Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 14, 1915, Image 4

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Published Each Tuesday and Friday.
Office S17-6H Court Street
Telephone ' Maln 19
Subscription Rates.
One Tear
Six Months. . . ,
Three Months.
. .76
. .40
No subscription taken unless paid
for in advance. This li Imperative.
Entered as second-class matter in
the Posto'fflce at Dallas, Oregon.
The gold supply of this nation ha.
been largely increased tim ing me f'
ent year. In the first place there has
been a constant stream oi im
metal from the nations now engaged
at war, this gold representing partial
payments for .the vast quantity or
foodstuffs, munitions and other sup
plies taken from this country. Dur
: !, TOont month of October, for
instance-the last month for which
complete statistics are yet avanuuie
there was imported into this nation
gold to the extent of $80,000,000, a
e . n,,t far ovneetk anv previous
monthly record in the history of this
nation. The first ten mumu
present year also established a new
record in this respect, total gold im
ports amounting to $345,000,000, nearr
ly two and one-half times as much as
ever before was received during a like
period and seven times the average
imports for the past fifteen years.
Moreover, gold exports for the same
ten months this year were compara
tively 'trivial (less than $10,000,000).
And as gold production has been go
ing on at the rate of $0,000,000 a
month, the total gold stock of the
country has been increased close to
$300,000,000, with two months of the
calendar year yet to be accounted for.
With such an unusual flood of gold
to swell the supply already held in
this country, it is no wonder that na
tional prosperity is fast growing and
expanding, or that the banks are 'talk
ing of an over-supply and " too much
idle money." In fact, the plethora of
gold now held by the banks is appar
ently causing some'of them to con
ceal 'their assets to some extent, a fact
that becomes evident by a close analy
sis, a statement made by the New
York banks. During a recent week
not less than $18,2"0,00O in gold was
received in consignments from Eur
ope. Yet these statements showed an
apparent reduction of $11,"0.000 in
gold held by the big metropolitan
banks, a discrepancy explained by the
statement that evidently the bankers
are reluctant to make their gold show
ing too strong, fearing an adverse ef
fect on interest rates, and therefore
are finding ways to conceal the hoard
of yellow metal by crediting it to
special accounts and not reporting it
in their reserves.
But the gold is there, and the stock
is being steadily and largely increas
ed, and sooner or later it finds its
way into legitimate channels of trade,
industry and finance. Already bus
iness is commencing to feel the stim
ulating effect of this wonileiful sup
ply of gold, every dollar of which is
theoretically supposed to be good for
at least $." worth of additional credit
in regular business. In fui't the fi
nancial strength and stability of this
nation never before were placed on so
solid a basis, nor were future pros
pects ever more bright and promising.
It generally is bold that this nation
faces an era of great of uuprccedent-
ed prosperity, and with such a won
derful supply of gold, more coming
all the time, anil other conditions
equnlly favorable, one readily is in
clined to believe the most rosy predic
It is a matter of satisfaction to the
American people generally, and to the
people of the l'acific northwest partic
ularly, to know that the great San
Francisco exposition "more than paid
v " It is known there will be
a comfortable surplus perhaps al
most million dollars which is eef
tainly a record to be proud of, and
especially as most of the modern
world's fairs have had a different ex
perience. In fact, no world's fair
since the pioneer event of this kind
has turned out so fortunately in a fi
nancial way. The first world's fair
was held in London, in 1851, and al
though It eost less than a million dol
lars it took in $2,500,000 and left a
gurplM of $930,000.
So-called world's fairs grew swift
ly in sue and eost after that time,
until that of Paris, in 1878, eost the
French government alone $5,000,000,
although it was estimated to have
yielded $15,000,000 in increased dn
ik in a few years. Of course, all
the European fairs have had the ad
vantage of a lareer and denser pop
ulation to draw from. That of Paris
in 1880. costing $11,000,000, was seen
by 32,350.000 persons; that of St
xmis in 1W4 by only W.694.0OO.
though it cost all told $42,000,000. The
Centennial' in Philadelphia had 13,
000,000 visitors. Away on the Pacific
slope, San Francisco could hardly
hone in this respect to surpass w
European records.
