Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 26, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. 27
NO. 77
Bey. George H. Bennett Delivers
Forceful Sermon Before Large
Congregation at Church.
Unstinted praises for ithe mercies
of the past twelvemonth were sung
in Dallas last evening, when
members of the various protestant de
nominations of the city assembled at
the Evangelical church to appropri
ately observe the annual day of
thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, the great-
est of American least days, is usual
ly celebrated by the smaller commu
nities of the commonwealth by all
denominations joining in a union
praise service, and this commendable
plan was successfully carried into
effect in this instance, i There were
special music and special prayers for
the service, and the Rev. George H.
Bennett, pastor of the Methodist
church, delivered a sermon fitting the
occasion, "The Boon of Altruism,
Peace and Plenty," the burden of
the human cry, being Mb theme. A
synopsis of his discourse follows:
"Happy thoughts and a full stom
ach are near neighbors. I am sure
this audience is in a very amiable
frame of- mind, together with the rest
of the hundred million American peo
ple, owing to the abundant blessings
a kind providence has bestowed upon
us. Y hue so much ot this old world
is torn with war, and is faint with
hunger, and sunk in woe, there still
remains one place where the prayers
and hymns ot praise and (thanksgiv
ing may ascend from happy hearts,
The universal theme of thanksgiving
in song and prayer today in our fa
vored land, has been that Uncle 8am
is ait peace with all the world. For
this happy fact we are most pro
foundly thankful. But American
peace in the midst of world-war is
not accidental. It is not due to our
geographical position beyond broad
oceans. It is due rather to Ithe wise
and pacific spirit and lofty ideals of
the American people,-and to the su
perior statesmanship of our christian
"We are truly thankful for the grace
ot patience and patriotism possessed
in such marked degree bv Woodrow
Wilson in dealing with Mexico in her
suicidal revolutions. Our small sacri
fices endured wisely and with patience
have saved us trom more costly sacri
fices in treasure and precious Ameri
can lives and today we rejoice in the
dawning or peace and a brighter day
lor atmoted Mexico.
"Our president's policy has wit
nessed the pacification of that suffer
ing people an end which might have
been attained by the more costly pol
icy oi intervention and invasion.
Peace without intervention and its
complications is far better than peace
by intervention. We rejoice that peace
has come to our sister republic at a
minimum cost to Mexico and ourselves,
and that today the nations of the
western hemisphere are bound togeth
er by closer ties of confidence and
friendship than ever before.
"We are deeply thankful ithat the
plea of the ultra-pacifist party in our
country v for "peace at any price"
i has been repudiated as dangerous tol-
iy in these trying times by the Amer-
&n people, "Provide tor the com-
defense" is. wntten in the pre-
T"le oi our coj aition. ' It is
Td duty imposed upon every cit-
't bv the constitution. When our
iTtont urees adeauate measures
ur national defense, he is only
performing Ins oath of olhce and con
stitutional duty to his country. And
Ithe citizen who opposes adequate
measures for the common defense is
simply denying the people their right
under the constitution, rle is assum
ing there is no such thing as public
danger of invasion. Such men are
worse than dreamers. They are pub
lie enemies who are playing into the
hands of a possible foreign foe, by
lulling us to sleep and stripping us
of the means of repelling that foe
wnen me crucial day arrives. -
"Peace at any price" is a Viola
tion of the constitution which com
mands "provide for the common de
fense." It is a sacrifice of the in
mate laws of life, liberty and the pur
suits of happiness. So long as any
nation maintains a powerful army
acu navy, jusi so long must we main
tain an army and navy competent to
repel invasion by that nation. Be
cause we are peaceable and unambi
tious of foreign conquest, we must not
beguile ourselves into believing we are
safe from attack and conquest so long
as oiuumoua ana unscrupulous mon
arch sit on the thrones of armed na
tions. So long as all the people in
town are honest, we may sleep with
open doors but when a robber eomes
to town, every door must be locked.
We are thankful today that Uncle
Sam is wide awake to the necessity
for ad eq as tie preparation not for
foreign conquest, but for home pro
tection. And we hail with joy the
signs of the times which point to the
day coming when the spread of de
mocracy and tbe confederation of na-
tions will see the final disarmament
of the world.
