f THE POLK COUNTY OBSERVER. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1915.' BASEBALL GLOVE. lh. Littls Third Baseman Vith tira Iron Fist. ' ' li-08 n buselmll teuin came &, III., to play our nine, ter In All Outdoors.' Tuey nselves the "Uneonquered ; Illinois" and plastered our big posters. . We made up i to give them a drubbing, 9 end of tbe game tne score Jord, 76; Clippers, 0. 4 was a little chap playing third who grabbed everything that near, him, and held it too. I -d that he wore a kind of glove, i the game was over I went to and asked what It was that he on his hand. Be told me that as a machinist and bad got hie badly hurt the week before, and owe! me the wound In his palm. aid a boys did not want him ay ' that game, but he got f iin sheet steel and made concave, but so that It did a touch the sore place. He n.ide a short glove to cover all and excepting the first Joints of ugers and doubled the leather in aim so that he "could slip the between. iked him If It hurt, and be said not and that he could take a hot nd bold It better with the glove without it That Is the whole I don't think that Spalding aiked to tbe little chap with the st, as tbe boys dubbed the third an, t it everybody in Rockford al t the mitt, and he may rot t 9 idea from him. Anyway, rat tu first glove that any ball tot wore. IZZM WIRE ROPE. Evary matioal Praoision Rules . Process In Ita Making. augh wire rope has been used as lanlcal appliance for almost 6,000 It 11 commonly regarded as a invention. During the many which have elapsed .since tbe cords of Its use wire rope from a crude to a highly devel- product. . and the purposes for It Is employed have Increased a ndfold. In no other branch of lerican steel Industry Is there so l demand for material of proved ty, for it might be safely sug that wire rope is bom to be . It is subjected to tremendous strains; it must withstand con endings, abrasion, corrosion and ullar internal stress produced by ME' rope as it is made today is the : of the metallurgist and the me- Every process, from tbe smelt- lie ores, the cold drawing of the nd the heat treatments It re- lown to the stranding or laying the - cable, is conducted with latlcal precision. ihemtat sees that only steel of per analysis is used; the electric ter insures uniformity of heat; nt in various testing machines develops the worth of the prod- ore it Is allowed to leave the rire rope Is used in the mine Bore than a mile in depth, and found on aeroplanes which sail or more above the ground. al World. Tv Norwegian Costume. at church in Norway that tbe I costume is best seen. In the e women wear short dark with fringed handkerchiefs ranlngly over their curly fair ck ones for the matrons and for maidens. In the south irweglan dress is often worn. s of a short dark petticoat Ipe of bright colors, a full e and a red bodice heavily . 1. while on Sundays a quan in r pins and chains arc add- h ddress varies according to isk d and tbe wearer's social i.' The girls wear jaunty red e married women a coif made folds of starched white linen. over a wooden frame, and a aars a high metal crown curl- used and set with Jewels. FAME OF CAPE COD. It Is Man Sided and Fairly Eclipses Poor Cape Ann. ' Cape Cod, aside from its shape, has a name to conjure with. What more appropriate? Cod Is the palladium of our liberties. We have made unto our selves a graven image thereof and have bung the same In our statehouse as a memorial forever. Our senior senator and the various congressmen from down Essex way never let the sacred flsh go out of their thoughts. maeea, cape Ann is Just as anxious over the cod as tbe other cape 1b and probably wishes It bad a similar chance at the name. The name of Cape Ann doesn't mean anything now, whatever It meant to tbe flattering colonists who first wished the then monarch's name on it ' ' , Cape Ann doesn't look like a human foot In fact It doesn't look like much of anything but Cape Ann. But Cape Cod, with its sands, its bars, Its long tongues and spits, is distinctive. . Peo ple try to swim to-It A certain kind of aristocracy is named for It Its people get Into books and then sue tbe publishers. The pilgrim fathers lafided on it and then bad the su preme good sense to get back to tbe boats and hunt up Plymouth, where there was at least a rock to set his