Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 17, 1915, Image 14

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    county rmir-" rpinAY. December n. ms.
Yellowstone Park's Array of Stony
Relics of Volcano Activity.
Remarkable fossil forest exist In
Yellowstone park, the most remark
able. It Is believed, of tbe several fossil
forests which have been discovered
there are others In Egypt, in California
and to Arizona becuuse in the Yel
lowstone moat of the trees were en
tombed In their original upright posi
tion and not found recumbent and scat
tered about the ground.
In Arizona, for Instance, the fossil
ized trunks have evidently been car
ried a long distance from where they
originally grew.
In the Yellowstone the trees now
stand where they grew and where they
are entombed by the outpouring of
various volcanic materials.
Now as tbe softer rocks surrounding
them are gradually worn away they
are left standing erect on the steep hill
sides. Just as they stood when they
were living. In fact, it Is difficult at a
little distance to distinguish some of
these fossil trunks from tbe lichen cov
ered stumps of kindred living species.
Such an aggregation of fossil trunks Is
therefore well entitled to be called a
true fossil forest.
It should not be supposed, however,
that these trees still retain their limbs
and similar branches, for tbe mass of
volcanic material falling on them strip
ped tbem down to bare, upright trunks.
Facial Daco rations and Other Ways to
Ton Down Uglinna.
If my face is too wide a beard length-
ens it; if my face Is too narrow it ex
pands as If by magic with the addition
of what have sometimes been affection
ately called "mutton chops" or "aiders.
If my nose projects, almost like a
nose trying to escape from a face to
which it has been sentenced for life, a
pair of large, handsome mustaches will
provide a proper entourage a nest, so
to speak, on which the nose rests con
tentedly, almost like a sitting hen; if
my nose retreats backward into my
face tbe aesthetic solution Is obviously
gal ways.
A stout man can do wonders with bis
appearance by adopting a pointed
beard and a suit of clothes, shirt, neck
tie and stockings with pronounced ver
tical stripes. A thin mau. on the other
hand, becomes at once substantial In
effect without being gross if be culti
vates side whiskers and wears a suit
of clothes, shirt, cravat and stockings
with pronounced horizontal stripes.
If my face lacks fierceness and dy
namic force it needs a brisk, arrogant
mustache, or if it has too much of theBe
qualities a long, sad, drooping mus
tache will counterbalance them. At
lantic Monthly.
The Danolng Mania.
' The "dancing mania" of the middle
ages came on the heels of the great
plague known as the black death.
It was some sort of nervous disease
and Is now supposed to have been
what is known as "St. Vitus- dance.
It began In the year 1374 at Aix-la-Cbapelle
and spread all over Ger
many, the Netherlands and Italy. The
dancers formed circles band in hand
and appearing to have lost all reason
continued dancing, regardless of the
bystanders, for hours together until in
their wild delirium they fell to the
ground In sheer exhaustion. Panting
and foaming at the mouth, they would
suddenly soring un and begin the
dance again, to be again exhausted,
and so on until tbey died. The mania
Involved millions of people.
mj C . . .. . n n r4 C.uinni
A few old sayings on the subject of
food come to us ratner as a surprise ui
our age of daintiness aud refinement.
vat thov hnrA their raison d'etre not
withstanding. "Meat is much, manners
are more;" "Cease your chatter and
mind your platter;" "The ass that
hmra most eats least:" "The wing with
the liver to him who's the giver;" "He
can give little to his servant who licks
hla nirn trnnnhnr."
Apropos of this remark it is amusing
to note that "manners was me name
given to the remnants of a meal. These
came to the servants as official per
quisites; hence our well worn expres
sion before emptying a dish, "leave
the last slice (or whatever it may be)
for manners.
A Quean Whs Was a King.
Only once in the history of the world
has a oneen been officially known as a
kins. This was In Hungary, when the
Hungarians gave the name of king to
their Queen Mary In order to avoid
the Infamy which the laws of that
country cast upon those who are gov
erned by women. She bore the title of
King Mary till her marriage with Slgls
mund. After that she took the title of
Qood Role.
Johnnie Wobba was regarded as the
town simpleton, but occasionally be
was gifted with a flash of keenest
repartee, as a city visitor discovered
to his discomfiture. , "What part do
yon perform in the great drama of
lifer he asked. "I mind my own busi-
' replied Mr. Wobbs. Argonaut.
