Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 17, 1915, Image 13

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folk County's Rural Schools
a been miik-
ress during
he past five
ues. Gener
is pew build
Ads, hayoiecn
ff work, stand
ncher associa-
lub work have
pal advancement
buildings have
ollowjng places:
i',; Orchards,
cornj Montgom
iet. Oakdale,
y (Strove, Mis
tier1 Junction,
5 ehardsview and
.ucse,-the Zena,
.id Lincoln bnild
ly the department
; modern in every
ildinga are excel
a eredit to any
1 States.
Lo or more room
erected: Smith
is, Bethel, Kick
re, West Salem,
Dallas' and Inde
outh have erected
ch as;, re-lighting
ouilding as near
have been made
trictsi Kola, Pe
llt Creek, Valley
, : Oakgrove, Per
oseneek, Cochran,
ta, Buell, Spring
Suver, McTim-
iwood, Fir drove.
I, Oakhurst and
s City has built
rooms to their
gs in the county,
if three, me now
ith all sanitary
I school building
buildings, which
f condition. Many
leen made on the
every building in
ist three features
gun in this county five years ago and
has been worked out, not only in this
county but two years ago was adopted
by the state department as a state
jplan of standardization, and since
then lias made such a wondeiful part
of the educational exhibit at the Panama-Pacific
exposition and has been
adopted by the school people of many
counties in other states. This plan
has the following points for its re
quirements this year:
FInfr Must be flying, weather per
mitting. School House Prorly lighted.
Equipment Teacher's desk and
chair; desks for pupils properly
adapted and placed; suitable black
boards, window shades in good condi
tion. Heating and Ventilating Jacketed
stove properly situated, minimum re
quirement ; window boards or some
other approved method of ventilating.
Rooms Attractive at all times.
Standard Picture One new one,
unless three are already in the room,;
Grounds To be clean, free fiom
paper, etc. At least three features
of play apparatus. Walks if necessary.
Sanitation Pure drinking water!
either drinking fountain or covered
tank and individual drinking cups,
individual family or pajier towels.
011(111111(111118 At least two good ones,
to be sanitary at all times and free
from marks.
Teacher Must maintain good or
der at all times, supervise the play
ground; have her work well prepared;
follow state nurse of study; take at
least one educational journal; have
program posted in room ; keep regis
ter in good condition; lie neat in at
tire. Library Good selection of booki
from state list. Case for the hooks,
liooks kept upright in good condition
Model One Room School Building of the U. S., According
to the National Bureau of Education.
schools in this county which won all
of the points for standardization. We
are expecting many more this year.
The real object of standardization
is that each district may compare it
self with the other districts of the
county. Thus, if they are ahead of
the other districts, they get eredit for
that. If they find themselves behind
in any way, their local pride causes
thern to get busy and earn these
points and come up to the other dis
tricts. Standardization has surely
worked wonders for the schools of
Polk county.
Parent-Teachers' Clubs.
The state department of education
for several years has been urging the
organization of Parent-Teachers' as
sociations, and Polk county has made
!?at progress in this. We have for--nine
Parent-Teacher associations
! the comity at the present time and
majority of them are doing some
st excellent woik. They hold their
aetings generally about once a
vegetable gardening, poultry raising,
pig raising, dairy herd record work,
seed grain selection, fruit growing,
baking, canning, sewing, farm and
home handicraft, rural home beauti-
tication and the agricultural club. The
child keens a record of the work that
be or she has done. Also a record of
the cost of production and the pro
ceeds received. This means that the
child will learn to raise or produce
the article at a profit, if possible.
This work is handled through the
county superintendent's office, the
state superintendent's office and the
Oregon Agricultural college, co-operating
with the U. S. government. Bul
letins are snt to these children direct
from the college and the government,
and they receive help from the state
leader and his assistants ui the Ore
gon Agricultural college and the two
Held workeis from the state snpenn
tendent's office.
The children of Polk county have
gone into this work with a zest that
ien erected in the I
Smithfield, Salt j
irview, Rickreall,
Dallas, Guthrie,
lack f Ruck and :
being made to
he following dis-;i
, Orchards. Air-t
V Soring Vnll'-v
iew. Every school
'om the house to
the house lo tin
lajorily of tliesf
pplied with suit
their school.