toric feet upon, so that future gen erations mlgbt chip off bits of tbe same. Lowell Courier-Citizen. GOAT HAIRS The rank team assembled and coached by Dr. B. F. Butler carried away major honors at the annual meeting of the Knights of Pythias t week. The feature of . what was one of he order s most enthusias tic meetings in this city was this com petitive team work. One team lead by Dr. Butler and the other by Frank Bethel, each took a candidate through the Knight rank, the former piloting Maurice Dalton on his journey and Mr. Bethel a team taking fcteorge Gohrke. The judges of the contest were Glen 0. Holman, W,, P. Lewis and Mr. Layton. a visiting brother. The visiting judge, a Washington man, paid a fine compliment to Dr. Butler's team. At the annual roll call of Marmion lodge more than six ty brothers answered. There were. in addition to the members of Mar mion, a number of visitors from the several lodges in this part of the val ley. After the meeting Mr. Finley served a most appetizing light Junch eon. , . THE CELEBRATED BERG- MANN SHOE THE CITY IN BRIEF SQUINTING AT "THE STARS. It Helpa the Astronomer In Calculating Their Distancss. While lecturing recently to an audi ence or emmren ac tne itoyai institu tion, London, Professor H. H. Turner explained how astronomers measure tbe distances of the sun. moon and stars. The Importance of a squint was ex plained with tbe aid of a match and a cigar. Putting tbe cigar In his mouth and lighting tbe match, he told them it was by squinting that be Judged tbe distance at which to bold it Then, taking another cigar, which was about twelve inches In length, be explained how-in that case It was not The sterling rurniture company frames pictures. 64-tf. t or Fire and automobile Insurance see Chas. Gregory, city hall 32-tf Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist, City Bank building, Dallas. 73-F. The Sterling Furniture company frames pictures. 64-itf. Kemerober that boy or eirl with an Ansco camera for Xnias at Manoek 's Drug store. 81-lt ur. Kempei, uniropractor, 513 Cnurch Dr. stone's Heave Drops cures heaves. Price Jl, for sale by all drug gists. Adv. 79-tf. ,The Dallas Wood company is ready to furnish you with mill wood. Good loads and good service. All wood cash on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf. There is no better Xmas gift than Awarded Gold Medal P. P. I. E. Sah Francisco. 1915. The Strongest and nearest water-proof i shoes made. . , For Loggers, Cruisers, Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. Men's Comfort Dress Shoes Strong Shoes for Boys Manufactured by THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MANU FACTURING COMPANY 621 Thurman St. Portland, Oregon Ask for THE BERGMANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OIL Do You Know, Madam, That It Is True? O. A. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii FARMERS' AND HOME-MAKERS' WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES January 3 to 8, 1916 Irive Information, Practical Help for the Home me ram, ine community. Conventions of Oregon' Greatest Industries Conferences on Oregon's Most Vital Problems 18CTURE9 DEMONSTRATIONS- EXHIBITIONS ENTERTAINMENTS Two thousand people attended last year. It is a kecul piace to mase irienaa wun lire thinkers and live thoughts, good workers, and good work. necessary to squint so much, as the point of distance to be measured by the a Sheaffer self-filling fountain pen, eyes was runner away. ior sale only at Manoek 's lrag store, This was done to Illustrate the fact 81-lt mar, jusi as toe Drain calculates tne xne sterling J) urmture company uisiunces or inings seen Dy means or frames pictures. fi4jtf the angle of the Bquint so astronomers I Lessons in voice. K. Gertrude Ir tell the distance of the stars by reckon- win, 321 Washington street. Phone 1533. 