mmtt VOL. 27 (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLK COUNTY? OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 78 it 4,: i;5- if: I ft SALES DAY A SUCCESS MANY ARTICLES SOLD FROM BLOCK OR "SWAPPED." Management of Event Satisfied With , Outcome of Undertaking Next ' Sale December 18. More than a hundred farmers from outside the city attended the second monthly market day, held in this city on Saturday afternoon, and from the interest they displayed in the auction sale and the transfer of many farm necessities it is evident that the first sales day under the auspices of. the Commercial club presages very suc cessful ones to roiiow. , me attend ance was not as large, perhaps, as it would have been had good weather prevailed, but those who did attend will greatly help to make the day a teuccetes in the future. Walter u. Tooze, Jr., started the auctioneering, . and was relieved, after he had sue- cesBfully consummated several sales " by Mr. Phillip, whose efforts went toward disposing of everything from cider presses to diao harrows and livestock. The Burk feed barn, where the sale was held, presented a lively ap pearance about the time the band concluded its concert in the early af ternoon. The list or articles that had previously been prepared was greatly increased by wares that came in at the last minute, and there was such a variety as would please most any buyer. , Many of the attendants came in, according to their own word, "just to see how things were go ing," and these are the people who will be' an important part of the gathering at the next sales day. The prices at which many useful articles changed hands were almost ridicuous ly low, and when that information be comes widelv known there will be , another feature to the sales day that should attract additional visitors. Many Dallas people were interested spectators at the sales and not a few of them took part in the bidding. . F, E.. Davis, chairman of the sales day committee and sponsor for the venture, says: "lor the lirst gener- al market day I consider this one a marked success. We cannot expect . an unlimited attendance to begin ""with, but I feel sure that the inter- L est already manifested will grow, un til by next month the sales day will prove itself a valuable addition to community activity. , By reason of the fact that Christ mas this year falls on the last Satur day of the month, the next Sales day will be held on December 18. One expression of appreciation of the market day heard on Saturday was that of a well-known farmer. . "As-long as any trade center helps me to find a market for the crops of ' my land, or the products of my labors, ' just so long will I continue to re ' timi to that trade center the money that I derive from the sale of these things. ' When the community fails to ttsist me toward prosperity there is So longer any obligation or necessity for me to patronize the merchants of 'hat community and I will search for mittkets more advantageous to me." dinner as a guest of Sheriff Orr. Cor nell was arrested some time ago for issuing checks on his brother's bank, where he had no funds. At first the brother insisted on prosecution, but has relented and said be would send a cash bail so that Cornell could take the holiday dinner in freedom. Instead of sending the cash he said he would sign the bail bond. Sheriff Another Tale Charges That Domestic TWO STORIES AFLOAMARD ATTITUDE TOLD HILLMAN KILLING ATTRIBUT- .. ED TO WHISKEY. Orr mailed the bond to Southern Ore gon for signature, but it did not re turn in time to, release the prisoner lor Thanksgiving. Mrs. vornell came over from Salem on Friday evening and returned with" her Jiusband to . that city. Tronbles Arose Over Presence of Son By Former Marriage. REORGANIZATION IS EFFECTED. Circumstantial evidence surround ing the dreadful tragedy near Bethel on Thanksgiving day, when the lives of both Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hill- man.wre snuffed out, attributes the Parents and. Teacher of Spring Val- cause of the double killing to the ', ley Join in Forward Movement. spilling or a bottle or whiskey rjeiong The defunct Parent-Teacher assd-1 ing to the husband, following family ciation at. Spring Valley has been re- spats which covered a ' considerable organized with R. C. Shepard presi- period of time. Another and less im- dent and Frank Crawford,' secretary- probable story .is the interference in treasurer, Mrs. C. ' A. "Taylor, Miss their : domestic affairs of a former Elsie Tavlor and Mrs. Wavne U. Hen- wire or nmman. - it, nas