! county has bcei
spelling content
cted for the pas
the children hav '
leir spelling, bu
ilsov as the ehi
s home at mgl;
its help them in
rest is shown in
are given every
test words being
; has been cover
ach grade aceord
tudy. on Plan.
n plan was be-
:mth. At these meetings thev have j means much. Two years ago out of
program, rendered by the local peo-ithe ten capital prizes offered at the
and recorded according to rules speci
fied by Oregon state library and re
quired by law.
Attendance Average 92 per cent
for year and not to exceed two per
cent in tardiness per year.
Ungth of Term Not less than
eight months of school each year.
Last year there were fifty-six
of ,the community, and discuss
lestioris iertaining to their commu
ty or county interests, and also
ring in many speakers from the
ate schools, stale superintendent's
lice and other places. These s)eak
s give them much outside help which
icy could not otherwise secure. The
fsociations are making ninny better
ments in school work and backing
p their teachers and school boards in
way that, is giving Polk county
yal co-operation, of which every loy
1 citizen in t lie county should be
;roud. Every progressive school dis
Viet should have a Parent-Tsaeliei
' ssoriation, and each person in the
iistrict should take part in this work,
oaking their school house a real com
nunity center, which it should be.
Industrial Clubs.
I The Industrial club work in the
rfoimtv has received the loyal support
of the teachers, school boards and
parents generally. This work is sim-
,ply an advancement Aiver the old
plan ot the school fair. It mean'
that the child gets much more out of
it than merely raising the pumpkin
and exhibiting it. The different pro
jects which are taken up are as tol
state fair, which consisted of a trip
to the Panama-Pacific exposition with
all exenses paid, four were won by
Polk county boys and girls as follows:
Baking. Francelle Hnwley; canning.
Jessie Keyt ; sewing, May E. McDon
ald; pig raising. Kenneth Bursell.
This vear out of the twenty-one capi
tal prizes offered at the state fair,
which consisted of a scholarship in
the summer school at- the O. A. C, for
two weeks, with all expenses paid,
seven were won by Polk county boys
and girls as follows: Dairy herd
record work. Earl Cooley: pig feed
ing contest, single pig, Harold Rey
nolds; pig feeding contest, sow and
litter. Warren McGowan; seed giain
selection, Innie Bowles; sewing,
May E. McDonald; poultry raising,
Hazel Bursell ; vegetable gardening,
Homer Bursell.
Two years ago at the state fair
Polk county took first place for gen
eral school exhibit and this year took
first place for the same. The chil
dren of the county are getting into
the industrial work this year much
stronger than ever before, and we are
predicting a greater exhibit at the
county and state fail's this coming
lows: Cora growing, potato growing, I year than at any time in the past.
School rallies were originated in
the county during the administration
of Superintendent C. L. Starr and the
habit has spread until the last tew
habit has spread until the last few
years a school rally has been held in
every school district in the county
each year, and many districts are
asking for the second rally. At these
rallies a program is rendered by the
children of the school and discussions
pertaining to the betterment of the
conditions of the district and commui
nity interests are discussed. Fre
quently some outside speaker is pres
ent, giving an address on such topics
as pertain to school interests. The
teachers, patrons and school boards
look forward to their rally with pleas
ure, as it means much to their com
munity. The High Schools.
The high schools of the county have
been making rapid progress during
the past few years and the following
ones have been standardized by the
state board of education as standard
four year high schools: Airlie, Mon
mouth, Independence, Falls City, Dal
las, Ballston, Bethel and several oth
ers will be standardized in a very
short time. Neaily every child in
Polk county can now attend a high
school and stay at home at night. This
means a great deal to the parents and
also to the children, and means much
for the general educational interests
of the county.
The general qualifications of the
teachers of the county are becoming
better. Many of them are taking
special work during the summer, thus
preparing themselves to become better
teachers. Others are stopping for a
year or two and taking work in the
Normal schools or colleges.
The school population of the county
at the present time is about 5300. The
general school levy of the county for
n 9
been in the county for several years.