"How glad we are today and thank-1
ful to God that the gospel of Christ
has been so fully preached and ia so
fully practiced in America that in the
day of woe and national disaster, the
world may turn for succor to our
country and not be turned away emp
ty. Liberty enlightens the world.
American altruism and sympathy for
the sintering and brotherly kindness
illumines ithe black despair that hov
ers over the nations in famine and
pestilence, in earthquake and desolat
ing war. The world's dire extremity
is America's great opportunity and
thank God, Uncle Sam has the altru
istic spirit and the business abilitv
to measure up to the world's crying
via t nauiean culture threw a
magic spell over human minds and
made man conscious of destinv. Greek
culture taught mankind the e-loriea
oi oeauty. ttoman culture was built
up by the sword, yet law and justice
became its heritage. Latin religion
was mixed ' with superstition, but
taught men reverence. Anglo-Saxon
culture was torn by strife, but out of
it came religious libertv. Frnncn.
out of the terror of intolerance learn
ed the kinship of classes. England,
through colonization, built a hio-hr
world-wide civilization. But Uncle
Sam stands anions- the nutinna th
Good Samaritan."
God has bestowed Mi Trill fa rr
the orchard, field and meadow upon
us with lavish hand as a reward of
honest toil. The horn of plenty has
been poured out into the lar of A
iun industry and bumper crops as
tonish our eves. American fn
yielded 500 million more bushels of
cereals than ever before.
"When the din of war burst and
Henly upon the world dismay seized
our hearts, but the hour of terror is
past. Calm and confidence are re
stored and a veritable wave of pros
perity is now sweeping over our
country. Dunn's Review declares:
"there is no slackening in the arl-
vance that foreshadows the a-reaitest
commercial development in the his
tory or the country. Business is no
longer whofly dependent on war de
mands, but bumper crops, a wide
spread increase in the working force,
and in the power of the people to
purchase have established the basis
for an era of unexampled orosneritv
Reports from every section are excep
tionally unanimous in disclosing im
provement, the circle of widening, ac
tivity naving extended to all brandi
es of enterprise in all parts of the
country. Credit and collective condi
tions are better than in many years.
"We look with hope to the future.
History will repeat itself. From the
ashes of desolated nations will srisc
a new and higher type of civilisa
tion. The stricken peoples are seek
ing after God. The eyes of the world
are being opened. The waste and woe
of the liquor habit are now discovered
as never before. John Barleycorn has
met dire defeat on European battle
fields and in America is pressed to
the last ditch. Prohibition in nine
teen sovereign states is a sure har
binger of national and international
prohibition. John Barleycorn is
The forces of evangelism and educa
tion are steadily defeating the forces
of superstition and ignorance. The
average or human lite is lengthening
under the magic touch of medicine
and surgery. Treatment of 200 thous
and soldiers with typhoid, anti-toxin
demonstrates the final conquest of
that dreadful malady, and is another
triumph with those over smallpox,
diphtheria, spinal meningitis, typhus,
tetances and hydrophobia.
(Jut ot the darkness and desola
tion of the past comes a new day and
a stronger and happier race, for we
see the time drawing near when tbe
nations shall learn war no more.
and when christian principles shall
rule the world; suffering will be re
duced to a minimum and the people
will die of old age."
Cattle Indemnity Hearings.
Several f armera. who have lost cows
thrnuch the operation of Oregon 'i
anti-tuberculosis laws, have recently
asked indemnity for their financial
loss and their cases will be heard at
the court house at different times,
beginning on Monday. 1 red Loy and
C. N. Shriver each lost one tubercu
lar cow and T. A. Dunn lost three
head. These eentlemen will attempt
to show that they have complied with
the law in the matter and will claim
the value of the slaughtered animals
at a hearing on Monday. H. W.
Codley will ask indemnity on Decem
ber 15 for the loss he suffered when
the state killed his cow.
Road to Quarry Being Rushed.