Not a few of the world's tairs nave
been hit by genuine misfortune. For
instance, 'the fair which was held in
London in 1802 was spoiled by the
death of the prince consort. Cholera
wrecked that of Vienna in 1873; the
aftermath of panic cost Philadelphia
heavily, as the 1893 panic penalized
Chicago. For a time the Panama-Pacific
bade fair to be ruined by it he
war, but wiser counsels made it a
more strictly American affair and
turned it from a wreck into a tri
umph. Since the first world's fair, up to
that of this year, no enterprise of 'this
kind has commenced to pay for itself,
except indirectly by promoting trade.
Even a surplus of a million dollars, if
realized in the final accounting, will
not look very large against the near
ly am nno.ooo smhsprihed iii San Fran
cisco by the city, county and state
and by individuals, to say nothing oi
tlio nntrihntinn of- the federal ffovei'n-
ment. The total cost of construction
alone runs close to $20,000,000.
Those American statesmen who pro
fess to believe that there is no danger
of the dumping of cheap products in
this country after the close of the
European war would do well to pon
der upon a word of warning which
has been uttered by the London Morn
ing Post to the people of Great Brit
ain. At a time when the discussion
of domestic problems is discouraged
by the government, the Post feels im
pelled 'to say :
"Military victory is still far away;
but even military victory will not
save .this nation if it is won by others
and not by ourselves and if it is ac
companied by commercial defeat. We
understand that those German indus
tries which rely on the export trade
are at present time producing, not so
much for export, as for dumping af
ter the war. The state is at present
subsidizing these German industries
for the express purpose of accumulat
ing reserves which will be used for
deluging our markets with cheap
goods when the war is over. How are
we going to meet this menace?
"This country must have a nation
al protective tariff if it is to survive
the fierce commercial conflict which is
sure to follow this war. We may be
told that even to mention this sub
ject is what is called a 'breach of the
party truce.' If it has come to this,
that the party truce is to prevent this
country from adopting in time a poli
cy necessary to its salvation, then .the
party truce would be rather a source
of peril than of safety. But we pre
fer to believe that this war has rais
ed the question of imperial union and
trade protection out of the realm of
party politics and placed it among the
questions of national urgency, which
are to be settled without reference to
iniHnn comijanies that causes
interests' to ardently hope for
eiiAarlv venneninsr of the canal.
I "
,.; nnfnrsoen nccidents it is now
oo,vlort nrobable that canal tra
may be resumed in the course of
few weeks. But the government
,ti.iiwa anA Klunmns' interests
nf. ho onlisfied until the land sli
problem has been effectively sol'
thereby eliminating tne ciiance
further annoying delays like the
which occurred this year.
it is the best kind of an investment.
the for it will pay uanuso..
v in a very short time.
dies of the Mange., a. --
hold a bazaar and
"A word to friends" is the caption
of an article in the November issue
'a "Commoner." Its
firaf. sonitonce reads thus: "The r
suits of elections held ' in several
States November second indicate that
the republicans will be united in
1916." This solemn warning is roi
lowed bv an armeal for subscriptions
to tbo "Commoner." The rest of the
issue of the paper is' largely filled
with signed articles by Biyan and
others opposing the president's plan
for preparedness. Which leads us to
that a reading of the "Com
moner" indicates that the democrats
will be divided in 1916.
" hold a DiMiu .., , va
Je Ln the above date, at D. Uider s va
ed, L,t store-building on Main
of Many useful and attractive ar..
of fine workmanship will oe o . .,..,
and Christmas shoppers should not
fai o pay tins oa.uiu
j'et come also all who hunger for
choice home-made candies, and all who
appreciate sometmng um -- -dSlniry
in the way of a square me j
nnn lonn mum-iiv muk"'-
LIS or u m1"-' , -
re- served. Doors open at 11 a. m.