aeveiopeu ry were appointed to make use of the that when Hillinan and his guests.' funds now on hand, in nurehasinff J. 0: Hillman and Ralph Marvin of books, pictures and perhaps an or- Amity, went out. to tbe garage after sran. Mrs. Harrv Crawford. Miss El- dinner, Hillman found a bottle of sie Tavlor and Frank Crawford were whiskey, which he. had left in his au- appointed on the program committee, tomobile; broken upon the floor. Sus It was decided that the society have pecting his wife of having broken the a paper, with K. C. Shepard, editor, bottle he went into a rage ana ran and Mrs. Will Crawford, assistant, into the house. Marvin and the brotb The next meeting will be held on ral- er did not follow, bnt started toward lv dav. December 2. Countv Siroerin- the barn. Before they reached the tendent H. C. Seymour, Supervisor structure they heard the fatal shots. Parsons and another speaker, not yet Hillman had run uip the stairs to! decided on, will be present and a good his wife's room, where she Was dress program has been prepared. A bas- ing. He seized a .25-.35 Savage rifle ket dinner will be served on this oc- which was in the roim and attempted casion, and all are requested to con- to shoot the woman. The oldest vey a well-filled basket to the scene daughter, Mildred, aged 17, who was of action on this occasion. in her room at the other end of the hall, it is said,, heard the angry BIG PUMP BEING INSTALLED, threats of her father and ran out and attemDted to wrest the gun from him. Important Concerns Will Prepare for jn the scuffle the weapon was dis- Fire Hazard. charged, the bullet passing through The Oregon Power company and the floor, it lodged in the floor of ADJUTANT GENERAL OPPOSES , . USE IN LABOR DISPUTES. coming from South Africa 'to Cnli lornia, the native state of the visit or. since which time it has crossed the Atlantic twelve times. Mrs. Nic olas, who was born in California of American parents, married an Eng lishman. She has two sons, lieuten ants, serving with the British troops in ITpaniui anil n Tmir Pacific Defense League Asks for Loate Hewitt, who is commander of ; Opinions and Legislation Spec ' ifying Duties May Result. the British warship Isis, . doing pa trol duty in Bermudtan waters. WOULD TJY CITY PLANT "The Oregon National Guard is ,. T - T viUt tt.. positively opposed to being called in- 1 aJnJLltU Much i sidewalki'improvement will be .undertaken in- Dallas within the SIX BOTS ARE SENTENCED. Will gem Jail Sentence for Disturb- 'VingCjrnrchSenrice. It toofkthn 'entire Wernoon on Saturdaji in the justice court -to, con vict six Jroung men of the offense of disturbing religious meeting on the previous Siliday, at the school house at Hopville. "he trial started short ly after one o'iWock and it was very nearly six when the jury returned a verdict of guiltj. Justice Holman sentenced the six1 offenders to thirty days in jail, or the alternative of paying a fine of $20 and costs, which not more than one of them will be able to do. Those incarcerated are William Wilson, Harold Gano, Charles Seymour, John Taylor, William Cas sidy and Andrew Mode. These boya have been repeated offenders at the school house religious meetings, and have been warned on other occasions by the district attorney, to stop their Sunday disturbances. An extra sup- ply of smartness was displayed at the meeting a week ago, and the boys were arrested. They asked for a jury trial, and presented many wit nesses at that time whose testimony contradicted that of the plaintiffs. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., assisted Dis- trict Attorney Sibley in the Droseeu- tion and Oscar Hayter and E. K. Piasecki appeared for the defense. Applies For Naturalization. James Henry Thurston of Suver has entered application for final cer tificate of citizenship with County ( lerr Kotanaon. Mr. ihurston is o Canadian birth and came to the Uni ted States, entering this country at Port Huron. Mich., in 1909. . The ap proximate date for final hearing in the matter has been set for April 10 1916. the Willamette Valley Lumber com- f ne hall below, where the mark was pany are co-operating in the installa- not found until after the body of the tion of a tandem compound pump for man had been removed. ' ' fire protection about the two plants. Mrs. Hillman in the ineantime rah A large pump, with a capacity of down stairs and the infuriated man, 12,000 gallons of water a minute, will breaking awav from the girl's grasp, be set directly between the electric fired one shot at the fleeing woman power plant and the