Keep on the Move.
Bhnr Borely Is going to take up rail
roading. Bans; So many nice girls
have told him tn make tracks that I
don't wonder at it Town Topics.
Not In His Lira.
Bh -Too must Rive blm credit for
the fact that be expresses bis Ideas
beautifully. He But. yoo see. I am a
freight agent-Judge. .
Be neither ignorant nor careless with
lew pert to the future Vergil
kiddle's bonnet matches her
coat. Its "tam" crown of
brown velvet sits on a rolling brim of
pale blue taffeta, and its ribbon band
is finished with a gay little beaded
"fancy." Indeed, velvets are the fa
vorite material for children's hats, de
cidedly tailored shapes trlcorns, sail
ors and odd designs with ribbon
bands and happy little nosegays as
Miss Helen Cowgill of the exten
sion department of the Oregon Agri
cultural college was a waiias visnui
late last week.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids for the purchase of the whole or
anv nart of $9813.32 of 1015 Street
Improvement Bonds of the City of
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, as au
thorized by Ordinances No. 254 of
said City, will be received by the un
dersigned Auditor and Police Judge
of said City, until 6:30 o'clock p. m.
on Monday, January 10, 1016. Said
bonds will be ninety-eight (08) in
number and in denominations of
$100.00 each. Each of said bonds
will be dated July 17, 1015, payable
in ten (10) years from date, and will
bear interest at a rate not to exceed
six (6) per cent, per annum, interest
to be payable semi-annually on the
17th day of January and the 17th day
of July of each year; both principal
and interest to be payable in United
States Gold Coin of the present stand
ard of weight and fineness, at the Dal
las City bank in the city of Dallas,
Polk county, Oegon, without chagre.
cost, or expense to the purchaser or
holder ot said bonds.
The said City of Dallas, Polk Coun
ty, Oregon, hereby reserves the right
to take up and cancel said bonds, or
any part or them, upon the payment
of the face value thereof and the ac
crued interest to the date of such pay
ment, at any semi-annual interest per
iod at or after one year from the date
of said bonds, to-v.it. At or after one
year from the 17th day of July, 1015.
The above-named bonds will be sold
to the highest bidder, by the said City
of Dallas, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.
m. on Monday, the 10th day of Janu
ary, 1016, in the Council Chamber in
said City. The bids must state the
rate of interest, not exceeding six
(6) per cent, per annum; but said
bonds shall not be sold for less than
dieir face value, together with the ac
crued interest thereon from the day
of their date to the date of their
delivery. Said delivery of said bonds
will be made at the office .of the City
Treasurer of the said City of Dallas,
Polk County, Oregon.
The City Council of the City of Dal
las. Polk County, Oregon, hereby re
serves the right to reject any or all
Bids must be marked "Bids for
1015 Street Improvement Bonds." ac
companied by a certified check tor ten
(10) per cent, of the amount bid, and
addressed to Charles Gregory, Audi
tor and Police Judge, Dallas, Polk
County, Oregon.
Done by order of the City Council
of the City of Dallas, Polk County,
Oregon, made and entered of record
on the bth dav of December, ll;.
Witness mv band and the official
seal of the City of Dallas, Polk Coun
ty. Oregon, this 10th day of Decem
ber, A. L., 191a.
Auditor and Police Judge.
GON. Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids for the purchase of the whole or
any part of $2851.88 of 1915 Uglow
Avenue Improvement Bonds of the
City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon,
as authorised by Ordinance No. 255
of said City, will be received by the
undersigned Auditor and Police Judge
of said City, until 6:30 o'clock p. m.
on Monday, January 10. 1916. Said
bonds wili be twenty-eight (28) in
number and in denominations of
$100.00 each. Each of said bonds
will be dated October 20. 1915. pay
able in ten (10) years from date, and
will bear interest at a rate not to ex
ceed six (6) per cent per annum, in
terest to be payable semi-annuallv on
the 20th day of April and the 20th
day of October of each year; both
principal and interest to be payable in
I'nited States Gold Coin of the pres
ent standard of weight and fineness.
at the Dallas City Bank in the City of
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, without
charge, cost, or expense to the pur
chaser or holder of said bonds.
n.u. :j r-;t f Dallas. Polk Coun-
XI1B Bam ' " - .
y, Oregon, hereby reserves the ngitf
to take up ana ran "
anv part of them, upon the payment
of "the face value thereof and the ac
crued interest to the date of such pay
ment, at any semi-annual interest
period at or after one year from the
date of said bonds, to-v.it: At or al
ter one year from the 20th day ot
October. 1015.