Sandwiches and Good "Evangelical
Coffee." ,r ,
Hot Wallles and Syrup, "Sum 1 urn!
; Pumpkin and Mince Pies sucn s
motner useu io iuuu.
Cake that will melt in your uioutb.
Nebraska republicans are a re
sourcefullotof politicians. Their prim
nrv Inwc nermit wide freedom of ac
tion, and to this is due the petition
to put Justice ttuglies' name on me
ballot. The justice has promptly or
dered his name withdrawn. But, noth
ing daunted, a group ot Nebraska pe
titioners are now trying to put Mayor
Thompson of Chicago on the ballot.
In, his home state, Mayor Ihompson
ia helieved to be for Senator Sher
man, and it would be indeed curious
if he should turn up in the convention
as Nebraska s "iavorite son.
A pretty little rural school teach
er in another county stepped into ,i
bank with an order for a month'!
wages. The banker handed her the
amount in paper money. Noticing net
lioeifnnnv in nir-kino- Hie monev un. he
apologized for giving her torn and
soiled bills and remarked that he had
forgotten that teachers were afraid of
germs. She replied that such was not
her thought at all, as she was certain
no germ could live on her salary.
The republican party will come back
into power in 1916 not because pout
cal leaders want it to win, but because
the rank and file of the American peo
ple are convinced that republican
principles and administration are best
for the industrial welfare and public
service of the country. It will be a
victory of the people and not a vic
tory of the leaders.
Some of the Dallas girls evidently
do not intend to allow the girls of
the effete east, or any other place,
to beat them in the matter of abbrev
iated skirts. But as it seems to lend
an extra charm to the local scenery,
no one is offering objections.
It is now conceded that the problem
of land slides at the Panama canal is
one that yet remaiaf to be solved. For
three months the cannl has been out
of commission, due to the last big land
liile which completely choked the
channel, and although they have suc
ceeded in working through this ob
struction, Colonel Goethals liesitate-i
to make a prediction as to when navi
gation through the cut may be resum
ed. This is because it is impossible
to calculate the permanency of the
work already finished. It is easy
enough for the engineers to accurate
ly estimate the time required to re
move a known quantity of earth from
the canal channel, but experience has
shown that further slides and shifting
of the soft earth may occur at any
tinia. so that a portion of the work
may have to be done all over.
Kecognizing the importance of this
problem the government has called in
to consultation a number of prominent
scientific exjierts, who are to make a
further investigation and study of
conditions along the canal and offer
suggestions for permanently correct
ing the trouble which has been exper
ienced through land slides. It is no
easy problem that these men will
tackle, but there is every reason to be
lieve they will find a remedy for the
difficulty under discussion. Problems
as great, or greater, have been faced
from the commencement of the canal
enterprise, and one by one they have
been mastered in a satisfactory man
ner. The problem of land slides will
no doubt be solved in a similar way,
and thereafter traffic through the ca
nal very likely will suffer no further
disturbance from this cause.
During the short time 4be canal was
in operation the convenience and ad
vantages of this new waterway be
came so clearly apparent that the tem
porary suspension of this route is felt
as a genuine hardship by ship owners
and shippers having occasion to use the
shorter route between the Atlantic
and the Pacific. Not only has it caus
ed irksome delay in the delivery of
pons urn menU. but it has put an addi
tional expense on shippers and trans-
Every man is the most truly pros
perous when he does his duty by the
community, in serving the common in
terest, creates all the wealth he can
legitimately, and spends it with the
business men near home who have
helped him to accumulate it.
With ihe approach of the holiday
season all of us should give more
thoughts to the wants of others, es
pecially to those whom we believe will
not have a real Christmas unless we
tender them some aid on that occa
The so-called "war tax" has failed
to come up to its anticipated revenue
by about, twenty per cent. Is it any
wonder, then, that Secretary Mc-
Adoo's recent and rosy estimates of
his new taxes are regarded skeptical
The democrats have selected St.