79-tf. Hair switches made and sold. 709 Clay street. Call Thursday. Dec.7-31 Parisian Ivory toilet sets, military orusnes, manicure sets, cameras, fancy Box candy, pertume, safety razors. box stationery, all make splendid Amas girts. Manoek 's Drug store, 81-lt. lng tbe amount of "squint" Involved when looking at them. Two telescopes are placed apart at an exactly measured distance. Tbe astron omer then looks through tbe two tel escopes at the same time and. having got them to the angle at which be can see the particular star. Just reckons up the amount of "squint" and reels It off In millions of miles. Boston Herald. Not What They 8eamed. A marquise who was in residence for few days at a Parisian hotel discov ered that her pearl necklace, worth $15,000, bad disappeared from her room. Suspicion fell on a messenger boy, who admitted his guilt but de clared that tbe necklace ' bad been taken from htm by bis mother. The mother corroborated her son's state ment expressing astonishment that so much trouble should be made about trashy little trinket" which, she explained, looked so cheap and tawdry that she bad given it. to her daughter-in-law. This young woman, In her teens, displayed an equal contempt for the "bits of things.' She told the po lice that she bad given tbe necklace to ber little girl to wear, but she had removed about half tbe beads. All tbe missing pearls were found In a box mong buttons and books and eyes. 1 Cataclysmic Geology. psmlc geology no longer was once tbe accepted opinion great changes in the earth's lad been mainly brought about en and violent icataclysmlc) but Sir Charles Lyell, as for i&'SS, demolished the old theory yam at once and forever. Sir woved by facts which were ta le that tbe great geological have been produced slowly by processes of subsidence and and not by earthquakes, vol- lon. etc; Lyell may be said to tier of scientific geology. ined, but Never Written. literary works planned, but -itten, have been a "Life of by Stevenson: "History of 1 Ir Flanders." by Sir Rlcb : "life of Talleyrand," by y. -d "A History of Our r L. erature." by Isaac Dis- C rrefvntiatten. r btiFband an optimist!" replied the tired looking we 8 a a optimist in Doping for it a good deal of a pessimist s for It" Washington Star. L?nsj Sentence. ' f;iittone. when be eras r. WT made speech m. the oiiening sentence a i tied 17(1 words. The Lilies. Two tbousaud years ago it was sup posed that water lilies closed their flowers at night and retreated far un der water to emerge again at sunrise. This was Pliny's view, and it was not Impeached until the English botanist John Ray In HISS first doubted its ve racity. The great lily of Zanzibar, one of the grandest of the Illy family, opens Its flowers, ten Inches wide, between 11 in the morning and 5 in the after noon. They are of the richest royal blue, with from 150 to 200 golden sta mens In the center, and they remain open four or five days. It is not gener ally known that there are lilies that have nocturnal habits night bloomers as well as day bloomers. They are very punctual timekeepers, too, opening and closing with commendable regularity. Teachers' Examinations. ""' Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Polk coun ty, Oregon, will hold the resrular ex amination of applicants for state cer tificates at Dallas, as follows: Lommencins Wednesdav. December 0, j.ai.0, at a o'clock a. m.. and con tinuing until Saturday, December 18, 1915, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon Writing, U. S. historv. , Wednesday ', Afternoon Reading, pnysioiogy, composition, methods in reading, methods in arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, uistory 01 eaucation, psychology, meinous in geography. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, geography, American literature, phy sics, methods in language, thesis for (jwuiaiy ceruncaie, science or educa tion. Friday Forenoon Theory and Drac- tice. orthography, physical geography, English literature, chemistrv. hiatnrv of education. Friday Afternoon School law. m- ology, algebra, civil government. childhood and adolescence. Saturday Forenoon Geometrv. bot any, school administration. Saturday Afternoon General iis- tory, bookkeeping, methods. H. C. SEYMOUR, County School Superintendent. WINTER SHORT COURSE January 10 to February 4, 1916 A Practical Agricultural Course In a Nut Shell. Appuea science in Actual work ot f the Farm and Household. Courses in FRUIT RAISING, FARM CROPS, 30ILS, STOCK RAISING, DAIRY WORK, POULTRY RAISING, GARDENING, COOK ING, SEWING. HOUSEHOLD ARTS, HOME NURSING, BUSINESS METHODS, ROAD BUILDING. FARM ENGINEERING, RURAL ORGANIZATIONS, MARKETING. Correspondence Courses Without Tuition. expert instruction in Music. Reduced railroad rates. For program write to The College Exchange. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvaliil, lw-12-l to 1-1) A WASH TUB PLUS A WASHBOARD MAKES FOB. WRIN KLES AND WEARINESS. ANTYOU NEED NEITHER WASH TUB NOR WASHBOARD IN YOUR HOME. ;) . ;j ,- THEY HAVE OUTLIVED THEIR USEFULNESS. THE TIME IS HERE WHEN WOMEN SHOULD CEASE DO ING WORK WHICH NO HUSBAND OR FATHER WOULD DO. . i ' BREAK AWAY FROM THE CUSTOMS AND WAYS OF YOUR GRANDMOTHER AND SEND ALL THE CLOTHES TO THELAUNDRY. . , , j ; ,, .,, OUR RATE FOR FAMILY WASH IS SO LOW YOU CAN'T AF FORD TO DO THE WORK YOURSELF. 5 CENTS A POUND FOR SALE OR TRADE Poor Loser. "Good morning. Dodswalte," said the first commuter after be bad settled himself in a seat and partly regained bis breath. "Morning. Gadson," said tbe second commuter somewhat shortly. 'Yon don't seem pleased to see me." 'I should say not When I saw yon running just now 1 made a bet with tbe gentleman on my left that you wouldn't catch this train. Drat the luck! I've lost $5. Boston Herald. Hia Standard. Purchaser ibringlng back bis pur chase! This dog is tbe most ferocious beast I ever came across, and yon said be was as gentle as a woman Dealer in Canutes That's straight. My wife's tbe only woman I know anything about Chicago Herald. is so accident of fortune characterise tbe great Not Used to It Alyce I'm learning to palnt on chl- S Cm VP I klll'f v.in firvl it hflrtl rn become accustomed to socb a bard sur face? inainnnriolia star. Prosperity tries tne heart with keen er temptations, for hardship may be endured, whereas we are spoiled by success. Tacitna. HEN in need of Athletic Sup plies, Flash lights and Batteries, Pock et Cutlery, Bicycles, Mo torcycles, Sundries, Blast ing Powder, Gun Repair ing, Umbrella Repairing, Bicycle and Motorcycle Re- dairing, or in fact any light Mechanical Repairing, call on L. B. HIXSON Jr., PHONE 1072. 315 MAIN ST. WELL IMPROVED 20 ACRES, 2 MILES FROM COTTAGE GROVE. LEVEL ROAD TO TOWN, FINE SPRINO WATER PIPED INTO HOUSE, CAN BE PIPED INTO BARN; 3 ACRES BEARING ITAL IAN PRUNES, FAMILY ORCHARD IN BEARING. WILL SELL, TRADE FOR RESIDENCE, OR LAND CLOS ER TO WHERE I LIVE. H. G. CAMPBELL DALLAS, ORE. FAMILY WASHING DONE "ROUGH DRY." WITH ALL FLAT PIECES, SUCH AS TABLE AND BED LINEN IRONED WE ALSO HAVE A FLAT WORK PRICE OF 12 PIECES FOR 25 CENTS FOR THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO SEND TABLE AND BED LINEN ONLY. THIS GIVES YOU AN OP PORTUNITY TO GET YOUR LINEN IRONED EACH WEEK AT A VERY SMALL COST. ' WE TURN, OUT THE FINEST SHIRT AND COLLAR WORK IN THE COUNTY. TRY US Dallas .'Steam: Laundry . PHONE 1053 $QQQ4$$$-iW-$$tttttt LUMBER V, II sartaiaa. fiFFir.T. When We Hand You Our Estimates of the cost of the lumber you requirt you can depend upon, it that the fig ures will be as low as first-class, well seasoned lumber can be sold for hon estly. If yon pay mora yon pay too much. If yon pay less yon get less either in quality or quantity: WiUamette Valley Lumber Co. Send It By Parcel Post Send us your laundry by parcel post j The rn.al carrier la now authorised to : transact this business. It coats but a j rew cents. Well return ft promptly DALLAS STEAM LAUNDRY. FOR LIVESTOCK DR. KORINECK'S REMEDIES ARE THE BEST HEALING AGENTS KNOWN FOR DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY Dr. Korineck's Tonics MAKE BETTER LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BY THE FULLER PHARMACY MAIN STREET, CORNER KILL -TIIE-- Dallas Grocery Co. Successor to Simoniton & Seott. Asks a Continuation of the Old Firm's Business. We are out after new bus iness. Give us a trial. We give H?C Green Trad ing Stamps. Our Prices Are Right ONE CENT A WORD. EACH IN SERTION, WILL REACH 6000 OB SERVER READERS EVERY WEEK. GUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY FOR THE SWISS FLORAL COMPANY OF PORTLAND AND AM PREPARED TO FURNISH ALL KINDS OF FLORAL DESIGNS ON SHORT NOTICE. FOR DESCRIPTION AND PRICES CALL AT THE DEPOT STORE. CHOICE ROSES OR OTHER FLOWERS AND SHRUB BERY FURNISHED. ATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. C. RICKLI - Phone 744 GOMPLETE Li I F HAY See our large stock sad yon win appreciate it Pries, are right. W. hare an extensive assortnMnt of Xmas toys, and a Large stock of holiday candies. Pleas, call and b. convinced. Our motto is a square deal to alL ; ' ' I VOTH VARIETY STORE, Phone 902 !