Tim Oretmn Portland Cement com
pany has its spur track completed as
far as the John Farley place, and is
now extending the line about 200
yards further np the creek. It will
be standard gauge to that point, from
where a narrow gauge will be con
structed to the old rock quarry, about
a quarter of a mile below the Oak
dale schoolhouse.
Fire Destroys Farm Hons.
Tbe home of E. N. Bliven about
two miles down the river from Salem,
in Polk county, was destroyed by fire,
together with all the eon tents Mon-
dav The house was owned by
Grober and was insured for S500. The
household goods were owned by Mr.
Bliven and were not insured.
Inter-County Span Across Willamette
River at Salem Promises to Be
Both Modern and Model.
Pnlk and Marion counties will con
struct an inter-county bridge, across
the Willamette river at Salem, the
cost of which will be approximate;
200.000. and work on- the same wiL
be inaugurated as early next, spring
as practicable. The county of Polk
will pay one-third of the neeessjuy ex
rmnop Ann Marion two-thirds. Polk
county will include a portion of the
cost of the structure in the 1916 bud
wot and the remainder in the 1917
budget, thus making it possible under
the law to build the onage, wmuu ,
after an exhaustive investigation of
the condition of the present span,
deemed a necessity.
Thia much was decided upon at a
joint session of the Polk and Marion
courts at alem last xuesaay anvi
noon, at which Judge John B. Teal,
Commissioners Wells and Beckeii,
Roadmaster Finn, and several other
interested citizens of this county were
present. Engineers Holmes and bad
dler of the state highway commission
were also in attendance, and gave tu
courts such information concerning
the defunct structure and the propos
ed new one as they had at command.
It is probable that the new bridge
will be of reinforced concrete, both
the courts and the engineers being in
favor of such construction from the
point of economy. Engineer Saddler
read nine estimates, in all cases the
designs providing for a load repre
sented bv a twenty-ton truck, a fif
teen-ton roller or a forty-ton interur-
ban car. The estimates range from
$124,000 to $235,000." The most ex.
pensive plans call for a single car
track to be included. In the minds
of members of the courts there is
still doubt whether this will be a fea
ture of the bridge.
The estimates read by the engineer,
with the exception of the first, were
for steel construction. Only two call
ed for a car track. They were as
follows: Thirty-two foot roadway,
concrete structure, two five-foot con
crete! sidewalks, a single car track,
$235,000; thirty-two foot roadway,
steel, concrete approach, two concrete
walks, single " car track,"- $195,000 :
thirty-two foot roadway, timber ap
proach, two concrete walks, $17H,000;
thirty-foot roadway, concrete ap
proach, 3W,U00; thirty-toot roadway,
timber approach, $170,000; twenty
two foot roadway, concrete approach.
$150,000; twenty-two foot roadwayr
timber approach, $128,000; twenty
two foot roadway, plank floor. $124.-
There is every argument in favor of
a concrete structure, and it is be
lieved that this character of construc
tion will be adopted by the powers
that be. It would be permanent, and
no painting would be required, while
with a steel structure paint, won 1,1
have to be spread every five years to
preserve ic. I ne location of the bridge
was not decided upon at the meetine
that being left for future considera
tion. If the bridge were built on the
present site, and beneath the present
structure, the old bridge would be
found useful in th wort if ;
lurw sues are under consideration
the present one. nr hl1i- f,ti,-
down the river, and the third higher
On Wednesday afternoon the two
courts met again in Salem, when it
was decided to advertise for bids for
the proposed bridge. The contractors
win ne asked to submit plans and
specifications for both steel and con
crete construction, and from the plans
submitted will be decided the type
of bridge that is to span the river be
tween the two counties.
Oil Discovered in Henry Serr'i Well
in Eastern Oregon.
Henry Serr of the Gail hotel is in
terested in an oil well near Dufur that
gives forth good promise. He this
week attended a meeting of tbe board
of directors, of which he is a mem
ber, at Portland the first of the week,
and the reports for the superinten
dent were most encouraging, notwith
standing the fact that while sinking
tne wen ne had met with a mishap
at a aeptn oi awu feet, which caused
a slight setback. That oil exists at
the depth already attained is assured,
but whether in paving quantities re
mains to be seen. Of the four com
panies which were operating in the
held near tnitur only this one re
mains, tbe other three having become
discouraged by the heavy expendi
tures necessary to development work.