lumber mill and fmm the stairwav and missed. She will, in case of fire, pump water from rftu ;nt0 the "den" to the right of the mill pond. The lumber company the hall and Hillman fired again from and the power company are building the hallway at the foot of the stains, water lines about their plants and fi, hnllet nassing through the wo- will be perfectly equipped to care for man'g right arm, as it was thrown any fire hazard that may present it- protectingly across her face, passing seu, into her brain above me .rient, eye. ci, ,lierl inntantlv.f AoDarentlv .with. High School Play. I t. mm-inn- a sten. Hillman then turn- On Friday evening the Perrydale ,a the mm against his own temple uramanc cmo win stage, unner me an(j fired the last shell. The top or auspices of the Dallas high school, a nja head was blown away. play entitled "The Fenton Ghost,'' The storv connecting the former or -xier iwin, ac me nign scnooi wife 0f Hillman With tbe anair comes assembly room. This play was writ' tmm Seattle, the home of the Hill ten by Mrs. J. P. Caldwell of Perry mana prior to their coming to Polk dale, and is pronounced by all who mmtv. ' According to Mrs. Hillman nave neara n a most ciever ana up-to- No. 1, the presence or Hillman s son date production. Music will be fur- by his former wife in the home is re rushed by Perrydale's nine-piece or- gponsibleor the tragedy. The dis chestra and special numbers will be patch says: "A fellow passenger who rendered between acts. The cast of ,, with the first Mrs. Hillman from characters follows: Mr. renton, iay rjanver to Portland brought to Se- Morrison; Mrs. Fenton, Winnie Row- .hIo today the story told by her. Mrs. land; Ava Fenton, Clara Letteken; Hillman. according to her story, was Howard Fenton (his twin brother), divorced from Hillman in Chicago ban Morrison; reggy Marsh, riazei three years ago, and was given the Rowland; Frank Dewar, Ross Jen- custody of their three children, two nings; Anna (maid at the Fenton 's), piria and bov. A few months ago Otella Friar. Mrs. Hillman wrote to her former hnohnn vahn hfiii vfivnurrw.n Ann come Prisoners May Have Feed. .f !,:, i,;m if h. wmilM not tflke d:iim Tit i. e Al I ' " . . mu uiuira, cuaJiunou kjx. iuc fL. k nnj nro fnr him. Hi man Knights of Pythias committee to look as8ented and the child was sent to its arter the unrortunates at l .nnstmai father in Amitv. That the boy prov- time, has requested bhenff Orr to ed a fly in the domestic ointment of permit tbe prisoners to take dinner ,1.. Hillmon hmieehoM and led to at the Gail hotel on Christmas day, nuarreis wi,ich culminated in the dou- ""'6" hie tragedy is Mrs. nillman's oenei. which have joined in extending chan- wMrs Hillman is on her way to ty to the needy at the Yuletide seas- Amity to take ch(ir?e 0 the body of win ue aequieHirea 111, a aepuiy the shentt s omce to accompany rrrel There's a Differel prisoners. Mr8, Gajt gat in a daisftfe and u' to service to intercede in any sort of rnbor disputes." So said George A. gon National Guard, in answering a t year s a result of action taken communication -received from the of- ft the meeting of the city . council cials of the Pacific Defense league, a ' JiL Ti. f- ' rPi o i.:i.. :...j.r!r gested that if enough property own- hoU in Rm f Tt fll. ers desired to build sidewalk it eould sire of the offlcersif ' the defense Ranged tobnng them within the league to determine what stand the P"81??8 'the 'bonding act; hat National Guard of this state would t would. W to emp!?r thf' ""i1.0 tlro ,,nnn h. nMH fK 1 in. OOnSHTlCHOn- oi. sioewaiKS,. i 1U! emphatic'statement of ' Adjutant-Gen-1 8?,8'io" was adopted, by. -the coun- eral White is the answer to the query. " S"Q ? property-owners: who, The Pacific Defense leamm en- for .fln.anolsl or ther reasons, have deavored to gain positive expressions not uilt necessary cement sidewalks from all the state military organiza- ?,Bn. "ease tneir - worry ana sigrury tion- ' . their intention to the city auditor and A;t.tnoi Ttn,. .:j h..