The school boards are gradually
adopting the plan of employing a
teacher who makes good just as long
as they can keep her, realizing that
a teacher does better work the sec
ond, third or fourth years. This is a
good sign and indicates the general
progressiveuess of the school boards
of the county, which was also demon
strated at the last school officers' con.
vention when they passed a resolution
allowing every teacher in the county
to spend one day visiting some other
teacher in the county who is doing
similar work, the visits to be made un
der the direction of the county school
superintendent. They believe that by
the teachers doing this, they will be
able to do better work in the school
Teachers' Examinations.
A teachers' examination is in pro
gress at the court bouse, the following
being the week s program:
Commencing Wednesday, December
15, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con
tinuing until Saturday, December 18,
1915, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon Writing, U.
S. history.
Wednesday Afternoon Reading,
physiology, composition, methods in
reading, methods in arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic,
history of education, psychology,
methods in geography.
Thursday Af lernoo n Grammar,
geography, American literature, phy
sics, methods in language, thesis for
primary certificate, science of educa
Friday Forenoon Theory and prac
tice, orthography, physical geography,
English literature, chemistry, history
of education.
Friday Afternoon School law, ge
ology, . algebra, civil government,
childhood and adolescence.
Saturday Forenoon Geometry, bot
any, school administration.
baturdav Afternoon General his
tory, bookkeeping, methods.
Who Introduced School Rallies in
Polk County.
common and high school purposes is
$57,000 and many of the school dis
tricts vote a special tax all of the
way from a tenth of a mill to 15 mills
to be used tor improvements and
maintaining their schools.
There are over 150 teachers employ
ed in the county during the year and
many of these are teachers who have
H. T. Graves, well-known and re
spected resident of Yamhill county,
passed to Ins hnal reward on Sunday ,
afternoon at his home near Sheridan.
Uncle Tip," as he was familiarly
known, leaves perhaps as many
friends to mourn his death as any
other man in this part of the valley.
He was an uncle of Carl Graves, for
mer treasurer of Polk county, and had
many other relatives in Polk and
Yamhill county. He was an early
settler near, the Yamhill-Polk county
line, and all ot the old timers were
numbered among his friends and as
sociates. His acquaintance in Dallas
was almost as extensive as in the Yam
hill county communities. "Uncle
Tip" is to be buried today at 11 o'
clock, with services from his home
near Sheridan. Mr. Graves was about
75 years old at the time of his death.
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., has been re
fitting his law offices in the National
bank building with a new set of books
to accommodate his law library. The
shelves extend to the ceiling on all
sides of the main office room. Mr.
Tooze has recently added several hun
dred books to his library.
J. C. Talbott of Falls City was a
visitor in the city on Tuesday.
Unmans QlUttr
, Craven)
leadership of the
J. Metzger, the
iad a successful
gently completed
e Knabe piano
s ago at a price
ely out of debt.
important work
he elub rendered
the county fair
iikets for chau
od, held a snc-
$20.50 to the
i. had charge of
i seals, managed
pnefit of the ii
onsible for the
n on the school
Iso a number of
r them a recep
chers' institute,
ainment for the
i community and
(fair for guests
nt made all im
:he library, in
of the drinking
ir, and contin
ae of the care
department al
)f tables in the
ience of picnic
benefit was H--s
of the music
idy of German
u Interesting
drama, the lit
J and discussed
lays, including
Jernard, Shaw j
Gawlsworthy and many others.
A number of pleasant social even
ings were enjoyed by the members of
the young women's department, who
were of great assistance to the or
ganization in furnishing music and
other entertainment for the general
The Woman's club has nearly one
hundred enthusiastic members, all f
whom are willing workers for the
good of the community and fully ap
preciate the kindness of the public
and press.
Library Building Woman's Clnb Headquarters.
Qfy . (L & 31
Permanent Club Exhibit Placed,
Secretary V. S. Loughary of the
Commercial club has arranged a very
attractive window display in the
club's office to display many of the
prize winning crops and products of
Polk county. The exhibit was taken
from the county's harvests that were
collected for the various fairs last
fall and their arrangement into a
permanent Commercial club display
is a feature that has not been tried
before. Grains and grasses, as well
as fruits and other farm, orchard and
factory products comprise the exhibit
as arranged by the secretary-
Monmouth Banker Honored.
i Ira C. Powell, president of the j
r rst aiionni bank or Monmouni.
was honored by a reception Thursday
by the Independent Order Oddfel
lows' ldffe there. Mr. Powell has
been an Oddfellow for 25 yean and
was presented with a jewel by the
members. Rev. K. K. Sickafoose
made the pieseiitation speech.