Mr. Serr is confident that his com
pany is on the right track, and that
its undertaking will prove successful.
Monmouth Gives Thanks.
A union Thanksgiving service was
held in tbe Normal chapel at 10:30
Thanksgiving morning. Professor J.
B. V. Butler presided, and the music
was directed by Miss Mary Hjlian.
The offering will be given to the per
secuted Armenians in Turkey.
Superintendent Seymour Would Have
; Fall Attendance at Gathering on
Saturday, December 4.
! The annual school officers' conven
tion has been called' by T. W. Brunk,
president, to meet at the county court
house here next week, Saturday, at
10:30. This is the regular meeting of
the School Officers association called
by the school laws of the sta'te. The
chairman of the various school boards
are the delegates to the convention
bift in case the chairman of a district
is not able to attend the meeting the
county superintendent asks that some
member of the board be appointed
to take his place that there may be
full attendance, JSach delegate is
enti'tled to $2.00, to be paid from the
general fund of the county to cover
bis expenses tor the day. It is tbe
desire of the superintendent to have
all members of all school boards at
tend the convention, if possible, as
many important matters will be dis-
i A number of prominent educators
Will appear on the program during the
day. Among these are President J.
H. Ackerman of the Monmouth JNor-
1 l,l . T. D MAnwnan aunAim.
tendent of Portland city schools, and
Mrs. Mary C. Fletcher, chairman of
the Independence school board and a
former county superintendent in
Washine-ton. H. C. Seymour, super
intendent of Polk county schools, will
conduct a question box. Polk county
school officers' conventions have done
much in framing the school work, not
only of the county, but of the state
as well, and to keep the record of the
convention this year up to that pre
viously established is the desire of the
Logging Will Cease Temporarily With
Entry of New Year.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
company of this city will cease log
ging operations immediately follow
ing the holidays for a period of about
two months, and will saw from stor
age at the mill. The new dump re
cently constructed near the pond now
has approximately two million reel oi
logs in storage, and it is the purpose
of Mr. Gerlinger to increase the
amount another million feet before
discontinuing logging temporarily.
During the winter months logging is
more expensive than in favorable
weather, and the plan adopted this
fall will mean a considerable saving.
Since last March about 11,000.000
feet of "dead" timber has been saw
ed at the mill, thus taking care of the
burned over territory within the com
oanv'a holdings.
The company has recently booked a
number of good orders, and is not
worrying about the immediate future.
The condition of the lumber market
is gaining in favor of the millmen
with rapid strides, and from present
indications there can be no stopping
the upward tendency. The advance
may be slow, but that there will be
advances no one familiar with the
situation has the slightest doubt. The
Willamette Lumber company has one
of the best organizations of any mill
in Oreeron. and hence it is ia position
to meet tne demands made upon the
mill with all possible haste. And this
counts with a certain class of cus
tomers, who are loath to place orders
for material until the eleventh hour.
The yard stock at this plant is about
the same as at this time last year,
which under the circumstances may
be considered very fortunate.
Mora Hogs to Portland.
Eyre & Cavanaugh report that
their purchases of swine since tbey
began business about November 1 has
resulted in a distribution of $3500
among the farmers of Marion and
Polk counties. The firm shipped an
other carload of hogs last night to
Portland markets. The shipment to
taled 103 hogs. Statesman.
Polk Jersey Club Meets.
The Polk County Jersey Cattle club
and Polk County Cow-Testing asso
ciation are holding a joint meeting to
day. Arrangements have been made
for several lectures. There will also
be a cow scoring contest. A basket
dinner will be served. Tbe meeting
is at the bam of J. B. Stump & Son,
near Monmouth.
Trappers Busy in County.
Owing to the increase in prices on
all raw furs trappers are busy outfit
ting and getting into tbe woods oar'y.
Large catches of mink, coon, muskrat
and skunk are reported in the vi
cinity of the Luckiamute river. One
trapper took ten skunks from one den,
which netted him $22.50.