- the walks will be built, with the prop- mo men in the service of the Oregon fH owners oniing under the bond National Guard enlisted with a view ln f- A" t1?086 ??1S ,to'ake to doing federal defense work purely. a?van ot thl8 act ,m, the building and the sentiment among the officers 0f,f "K! are 1uesla Dy lnco,un" and the members of the guard is op- ciH to leave th4fr 5amesua"? he posed to taking anv part in labor dis- am("t o Jk they de8ire bullt putes. The Pacific Defense league the fcity auditor as soon as possible, will endeavor to discover if there will Councilman Knight reported on the not be some means of gaining legis- PP8e" installation or. new stree lative action wherebv the National llghts.', 8even in numtar, - which will Guards of the countrv will have as ?08I tne "" a a"ditionai an their sole dutv national dfifnfl Th ?ually for maintenance. Manager San Francisco Labor council has in, Martin of the Oregon Powef company dorsed the state militia, and it is ex- attenaea tne meeting to mscuss mat nected that further cnnerntmn h.. ters of street lighting with the COun- f.i,. oj ti,. Li cil. All. bills were allowed last even- izations will be effected through the' inclu.dinS that coyering rental i a i w i tow r in inrv nnmn vninn nan rMin detense eague. ZtLi ti 'An Interesting Address. ' authorizing the support of the Dallas ,. ,. . oana, ana two aumorizing ine issu- Mrs. George Gerlingcr of this city f hnn fnr th tiW inmmvA. iQucuiiv uciivvicu UU lIllUruailUK- Ml- nwnt wnrir hoi haa hun in tK dress before the students of the Nor- city during the past year, were read rnal school, taking for her theme, for the first time. . twenty-five dol .u.11;? Z, H5her Ed?tion-" Of iars were allowed to-Mr. Bickard for the talk Tbe Monmouth Herald says : damages to his autbmobile when he wjiuuper, ueyona a aount., ran into an unguarded excavation on RURAL SCHOOL SYSTEM ail IS ATTRACTING ATTENTION OF OTHER STATES' EDUCATORS. Rural School Exhibit at Panama Ex position Has Been Studied by , World's Teachers, - 'Mrs. th fimt half of the Armvsind Naw Preparing for Polk's Exhibit. fWrmll nm. before moving to cov- Mrs. Winnie Braden went to Salem Saturday last, and the fact is this morning to decorate tables for heralded to the world. But there was the r"olk county exhibit at the Corn nothing extraordinary about it. a snow, ana urges toe larmers or mis org. Starbuck and Staats, Tracj bailiwick to get their samples to her Staats, Al Snyder and fifteen him- there by noon tomorrow. The show will be held on State street, between Commercial and Front. Attractive cash prizes are offered for various varieties of corn. Cornel Takes Dinner In Jail A miscarriage in the intentions of his brother made it necessary for S. H. Cornell to enjoy his Thanksgiving Big Guard Visits Dallas. - Will Snyder, the big 195-pound guard of the Oregon University foot ball squad, was in Dallas several hoars Saturday visiting and friends, while on his way to Eu gene after the Oregon-Multnomah Thanksgiving game. Will has been picked as a guard on an all star northwestern eleven by Varnell of Spokane. Court Meets Tomorrow. The county court will meet in reg ular monthly session tomorrow, at which time the annual, budget will receive attention- from the commis sioners. Other important business will also come before the governing body. Divorce Decree Granted. N. Norton was on Saturday grant ed a divorce from his wife, Nellie Norton, the complainant charging abusive treatment The wife did not appear. Tbe parties reside at Monmouth. dred bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked maids, matrons and widows sat through the Oregon-Aggie game in a steady down pour and not a word was said about it. Perhaps the difference is that none of the Oregonians are going to marry . the president and were not afraid of taking cold. Plant Open to Public. The Oregon Power company, whose plant in this city is one of the most complete on this coast, will keep open-house at its generating statiop throughout electrical prosperity week. From an educational standpoint an inspection of the plant cannot fail to be of value. Expert guides will ac company visitors through station. Degree Team Here Tonight. A degree team from Salem will visit the Dallas Woodmen of the World camp tonight and exemplify, the work before a large attendance from the local membership. showed not several but many reasons TJglow avenue late last summer. Upon wny college training benefits; she de- suggestion of the mayor the purchase clared herself first for the schools and 0f 300 feet of hose for street clean colleges of Oregon; and showed in nur ., . ...thnrizsn1 hv. rh tnerous instances the definite contrib- Uonncil, and the auditor will take up -wuira mifur .irmiuug the item of trucks for this hose and rosters. .verye-ne felt a new desiroUert at a jater, mwtn(, , This ao- 10 continue study and work in order t; m.n th.f iu. urf--in to achieve these splendid things. Mrs, k flehAri f-m , hvtrant. na-r . mraesuos up-- year, and thereby rendered more clean or Y,uum niuueiua ua lacuuy mm- than is at present possible. Heard with mnnh nlAnanrA ." -. a 1 .1.