway is placed ait $3,000. Therefore, for the construc tion of roads $39,500 were spent by the county. . That such expenditures should bring the desired results is not to be de nied. County Judge John B. Teal lias well expressed the desires and ambi tions of the county in regard to road improvement and construction, by saying: "We want the best roads possible for the money we have to spend on them, and for the money we are spending on them we expect and are getting 'the best roads in the state. ' ' And in so saying J udge Teal has also expressed' the desire and the opinion of practically every individual in Polk county who is interested in the upbuilding of the county, the pop ulation of her rich and fertile lands and the maintenance of the place held by the county as compared with others of the state. Though one of the small est counties in area Polk is within a few places of the top in the matter of road improvement and construction. mere are many nines yet to oc built and as many miles to be repair ed, but with time, prosperity and per sistence this work will eventually be accomplished and will be more to the welfare of the county than any other proposed or possible undertaking. (Continued in second section) SCRIPT IS DENOUNCED. Hotels of Oregon Refuse to Accept It From Salesmen. After a talk by Henry Serr of Dal las the Oregon Hotel association, in session at Portland this week, went unanimously on record as being against the acceptance of so called hotel script in lieu of cash for hotel bills. Attention was called by Mr. Serr to practice of certain promoters in signing up one hotel in each town to accept script which tho promoters sell at a discount to commecial firms. These script books are given to salesmen instead of entrusting them with cash for their expenses. Hotels that accept the script send it to the promoters for redemption, the com mission exacted by the scrip compan ies being 10 per cent gross. Such hotel scrip was scored by members of the association as being highly per nicious, in that it took from the ho tel man profits that should rightly be his. Druggist Wants To Know. Mr. Browersox of Monmouth has made inquiry of Attorney General Brown concerning lawful means of de naturing alcohol to make it unusuable for drinking and at the same time non-poisonous. Mr. Brown says that the United States internal revenue de partment has several formulas for making alcohol unfit for beverage pur poses and that several of the formu las are non-poisonous. The Monmouth pharmacist explains that he wishes to carry alcohol in stock for bathing and antiseptic purposes, but says that the usual method of mixing wood and grain alcohol results in a deadly pois on. Statesman. Henry Brophy Buried. The funeral services over the re mains of Henry B. Brophy, who was accidentally killed at West Salem on Monday, were held in Salem on Wed nesday afternoon, and were largely attended. Rejoice Over Birth. An 8'4 pound son was born Decem ber 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sher wood of Canby. They were former residents of Polk eonnty. Mrs. fcher wood was formerly Miss Esther Ed gar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Finley Edgar of Crowley. WINS BACK BABE JUDGE BELT REVERSED IN BOW ERS' CHILD CASE. JUVENILE COURT GETS CUSTODY Lengthy Legal Battle for Possession of Marion Bowers, Takes Her From Custody of Grants. The supreme court on Tuesday held that the juvenile court of Multnomah county and not the county court of Polk county has exclusive jurisdiction in the case of Marion Bowers, aged four years, over whose custody a con troversy has been waged tor two years. The action of Circuit Judge Belt in dismissing a habeas corpus petition of Mollie Bowers, mother of the child, who contended that the Polk county court had no authority to decide who was a fit and proper oerson to have the care of the child and that such exclusive jurisdiction was vested in the Multnomah county court, was reversed. July 1, 1913, the Portland juvenile court made an order awarding the mother the custody of the child until further order of the court. Mr. and Mrs. John Stump, grandparents of the child, had" agreed to take the child, the order said. In November, 1913, Mrs. Bowers left the child with Mr. and Mrs. Milt B. Grant of this city, however. About February 1, 1914. Mrs. Bowers demanded posses sion of the child and Mr.' Grant re fused to surrender her. Thereupon ' the mother undertook to spirit the child away to Portland, but was un successful. On September 25, 1914, the county court of Polk county made an order giving Mr. and Mrs. Grant custody of the child. On February 9 the Mult nomah county court made a new order and recited that John Stump, grand father of the child, had died since the first order was issued, and that Mol lie Bowers, the mother, was in a po sition to give the child a good home, and revoked the order as to giving the child to the Stumps. Thereafter Mrs. Bowers started a habeas corpus case. The court holds in an opinion by Chief Justice Moore, that to per mit any other court than that which had original jurisdiction to interfere with a ward, when duly adjudged to be such, would create interminable difficulties. ' As a result of the decision, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, who have had charge of the child for two years, must sur render her to her mother, and if they wish to regain her custody thdy must apply to the juvenile court of Mult nomah county. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., has represented the Multnomah coun ty juvenile court throughout the pro ceedings and J. E. Sibley and G. O. Holman have handled the case for Mr. and Mrs. Grant. BOOKS SHOW MANY VISIT0R8. More Than 11,000 Place Cognomen on Registers in 1915. Between January 1, 1915, and De cember 11 of the same year, 9,211 names were written on the register at Gail hotel, the greater number of which persons were visitors to Dallas. But this is not indicative of the busr iness transacted during this period, for, according to Mr. Serr, the land lord, more than three times that num ber of "locals" took meals at the hostelry without registering. Adding to this an estimated number of 2,000 registering at The Imperial during the nine months that that hotel was open during the year, brings the num ber of visitors to Dallas hotels up to the handsome figure of more than 11,- 000. Dallas is considered one of the best towns in the valley from the commer cial tourists' standpoint, and the knight of the grip is largely in evi dence on the register at the Gail. While other towns in this territory have been oppressed by stringent fi nancial conditions of the past year, Dallas has more than held its own, and is coming out of the depression with her colors flying. Like an eagle pluming its wings for a higher night, Dallas is planning new things for th future that cannot fail to be of ma terial benefit to the community. Mink Kills Chickens. A mink 'broke into the poultry house of C. E. McPherren at Falls City and killed and sucked the blood of sixteen grown chickens and fright-. ened the remainder of the poultry from the premises. The varminr was frightened away by the barking of dogs before it had an opportunity to do anv further mischief. This vicinity has been bothered with minks for some time and the nesidenters have lust quite a good many chickens. G. Sowers has been the heaviest loser in the past, having lost 11 at one time and 14 at another. Elected Vice-President Frank Gibson of this county has been elected vice-president of the Sa lem Egg Circle. At present the Dal las circle is sending its eggs to Salera for shipment A 1-