The Sheriff's First Holiday.
For tbe first time since John On-
entered the sheriff's office in an of
ficial capacity that office was dosed
in observance of a holiday yesterday.
Heretofore while all offices in tbe
court house have been closed on hol
idays the sheriff's office has been wide
open and the sheriff, as well as Depu
ties Hooker and Richter, have been
into the labors of the office up
their , elbows. But Thanksgivi
found the office force caught up with
its many duties in connection with
taxes and peace preservation, so that
the sheriff declared a feast day and
departed for Monmouth, Deputy
Hooker spent the day with his folks
in Independence and Deputy Richter
"just enjoyed himself. "
Co-operative Buying and Selling Or
ganization Established Here.
At a meeting of about twenty-five
poultry keepers at the court house on
Wednesday afternoon a co-operative
egg circle was formed and the plans
and ambitions of such an organiza
tion were thoroughly mapped out by
Professor Lamb of the extention de
partment of the 0. A. C. J. M. Card
was elected temporarily 'to the chair
and W. J. Thompson is secretary pro
tein. These officers will preside only
until the next meeting when perma
nent officers will be selected by
much larger attendance. J. M. Card,
A. It. Kempel and W. J. Thompsoi
are members of a committee to exam
ine and make necessary changes in
the constitution and bylaws of the
circle, and the committee will report
at the next meeting, to be held at the
court house at 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning. Organization will be per
fected at the next meeting and the
plans will be outlined to other poul
try keepers who did not attend the
first meeting. Anyone who owns a
poultry yard where eggs are produced
either in lots of one or many dozens
is eligible to membership, and there
is little doubt that through the oper
ation of the circle they will greatly
profit. The idea of the egg circle, as
outlined by Professor Lamb, is to get
the poultrymen together to buy feed
and equipment under one head, thus
making those necessities much cheap
er, and to sell their eggs under the
same plan, thus getting the advantage
ot the highest market prices.
Cooked Food and Needlework Sales
on Wednesday Were Popular.
The ladies of the Methodist Episco
pal church assembled a pleasing col
lection of cooked foods and needle
work on Wednesday and held their
annual Thanksgiving sale at the V as
sail grocery and at tray Brothers
store. In the former was the cooked
food eale(iwith -several ladies - in
charge during different hours of the
day. Foods and delicacies to make
the housewives' Thanksgiving labors
lighter were temptingly displayed and
before evening many delicious pies,
cakes and cookies had changed own
ership for the satisfaction of Thanks
giving appetites. JNot only were there
cakes and pies, but jams, lellies and
canned goods, prepared in various
ways. At the needlework sale the
ladies exhibited and sold a very fine
collection of garments and fancy
work. Many different styles of aprons
and many different pieces of fancy
work vied with clothes for the little
girl's doll, and many Christmas pres
ents must have been selected from
the display, judging from its depleat-
ed appearance after tne sale.
Mrs. Bradan Will Receive Entries
From Polk County.
Polk county farmers are invited to
participate in the Marion county corn
show which will be held at Salem,
beginning on Wednesday and closing
on Saturday, December 4. L. J. Cha-
pin, Marion county agriculturist, has
charge of the show and has communi
cated with Mrs. Winnie Braden, who
has agreed to take charge of the Polk
county entries. The county as such
will not compete, but individuals will
be on an equal basis with Marion
county farmers. If growers will send
not less than ten ears of selected
corn to the Marion County Corn show,
in care of Mrs. tiraden, she will ex
hibit and care for it. Mrs, Braden
would like to get 100 ears from ex
hibitors if possible, but the minimum
is ten. The ears must have straight
rows ana be niled to the end. and
must be uniform in size. Mrs. Bra
den will, at her own expense, ga to
Salem next week to arrange and ex
hibit the corn that is sent in bv Polk
county farmers.
Sugar Beets Grow Well.