The above-named bonds will 1 soli!
to the highest bidder, by the said City
of Dallas, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.
m. on Mondav, the 10th day of Janu
OT. mm in Hie Council Chamber in
said City. The bids must state the
rate of interest, not exceeding six w
per cent, per annum; but said bonds
shall not be sold for less than their
face value, together with the accrued
interest thereon from -the day of 'their
date to the date of their delivery.
Said delivery of said bonds win e
made at the' office of the City Treas
urer of the said City of Dallas, Polk
Countv, Oregon.
The City Council of the City of Dal
las, Polk County, Oregon, hereby re
serves the right to reject any or all
Bids must be marked "rsids ioi
101S TTo-lnw Avenue Improvement
Bonds," accompanied by a certified
oWlr for ten C10- tier cent, of the
amount bid, and addressed to Charles
Gregory, Auditor and Police Judge,
Dallas, Polk Uounty, uregon.
Done bv order of the City Council
of the City of Dallas, Polk County,
Oregon, made and entered of record
on the 6th day of December, 1015.
Witness mv hand and the official
aenl nf the Ci'tv of Dallas, Polk Comi
ty, Oregon, this 10th day of December,
A D., 1015.
Auditor and Police Judge.
In compliance with the provisions
of Chapter 234, Laws of 1013, notice
is hereby given that the county couri
of Polk County, Oregon, will be in
session at the Court House in tne
City of Dallas, Oregon, in the Court
Room thereof, on the 30th day of De
cember, 1015, at the hour of 10 o'
clock in the forenoon of said day, at
which time and place opportunity for
a full and complete discussion of
the estimates of the amount of money
proposed to be raised by taxation for
the ensuing year, will be given any
taxpayer subject to such tax levy,
when made, to be heard in favor of or
against any proposed tax levies.
The following is an itemized esti
mate of Polk County's proposed tax
levy for each department ot county
government, county office or county
officer, each county improvement, the
maintenance of each county building
and institution, the salary of each
county officer and employees, includ
ing those whose salary is fixed by
General Fund.
Expense of Registration and
Elections, Ballots and Sup
plies, Salary of Judges
and Clerks, total $ 6,000
Sheriff's Office.
Salary of Sheriff 1,600
Salaries of Deputies and
Clerks 1,800
Expenses of Office.. 1,100
Total $4,500
Clerk's Office.
Salary of Clerk 1,600
Salaries of Deputies and
Clerks 1,620
Expenses of Office 780
Total $4,000
Treasurer's Office.
Salary of Treasurer 750
Adding Machine 225
Expenses of Office 250
' Total $1,000
Assessor s Office.
Salary of Assessor 1,200
salaries of Deputies and
Clerks 2,450
Expenses of Office 350
Total $4,000
Surveyor's Office.
Fees of Surveyor and Depu
ties, Expenses of Office,
Total 250
School Superintendent's Office.
Salary of Superintendent 1.200
Traveling Expenses 200
Salaries of Deputies and
Clerks 720
Teachers' and Eighth Grade
Examinations 100
School Officers' Convention... 100
Institute Fund, fixed by law.. 300
Miscellaneous expense, includ
ing supplies and printing 1,000
uounty Educational Board.
Traveling expense, members
of board 100
Salary of Supervisor 1500
Expenses of Supervisor 200
Truant Officer, Salary and
Expenses 80
Total $5,200
Court House and Jail Expense.
Salary of Janitor 720
Ughta )
Water )
Furniture and Fixtures ) 1,280
Repairs )
Insurance )
Fuel )
Jail Expenses, including board
of prisoners, repairs, sup
plies, .etc 1,000
Total $3,000
District Attorney's Offiot.
Expense ,
Circuit Court.
Jurors )
Witnesses )
Bailiffs iu""
Misc. Expense.......) ,
County court, wdmum"
.lnvenne liuum.
Salary and Expense of Judge
Salary and axpeusre
nussiouers '
Jurors !
Witnesses '
Miscellaneous fcxtieiise
Justice Court.
Fees of Justices, Constables,
Jurors and Witnesses, to
tal Coroner Office.