-1. ; j 1. a prtijjusai timi, reiwiveu uiucu at tention last evening, being finally re- B-auwo MAtuitiij imtrnvv tiaLHHl ferred to -the street committee, was ,. ' "" " t - that of tbe Oregon-Portland Cement jjumoOT riii iumomj, ana noon company through its local engineer, 8. .: j.uiu an jusimo. . - m. Taylor. The company would tur- At a recent meeting of the West nish rock to the city, in all of three Coast Lumber Manufacturers' asso-1 sizes, F. O. B. cars, Dallas, at $1.05 ciation it was clearly shown that the a cubic ' yard. This is considerably lumber industry is rapidly improving, less than tbe same rock costs at pres- and that better times are' assured, ent, but the company has an inter- i acts brought out at the meeting in- esting attachment to - its proposal eluded: That drop siding has ad- This price is contingent upon its abil- vanced $5 within the last few weeks, ity .to purchase at half the original and orders have even been turne enst price, the city 'a rock crusher and down at that figure, which is within all equipment. ' The idea interests the 50 cents of the 1912 price; stocks on I council, but no action can be taken hand at ns mills reporting for thisruntil tbe street committee reports year, iyi4 and laii, show decreases back- over last year at November 1 at from of) to 50 per cent in nearly every f Monmonth Defeats Dallas, 1ZFZ la, ZVT" . Two fast and exciting games of has- .w Ketbgj! were p!aed at Monmouth tical grain flooring, 1 by 4 inch, have V-j. ii. .ti. r , increased until they are now aboHt Li,i ,..: t- i, lS, ii ;k tun. iqii -j . 8chot1 jrymnasium. In the game be- : , """"" tween Dallas high school second team lusiaui-co nueau. -A f .,,v, lji, .i,i .j team the home boys were victors over score of 12 to 15. kk. nll. M,tw;af JUiVi. ,n me secona game Between miens uvuuuiuh v,u i v. i n - it' ,. l : i i i a i j n ,r u- I vum uiu hvuuui u rut ueaiu mm mun-v- lue V L u i a i i JHUUOVOI DOUUI AMslDm. I , . -At the first quarterly confetffc of i" " . ,BUU V , tt Vj . . . . ..' mouth high school first team the home Qe0I? Bennett was volimtanlj . " . ... . . ,m . raised $200 per year as an apprecia tion of the excellent work he is ac complishing in this parish. Presid ing Elder T. B. Ford, after having listened to the various reports, stated that the Dallas church had shown boys showed the value of team work and long practice by defeating the visitors 35 to 5. Republicans May Meet Soon. D. M. Hampton, chairman of Co'in- tr D.iuiiitiiM n i -m,:t :u remarkable progress during Mr. Ben-1 n.ii.. .p.';ii. nett's pastorate, and I that the present locaj repubiiean, nmve to holding report was the best within his dis trict for the quarter. Births and Deaths. The report of the state board of health for the year ending December .-II, 1914, has just been issued. It gives the number of births in Polk county for the twelvemonth at 130 males and 12s females, while there were 113 deaths. Seven deaths were caused by cancer, one by diphtheria, five by tuberculosis. Mill Closes for Repairs. For tbe first time in a year the large sawmill plant of the Willamette Valley Lumber company, closed for a Tew days for repairs. Probably no sawmill plant in tbe state bas a bet ter record for continuous operation than the "old reliable." Will Aid Armenians. Tbe woman 's board of missions of the Monmouth Christian church will give an entertainment December 3. The proceeds will go to the persecute la gift for Mrs. Johnson. ed Armenians in Turkey. Parrot Travels Far. .Mrs. T. T. Nicolas of Devonshire, England, who is a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Wynne Johnson, brought with her a much traveled parrot as The bird 'bss traveled about 35,000 miles, first a meeting of the committee during the present month, the purpose of which is to outline a plan of action for the approaching campaign. It is probable that Saturday, December 18, will be selected as the date, that being tbe next regular monthly sales day, the last Saturday of the month being Lhnstmas day. Make a Bit Drive. The Spaulding Logging company has just finished making a run of two million feet of logs from tbe Upper Luckiamute to the month of that stream near Boena Vista, from which point they will be towed to Salem by tbe steamers City of Eugene and Grey Eagle. Another crew of men is en- gsged in making another drive down the same stream. High to Give Play. The students of the junior and sen ior classes of tbe Monmouth high school will present a play, "The Freshman," ea Deeember 2. The proceeds are to ge as a payment oa the new piano that tbe students pur chased last year. (By J. A. Churchill) That the people living m the rural districts of Oregon care more for their schools, are working harder to give their boys and girls a practical education; and have made a greater advance than any other state, is clear ly proved by tbe reception which , has been given the rural school, exhibit at the Panama-Pacific i International exposition..