A. O. Rempel, whose farm is lo
cated three miles northeast of Dal
las, this reason raised about half a
ton of sugar beets from seed furnish
ed last spring by the Commercial
club, and on Wednesday he brought
samples of the product to Dallas and
placed them on exhibition. The beets
were grown on black loam with a
clay sub-soil, but owing to tbe dry
season which prevailed did not reach
average size. The quality, however,
considered tbe best Under irri
gation it is thought that the finest
kind of sugar beets can be produced
his section, even on the red sou
' tbe uplands.
Exhibit Will Be Permanent.
Oreeon's excellent exhibit at the
Panama-Pacific exposition, or at least
the best part of it, is to be installed
the Commercial club Duiiding oi
Portland as a permanent display.
Hill mans Recently Located in Folk
County, Coming Hither from Spo
kane Coroner Early on the
Scene of Crime.
Frank Howard Hillman and his
wife are dead today as a result of
the enraged Thanksgiving rampage
of Hillman, when he sent a rifle bul
let through the brain of his wife and
then turned the gun on himself.
The Hillmans had just finished a
very pleasant Thanksgiving dinner
at their home near Bethel, at which
a brother and sister-in-law of Mr.
Hillman 's were present, as well as
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, the two Hill
man girls, aged 14 and 16, and the
hired man, when the shooting that
snuffed out two lives occurred. Hill
man andMarvin leftHhe table andwent
to the garage on Hillman 's fine farm
about four miles from Amity, on the
Amity-Bethel road, and Marvin re
mained to putter around the machino,
according to the testimony gathered
by Coroner Chapman.
Hillman returned to the house and
found that his wife had gone upstairs
to prepare to assist Mrs. Marvin in
doing up the dinner dishes. He fol
lowed her, and in the upper part of
the house Hillman and wife had some
heated discussion. Hillman ia said
to have returned to the garage, where
he probably secured the 25-35 rifle
with which he committed the crime.
Returning to the house Hillman resum
ed the discussion with his wife and
she fled downstairs. As she neared
the foot of the stairs Hillman fired
a shot that barely missed his wife
and embedded itself in the wall; She
turned into a room nearby, where the
two daughters and the farm hand
were eye witnesses of the second shot.
x Hillman entered the room following
his wife, and leveled the rifle that
sent a bullet through her brain, en
tering close to the ear, and killing
her instantly. Tbe crazed man then
turned toward the girls, who, terrified,
fled from the room. Instead of pur
suing them Hillman turned the gun
to his own brain and an instant later
his dead body was beside that of his
The Hillmans came to Oregon about
four years ago from Spokane, whore
he was a druggist. He purchased tlie
farm on which they were living, neat
Bethel, in Polk couttty, and was pros
pering there. He had many friends -
both among his neighbors and the
citizens of Amity, where he was own
er of the moving picture show. IIis
family was a respected one and tbe
daughters so sadly bereaved will have
the sympathy of the entire communi
ty. Coroner Chapman found no -lgns
of drinking in connection with the
Thanksgiving dinner, and the only tap
parent cause for the terrible crime
was the quarrel indulged in by the
couple. The Hillmans were about 37
years of age.
Season Ends With Walloping by
The football season closed for the
Dallas high school yesterday when
Lebanon, with the assistance of a
mueh criticized referee, succeeded in
turning a scoreless tie into a 25-0
victory . Two weeks ago the Dallas
boys held their heavier adversaries
to a 0-0 score, and everyone on the '
special train that carried Dallas fans
to Lebanon expected the local team
could do as well again. But Lebanon
was on home ground. The players
and coaches admit that they were
beaten, but are unanimous in saying
that the Dallas team should have
scored had it not been for shady de
cisions of the referee. Fourteen Dal
las players have earned the D that
is awarded for playing a full game
on the gridiron in a season, and tbe
fourteen includes the entire squid,
for there was never more than that
number on the practice field at one
time. Twenty-one members of the
Dallas band attended tbe game and
furnished repertoire of lively num
Independence Makes Nominations.
At the citizens nominating con
vention at Independence Wednesday
evening, W. II- Walker, the present
incumbent, was again nominated for
mayor, B. F. Swope was renominated
for recorder, and L. Damon, W. H.
Craven and EL B. Fletcher were the
nominees for eounsilmen.
Woman's elub bazaar, December &.