Fees of Coroner. Physicians,
Jurors and Witnesses, to
tal Insane Examination.
Fees of Physicians, Witnesses,
etc, total
Health Officer.
Salary and Expenses, total. . .
Fruit Inspector.
Salary and Expenses, total...
Stock Inspeotor.
Salary and Expenses, total...
Indigent soldiers.
Relief of, total ,
Widow's Pensions.
For the payment of, total
Care of Poor
Relief and Expenses of, total
Scalp Bounties.
For the payment of, 'total....
Rebate on i axea.
Refunds, total
For the payment of, total....
State and uouniy xaue.
Polk County Fair, including
State Fair and L.anu rro-i
duets Show, total
Bridge and Ferry.
General Fund, including Inter-
Countv and otlier twinge
and Road Construction
and maintenance, total...
State Tax.
State Tax, total (estimated)..
Total of General Fund, -fl 79,070
Roads and Highways.
General Road Fund for lm-
nrnvement anil mainten
ance of roads and salaries
nf Sunervisors
County School Fund.
County School Fund 42,000
Library Fund (School)
High School Fund i--
Total "
Total estimated expense ot
County for the year 191(1. 275.
The nrobable receipts of Polk
County for the year 1916 from
other sources than direct tax
ation upon real and personal
property are estimated to lie. . 5.
Total amount to ne raiseu y
direct taxation 2i0,
Total to be raised in general
fund, including state tax.. U!U
Total to be raised for county
school fund, including high
schools and libraries 57.:'
Total to be raised for General
Road fund
Total $275.-,
The County Court, therefore, n
ommends that there lie levied u
the pi-oerty liable therefore :
General Fund, including
state tax 12.75 mi
General Road Fund 3 iui
School Fund 4.25 mi
The following is a statement ho'
ing the total of all taxes for tin- e
suing year, levied by all road dis
tricts, cities, towns and municiili
ties: Special Tax Levies 1915.
City of Dallas Road Dis
trict 3'i mills
City of Dallas 14' mills
City of Independence 19.1 mills
City of Monmouth 10 mills
City of Falls City 15 mills
Cit'v of West Salem 8 mills
County of P.olk, )ss.
We, the undersigned County Court
of the County of Polk, State of Ore
gon, do hereby certify that the above
is a true, fair and complete estimate
of the probable expenses of said coun
ty tor the ensuing year.
We further certify that the esti
mate of expenses of the various in
stitutions of the county, of the
amount required for public enterpris
es, roads, bridges, etc., end of all
other expenses of the county as there
in set out, is just and is based upon
a careful study of the expenses of
the county during the past and a
thorough examination of its probable
needs during the year for which such
estimate is made. That each and ev
ery item therein is believed to be
necessary to the proper transaction
of the business of the county, the
protection of its property and inter
ests and to be for the public welfare.
That every expense estimated is in
accordance with law, and is a legiti
mate charge against the eounty.
For the information of tbe tax
payers, the Court at this time calls
attention to the fact that the tax
rolls for 1913 and 1914, show delin
quent taxes amounting to approxi
mately $46,000.00 principally on ac
count of the 0. & C. Grant lands. On
this account the Court has been com
pelled to make a much higlier levy
than would otherwise have been nec
essary; but the matter of the final
settlement of the O. & C. litigation
seems to be in sisrht and the Court
feels confident that at no very dis
tant date these taxes will be settled,
enabling a very material reduction in
the general tax lew of the eountv
J. B. TEAL. "
Countv Judse.
Com m i j on r.
(SEAL) Countv Clerk.
f 1 r
L OrlltUU3TAtriey
rrrs too stkutvo.
J s6r K I
A SMALL chew of W-B CUT K.
Tobacco Chew, new cut, longskrite
it is rich tobacco. Just tor that reasoie
tmtll ehew; that's why it laits to much loD(t,tal
Mu7 men are now frea from the bi buljy,"
"Nfe how th.lk Man m A.iklJfc
List your articles a
time during thei
eon Sat
18. Tli
Weather permittii
will be held in o
on North Main St.
a list of articles!
Loughary.and reit
Saturday, D
.. f
Star Transfj
Phone Stands: Webster's Confectionery Sll
Barn 1074
There's nothing too large, nor tx
tackle. Our facilities are uneqi
tion, while our workfnen have th
essary In the execution of "good
)T has
rhich 1
it in a:
o the
ing fc