Sale Should Be Large to Aid Noble
If you use Red Cross Christmas
seals on your holiday letters and
packages tliey will do this for you :
Help in the nation-wide fight to
wipe out tuberculosis, a preventable
disease whose cost to the people of
the Lmted States is nearly equal to
the total taxes raised in duty and in
ternal revenue combined.
Help to cut down the present death
rate from tuberculosis, which is one
in every ten of the white race.
The seals only cost one cent each
and every cent that you spend for a
seal makes yon a crusader against tn
The seals act as messengers of
mercy by helping to care for the 1.
250.000 people in the United States
who are infected with tuberculosis.
500.000 of whom are bedridden.
Stop and realize that one-fourth of
all preventable deaths are due to tu
berculosis and that this disease can
not be stamped out unless you do
your part.
Boost Red Cross Christmas seals.
They are on sale at the drug stores
and Hayter's book store.
Officers Are Elected.
The Loral Women's Bible class of
the Christian church held their month
ly business meeting Friday at the
home of Mrs. B. V. Allen. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President, Mrs. W. W.
Dawson; vice-president, Mrs. J. E.
Bloom; secretary, Mrs. H. E. Hin
man; treasurer, Mrs. Ira Wess; teach
er, Mrs. A. N. Xewbill.
Vacation Starts Today.
Both the Oregon Normal whool and
the training school will e)o-t today
for the Christmas vacation and will
convene Monday, January 3.
Monmonth Election.
Monmouth's city election will be
held December 20 to eleet a mayor,
two eouneilmen, recorder, marshal
'and treasurer.
Attorney Holmes of MrMinnville
was transacting letral business in Dal
las on Wednesday.
The Dallas Woman's Christian
Temperance union, although unusual
ly active during the past 'twelve
month, has made little "noise" about
its efforts, but has accomplished what
it consideis as being excellent work
in all departments. The members are
earnest in their endeavors to banish
intoxicants from the land, and to that
end have exerted their influence at all
times and under all conditions. The
meetings of the year have been well
attended and from a financial stand
point the organization is in excellent
condition. Regular sessions are held
semi-monthly, on the second and
fourth Tuesdays of the month. The
organization at this time has some
thing over one hundred members, be-
! sides which there is a flourishing
young woman's department with a
goodly membership and a large at
tendance upon its meetings. Mrs.
A. S. Campbell is president, and dis
plays much interest in the work, thus
extending its influence for good
among the cold water advocates.
For the coming year the W. C. T.
U. has well defined plans for extend
ing the work of the various depart
ments, and that the future gives good
promise for the ladies of the white
ribbon goes without saying. The in
fluence exerted by this organization
has been felt quite largely throughout
the community life of Dallas, and
more especially among the young peo
ple, around whom it would throw a
better moral atmosphere.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Oscar Hayter, has been du
ly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County
of Polk, administrator of the estate
of Thaddeua Clark Shaffer, deceased,
and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby required to
present them, duly verified, with the
proper vouchers, within six months
from the date rf this notice, to the
said administrator jjrfn law offices
in the Dallas Citibank Building, in
said County of Polk.
Dated and first published, Novem
ber 23, 1915.
Administrator of the estate of Thad-
deus Clark Shaffer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed in the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Polk, her Final Account
as Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of John Ferguson, Deceas
ed, and that said Court haa fixed
Monday, January 3, 191(1, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the
time and the County Court Room in
the County fluirt House, in Dallas,
in Polk Counfr', Oregonn-the place
for hearing fciidJJiHflAccoant and
all bbjeetionsflereto.
Dated at Dallas. Oreenn. November
29. 1915. MARY FERGUSON,
Exeeirtrix of the Laat Will and Tes-.
tAient of John Ferguson, Deceased.
Tba Observer, a Twtc-a-Weck pa
per, coats no mora than a veekljr.
Y " """?