Louis for their national convention
next year. Perhaps they are afraid
the "show me" state mav backslide
unless something is done to prevent it
The convention will assemble in June
Don't forget the home dealer and,
above all things, don't forget the ad
vertiser who, through your home pa
per, is eoiirteous enough to invite vou
into his place of business to do your
Also, about this time of the year,
attendance at the Sunday schools
picks np amazingly, in evident antic
ipation of the celebration to come.
Astronomers have just discovered
that Saturn has another belt. Thev
fail to explain, however, just what
line of championship this last belt
When the average man makes his
wife an expensive present she always
thinks he mast be guilty of something.
Salem is making prtensii- nnn,r.
tions for its chicken show. It is safe
to say. however, that not all
"chickens" will be there.
Anybody can ct stock in the "San
a Clans company" these days. And
t,r:i. t olni,r terms. statllUT
mnni wanted and character and
value of farm, location, etc.
FEAK & Gn A i , t-onianu, ot.
Temporary address 102 Fourth St.
Go Home'
Commencing today and con
tinuing until Christmas eve.
This store will be open each
week-day evening for the ac
commodation of Christmas
shoppers. The purchasing
public is cordially invited to
call and inspect our bountiful
store of appropriate gifts.
Morris, The Jeweler
and Light Lunches
at all hours
OnlyLunch Room in Dallas
Finley's Lunch Room
Court Street, Next to Kozy Korner
Professional Cards
Dallas National Bank Buiulding
Dallas Oregon
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Of&ce, City Hall
Phone 791 or 542, Dallas, Oregon
610 Mill street, Dallas.
Only up-to-date set of abstracts of
Polk county. Posted every morning
from county records.
Rooms S and Citlow Building
Olive Smith-Bicknell
Teacher of
Studio 401 Court St.
Dallas National Bank Building
DallM Oregon
DaHaa City Bank Building.
. Orecoa
Attorneyi and Abstractors.
The only reliable set of Abstracts la
Polk County. Office on Court strew
- - - Orecoa
Office over Fuller Pharmacy.
Office hoars from I to 11 a. m.;
'to I p. m.
Carpenter and Contractor, Wall-pa-
perinf and Painting, Cement
and Brick Work.
512 Orchard At. Phone Wert Red S3
The holidays will soon be
here. The time of happiness
and cheor. Your friends will
be exjiectinp you to come
home. Ho will mother, fath
er, sister or brother.
Low Holiday Fares
Are available for the holi
days. On sale between all
Southern .Pacific stations in
Oresuii, December 17, 18, 22,
23, 24, 25, 31 and January 1.
R(il mil limit January 4. From
Oregon to California points
oti sule December 23, 24, 25,
30, 31, January 1st. Return
limit January 3rd.
Ask the local agent for fares, train servict i's
and other information, or write i yei
. , (sev
Southern Pacific I
' i H
John M. Scott, General Passenger, Agent, Portland, Ompck
" -WHS
"Everything is Done
Electrically Now"
" em.
' Al
"Yes, boy, in my day we had long lines of overhead i mil
with flapping belts right at our elbows. We had to witcjay.
or get hurt. There were lots of accidents. Then ti?n
time we wanted to change speed we had to throw a
belt. There were only three or four speeds at that, te I
"You can't realize how easy we have it here wit
G-E motors that will give you any speed you want k)ijfcj
turning a crank that can't go wrong." Ist 1
' G-E motors will help you avoid accidents ai; R.
crease production. Ask for
r I at
I w
. P
ir is
, fro
each year we pay thf
United States Govern:
ment an average of
500ooo i;
eld I
tax navmpnt-c rn o-nnrls Wltlhf
l j s-, jves
drawn from U. S. Bonded o
Warehouse at Ron FranClSCd an
This does nnt inrliirli- raY-navrnfl1'
from Distillery Bonded warehouses
Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania &
Maryland. '
Goods for export to foreign country,,
pay no tax. ' ,
we can give you greater value than TK "
ever received because we do a greater x t.
than any firm from whom you have biiby ?
hought i;
Crown Distilleries Compaq
P. O. BOX sooo ,
nv g
of I