-. . .. s- ,.:; At the request of the National Bur eau of Education, the Oreg State Department or. Education prepared for the educational Dalace an exhibit showing the strongest features pit Ae rural schools of Oregon; namely, the standard plan, ; the Boys ' and Girl 's Club -Work and the Playground move ment. As the rules of the Education al building would not permit chil-. dren's work to be exhibited, the sys tem was shown by means of charts r and photographs. -Inje official bul letin of the Bureau ofTfitucation, they are mentioned as "unusually attrac tive colored views, illustrating rural school work. " More than 2,000 of the leading ed ucators representing all the states,""-, and many foreign countries have - J made a caretul study of the Uregon ' exhibit with the purpose of adopting some part of it. Three counties of California have adopted our standard school plan absolutely, and through the local press of their counties, the educational leaders have given Ore gon credit for helping them. W. E. Cole, chairman of the Educational Committee of the Farm Bureau for Napa county, California, in a letter of appreciation, says after telling of a meeting of their county education al officials, ','A standard school was adopted after tbe Oregon plan. . , We have kept the local press informed of our work. No doubt every county in California having a farm adviser will very shortly follow our lead."- At the anual teachers' institute of Monterey county,, the county , superintendent, George . Schultzburg, brought ,the teachers to the Oregon exhibit, and in speaking to them said: , "I want all of you teachers to see what won derful work Oregon is doing in ,her rural schools. Their standard school plan is just what we need- in our . county. ' ' The -teachers at once voted to adopt the Oregon , plan,- and the Oregon standard card is now in every rural school, in Monterey county. Superintendent Harriett S. Lee of Yolo county, writes: "I am now working to make your standard school plan to nt xolo county, and I wish to thank you for the many excellent pamphlets and cards I have received through the medium of your delight ful reperesentative at the Panama Pacific Exposition." . Of the club work, it is conceded that no other state bas the work so well organized. ,The local and county school fairs with the club winners' work shown at the state fair, making a logical culmination of the year's work, the organizing and directing of the wdrk by the state school superin tendent with the expert bulletins pre pared by the State Agricultural col lege for the children, telling them how to select seed and to do their work, are features which are raising the club work of Oregon boys and girls to a high stsndard. The judges at tho State fair this year declared that the corn exhibited by the fooys was fully one hundred per cent better than last year, while the vegetables and otlief products were a much biglier grade than ever before. Hundreds of requests have coma from all parts of the United States for the Recreation manual, issued oy the State Department of Education, and every playground expert pro nounces it to be the best one publish ed. Every teacher in Oregon is fur nished with a copy of this manual and the attention given this problem in Oregon during the psst two years is developing a happier, healthier lot of school children. Commissioners from a number of the foreign countries have sent their secretaries to tbe Oregon educational exhibit with instructions to copy ev ery chart shown in order that they may have the material for a special report to their countries on rural schools. What tbe county and eity superin tendent of other states say of - cur work is well summarized by G. E. Wolfing, superintendent of vocation al education, Gary, Indiana, who said: "In Oregon, through your stan dard for rural schools, your Bovs' and Girls' Industrial clubs and your play grounds, yon are doing a work equil to that which the federal government is doing for the schools in the Phil ippine Islands, and this work is at tracting the attention of educators in all parts of tbe world." H. W. Wayne of Corrallis spent Sunday in Dallas.